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what could it be

I need help for 1week now my bowel system keeps getting worst i went to the doctors twice got me on colace and a jellow that i forget the name.at first my poop was very light brown with awful cramps and was constipated  then 2 nd day it was with blood on the cell then the next day i couldnt go and there was only yellow liquid and today irs smelly diarhea with huge stomach cramps i feel like vomiting and im bloated and my back is killung me
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1118884 tn?1338592850
Know it is scary to have such bathroom drama.  Have the doctors suggested a cause of irratic bms?

Irritable bowel syndrome is a common disorder that can cause body to swing from diarrhea to constipation in a day.

Best is to contact doctor and let him/her know you are still suffering.  

As you posted in the colon cancer forum I am guessing you have a fear of this cancer.  Be very honest with doctor about your fears as well as the symptoms.  There are a variety of tests available if cancer is suspected.


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2081750 tn?1332190975
Curious what, if anything the doctor suggested was the cause?  Is the doctor a specialist or a primary physician, and has this been an issue previously?  
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If you aren't seeing a Gastroenterolgist you really need to.  It sounds like severe constipation, but you need to know for sure and a GI doctor will know what to do.
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