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worried about colorectal cancer

Got symptoms of diverticulois-been told its for years but now aged 50 and in meno-things getting worse-left side low and higher pain. runs and nausea-not eaten wheat for years but now find cream etc nuts seeds fruits with seeds all do the same. now got terrible pain in hip and low back and buttock-worried about colon cancer. got anal fissure(bleeds) and piles. getting fibroids checked out but  i think it is my digestive tract for sure. looks like i pass undigested food too.
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Worried now as the low back ache is becoming unbearable.Dr gave me an X-ray to rule out arthritis and it was ok.
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Have your doctor never suggested a colonoscopy?  Someone with symptoms of Diverticulitis needs one to determine if they do have this, and at 50 you need one anyway.  With Diverticulitis seeds and nuts can get caught in the little pockets formed by Diverticulitis causing pain and serious infection. You need to be seen by a Gastroenterologist ASAP to determine what is going on.  This is their specialty and will be able to give you answers. In the meantime, don't eat any nuts, or fruit that contain seeds and add fiber to your diet. You may want to ask your GP if he can prescribe antibiotics until your can get in to see the Gastroenterologist.  Also, ask your GP if he can call the GI doctor to get you a quick appt.  I hope this helps and best wishes.
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212161 tn?1599427282
sounds like you need to get a colonoscopy so you can see whats going on, at 50 they want all to get one anyways, could be IBS, so have it checked out .
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