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young teen with symptoms of colon cancer

i am only a young teen. but i have a serious issue.i have always had a bit of minor anal bleeding past two years. nothign serious tho. but currently i have had a lot of discharge coming ffrom my anal, and tonight while i was doing #2. i noticed i was bleeding, i thought i had started my period becuz of how much blood there was but i then realized it was from my anal. i have had this discharge for i say a year or so. but tonight a blood clot came out and this made me think that maybe this is serious now, i have also had frquent ose bleeding past week, and my periods have stopped since october. ( i am not pregnant, i had 2 blood test, multi home tests, and 2 ultrasounds) i am wondering if my absent periods and nose bleeding have to do with this anal bleeding. i noticed i have 2 or 3 symptoms of colon cancer, but im nto sure. does anyone know what could be wrong, or what could possibly going on? or any advice at all?
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I'm 14 and I have been having blood in my stool off and on since last December and it Is scaring me because i have no idea wat it could be from....it is a bright redish color. Can someone help me?
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Colon cancer normally occurs only at age ~40+ but there are very rare instances (mentioned in Medhelp) where this disease has been noted in younger patients (~18).  Does your family have a history of colon cancer?  Anyway, what to do?  Rectal bleeding is never normal and should always be medically investigated.  Type in rectal bleeding to google/yahoo to find out possible symptoms, causes and treatments.

Unless your doctor can reassure you definitely that the cause of your bleeding is one of the minor causes such as anal fissure, haemorrhoids etc, I suggest that you ask for a colonoscopy as the most comprehensive test.

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