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499534 tn?1328704178

Vitamin IV Infusions start today!!!

I start my IV infusions today and want to show a log to everyone how it goes. My first one will start today at noon.
My doctor who will be giving this to me has been a medical doctor for many years. Most of his history was in Nuclear Medicine. His main focus will be to build my immune system, and to counteract all the inflammation in my body.
The IV bag will include: Vit C 25-30 grams, Vitamins, Minerals, Amino's, Extra B's, DMSO.
DMSO is suppose to be the strongest anti-inflammatory. The high amount of Vit C of course is anti- bacterial, viral, and pathenogenic.
Everyone keep their fingers crossed for NO harsh die off symptoms for me!!!!
Looking forward to positive updates!!
19 Responses
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499534 tn?1328704178
Well I have been definately having detox symptoms the past 2 days probably from the IV's....phew!! Most is unbalanced and dizzy with nausea. I did read that the body should start detoxing by the 3rd treatment.
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535822 tn?1443976780
I have never taken a mix of them they would make you jittery, I have taken 5HTP before and found it beneficial, but after a few months I started to feel jittery and stopped for a while, I have a book about it, I decided after a long break to try it again, I also tried Sam -E  that also works but again I needed to stop after a while,this was all when I was trying to figure out what has been wrong with me, I have 20 years trying to figure it out! I think sickand tired you could try one at a time ,those 3 together is too much. Sam-E is used in Europe a lot as a Natural anti anxiety Med..My legs were aching a lot on the Cats Claw plus headaches,  I just had to stop or not function at all, I will try to get the anti biotics at the moment I am taking all my Vits and 5HTP  so its a matter of plodding on just trying to feel well..like us all, I read a Lyme book today and it was explaining the IV method it does seem to work,.
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Hi! I started 5 HTP last week after inital muscle testing of naturopath. I had terrible insommnia.. I take 50 mg of HTP about 1 hour before bed. It really relaxes me. She told me to try to 2, but I felt very heavy, drugged so sticking with one. Why do you want to try it??
Is it safe for limited long term use??Testing showed I am low in serotonin,.She also recommended I take some during day, but it is soooo relaxing, I would never get anything done.( on 50mg) Or will that changeas time goes on?
  This week I was to start serotonin mix  ( start each slowly) of Sam-E, 5 htp, st john's wort...and  no I can not do!!! My heart went beating hard and faster for most of day, felt jittery like I had a big caffine jolt... so either Sam-E or St John's wort is not for me!! Guessing it is Sam-E.
Sassy lassie, you are not alone in being SO sensitive.....
Enjoy your weekend all!!
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499534 tn?1328704178
You should have just cut back on the cats claw dosage for a while. If you are having die off that is a sure sign it is working. Did you try chlorella and activated charcoal when symptoms were bad??
Yes I had my third IV yesterday......yes I do feel better. The day of it my body gets very relaxed and tired, but the next day is when I feel the benefits most and thereafter. I did it with the MSM again because the DMSO is so stinky. lol
I feel it is definately boosting my immune system, as my daughter has had strep and I am doing fine. Usually I catch everything!
If you feel the benefits of 5-HTP then take it once a day.
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535822 tn?1443976780
Well the Doc didnt work outdoesnt do the testing,  ,but I may go to the Naturopath,stopped the Ctas Claw too many side effects. How are the IVs going Laura , this is your third week? one more to go, think they are working do you feel they are.,its interesting as others may try it.
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535822 tn?1443976780
Thank you I have made notes I have been taking one early in the Morn with food then one in the afternoon, it did say 3-4 times a day on the pot., I have been on them a week, so I guess try 3 next morn Noon and night? No I havent been tested yet except  just doing my own research but in case I need the Traditional anti biotics I have found a regular Doctor here,and a Naturopath ,was waiting to see if the Cats Claw worked., I will get Chlorella from my health food store can I expect any side effects from that, and shall I still take the 5HTP? thanks a lot
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499534 tn?1328704178
You are getting die-off symptoms which means the cats claw is working. Are you taking 1 in am and 1 in pm? I would stay at that for a week and then increase.
Did you ever get tested for co-infections? If you have any of those, then they have to be treated first in order to irradicate the lyme bacteria.
You will have to work your way up to high dosage of cats claw and maintain in order to kill the cystic stages, and then stay on for a year.
If the die-off gets too bad, take a hot epsom salt bath and soak for 20 mins. And you can also take activated charcoal 6 hrs away from anything else to help soak up toxins.
You should always make sure your colon and kidneys are clean to help rid toxins away quickly.
I take chlorella every day to absorb toxins in my body.
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535822 tn?1443976780
Laura I am taking 2 Cats Claw and have been getting some side effects , I have googled and apparently you can get some, so maybe I simply need to persevere as even the anti biotics the Doctors prescribe like Biaxin, Doxy and Tetracycline have side effects but you still take it. I have noticed more tingling in my hands,some nausea,light headed ness. dont want to stop if its just a matter of getting though it I have also been taking 2 5HTP each day and my reg vits..any ideas,
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499534 tn?1328704178
Yesterday I had MSM added instead of the DMSO, which is a derivative. I felt great last night and still feel great today. I can't wait to see how I feel after a couple more.
My ribs are less tight, breathing is better, and over all body aches are better.

AirScottie- Do some research on the uses of DMSO intervenously....they have had some really good results with inflammation, etc. Athletes have been using it topically for years.....and when applied on the skin it goes directly into the bloodstream, so it is still going in internally.

Margy- I would only use Peruvian Uno De Gato (Cats Claw)- Very important with Cats Claw to have a good product because of toxins that have to be removed from it and for strength reasons. Are you taking magnesium before bed? This will help you to go to sleep.
Goldenseal is only for short term usage and not everyone can take it. Olive Leaf is excellent and can be taken indefinately.
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881165 tn?1265984588
When you write DMSO, do you mean dimethylsulfoxide?  I ask because I used to be an analyst in a chemistry lab where we looked for trace amounts of really nasty chemicals.  DMSO was one of them.  You couldn't pay me to inject it into myself.
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535822 tn?1443976780
Yes its the Soloray Cats Claw they also printed out that golden seal and Olive leaf would work.. do I have to take them instead of the Cats claw.I am only taking 2 Cats Claw a day it says 3 time s day but I think it is keeping me awake as I am having more trouble than usual getting to sleep , apart from one 5HTP and my usual Vits I stopped the kelp..iodine Glad to hear your Iv treatnent is going well  do you feel more energised yet or does it take time to 'kick in''.
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499534 tn?1328704178
Sassy- I am doing this to build my immune system and to hopefully help to irradicate the inflammation in my body. As a thyroid patient and history with EBV and Lymes, it seemed that I was not absorbing most of my nutrients and vitamins.....also proven with testing. So I chose to do the infusions to get a good jump start in helping my body to heal itself. I also take whole food supplements now which are much better than the synthetics and do feel a difference. I can take B complex all day long and don't feel a jump! lol lol
I know a lot of people who feel so "energized" from their supplements and always wonder what that feels like! lol
My next one is thursday and I will give an update. If this works on me then I know it works, because my body seems to be sooooo stubborn! lol
I won't be getting the DMSO this week though because of the stink and I have appts on friday for business.
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Sassy, I think of all the people you would notice, but usually people don't really notice supplements.  Unless they're for particular purposes, general vitamins and minerals are just prophylactic, and most people, unless they're very weakened, won't notice them.  Now, specialized supplements for specific purposes, that's different.  
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363281 tn?1714899967
Are you doing vitamin IV because you don't assimilate your supplements orally? I am interested in this, maybe I should ask my doc about it. It seems no matter how many I take, I just do not notice a difference in the way I feel, and I sure should. I am using bio-identical progesterone cream, and with that, I DO notice a difference, so, I can only surmiss that I do not assimilate oral supplements.

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Not sure internal DMSO is a very good idea, at least not a lot.  Usually used externally because it helps get whatever else you're putting on infiltrate the skin.  
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499534 tn?1328704178
DMSO is a sulfur based substance. It is a pre-cursor to MSM as well. It smells like a sulfur, metallic, garlic type of odor! lol  Yuck!
Yes I can't wait to see the benefits. He has a fibromyalgia patient that had a complete turn around after 4 IV treatments and is feeling very good for the first time in a while. So I am thinking it will take at least that for me to feel a big difference too. Not sure if I am going to do the DMSO for the next 4 weeks though...lol!
I posted on your post about the Cats Claw.....you have to make sure you are on a good one in order for it to work good.
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535822 tn?1443976780
In my ignorance Laura I am wondering why it smells, you sound pretty up beat so it is making you feel better, it will be interesting to hear if you feel a differance for others to do the same.,I have started to take Cats Claw as a Natural anti biotic it was a supplement  deepdiver  told me about.
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499534 tn?1328704178
Well the smell didn't clear until late saturday....the roughest part of this! yuck!!
I had some extra energy through the weekend which was nice. My sinuses drained all weekend long and my body was achey.
I do know that having 1 bag is not a quick fix and have to remind myself of this....lol....my personality that I want it fixed now!! lol
I am looking forward to second treatment on thursday, but not the smell. :)  
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499534 tn?1328704178
First day of IV today- The vitamin C ached a little going in and the bag of "goodies" made me a little sleepy. I ended up with an aweful smell coming from my body from the DMSO!! Yuck!! The Dr did warn me of this and boy was he right! My family is staying at the other end of the house.
I am relaxed and my body is a little tired tonight, but so far so good. I am hoping that tomorrow I see a difference in my inflammation.
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