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I would like to know if anyone has had successful treatments for cancer, especially ovarian cancer at the above centre,
and if so , at what stage did you go to them.

21 Responses
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Best of luck!
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​I am very sorry to report that, as best I can tell, Oasis of Hope is a scam and their "cure" statistics are fake.  I know someone who went there and died a few months later, doing no better than if the person had gotten nothing but placebo.  Here is a story of trying to verify their cure statistics, and them failing to provide any evidence whatsoever for them:


Please be very, very careful before even considering going there!
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If you’re considering Oasis of Hope hospital, my advice to you is too go at your own risk.
My brother, who was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, went there with high hopes and good spirits.
While there he encountered a language barrier problem and a delayed response for pain medication which was finally administered after he paid an extra charge.
He arrived home, with no particular instructions as to his care- We admitted him because of his condition the next day to our hospital in California and as I’ve stated before, he died 4 days later.
After a certified letter, 3 Emails, and numerous phone calls to Oasis, I have received no response at all to my questions, not even a condolence card or letter.
Please note that the answer to my brother’s original inquires about Oasis were answered within 24 hours with a phone call from the staff.
Since then—Nothing!!
Ultimately, it seems that money takes precedence over the care and responsibility due the patients at Oasis.
I feel that Dr. Contreras and his staff have acted in a very unprofessional manner and lack the common courtesy which should be expected from a Doctor and his staff!

The following certified letter was sent to Dr. Contreras following the death of my brother three days after returning from Oasis Hospital.
In the following months many phone calls to the doctor’s assistants took place.  After being assured that his case was being evaluated, we still have received no response from either him or my brother’s doctors.
Please read this letter before making any decision to seek treatment at Oasis of Hope Hospital.

Dr. Contreras,  

I’m writing on behalf of my brother Michael Beatty who was a patient at your hospital from July 26th thru Aug.5th.  His daughter Shawn Menezes accompanied him as his companion.  
He was admitted with Stage 4 Lung Cancer which had spread to several areas of his body.  He tried to complete your program, but was unable to swallow most of the nutraceuticals during his last week—He had such hope and tried so hard!
He came home on Aug.5th and on Aug.6th we rushed him to the Emergency Ward at St.Agnes Hospital in Fresno, Ca.
He was immediately diagnosed with Pneumonia (food in his lungs) and we were told that there was little to no hope.  He died on Aug.10th, having gained consciousness for only one day leading up to that time.
During his stay at Oasis his first several days went OK, but by the second week things began to go very wrong.  He couldn’t eat or swallow well, had a lot of pain and suffered from both constipation and trouble urinating.
This occurred over the weekend and very little was done except to implant a Catheter and give him water enemas. By Monday his pain was excruciating and his doctor (Dr. Lagos) would not increase his morphine!  He was told that only the Pain Specialist could do that.
My brother (Mike) and Shawn asked that some tests be given to see what was wrong (maybe just a simple blockage) before he saw the Pain Specialist.  
A Pelvic X-Ray and Cat Scan were performed—these had not yet been done and its now late into the second week of treatment!  The results were late in coming, but he was eventually told that it was the Cancer that was causing the pain.  Another day passed before the Pain Specialist could see him and then finally more morphine was given!
Was this suffering and subsequent delay necessary?
During this time there was also a language barrier problem in trying to relate my brother’s symptoms to both the nurses and Dr. Lagos.  Things had to be repeated several times and even then there was a question as to whether Shawn or my brother was really understood.  Again, I feel the language barrier was a critical issue!
As all of this was occurring Shawn (his daughter) was still trying to give my brother the nutraceuticals and Dr. Lagos kept encouraging her to do so. She called me several times in tears as he couldn’t eat and could barely swallow!
Why had Dr. Lagos not realized (because of the swallowing problem) that something else was wrong—that perhaps the food was not going down as it should and just maybe was going into his lungs? As far as we know he was not given a Chest X-Ray which might have shown this.  If not, isn’t Pneumonia and this type of complication something to watch for in Stage 4 Lung Cancers?  Shouldn’t some of these problems have been anticipated?
All and all I don’t feel that my brother Mike was given the kind of care that should have been available in your hospital.  He had Stage 4 Cancer and his needs were plainly not addressed.  All that seemed to matter was that he got the IRT Therapy and hope that nothing else was to go wrong.
When my brother arrived at Oasis he could walk, was in good spirits and excited about your program.
When I picked him up at the border (11 days later) he could not walk without assistance and was sent home with a catheter still attached!  It was obvious to me that he was much worse than when I brought him down.  I believe that this was due to some of the complications that happened when he was in your care—lack of diagnosis of Pneumonia, no Chest X-Ray, delay in pain management, and the language barrier.  He was in a “stupor” during most of our 8 hour drive home.
Why didn’t Dr. Lagos order that he go directly to a hospital when he arrived home?  We even called him (Dr. Lagos) that night and told him that my brother was very sick and only semi-conscious!  Dr Lagos just said to keep giving him the nutraceuticals but to reduce them by 1/3.  Clearly he did not understand the problem and had not even considered Pneumonia--5 days later my brother died!
Dr. Contreras, I do realize that in dealing with cancer patients, things do not always go as planned.  However, I would hope that over the many years that you and your father have treated these patients it would become imperative that these needs be addressed promptly and that needless suffering be avoided.
I do want you to know that I still believe in your program of IRT Therapy-- ie.”Boosting the immunity of one’s own body to fight the cancers.”  I would definitely consider coming to Oasis myself if I were in the earlier stages of this terrible disease.  However, I would like to see that some of the above issues mentioned, were to be addressed and corrected.
I would hope that some compensation would be sent back to the family as my brother could not complete some of the treatment.
We are also sending back the unopened containers of the nutraceuticals of which the money, we were told would be refunded.
Please let us know that you have received this letter personally—thank you for taking the time to read it.  We look forward to your timely response.
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541657 tn?1239208930
I am sorry to hear of your recent visit to the doctor.  I wish I could make it all go away for you, this is such an awful disease.  I hope your oncologist will encourage you to at least start something.  Get on some kind of chemo - western medicine can work with alternative approaches.  You must do something to strengthen your body and your mind while you fight this awful disease.  I will help to answer any questions you have regarding the patupilone and my experience before that.  Good luck, Maggie
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541657 tn?1239208930
I appreciate all you have to say and agree with you - to a point.  You sum up your response with the fact that ovarian cancer is not to be messed with and can be cured when caught and treated early-that is the biggest problem, ovarian cancer is often not caught early.  

Many of the women who have responded to this post know this all too well.  Our futures with conventional medical treatment are uncertain or we are faced with the prospect of some kind of chemo for the rest of our lives!  I, for one, believe that my greatest chance for survival hinges on my ability to find an approach that allows me the greatest chance for survival - even if that includes alternative or integrative approaches not currently used by western medicine.

When I was first diagnosed, the doctor said I could maintain my current diet and current lifestyle.  I have since discovered that I needed to make many changes to strengthen my immune system.  This is considered alternative, western medicine doesn't necessarily follow up on these things.  I do many things with physical therapy, nutritional therapy and with my mind to strengthen my mind and body and increase my chances of surviving not just the disease, but the chemo.  

Alternative treatment is not just homeopathy or natural medicine.  It includes all aspects of the mind and body.  Personally, I have two young children and a husband that I love and do not want to leave - I will do whatever it takes to live and that includes working with both western medicine and alternative care to ensure that I am around for as long as possible.
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500238 tn?1255131214
Please while you are looking at alternative medicines for cancer treatment also do all of your research.  Don't just look at alternative, check with conventional medicine as well and note the survival statistics for both alternative medicine and conventional medicine.  One of the problems with alternative treatments is that they do not provide nor do they adhere to case studies which require certain criteria to be met to make the studies credible.  They often will not provide proof of case studies or claims.  You do yourself and your loved ones a severe disservice when you do not look at all of the facts surrounding cancer and its treatment.  My daughter is alive today because of conventional medicine and to date has no side affects from the chemotherapy that saved her life.  I can tell you had I gone the alternative route, without a doubt in my mind, she would be dead.  She had APL and she would have bled to death without conventional treatment.  If you choose to go to one of these clinics you must have them show you the proof of their success, don't just take someone's word for it.  Visit www.nih.gov.  They provide information on both conventional and alternative studies and treatments.  Ovarian cancer is not a cancer to be messed with and can be cured when caught and treated early.  It is the delay in treatment that is generally the deadly factor in Ovarian cancer.
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675236 tn?1226843532
had anyone heard of  dr howensteins life one protcol. it is supposedly the treatment for ovarian cancer. can't find much about it on the web though.
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675236 tn?1226843532
hi everyone,

I went to my oncologist yesterday and I have been moved up the scale to stage 4 because there are loads of tumours in my abdomen stuck to the outside of my bowels which is causing my bowel to get sticky and twisted. It hasnt even been a year that my surgery,diagnosis stage 2, taxol/carbo done. and know I am offered more chemo on trial either patipulone or caelyx. I am very reluctant and am stalling the medics even though my abdomen is in pain.

I am very interestd in these clinics. How was kerala? and what is the name of the clinic?
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499534 tn?1328704178
The clinic named above is Sanoviv *******   They have a good reputation for cancer care as well.
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16702 tn?1234090645
Wondering if you are back and can you share the name of the ayuraveda in Kerala.  I have a friend who has offered to take me there for treatment but all we know is that Keral is famous for it's many ayuraveda clinics.
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Hi Rashmi.
My friend told me about Kerala's Ayurveda treatments and I was wondering if this is the same approach or different...you are writing about.
Please tell me  which part of Kerala region this lady goes to.
For some reason I could not send you PM and notes are not accepted aslo.
Please write me at       hankab  (at)   live (dot)  ca
I am very interestd in your story. Thanks,Sunes.
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16702 tn?1234090645
well tried to send you a pm and a note but not successful...can you contact me at
i m m  l 2  h o t m a i l   ?? Tks
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16702 tn?1234090645
Dear Rashmi,

Interested in hearing how your trip to Kerala went...have sent you a pm..

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You have been through a lot.

Go to the Oasis of Hope website and request a fee telephone consultation with one of the Doctors there.

We got a call at home in India from a Dr. Guiterrez . He spent almost 40 minutes understanding my case and then advising us what treatment would be given .

You can then decide if and when you want to go.It is so much closer from the US . I think it is a good idea to use some complementary treatment to help us along this very toxic path. And who knows, you may not need chemo after Mexico because they give you home medication every 3 months for the first year and then once a year for the next 4-5 years. They will monitor you. that is what I was told on the phone.

The body can only take so much toxicity before quality of life gets compromised. And anyway chemo weakens the body so much that  the immune system gets further compromised and the resistant cancer cells start getting the upper hand.
This is my way of thinking and I am not imposing it on anyone.

Maggie, Your email id has not appeared. What I have got is murphus@sunflower*********.
So please try again to send me your email id.

Also, a couple of days ago I spoke to  a German lady, who 5 years ago was Stage IV recurrent ovarian cancer and had been told to settle her affairs.
She contacted a German Ayurvedic doctor who put her on to this place in Kerala that I am going to check out.
She travels from Germany to Kerala once a year for her 21 day treatment and Jan2009 will be her 5th year of treatment. The Dr gives her medicines to take back and she emphasized several times that diet and lifestyle resrictions have to be strictly followd.
This i know is true of Oasis of Hope as well. In my opinion, a small price to pay.

She also stressed not to wait till one door is totally shut before turning to alternate or complementary treatments. So , if your instinct is telling you to go to Oasis of Hope, then don't waste any time . It works.

Best wishes,
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541657 tn?1239208930
I would be very interested in keeping in touch.  I would like to hear more about your experience at the kerala center.  I am sorry to hear about the costs of travel being an issue.  

I was diagnosed in July 2007 with stage 3 epitheleal ova ca.  I had 8 rounds of carboplatin/taxol.  I had a brief 4 month remission and have been on a trial drug, patupilone, since June 2008.  I had two surguries, complications and blood transfusions.  I will be returning to the carbo/taxol regime at some time and would like to go to Oasis of Hope (or someplace like it) to give myself some kind of immune support during the next round of chemo.  I believe that the two can work together help cure this cancer.  I can be contacted privately at murphus at sunflower *******.  Please let me know if I can help you in any was.
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I see the kerala website address did not appear.

If you are interested, i will give you my email address . Anyway, I am leaving for Kerala on the 20th and will return on the 21st of October.

warm regards
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I was happy to read you post. I did not expect to find any further information here.
I spoke with a Dr. Guiterrez as well.This was the phone consultation we had from my home in New Delhi, India.
I have with me all the details of the treatment, cost of treatment etc.
However, for me Mexico is at the moment on hold because the Dollar to Indian rupee rate had skyrocketed. Bad timing.

However, since you have an open mind and are looking at alternate treatments , I will be travelling to a state in India called Kerala where ther is an Ayurvedic cancer centre . I read about it in a book called 'Joy of Cancer' by Anup Kumar.
The website is www.****.***.Of course, I will be more confident once I go there, consult with the doctor and find out treatment details for myself.
I will advise you if you are interested.

What is your current status with ovca. Mine recurred in Nov2007.have finished 6 rounds of Doxil and Carboplatin. A CT scan is due end Oct to review efficacy. that is the time i hope to take out 21 days for this ayurvedic treatment and then return to conventional therapy if required. I say 'if' because like you, i am hopeful that i can benefit from this treatment.
warm regards
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541657 tn?1239208930
I have heard of this treatment center and actually had a phone interview with a doctor yesterday.  I have a friend of a friend taking treatment for breast cancer there now.  I have stage 3 ovarian cancer and am really considering going there for treatment, but am trying to get more info about alternative therapies in the US. I will be happy to share any info with you.
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thank you for the information. I have heard about senoviv. will follow up.

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"Senoviv" is another one to look up on internet.
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I heard nothing but good stuff about it...in fact one of my clients went to this center to treat Ovarian Cancer after unsuccessfull 8 rounds of chemo carbo/taxol ..and IV  avastin....and miraculously she is still alive. She went there with stage 4, I believe,  and she is in remission for 3 years now....  she was send home to sort her things out. They were not giving her more than 3 months to live.
So if you believe this is it for you do a through research about it and than make up your mind. This type of treatment requires lots of sacrifices I hope you know....very strict diet and life style.
Take care, Sunes.
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