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small bowel resection recovery

I have been living with crohns for 11 years now, diagnosed when I was nine. I usually have great periods of remission where I am completely free from the disease. However, last May I had a terrible flare and have been fighting it since then until now. I had an awful summer full of pain, nausea, tests, and treatments ultimately leading me to a surgery I had done last Wednesday. I question is if there is anyone out there who had the same type surgery and what it was like post surgery. I had a small bowel resection in which they took out about 9 cm (the terminal ileum) and had it reconnected. Surgery went well, I am still in the hospital recovering. My concern is where I should be at in terms of pain and what not. I havepain at the incision sites but also have pain on the inside too. I also have diarrhea. Plus my stomach is very tender and tight and tense at one of the incisions. They say its common but I always worry that they are just trying to get me out of here quicker than I should. They say I can go on a regular diet but I do not think that is wise since I just had surgery a few days ago. I think it is best to let my intestines rest. Any other experiences that you can share would be greatly appreciated!!
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I had bowel resection as stated above in 2007.  It was the small bowel at the illium and small amount of the large intestine.  

The worst pain was about a week 1/2 after surgery when I had my first bowel movement.  Thought I was going to die.  However, it was fine after that.

I still have loose bowels and the dr says that is because it was the small intestine.  I have found that if I eat lots of breakfast on the go and granola then I have more firm bowel movements.

Still go 3-5 times a day most times.  
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I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease at the tender age of 11. At the age of 34, just over a week ago, I had my first bowel resection. I was going through Remicade treatments when I started to develop severe pains near my appendix. After a few CT scans, my doctors informed me that the inflammation at my terminal illeum was also causing my appendix to be inflammed. I cannot go take prednisone (causes fluid to build up under my left retina making vision blurry), so they handed me the bowel resection "sentence". I knew I was going to have a resection eventually, and prepared myself as best I could pre-op. The surgery went smooth, all laproscopic. The day after surgery, I took a small walk down the hospital floor...and by walk I mean slow upright drag, clinging to the IV cart. Getting mobile right after surgery definitely increases your recovery time, and helps the trapped gases out. Each day I walked more, but carefully. Day 3 in the hospital was the worse. I started feeling sharp pains where they operated, and the pain meds were not helping. The pains progressively got worse until I was able to scamper into the restroom. Feeling like I was going to pass out from nausea and dizziness, I had a small bowel movement (diarrhea) followed by the best passing of gas in my 34 years. Recovery seemed to get a lot easier from there. I've been home now for 8 days. I have been maintaining a low residue diet (not going to 'normal eating habits' until I feel my insides are ready). The incision pains have been decreasing daily, and I only feel pain inside when I stretch or breathe deeply. I am off all pain meds and still resting as much as possible. Taking it slow and easy is the key. Do not sit up fast, do not walk fast, pace yourself. However, taking walks and being mobile is helping. I have diarrhea with gas about 4 times a day, but after 23 years with Crohn's, I'm used to it. They do say the diarrhea will end in a month or two...I can't wait. I am a firefighter and martial artist, so recovery and rest has been very difficult. Not being able to pick up my two year old daughter is tough, but she knows I have stomach boo-boo's. The best advice I have is to get moving the day after surgery, and increase the duration/length of your walk each day. Rest comfortably when you get home, but go for a walk a few times a day. Do not lift anything or strain to do anything. Do not (at least it works for me), go back in to normal eating habits/patterns. Keep the fluids up, and eat small amounts throughout the day. The low residue diet seems to be working for me, however, I cannot wait to be able to have a beer and a steak again someday.
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I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease at the tender age of 11. At the age of 34, just over a week ago, I had my first bowel resection. I was going through Remicade treatments when I started to develop severe pains near my appendix. After a few CT scans, my doctors informed me that the inflammation at my terminal illeum was also causing my appendix to be inflammed. I cannot go take prednisone (causes fluid to build up under my left retina making vision blurry), so they handed me the bowel resection "sentence". I knew I was going to have a resection eventually, and prepared myself as best I could pre-op. The surgery went smooth, all laproscopic. The day after surgery, I took a small walk down the hospital floor...and by walk I mean slow upright drag, clinging to the IV cart. Getting mobile right after surgery definitely increases your recovery time, and helps the trapped gases out. Each day I walked more, but carefully. Day 3 in the hospital was the worse. I started feeling sharp pains where they operated, and the pain meds were not helping. The pains progressively got worse until I was able to scamper into the restroom. Feeling like I was going to pass out from nausea and dizziness, I had a small bowel movement (diarrhea) followed by the best passing of gas in my 34 years. Recovery seemed to get a lot easier from there. I've been home now for 8 days. I have been maintaining a low residue diet (not going to 'normal eating habits' until I feel my insides are ready). The incision pains have been decreasing daily, and I only feel pain inside when I stretch or breathe deeply. I am off all pain meds and still resting as much as possible. Taking it slow and easy is the key. Do not sit up fast, do not walk fast, pace yourself. However, taking walks and being mobile is helping. I have diarrhea with gas about 4 times a day, but after 23 years with Crohn's, I'm used to it. They do say the diarrhea will end in a month or two...I can't wait. I am a firefighter and martial artist, so recovery and rest has been very difficult. Not being able to pick up my two year old daughter is tough, but she knows I have stomach boo-boo's. The best advice I have is to get moving the day after surgery, and increase the duration/length of your walk each day. Rest comfortably when you get home, but go for a walk a few times a day. Do not lift anything or strain to do anything. Do not (at least it works for me), go back in to normal eating habits/patterns. Keep the fluids up, and eat small amounts throughout the day. The low residue diet seems to be working for me, however, I cannot wait to be able to have a beer and a steak again someday.
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I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease at the tender age of 11. At the age of 34, just over a week ago, I had my first bowel resection. I was going through Remicade treatments when I started to develop severe pains near my appendix. After a few CT scans, my doctors informed me that the inflammation at my terminal illeum was also causing my appendix to be inflammed. I cannot go take prednisone (causes fluid to build up under my left retina making vision blurry), so they handed me the bowel resection "sentence". I knew I was going to have a resection eventually, and prepared myself as best I could pre-op. The surgery went smooth, all laproscopic. The day after surgery, I took a small walk down the hospital floor...and by walk I mean slow upright drag, clinging to the IV cart. Getting mobile right after surgery definitely increases your recovery time, and helps the trapped gases out. Each day I walked more, but carefully. Day 3 in the hospital was the worse. I started feeling sharp pains where they operated, and the pain meds were not helping. The pains progressively got worse until I was able to scamper into the restroom. Feeling like I was going to pass out from nausea and dizziness, I had a small bowel movement (diarrhea) followed by the best passing of gas in my 34 years. Recovery seemed to get a lot easier from there. I've been home now for 8 days. I have been maintaining a low residue diet (not going to 'normal eating habits' until I feel my insides are ready). The incision pains have been decreasing daily, and I only feel pain inside when I stretch or breathe deeply. I am off all pain meds and still resting as much as possible. Taking it slow and easy is the key. Do not sit up fast, do not walk fast, pace yourself. However, taking walks and being mobile is helping. I have diarrhea with gas about 4 times a day, but after 23 years with Crohn's, I'm used to it. They do say the diarrhea will end in a month or two...I can't wait. I am a firefighter and martial artist, so recovery and rest has been very difficult. Not being able to pick up my two year old daughter is tough, but she knows I have stomach boo-boo's. The best advice I have is to get moving the day after surgery, and increase the duration/length of your walk each day. Rest comfortably when you get home, but go for a walk a few times a day. Do not lift anything or strain to do anything. Do not (at least it works for me), go back in to normal eating habits/patterns. Keep the fluids up, and eat small amounts throughout the day. The low residue diet seems to be working for me, however, I cannot wait to be able to have a beer and a steak again someday.
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I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease at the tender age of 11. At the age of 34, just over a week ago, I had my first bowel resection. I was going through Remicade treatments when I started to develop severe pains near my appendix. After a few CT scans, my doctors informed me that the inflammation at my terminal illeum was also causing my appendix to be inflammed. I cannot go take prednisone (causes fluid to build up under my left retina making vision blurry), so they handed me the bowel resection "sentence". I knew I was going to have a resection eventually, and prepared myself as best I could pre-op. The surgery went smooth, all laproscopic. The day after surgery, I took a small walk down the hospital floor...and by walk I mean slow upright drag, clinging to the IV cart. Getting mobile right after surgery definitely increases your recovery time, and helps the trapped gases out. Each day I walked more, but carefully. Day 3 in the hospital was the worse. I started feeling sharp pains where they operated, and the pain meds were not helping. The pains progressively got worse until I was able to scamper into the restroom. Feeling like I was going to pass out from nausea and dizziness, I had a small bowel movement (diarrhea) followed by the best passing of gas in my 34 years. Recovery seemed to get a lot easier from there. I've been home now for 8 days. I have been maintaining a low residue diet (not going to 'normal eating habits' until I feel my insides are ready). The incision pains have been decreasing daily, and I only feel pain inside when I stretch or breathe deeply. I am off all pain meds and still resting as much as possible. Taking it slow and easy is the key. Do not sit up fast, do not walk fast, pace yourself. However, taking walks and being mobile is helping. I have diarrhea with gas about 4 times a day, but after 23 years with Crohn's, I'm used to it. They do say the diarrhea will end in a month or two...I can't wait. I am a firefighter and martial artist, so recovery and rest has been very difficult. Not being able to pick up my two year old daughter is tough, but she knows I have stomach boo-boo's. The best advice I have is to get moving the day after surgery, and increase the duration/length of your walk each day. Rest comfortably when you get home, but go for a walk a few times a day. Do not lift anything or strain to do anything. Do not (at least it works for me), go back in to normal eating habits/patterns. Keep the fluids up, and eat small amounts throughout the day. The low residue diet seems to be working for me, however, I cannot wait to be able to have a beer and a steak again someday.
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I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease at the tender age of 11. At the age of 34, just over a week ago, I had my first bowel resection. I was going through Remicade treatments when I started to develop severe pains near my appendix. After a few CT scans, my doctors informed me that the inflammation at my terminal illeum was also causing my appendix to be inflammed. I cannot go take prednisone (causes fluid to build up under my left retina making vision blurry), so they handed me the bowel resection "sentence". I knew I was going to have a resection eventually, and prepared myself as best I could pre-op. The surgery went smooth, all laproscopic. The day after surgery, I took a small walk down the hospital floor...and by walk I mean slow upright drag, clinging to the IV cart. Getting mobile right after surgery definitely increases your recovery time, and helps the trapped gases out. Each day I walked more, but carefully. Day 3 in the hospital was the worse. I started feeling sharp pains where they operated, and the pain meds were not helping. The pains progressively got worse until I was able to scamper into the restroom. Feeling like I was going to pass out from nausea and dizziness, I had a small bowel movement (diarrhea) followed by the best passing of gas in my 34 years. Recovery seemed to get a lot easier from there. I've been home now for 8 days. I have been maintaining a low residue diet (not going to 'normal eating habits' until I feel my insides are ready). The incision pains have been decreasing daily, and I only feel pain inside when I stretch or breathe deeply. I am off all pain meds and still resting as much as possible. Taking it slow and easy is the key. Do not sit up fast, do not walk fast, pace yourself. However, taking walks and being mobile is helping. I have diarrhea with gas about 4 times a day, but after 23 years with Crohn's, I'm used to it. They do say the diarrhea will end in a month or two...I can't wait. I am a firefighter and martial artist, so recovery and rest has been very difficult. Not being able to pick up my two year old daughter is tough, but she knows I have stomach boo-boo's. The best advice I have is to get moving the day after surgery, and increase the duration/length of your walk each day. Rest comfortably when you get home, but go for a walk a few times a day. Do not lift anything or strain to do anything. Do not (at least it works for me), go back in to normal eating habits/patterns. Keep the fluids up, and eat small amounts throughout the day. The low residue diet seems to be working for me, however, I cannot wait to be able to have a beer and a steak again someday.
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