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Does this sound like anxiety, or a neurological problem?


My name is Stephanie and I am a 21 year old college student, with no history of anxiety problems (however my mom has problems w/anxiety.  Recently I have been having extreme anxiety concerning my health (which started about 2 1/2 months ago when I briefly passed out while getting up too quickly from bed.)  The week after that happened, I began having all sorts of problems, such as feeling dizzy, light headed, ringing in the ears,and going numb in my hands/feet.  I went to the doctor, they did blood work and an EKG, all was normal, diagnosed anxiety, even though I have no history of this. Soon, I started to have a constant "pins and needles" feeling in my right hand, that, in a couple of days, started also in my left hand.  This feeling was constant, and happened even when I was not at all anxious or hyperventilating.  It would be there when I was completely engrossed in a movie, or my mind was completely somewhere else. The dr. gave me xanax to try for a few days, and had no effect on the severity of the symptoms. I was so worried about this, that I didnt eat hardly anthing for days.  I went to a neurologist (I thought I had a tumor or some other neurological disorder), he ordered an MRI of the brain, and no abnormalities were found.  The anxiety subsided somewhat, however, the "pins and needles" feeling was still there.  I also would have an occasional feeling of my nerves "vibrating."  If I would run my fingers across something or move my arm quickly, my arm/hand seems to have a vibrating sensation for a few seconds to even minutes afterwards, depending on what I was doing.  This was happening, even during the days after the MRI results, where I was not worried and just assumed that it would go away.  Right now, I am having very weird symptoms.  I do get the "pins and needles" but not as often, just occasionally (it doesnt seem to correlate much with heightened levels of anxiety), but I still have the extreme vibrating sensations, even in my legs now.  If I shake my hand, I will get a buzzing/vibrating feeling for about 20-30 seconds after I shake it, and usually some pins feelings. The muscles of my neck, shoulders, upper back and upper arms are extremely sore and somewhat weak.  My leg muscles are slightly weak, but all symptoms are worse in my upper body.  My questions are  1) Does this sound like anxiety to you, or something else (my doctors seem to think anxiety, but it just doesnt make sense to me biologically)?  2) If the "pins and needles" is due to anxiety, what, other than hyperventilation, would biologically explain this? 3)I have heard of people experiencing numbness or "pins and needles" during a panic attack, but not with just generalized anxiety (although my anxiety can be quite severe at times, I have not had a panic attack).  4)Can the vibration feeling be associated with anxiety disorders?  5)How common is it to have weak, sore muscles with chronic moderate- sometimes severe anxiety?
Thankyou for your time,
21 Responses
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Anxiety is hereditary unfortunately.  My mother has it, I have lived and coped with it for 12 years, female cousins have it, etc.  Things like worrying about your health is a form of anxiety and a vicious cycle, and it fuels the anxiety.  I passed out once 12 years ago because of overexertion (not anxiety), and I lived in fear for 10 years after that that I was going to pass out again.  I was absolutely terrified of passing out again, and every little symptom that I experienced in my body was a "sign" that I was going to pass out.  Didn't happen.  Just anxiety.  One cannot begin to imagine the intense bodily symptoms you can get just from anxiety alone.  I thought I had MS, I thought I had brain tumors, cancer, AIDS, heart problems....  I've had EKG's, MRI's, blood work, etc.  I've been to the ER at least 15 times.  All tests came back negative.  The culprit is anxiety.  Once you learn to "ignore" the bodily symptoms, you will start to gain control of your life.  Educate yourself on anxiety.  Read books about it, seek a professional, inquire about meds (they do help).  Good luck all!
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I think everything you described can be explained as anxiety. Here's how it works...once you become anxious, you tune inward, rather than a balanced of inner and outer world focus. Then every sensation in your body is amplified..you feel things that go on all the time below the level of consciousness because your consciousness has been refocused.  It then becomes a scary preoccupation.

Before it goes any further, see a psychotherapist for talk therapy, and talk about your life fears and concerns, not your bodily fears and concerns.  That will reverse the cycle.

You can't entirely rule out some strange neurological disease, but you can be almost sure it is anxiety, so treating that now in the way I described is your first and best step.
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Hi everyone.  I just wanted to add something.  I used to faint, and have tingling in my hands.  I would not be able to move or speak.  The doctors had to run an EEG 3 times over a period of 4 years before they finally figured out I was having Complex Partial Seizures.  So it could be neurological, but not easy to find.  I am on Trileptal and have been seizure free for about a year.  Although I still struggle with anxiety.  (I also have Schizophrenia and used to have PTSD).  
Also, I have a strong personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  He helps me through every moment of every day.  
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I have absolutely been where you are.  I really and truly understand what you are going through.  I have had anxiety problems for over 12 years.  I am a professional, single, 26 yr old female.  I understand that the physical symptoms you are feeling are very real and you can't seem to make sense of them.  It really probably is just anxiety.  It leaves you feeling scared, worried, frustrated and afraid you'll never be "normal" again.  I've panicked on planes, in restaurants, in the movies, at home, at friends' houses, etc.  I have had pins and needles in my hands, extreme muscle weakness (thought I had MS), rapid heart beat (thought I was having a heart attack), feeling "spacey" all day long (thought I had a brain tumor), feeling strange in the head, difficulty breathing, fear of fainting, very light headed and dizzy.  I've stayed awake countless night worrying about my health.  I was robbed of my teenage years.  I've visited the ER millions of times.  Since then, I've had intense medical exams the last 5 years and all results of any disease(s) have always come back negative.  It is pure anxiety.  Anxiety comes in many forms and manifests itself in your body like a demon.  It can be cured, you don't have to feel this way.  Read any book you can find by Lucinda Bassett.  She is an amazing author who suffered and overcame anxiety.  She has really helped me.  I also suggest reading and working through "The Anxiety/Phobia Workbook."  You can purchase this in almost any bookstore.  This is a start, and talk to your doctor about meds.  I have a feeling you are highly sensitive, deep,  talented, creative and artistic.  Most of us who suffer with anxiety have wonderful qualities.  Don't let the anxiety ruin them.  Good luck to you, girl!
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I have a 15 year old daughter who has been diagnosed as add. Prior to thos she was diagnosed with depression. She was treated with prozac. This helped a bit for a year. We noticed the effects were wearing off. The Doctor then changed her medications to effexor. She experienced extreme agitation and shaking, severe moodines. Next it was Wellbutrin this again worked for about 6 months. This summer she became very with- drawn ,stayed in the house most of the summer on the internet. It was a battle to get her out of the house. The Doctor took her off the Wellbutrin as she could not hold a pencil this fall in her class. She showed me, I was astounded with the shaking of a person who was about 80 years old.I felt her feet they were trembling as well. She has been off the Wellbutrin for a month now. The shaking has stopped. She is now on Concerta. In the last 2 school years her concentrating and comprehension has been terrible. She used to be a get high marks, but in the last two grades she has been getting worse. NOw she is on Concerta. She's been on it for approx. 2 weeks. Wow her concentration has improved so much she is getting 100's on everything, can't believe it. She has settled down in the classroom, but when she out of the classroom with her old friend who is a bully she follows the crowd. She comes home and yells at us,is withdrawn, and tries to bully us. Just this week she is suspended for 3 days. Starting tomorrow she will be home with me. I plan on making her do chores she hates, no internet, tv,music ot anything important to her. Bottom line is her moods, I know when she's with these friends of her's she's laughing and seems to be having fun, but at home she's getting to be really moody and mean. I really don't know what to do with her. I suffer from depression and anxiety too, as my mother did and her family.I realize this is herititery, but there has to be more help than this. My daughter used to be a happy go lucky kid until puberty.. I realize some of this is being a teen, I really need some input as what to do next. Thanks
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I'm 27 years old and starting about a year and nine months ago I have had very similar symptoms on and off.  The anxiety presents itself differently each time.  Usually a common denominator is that I feel dizzy and lightheaded, like I'm going to faint.  This happens in sort of chunks of time, where I'll feel this way for a few days or a week, then it'll go away for a month.  I've been to the ER several times thinking there was something wrong with my heart as I was having palpatations and very fast heart rate for a while.  They did all kinds of blood work, EKG, echocardigram, I wore a heart monitor around for 48 hours to monitor it, and to my relief there was nothing wrong.  Then I would get sort of "shaky" blurry vision.  Then I would have numbness in my arms, and a ticklish kind of feeling on my hands, like there was a strand of hair brushing against me.  The symptoms come and go, but there is usually nothing specific that brings them on -- with the exception that 7 out of 10 times I'm at work when it happens.  Sometimes I'll be talking with someone at work and I'll feel like I'll have to go to the bathroom and close my eyes and rest to keep from "passing out," even though I've never actually done it.  Needless to say this interferes.  It sounds strange but sometimes I get temporary relief by looking at people around me who are apparently healthy even though they're overweight, or older, etc... (In other words, I'm fairly fit, so why should I be sick?...)  Anyway, just wanted to let you know you're not alone.
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I know very well what you re going through.  My symptoms were and are numerous.  It gets to the point that i experience new symptoms every day here is a list of the most common ones:

Tremors (hands , legs, head)
constipation, diarea
Pressure headaches( felling my head is going to explode)
Tingling in arms and legs
Somewhat weakness on my left side
Difficulty concentrating
Panic attacks
Fear of some fatal illness

and the list goes on and on

It all started suddenly about a year ago and i was  really scared at the time.  I m not in perfect state now but getting better, it just needs time i suppose.  I have done every test you could possibly imagine some of them are

numerous blodd tests
brain mri
brain ct scan
brain angiography
electromyogram (fearing of some nerve disease, i was totally convinced that something was wrong).

After that i was convinced that i was crazy, bipolar, lossing my mind.  My doctor told me that i am depressed and i have general anxiety disorder too.
So try (i know its not easy) not to think about it and rather go to a proffessional which he/she can help you with your problem.  Mind you they can really help alot!

I wish you well !!
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I had the exact symptoms you describe several years ago and would suggest (although it still sounds by your answers that your not entirely convinced it's anxiety) CB Therapy and if you don't go for the CBT, then read "Anxiety: The Disease" by Dr Sheenhan.  It's a tad old from a publishing date but it is excellent!  It will take you (the book) on a journey that you already begun starting with Doctor shopping--leading to more denial etc and of course wasted healthcare dollars.  I'd predict that you'll be to several other doc's or emergency rooms (Tachycardia etc.) if you don't start talking about what's on your mind soon.  I'd also suggest

-Walking (not intense excercise)
-Doing good things for yourself
-and most importantly, do something good for someone else, volunteer

I volunteered at Habitat for Humanity and did family assessments and very quickly started to feel a lot less sorry for myself and realized equally quick that I had a lot going for me...

I only say this with the best intentions as I can see you doubt the diagnosis you originally rec'd and that of the doc on this board.  Good luck.
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this most definitly sounds like a severe case of Paranoid schiz ophrenia, maybe you should take her to see someone who can help her, or help her yourself.
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hey im new to this site if someone could be helpful and show me how to work it. my field is mental disorders, mainly schizophrenia as they ingtrigue me the most.
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hey im new to this site so mind my q's and a's.
so what r your field's in psychology? mine is schizophrenia mainly.
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I am new to this board and just wanted to say that I have similar symptoms and have been suffering for two years. It started when I woke up one morning and tried to work on the computer and felt really dizzy and almost passed out. My legs were numb and weak and I had tingling in my hands. This went on and off for months. Had MRI/MRA no stroke. Now I have constant vertigo and feelings of whirling in my head, ears ringing, hard to type on the computer sometimes. My ears get plugged and feels like there is pressure in my head/ears. Sometimes just pressure in my head. I am now anxious, paranoid and am preoccupied with health and dying. It is horrible. I have never been like this. I have had chronic back pain and other pains in the past but have conquered them without surgery. Cannot get rid of this horrible illness. Have tried low dose Xanax and it really helps but have to start taking more because the withdrawals make anxiety worse. Have been off it now for a week. I was only taking 0.25 mg per day, sometimes only 1/2 of that. I am afraid to take it now. One night I had horrible seizure like activity, though I would die and was shaking something awful. It is now hard to work. I can't stop thinking about it and feel fearful. I know this is anxiety but just do not know how to stop it. I am in to organic eating and vitamins and herbs. Live healthy, run and exercise. This is jut really makikng it difficult. I am now 50 and this all started when I went through menopause. I have symptoms of menopause too, like hot sweats, dryness, etc. I have thought this could be low estrogen symptoms also as I know a lot of women going through the "change" get anxiety. Anyway thought I would share this info. This is worse than the chronic back back I used to have. I would trade this illness for just about anything. I just can't stop obessing that I have some weird disease like MS. But know I don't or it would have shown up on MRI. I also thought I have inner ear problems as symptoms are similar with dizziness and vertigo.  I feel for all of you on this site. May God bless and help us all. Raylee
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oh yeah steph heres the number 1-800-944-9428 for the Stress and Anxiety program from the accredited MIDWEST CENTER ON ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION
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Hey this is Anxiety...i recommend you order the program from the MIDWEST CENTER FOR STRESS AND ANXIETY,..ITS AWESOME..IT WORKED FOR ME I HAD THE SAME STUFF
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Hi Stephanie,

Yes, I have had many of the symptoms you describe.  If you want to chat with people who have similar experiences, the following anxiety chat room was really great for me, especially when I first started learning to deal with it:


It's a chat room for people with anxiety and/or panic.
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Hi Stephanie. Yes, I have experienced EVERYTHING you say...if you read my posts (Babygirl9956) you can read my story. We are very close in age. I am 22, and am also very preoccupied with health concerns. I too experienced the "vibrating" and everything you talk about like waking up with my feet and hands "asleep". I think it is so bad for us because we are so young, and yet feel so bad. Its like all the energy is drained out and i feel so jealous of all my "normal" friends.
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I just wanted to say thankyou to everyone who replied.  I feel so much better knowing that anxiety is a possible explanation for my symptoms, and that it is unlikely that I have a serious medical condition.  Knowing that others have had similar experiences actually makes the anxiety much less severe. Thanks again.
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Has anyone out there experienced similar symptoms that I have described?  I really dont think that this is all in my head, but if others out there have had similar experiences, that would make me feel a lot better, and maybe some of the anxiety would subside.  Any tips on how to keep my mind off of this or how to keep the anxiety to a minimum?  I appreciate any help/comments that anyone has.


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This is anxiety expressed physically. It is a condition established by exclusion of other causes. People talk about
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My ex husband used to have terrible chest pain, numbness and tingling of his arms, decreased vision, passing out, you name it.  He would have "waves" of these spells.  He is very well educated, and was convinced that he had some rare disease.  Saw every doctor he could find, every specialist in town and then some, and all tests were normal.  He was told these were anxiety attacks, and simply couldn't accept that diagnosis.

Finally, after going to the ER 4 TIMES IN ONE DAY, he grudgingly started on the medication the psychiatrist gave him.  Even though he had been told it would take weeks to have any effect, with the VERY FIRST DOSE he never had another "attack" again.  

I am convinced there is something biochemically wrong with him, and the medication sort of evened it out.  I mean, he had these attacks since age 12, and with medication they were absolutely gone.  The mind and body balance is very complex.  Rule out the medical issues, try therapy, and if your doc recommends meds, try them without hesitation or prejudgement.
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Those are classic symptoms of GAD (general anxiety disorder). I am suffering it as I am writing this to you. Tingling, numbness, pain in various places, sleeplessness, fatigue...you name it. You need some sort of anxiety medecines to control it. Good luck to you. I think mental health problem is the worst kind of disease that a human being can have.
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