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Effexor Withdrawal

Somebody please help me! I am 23 years old, and have been on antidepressants for about 5 years to treat chronic migraine headaches. I started on Paxil,then went to Lexapro b/c Paxil wasn't working, but I gained about 35 lbs. on it so my Doc put me on Effexor. Now my headaches are finally under control and I am tired of being on drugs! But I cannot go more than a few hours without it! I was taking 75 mg., and I took 37.5 mg for almost two weeks. During those two weeks, I was unmotivated, sad all the time, I could not sleep,dizzy,nauseous,and I was EXTREMELEY angry when I wasn't crying like a baby(sometimes I was both!). I tried to not take it at all today( my doctor suggested cutting the dose in half for 1 week and then going to every other day for 1 week) but I got the brain zaps and actually had thoughts about killing myself(although I love my life and am certainly NOT suicidal) and it had only been a few hours past when I was supposed to take it. After reading others' feelings on Effexor withdrawal, I am relieved to know that I am not alone-but I still gave in and took a pill. Of course now I feel a little better. I am starting a new job in a week, and getting married in October. I have also suffered from severe Psoriasis since I was 14(I think that is probably what caused me to need antidepressants in the first place). I am trying really hard to transform my life- I want to lose weight before my wedding( I need to lose a good 60 lbs that I have gained over the years that I have been on antidepressants) and I want to get my Psoriasis under control(which is stress related) so I can wear shorts this summer and look beautiful on my special day. I want to know others' opinions- if this awful feeling isn't going to get better then I don't think I can do it while starting a new job and trying to plan my wedding, lose weight and get my Psoriasis under control. Another problem is my fiancee- he is wonderful when it comes to my physical appearance-my flaky skin and fat rolls don't bother him- but he doesn't understand that I am not depressed, that my mood swings and recent headaches are beyond my control. He thinks I should just be able to ignore the brain zaps and crazy feelings-but I can't! I think it is probably in my best interest to go back on the Effexor and get back to my life right now- and I'll try again to get off it once my wedding is over. But I am afraid that I will never be able to get off this awful stuff and I won't be able to function and live my life without it! Someone please tell me how to get through this!
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It has been nearly a week since going off Efexor 'cold turkey" and it has been a trying one.  Even now doing this posting I am very tired and it takes a lot to concentrate. I have also done a posting under Efexor if you wish to read it.  I have been on Efexor since Nov2002 on 150mg initially and then 75mg + 2 Ritalin in the morning for depression and adult ADHD.

When you tried to answer the question of why you are on them then maybe you had stabilied and were good on them.  A bit like me, ran out of my script and thought let's see how I go not being on them even though I felt ok on them.  My husband reckoned I lacked motivation on them. I certainly didn't expect withdrawals like this and I hope I am nearly over them.  

My husband is away at the moment and just as well as I am keeping strange hours, like 4.30am crashing until 8am crashing again at 2pm and looks like another late night and I don't know why as I am very tired.  I keep going from task to task and getting good ideas and not doing the things I should be doing.  I wouldn't like to be working at the moment.  My brain is certainly very active, I am very sensitive and trying to push issues I shouldn't without thinking about the consequences. Strange but trying not to analyse too much.  Each day will be better I reckon.

I don't know whether I have been any help or not but maybe someone can relate to all this too.  

Goodnight from a 54 year old lionness
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I was 16 when I was put on Effexor XR.  Depression started when I was 11, and I had been on other ANTIdepressents. I must say the worlds view on antidepressents is REALLY messed up.  I might jump all over the board when I say this but I STRONGLY advise anyone against taking Effexor as a drug to ease the pain of life.  Yes its a great drug when you first start and everything seems to fall into place.  However I am now 20 years old, and I have decided on my own to stop taking this horrible drug.  I had been on it for 4 years, and when I finally turned 20 I decided that I want to live my life for how it is.  Now there in lies the problem- life.  It can be a cruel unforgiving monster that feeds off of peoples hurt and pain.  Then again- it can be very rewarding.  For four years I didn't know what was going on with me.  Now that I look back and think about it yes life was tough and hard at times, but what was to say that I needed to take this drug to help me feel better about myself and life?????  The doctors who DIDNT know a DAMN thing about the drug willingly gave it out, not knowing what would happen to those who needed to take it for more than 2 years.  (2 years is usually the amount of time you should be on effexor, then slowly wean off) I was taking the full 225mg dosage everyday of my life. It wasn't until a good friend of mine basically said "Why do you take these?" and I finally had to ask myself why?  I came to find out the horrible withdrawals and side effects of this drug.  For days i'd lie in bed not wanting to talk or move- I didn't want to work, or eat. I wanted to do NOTHING. I had to do this for about a week or two before my side effects were less effecting. (Vertigo, Headaches, shakiness, irritability) Nothing feels worse than to cry for absolutely NO reason at all. I must say, I was on the highest dosage available for 4 strait years, and I quit cold turkey.  It was hard and at times I thought "If i only call the number to the pharmacy, I could get them refilled and pop a few to feel better".....sickening.  I've been off of my effexor for about 1 month and 2 weeks.  I didn't tell my family cause I didn't want them to worry.  Frankly, the only people who knew were my boyfriend of over 2 years, and two really good friends.  These three people have never taken medication for their emotions or feelings in their lives, and they seem to be strong enough to make it.  I can and will be there someday.  I don't need a drug to numb me and make me sick.  What I need is to feel my emotions and live every day.  I know that if I can make it this long without needing those pills, that I will ultimately win.  If anyone ever needs me to talk to or even just to say something my email is ***@****

*phew* thanks for listening-    Kat
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Thank you for your advice.I started a new job last week, so I just went back to my regular dose b/c I didn't want to have to deal with the stresses of weaning myself off and the stresses of a new job. And I certainly didn't want my new co-workers to think I am crazy. This weekend I tried just shaving a little piece off(probably about 1/8 of the pill) and I haven't felt any effects yet- but its only been two days, so we'll see! As for my psoriasis, I have tried EVERYTHING and the only thing that even helps is light therapy- the topical meds will help and keep it from actually getting painful but none of them actually get rid of it- but most dermatologists don't want me doing any sort of light therapy at the degree that it's most effective b/c I am at a high risk for skin cancer. I am hoping that if I can get into good eating habits and exercising and just being healthier that everything else will just fall into place. My main reason to want to get off the Effexor is that I feel I am at a point in my life where I don't need it- and I want to have kids in the next couple of years so I think it will be easier to try and get off of it now instead of while I am pregnant. I don't like the fact that I am only 23 and I have been dependent on medications since I was 18 or 19. And I am hoping that without Effexor my head will feel clear again- I don't think I am the same person on it. So for now I am just going to take it one step at a time. Thank you again for your advice. It helps to know that there are people there who have been through the same problems. You are in my prayers and I will keep you posted. :)
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I am just back on Effexor 37.5 working my way back up to 75mg. after having to be weaned off slowly for about 5 weeks. I had elective surgery, and the surgeon wanted me off of it completely for 2 weeks prior to surgery. As a result, I felt like hell. Right now I've been back on the low dose for almost 2 weeks, and I am depressed and filled with anxiety. I can't wait for this to kick back in. I know exactly how you feel. I would get right back on it, if it helped you. I have not gained any weight, but I do regularly excercise, which helps my depression etc. I also had an itching dry skin condtion for almost 5 years. i would scratch until I had bloody patches all over my neck and arms. I went to over 5 dermatoligists, and finally I got a prescribtion that worked. Maybe you can get this prescribed and try it. I had psorisis ( Spelling ?) on my scalp, and used Clobetasol 0.05% (clear oil type ). For my affected skin area I used Clobetasol 30gm ( cream in tube ).In areas where I had severe itching I used Triamcinolone CR. 0.1% These are all prescribtions. Trust me I tried all kinds and these finally worked for me. I hope you can have as good as luck with these as I did, I know it's depressing. I know I'll always be on an antidepressant, becasue I've had ups and downs with depression and anxiety all my life. Is it just the weight issue that bothers you ? Maybe you really need just an adjustment in the effexor up or down ? I've tried Paxil, Zoloft, and Prozac, and I know effexor is tough to start, and tough to stop, but maybe you need it. My daughter had problems cutting back on zoloft when she was pregnant, but she was able to take a lower dose all the way to the last two weeks, and both her and baby are fine. I hope you feel better, if you need to talk, I'm here to listen. The doctor has me on xanax just until my effexor kicks in, and it does help alittle, but the whole depressive thing is VERY scary. When I feel this way, as I do now, I cry alot and I feel totally alone even when I'm around people and I don't like to be alone. So anyway I do know exactly what you're talking about . Hang in there, Pray for me and I'll pray for you too. You will feel better again. That's what we have to think. Positive !Take care and keep me posted. Bonnie
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Something worth considering is gradially reducing the dose by cutting a very small amount off the tablet (using a pill cutter) until you adjust to it, then cutting slightly more off etc etc until there is none left.

NOTE: CHECK with your Doctor!! This can only be done with certain meds - it doesnt work for coated meds.
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You should do two things.  You should be seeing a psychiatrist who can talk to you re your anxiety while at the same time weaning you off your medications.   You should deal with your emotional eating....go to www.masteringfood.com to learn more about that,and try the program.
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