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   Allmost Three weeks ago, I had elective cosmetic surgery. About 4-5 weeks prior I had  to gradually go off my 75mg.of Effexor because the surgeon said it could cause bleeding. I started back on the Effexor Jan. 19, and I was on 37.5 for a couple of days, and then just went back to 75mg. until February 3rd. because my doctor said I was raising up too fast, because I am very anxious,adjitated, and depressed. I feel horrible. He also has me take .o5 xanax am and pm ( I also take ambien ) Is there anything that would help me better. A friend told me to check to see if Klonapin would help me  instead of the xanax. How long does it take before the effexor starts to help again ? The xanax is only tempoary until the effexor kicks in, but can't xanax cause more depression ? I feel very alone even around people, and I don't even want to go anywhere, but i also don't want to be alone because I feel so scared. Is the normally the way this medication works, I been on it for about 7 years, after breast cancer. Please let me know, I need words of encouragement. When will I feel good again ?   Thank you for your quick response. Bonnie
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108944 tn?1222277478
i think that is so true . a couple of month ago iwas up to 9 different meds and 3 vitamins.now im only on -1mg klonipin,
                                             -2mg estrace,hormon
                                             -200mg topamax
                       and from 112.5mg effexor to 37.5mg this
                       friday i take my last pill. going off of this posin has been the worst thing ever, i have been so sick ,headaces,vomiting,brain shivers-zaps, sounds like bottle rockets shooting off in my head,i go from cold to hot just like that,and my family thinks im turning into a monster because of my mood swings.i cant understand how doctors are allowed to give this stuff out knowing what you will go threw when you go off of it .the name makes it sound like its going to fix something kinda funny.wait tell you go off.the adds dont say one thing about the awful withdrawal.david i will be reading the book you wrote about.
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I did read the Efexor withdrawal forum and I don't know whether to agree with you or not.  

At the time I needed medication and at the time you are desperate for something to help you.  Now I am having a go without them and I think there does come a time that you decide for yourself that it is ok to go it alone and that is probably because your state of mind is right for you to do it.  However the withdrawals were not what I expected as I had missed a day here or there in the past without any side effects.

I was not on the long list of tablets that you were on (thank goodness) and I would have been alarmed if I was.  I know taking the recommended vitamin supplements for AADHD seems a bit over the top and I don't always stick to that BUT fish oil is essential I reckon for good brain activity.

What would desperate people do if these tablets were not available - what alternative is there for us/them?  I will try and get to read that book you recommend and thank you for suggesting it.  Cheers The Lionness
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Please visit the Effexor withdrawal forum to find out what a nightmare drug Effexor really is.  What the doctors don't like to tell you is that if you change your lifestyle and your diet and get off the medications, then you will be a healthy critter and not need them anymore.  That's the truth.  They had me on Effexor, Paxil, Welbutrin, Buspar, Xanax for 3 years and I am getting off and every day I thank God.  Because there is nothing wrong with us.   That is, until they start us on their "regimens", you take the heart drug and it affects your libido, so they give you Viagra.  But Viagra upsets your stomach and they give you Nexium.  But Nexium makes you gain weight and your blood pressure climbs and they start in on the Cartia, but all of this stuff causes depression and lethargy, so they start you in the psychotropic meds.  WHO DO THESE PEOPLE THINK THEY ARE, GIVING US A DOZEN MEDICATIONS???  They certainly aren't healing anybody.  Read Kevin Trudeau's new book, The truth THEY don't want you to know about.  It will blow your mind.  I read it 2 weeks ago, and it just blew me away.  My mother and father were professionals in medicine and engineering.  I myself have a good education and have had several rewarding careers.  And you know what?  I have decided to take back my life from these folks in the white coats who live on the hill.  IN Fresno, all the doctors live on the bluff in huge houses, a place referred to as "pill hill"  They are making so much money writing these meds, can the honestly say they are being objective in treating ;you.  NOT!!!!

Good luck to all of you who think the meds are still the answer.  Right now, I may seem like a crazed idiot, but remember you heard it from me first as over the next few years you get sicker and sicker on their meds.  AND watch out for the obesity that is the price tag for all of this.  Which of course funds more and more doctors houses as they rush you to surgery because they made you too fat to survive without it.

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You are having a difficult time with those nightmares which aren't very pleasant.  When I was diagnosed with moderate depression and AADHD and a bit of a mess, I know initially I had a difficult time with dreams, ruminating, being a zombie etc until I got the tablets right.  Maybe Efexor is not for you.  It does seem to take awhile for the brain chemistry to get into balance again and you may need something else to help you until that is  right.  

It is amazing how things can change and how all of a sudden you feel like you can cope again - still early days though.

Good luck and be guided by your doctor and wean off any of these medications gradually as the withdrawals aren't very pleasant.

Cheers, Lionness
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Hi there.  It was great to read your comments.  I am better now in my brain.  On top of this I have been battling a dose of the flu the last couple of days so I really haven't been able to do very much at all especially with the hot weather.  I am not sure whether Efexor did help me with the hot flushes or not as I was still getting them on it and still do now I am not taking them. I know now when I get worried or something is bothering me my whole body gets hot and I get very sweaty - is this part of my now "uncontrolled" depression or the menopause??

I need now to see how I am feeling over the next week or so to really fully appreciate the me without my tablets and see if I can cope alright.  My like is very stressful right now with money woes so it will be a good test for me as security is a big issue for me and has made me "crumble" in the past.  I do know that I am very outspoken and not as tolerant right now which I am not sure is a good or bad thing yet.  Time will tell.

I will keep you posted on my progress and thank you for your comments.  Cheers, Lionness
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I was able to withdraw off Effexor in January after taking 75 mg for over a year.  The withdrawal was difficult, with lots of extreme dizziness, irritability and general YUCK feeling.  It took over 3 weeks before I really felt better.  I did take dramamine to combat the dizziness, although I still felt like my brain was rattling around in my head for several weeks.

Never again will I take this poison.  

Now, I am totally detoxed and feeling better than ever!

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