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Help!!! Painkiller addiction with alcohol and ephidrine and prozac

I am a 31 yaer old wife with a loving husband and 4 year old son.  I have had 4 surgerys in the past 2 years and have become addictided to pain killers.  I have been in treatment for alcohol once and it didn't work.  I also am taking 40mg of prozac a day for my depression.  Then I ended up having all these surgeries and now I'm addicted to both.  I want to quit but I am so afraid!  I have lost my job and my husband has no idea about my addiction. My husband has a cripling disease called Ankylosing Spondalitis.  He will be paralized later in life and right now he suffers daily with back pain.  I have been using his pain killers and have been calling in prescriptions for him only to use them myself!  I am so ashamed!!!  I can't seem to do anything anymore unless I have something in me to get the day going!  I've taken everything from oxycodone, hydrocodone, tylenol 3, morphine, and I've even resorted to some duragesic patches that were given to my husband and they were to strong for him.  I like the way they make me feel when I drink with them.  I want to quit cold turkey but I'm afraid of the withdrawls.  How long does it take and am I in danger If I do it myself?  I've tried to quit for 1 day and I was so irritable and I couldn't sleep.  I felt like my skin was crawling and I was sweating really bad.  I always say that tomarrow is the day I will quit but it never happens.  I am running out of oxy and I'm terrified!  Please help me!!!
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I wanted to share my personal experience with you, it might help.  I was taking norco 10/325 for back pain for about 7 months.  I was taking about 12 pills a day.  I had no idea I was addicted to them until I was done with my surgery and I kept going back to my doctor telling him my back still hurt.  Finally, I had a come to jesus moment and realized the only time I was feeling bad was when not on the pills.  I was at home with my 2 year old son and my 3 year old neice and felt like I just had a bomb dropped on me, I could not beleive that I could be addicted to pain meds!!  I am a housewife in an upper-middle class neighborhood, and I felt like things like this didnt happen to people like me!  Well, aside from the fact of feeling like I had let my family down, I was in a great deal of pain!!!!  When my husband came home that night I told him just plain as day I was addicted to pain meds and broke down crying.  He just sat quietly for a minute and absorbed what I was telling him, then he came to me and hugged me and said we will get through this. Probably at that moment he said to me the thing that put me in the mindset to get through what was to come. He told me now that you are in this mess you have to get yourself out and it is going to be hard but you have no choice, and it was very true, I did not have a choice.  I was not going to let pain meds destory my family or my life!!  Now,  the first 24 hours were the worst and I could not sleep and was  in the worst pain in my back and legs.  I was freezing cold and sweating like I was running a mile.  I had diareha and no appetite.  The emotional side of it was like a mixture between depression and anxiety.  I would be sitting still and feel like I was running a mile.  Now, what I did to deal with it was this, the worst of symptoms lasted 72 hours, with the worst part being the first 24 hours.  I used a heating pad on my lower back for 3 days and took tylenol PM to help with sleep.  I also took aleve to help during the day with the aches.  I made myself force down at least some food everyday even if it was just a little bit, and the best thing to eat was chicken noodle soup broth and red meat.  to give you electrolytes for dehydration.  You can also drink lots of gatorade and water.  From everything I have researched you are not in danger of withdrawl from pain meds even though it may feel like it but you do have to keep yourself from becoming dehydrated.  With the depression if I had just overwhelming feelings I would think about something I was looking forward to or I would call my husband and just say, "I'm really feeling the depression", and he would just talk to me for a few minutes to help.  Also, surround yourself with things like your favorite movies to watch to keep your mind off things or even to distract you for a little while.  My son was the best thing for me during this due to he could come in the room and I would remember why I was going through this hell.  He wanted his mommy back!!  For the anxiety, when I would feel like my body was just racing I would  calmly take very deep breaths and the felling would go away and  I would just keep doing that as often as it kept coming back, and it WORKED!  The best way to look at this while your going through this is to KNOW that when your 72 hours are up you will have turned a huge corner, and you will feel the difference!!!!!  I started my withdrawl on a Saturday and everyday I felt a little  bit better but by Tuesday I woke up feeling like a new person.   Friday of that week I was at our local community center running on the treadmill and it felt wonderful on my muscles!  My family and especially my husband could not have been prouder of his wife for reconizing on my own that I had a problem then conquering it head on.  I remembered what it was like to laugh again and have energy and want to ge involved in things again, it really gave me a whole new lease on life.  Now, I chose to not go to detox program or even see my family doctor due to they would only give me medication that would to me just prolong the enevitable.  I did not want to take some other pill that would just withdrawl  me slower and then have to face withdrawl from that.  Anyone can make it through 72 hours of pain and being uncomfortable and just remember that the depression and anxiety is all an illusion, you may feel like it is hopeless but like I said just remember that in 72 hours you will not beleive how that dark cloud just lifts and you are you again!!  Now, everyone has someone to confide in so find that person be it your mother brother friend or husband and tell them your problem asap!!!  TODAY!!! They will understand and respect you for your courage to deal with it.  If you work I would suggest planning to stop taking them Friday after work and to have someone available to take care of your child so you can just lay in bed and get over the withdrawl you may even want to take the following Monday off work and Tuesday if you could.  I had my husband help me with my child on the weekend and then on Monday my Dad watched my son for me while I laid on the couch all day watching tv with my heating pad. Your muscles are spasming so the heating pad really helps plus it feels good because you are so cold.  Good luck to you and you have the power to change your life and remember how much you hate pain meds for doing this to your body and life!!!!! YOU CAN DO THIS, REMEMBER, WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT JOB YOU CAN EVER HAVE IS TO BE A GOOD MOTHER!!!!!!!  DO IT FOR YOUR CHILD AND FAMILY!
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I wanted to share my personal experience with you, it might help.  I was taking norco 10/325 for back pain for about 7 months.  I was taking about 12 pills a day.  I had no idea I was addicted to them until I was done with my surgery and I kept going back to my doctor telling him my back still hurt.  Finally, I had a come to jesus moment and realized the only time I was feeling bad was when not on the pills.  I was at home with my 2 year old son and my 3 year old neice and felt like I just had a bomb dropped on me, I could not beleive that I could be addicted to pain meds!!  I am a housewife in an upper-middle class neighborhood, and I felt like things like this didnt happen to people like me!  Well, aside from the fact of feeling like I had let my family down, I was in a great deal of pain!!!!  When my husband came home that night I told him just plain as day I was addicted to pain meds and broke down crying.  He just sat quietly for a minute and absorbed what I was telling him, then he came to me and hugged me and said we will get through this. Probably at that moment he said to me the thing that put me in the mindset to get through what was to come. He told me now that you are in this mess you have to get yourself out and it is going to be hard but you have no choice, and it was very true, I did not have a choice.  I was not going to let pain meds destory my family or my life!!  Now,  the first 24 hours were the worst and I could not sleep and was  in the worst pain in my back and legs.  I was freezing cold and sweating like I was running a mile.  I had diareha and no appetite.  The emotional side of it was like a mixture between depression and anxiety.  I would be sitting still and feel like I was running a mile.  Now, what I did to deal with it was this, the worst of symptoms lasted 72 hours, with the worst part being the first 24 hours.  I used a heating pad on my lower back for 3 days and took tylenol PM to help with sleep.  I also took aleve to help during the day with the aches.  I made myself force down at least some food everyday even if it was just a little bit, and the best thing to eat was chicken noodle soup broth and red meat.  to give you electrolytes for dehydration.  You can also drink lots of gatorade and water.  From everything I have researched you are not in danger of withdrawl from pain meds even though it may feel like it but you do have to keep yourself from becoming dehydrated.  With the depression if I had just overwhelming feelings I would think about something I was looking forward to or I would call my husband and just say, "I'm really feeling the depression", and he would just talk to me for a few minutes to help.  Also, surround yourself with things like your favorite movies to watch to keep your mind off things or even to distract you for a little while.  My son was the best thing for me during this due to he could come in the room and I would remember why I was going through this hell.  He wanted his mommy back!!  For the anxiety, when I would feel like my body was just racing I would  calmly take very deep breaths and the felling would go away and  I would just keep doing that as often as it kept coming back, and it WORKED!  The best way to look at this while your going through this is to KNOW that when your 72 hours are up you will have turned a huge corner, and you will feel the difference!!!!!  I started my withdrawl on a Saturday and everyday I felt a little  bit better but by Tuesday I woke up feeling like a new person.   Friday of that week I was at our local community center running on the treadmill and it felt wonderful on my muscles!  My family and especially my husband could not have been prouder of his wife for reconizing on my own that I had a problem then conquering it head on.  I remembered what it was like to laugh again and have energy and want to ge involved in things again, it really gave me a whole new lease on life.  Now, I chose to not go to detox program or even see my family doctor due to they would only give me medication that would to me just prolong the enevitable.  I did not want to take some other pill that would just withdrawl  me slower and then have to face withdrawl from that.  Anyone can make it through 72 hours of pain and being uncomfortable and just remember that the depression and anxiety is all an illusion, you may feel like it is hopeless but like I said just remember that in 72 hours you will not beleive how that dark cloud just lifts and you are you again!!  Now, everyone has someone to confide in so find that person be it your mother brother friend or husband and tell them your problem asap!!!  TODAY!!! They will understand and respect you for your courage to deal with it.  If you work I would suggest planning to stop taking them Friday after work and to have someone available to take care of your child so you can just lay in bed and get over the withdrawl you may even want to take the following Monday off work and Tuesday if you could.  I had my husband help me with my child on the weekend and then on Monday my Dad watched my son for me while I laid on the couch all day watching tv with my heating pad. Your muscles are spasming so the heating pad really helps plus it feels good because you are so cold.  Good luck to you and you have the power to change your life and remember how much you hate pain meds for doing this to your body and life!!!!! YOU CAN DO THIS, REMEMBER, WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT JOB YOU CAN EVER HAVE IS TO BE A GOOD MOTHER!!!!!!!  DO IT FOR YOUR CHILD AND FAMILY!
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I wanted to share my personal experience with you, it might help.  I was taking norco 10/325 for back pain for about 7 months.  I was taking about 12 pills a day.  I had no idea I was addicted to them until I was done with my surgery and I kept going back to my doctor telling him my back still hurt.  Finally, I had a come to jesus moment and realized the only time I was feeling bad was when not on the pills.  I was at home with my 2 year old son and my 3 year old neice and felt like I just had a bomb dropped on me, I could not beleive that I could be addicted to pain meds!!  I am a housewife in an upper-middle class neighborhood, and I felt like things like this didnt happen to people like me!  Well, aside from the fact of feeling like I had let my family down, I was in a great deal of pain!!!!  When my husband came home that night I told him just plain as day I was addicted to pain meds and broke down crying.  He just sat quietly for a minute and absorbed what I was telling him, then he came to me and hugged me and said we will get through this. Probably at that moment he said to me the thing that put me in the mindset to get through what was to come. He told me now that you are in this mess you have to get yourself out and it is going to be hard but you have no choice, and it was very true, I did not have a choice.  I was not going to let pain meds destory my family or my life!!  Now,  the first 24 hours were the worst and I could not sleep and was  in the worst pain in my back and legs.  I was freezing cold and sweating like I was running a mile.  I had diareha and no appetite.  The emotional side of it was like a mixture between depression and anxiety.  I would be sitting still and feel like I was running a mile.  Now, what I did to deal with it was this, the worst of symptoms lasted 72 hours, with the worst part being the first 24 hours.  I used a heating pad on my lower back for 3 days and took tylenol PM to help with sleep.  I also took aleve to help during the day with the aches.  I made myself force down at least some food everyday even if it was just a little bit, and the best thing to eat was chicken noodle soup broth and red meat.  to give you electrolytes for dehydration.  You can also drink lots of gatorade and water.  From everything I have researched you are not in danger of withdrawl from pain meds even though it may feel like it but you do have to keep yourself from becoming dehydrated.  With the depression if I had just overwhelming feelings I would think about something I was looking forward to or I would call my husband and just say, "I'm really feeling the depression", and he would just talk to me for a few minutes to help.  Also, surround yourself with things like your favorite movies to watch to keep your mind off things or even to distract you for a little while.  My son was the best thing for me during this due to he could come in the room and I would remember why I was going through this hell.  He wanted his mommy back!!  For the anxiety, when I would feel like my body was just racing I would  calmly take very deep breaths and the felling would go away and  I would just keep doing that as often as it kept coming back, and it WORKED!  The best way to look at this while your going through this is to KNOW that when your 72 hours are up you will have turned a huge corner, and you will feel the difference!!!!!  I started my withdrawl on a Saturday and everyday I felt a little  bit better but by Tuesday I woke up feeling like a new person.   Friday of that week I was at our local community center running on the treadmill and it felt wonderful on my muscles!  My family and especially my husband could not have been prouder of his wife for reconizing on my own that I had a problem then conquering it head on.  I remembered what it was like to laugh again and have energy and want to ge involved in things again, it really gave me a whole new lease on life.  Now, I chose to not go to detox program or even see my family doctor due to they would only give me medication that would to me just prolong the enevitable.  I did not want to take some other pill that would just withdrawl  me slower and then have to face withdrawl from that.  Anyone can make it through 72 hours of pain and being uncomfortable and just remember that the depression and anxiety is all an illusion, you may feel like it is hopeless but like I said just remember that in 72 hours you will not beleive how that dark cloud just lifts and you are you again!!  Now, everyone has someone to confide in so find that person be it your mother brother friend or husband and tell them your problem asap!!!  TODAY!!! They will understand and respect you for your courage to deal with it.  If you work I would suggest planning to stop taking them Friday after work and to have someone available to take care of your child so you can just lay in bed and get over the withdrawl you may even want to take the following Monday off work and Tuesday if you could.  I had my husband help me with my child on the weekend and then on Monday my Dad watched my son for me while I laid on the couch all day watching tv with my heating pad. Your muscles are spasming so the heating pad really helps plus it feels good because you are so cold.  Good luck to you and you have the power to change your life and remember how much you hate pain meds for doing this to your body and life!!!!! YOU CAN DO THIS, REMEMBER, WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT JOB YOU CAN EVER HAVE IS TO BE A GOOD MOTHER!!!!!!!  DO IT FOR YOUR CHILD AND FAMILY!
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This is for Jenn1122,

I'm not sure why your included with someone else's original question, but if this gets through to you, I guess it doesn't matter.

I have been an addict since the age of 17, I am now 53. I am currently getting over the ephedra era, and it is going pretty well. I have a dual addiction, alcohol and any kind of drug. I have not had a drink or illegal drug since 1984. However, due to a very serious spinal condiditon, I continue to struggle with prescription pain killers. In fact, when I went into treatment in 84, I was taking an average of fifty daravon a day. Obviously, to some that would sound like an impossible thing to do, and how could I possibly get that many. I had numerous doctors and pharmacies in different cities, and I even got desperate enough to steal script pads to make my own. With today's efforts, it is not as easy to get away with.

I have had numerous withdrawals in my life, some under medical supervision in treatment centers, detox centers, and some I did on my own. Isn't it amazing that you and I, and people like us can be in such denial, that we wait until we are so desperate to rid ourselves of incredible fear, and the number one thought we are trying to rid ourselves of is death. The fear is overwhelming, and yet there were times that I think I was just trying to get someone to tell me how to safely stay on the stuff I was taking. Your tolerance to the drug has finally caught up with you, and as you said, taking it now is just a matter of survival.

Ok! here it is. We are all going to die. You have made a choice that will cause you to die sooner than you should. I have attended many 12 step programs, and in 95% of them, I am reminded of consequences that will occur if I didn't stop my drug of choice. These three consequences have been proven for years, and years, and they are, ending up in jail, a medical or mental institution, or dead. Think about it.

Please remember that you are not a bad person because you are in the position your in. "Normal/GOOD" people, whatever that is, make terrible decisions everyday. You are a good person that needs to forgive yourself, and start the process of saving your life. If you are reading this now, you must realize that tomorrow never comes. So STOP whatever you plan on doing after reading this, call the person you trust the most, and tell him/her that you are sick and tired of being sick and tired. You must forget about the embarrasment, the unsympathetic family member or friend that wants to judge you, or worse yet try to take care of the problem for you. You and your trusted friend must go to the nearest emergency room, and you must do that now.

Please understand that you are not unique, and what you and I are going through, and have gone through, affects thousands upon thousands of people every hour of the day.The fact is, addiction has no prejudices. It affects all lifestyles, ethnicity, color, the rich, and the poor. The only thing that is stopping you from getting better is you. Your next pill may be your last. Someone loves you very much, and the pain of your death would be overwhelming for that person(s). I know your scared and that's ok, your human. The first step is to be accountable to yourself and admit you have a problem, and the second is to do something about it. Stop waiting! This will not go away unless you make it. You are a very special person, and you will remember what that feels like when you rid yourself of the fog that you wake up to each morning. What I remember was how great it was to just FEEL, instead of being numb every day.

Now, I will do my very best to prepare you for the mental and physical stuff you're going to face. First, I want you to remember this. The withdrawal, and symptoms that come with it, are all temporary, and whatever residual affects are left, will be dealt with by the great people there to help you. You will feel physical aches and pains, something simular to the flu. You WILL be in touch with your emotions very quickly. You will cry very easily, and start to feel sorry for yourself, (The Pity Pot). You may find yourself easy to anger, but you can expect the fuse to lengthen in a short period of time. It will take you some time to be joyous and happy again, which will be greatly affected by outside influences. That is why it is so important to be in a facility that has people you can confide and trust in. The important thing is you are going to be in touch with REAL FEELINGS again. You can probably expect to feel this way for a week or so. Don't visit with people that upset you right away, family or friends, particularly; those that may be in the same situation you are. Get all your faculties about you first. Above all, trust the people of the facility you are in. Do not be afraid to approach them about anything. Temporarily, they will take the place of your parents, husband, or anyone else that you confide in. Remember, your therapist is only as good as you allow he/she to be. Remove all the walls, and be honest as you tell he/she EVERYTHING about you. You will create a bond, and your recovery will be helped trmendously by your cooperation.      

I feel compelled to share a litle history of myself with you. I was agnostic for 17 years, to a point where I was very angry with God. When I hit my bottom in 84, my relationship with a higher power returned, and I choose to call power Jesus Christ. We need him, and prayer.I promise I will pray for you.

Finally, I have probably done 95% of illegal drugs that are out there, and I've shot up, snorted, smoked, and took pills. The miracle of all of that is, with the exception of my spine, which is not related to my drug abuse, none of my internal organs were permanently damaged, and my health is excellent. Please, get help before it's to late. Won't it be great to live again, instead of waking up to misery and worry everyday?
                    God bless you.
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I am currently doing research for an upcoming book which deals with the side effects and withdrawals people have experienced from Effexor XR and other (like) anti-depressants. I am interested in receiving any information current or former users would like to share concerning their experiences with these drugs. Please email me @:
and thanks!
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Hello, I have just joined after looking at the questions and support that ive seen been givin, Im not sure where else to turn. I look into websites but im not getting the answers that i need!!

I guess the best way to start is from the beginning. About a year ago i began taking hydrocodone, i slipped into the habit rather fast. It started just taking 1 just like prescribed, then slowly and thru out the year i have goten to the point of taking 3 or 4 at a time. up to about 10 pills a day! Its amazing how easy it is to get a script filled, and the doctors that are so willing to give them out! Lately i have been taking them and im not taking them for the pain nor the high, im taking them because i feel i need to, that if i dont, nothing will get accomplished, and i honestly feel very bad. The things that are concerning me at this point is how hard i hear it is to stop! Im looking for answers concerning my health i have begin to get symptoms which im not sure if anything has anything to do with the pills, but it scares me to death that im slowly killing myself! In the morning when i wake up, i feel like ive been hit by a truck, my stomach is weak, and thats when i take that first pill, then i get to the part where i think im gonna be ok, but no matter what ive had to eat nor drink (sorry if this is gross) i then begin to vomit what is a very thin bitter tasting bile, and thats it. After that im ok for a while, but my head feels like i have a head cold, and my vision is a lil off. i wait about and hour and thats when i take the rest of my "mornin dose". like ive said i dont really get anything outta it but the release of tension in my head and the nausea submits itself for a while. Im beginning to see that the amount of time this happens is becoming less than about 2 hours and the cycle begins over again, with the added of sleepiness to it, until i then take my "afternoon" dose.

Im gonna leave at here for now i think ive opened up and gave enough info for someone to suggest a few things for me, i completely appreciate anything that anyone has to say! Im looking for the brutal honesty of this all. Im scared, and thats the bottom line!!  Thank you so much for listening, and to those others in the same boat i wish you all the luck and best of health to ya all!!!
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Does it help with the withdrawls it you take acetomenophin?  How many mg do you take?  Is it possible to overcome those horrible days of withdrawls with a few tylenol?  I'm so scared to take anything else.  My heart beats so fast sometimes I think I'm having a heart attack!  But if I take another oxy it slows it right down.  Will this maybe help?  I've never tried anything over the counter to help with the withdrawls.  I really appreciate all your help.  I have been given lornzepam for anxity from one of my doctors.  I have read up on this and it helps with alcohol withdrawls.  But when I take it I feel so numb and like I'm in outerspace.  I don't like taking it.  It is so hard to get over that wonderful high and energy that comes from those damb pain killers!!!  Please help me!!!  I'm at the end of my rope!  I can't tell you how much it has help to talk to others...  I don't think I'd still be here without you!   Love Ya, Snoozer!
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what does ARODS stand for and how much does it cost?  I really appreciate your response.  I can't believe how far this has gone. I can't tell you all how much this site has helped me already!  It is so nice to hear all your stories!  I don't feel so alone anymore.
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Thank you all for your wonderful advice!  My sister was recently in an aweful auto accident and she is now living with me.  She also has pain killers that she takes daily so now I'm really in a mess!!!  I resorted to ordering hydrocodone online at $150. for 60 pills!!!  I can't believe I did that!  I didn't realize how simple it would be to get them without a prescription!  Please help me!!!  I'm not only still using, but ordering them on my credit cards when I still haven't gotten a job!!!  My husband is going to find out and he will leave me and take my son! I'm getting in too deep...  I've applied at about 20 different places and nobody will hire me.  I know it's because of my attendance at my last job(I was a loan officer at a bank)I have thought about suicide so many times!  I just think my family would be better off without me...  We are behind on all our bills and I don't know what to do anymore.  Do any of you know of a good debt consolidating company?  Thank you all for for help!!!!   Snoozer...
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Dear Snoozer and Lori,
God Bless you both.  I am a 33 year old single male athlete who got hooked 2.5 years ago on hydrocodone from a shoulder injury.  I have read both of your posts and I cannot tell you how much you are not alone.  Go to a detox unit and get yourself clean.  Do not try cold turkey as it will not only make you feel horrible.  Tomorrow at 7:15 am I go will undergo ARODS.  I am medically getting help and having all of the codone taken out of my system.  I know this is the only way and I cannot tell you how you two should do the same.  We know what a vicious cycle this is.  Physically and mentally.  But you cannot go any further until you get the opiates out of your body.  Please please follow my lead.  I am scared.  I am though hopeful that when I get this out of my system I can control my life.  You are not controlling your body, the drug is.  Get it out and then start your control.  THe process will take 6 hours under anethesia.  No physical symptoms and a clear mind to make "clean" decisions.  Please go to a detox unit.  Please and God Bless you both.  

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I just wanted to encourage you. You have made a brave start by being so honest about your addiction. I am a recovering addict, and work at a treatment facility. I suggest taht you contact your local hospital or Mental Health agency about getting into a detox unit, and then pursuing longer term TX. Also you might find it helpful to contact your local AA or NA chapter. A number should be in the phone book. God bless.
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I doubt if you can do this alone, and it is dangerous, and very serious.  You have to have professional help, and you should come clean to either your family or your husband or both.  This is the best time for you to do this...don't wait.  Either start with a psychiatrist or start with a detox and rehab program that your doctor recommends.
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