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Lexapro Weight gain

I posted a while ago about performance anxiety and lexapro. I have recently been reading alot about people gaining alot of weight from this drug. I used to be overweight and this is a big problem if it will cause this. I was wondering if this is a norm or if pretty much everyone gains weight from it. It sucks if it does cause it is really helping with my anxiety. Also how long before the weight starts to go on... I've been on for about 2 weeks and go to the gyma about 5 to lift weights and run. Will this help or is there no hope in stopping the weight gain?
53 Responses
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lexapro def. makes you gain weight I have been taking it for 1 year I started at 95 pounds now I weigh 125 It really makes you feel like you have no energy too but I guess it effects everyone diffrent
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I have been on Lexapro since November.  5 mg starting out and went to 10 mg middle of January.  I have gained 10 pounds in a month....I exercise like normal....30 min tread mill and 30 min weights interspersed with cardio.  I don't eat white breads ( really , don't eat bread )sugars.  I haven't varied my diet too much....had a birthday in there and a potluck, but otherwise diet has been the same as before.  I lost 20 pounds over a year ago and kept it off until a month ago.   Help. I'm about to have slim fast three times a day and go to working out 2 hours a day to see if that does anything.
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I have been on Lexapro for a year, and have gained 30 lbs.  It will make you gain weight, whatever the cause.  My husband has also been on it and has gained weight--he is one of those skinny people who has struggled to gain, with no success--yet he has gained on Lexapro.  Don't get me wrong, it has helped my depression and anxiety tremendously, and I have decided that living free of that is worth the extra weight.  But be aware, I know about 5 others who have taken it, and every one of them had significant weight gain.
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I started tapering off but after 1 week I quit altogether.  Its now been a week and I've already lost 6 pounds.  No more Lexapro for me ever again!
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I've been reading all the problems with getting off Lexapro, but let me tell you all the problems I had while on Lexapro.  I have been on Lexapro 10 mg daily for 2 1/2 years.  It was prescribed because of anxiety I was experiencing after a car wreck.  The effects Lexapro had on me came on so gradually that I hardly noticed them for awhile.  And my doctor did not tell me anything about any of these side effects.  I gained 60 pounds in that 2 1/2 years without a change in my eating habits and exercise.  I have not been able to control my blood sugar and had to go on Insulin.  I did not "feel" anything while I was on Lexapro.  I really had no emotions.  It was like nothing mattered.  I had no interest in anything.  I could not concentrate.  I was falling asleep while reading, working at my desk, in meetings, watching TV.  I noticed that when I fell asleep during the day, it was sudden and involuntary.  I did not feel sleepy and doze.  I would be typing and the next thing I knew, I was dreaming.  I had quit having (or maybe just remembering) any dreams at night.  I slept a lot but always felt tired.  I decided that Lexapro was keeping me from going into REM sleep stages at night and that my body forced them on me during the day.  I was contemplating going to a sleep clinic.  I read that I needed to be off any antidepressants before participating in a sleep clinic so I quit taking the Lexapro.  I did not have any ill effects from stopping the Lexapro.  I only had ill effects while taking the horrible stuff.  I didn't reduce the dose or gradually wean myself off it.  I just quit, cold turkey.  Within 4 days, I was sleeping and dreaming at night, waking up feeling refreshed.  I no longer fell asleep during the day.  I am awake and alert with emotions and interest in doing things.  I am productive again.  I lost 10 pounds in one week without any changes except stopping the Lexapro.  I am getting my blood sugar under control again.  Now maybe I didn't have any ill effects from stopping the Lexapro because maybe I never really needed it.  But at any rate, I will never take it again.  Anyone having the problems I was having, quit taking the stuff and see how much better you feel.
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I'm glad to find others who have gained weight on Lexapro. I was beginning to think it was all in my head! I lost 25 pounds over a year ago then went on Lexapro. Have gained it all back without drastic changes to diet. I'm going to look for something else!
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I was able to maintain a 40 lb weight loss for over two years. After only one month on Lexapro I gained 4 pounds. That was enough for me. I stopped the Lexapro and will have to look into some other drug therapy.
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Wow!  I am so happy, in a way, to read all of your comments.  I have been on Lexapro for a little over two years now, and I have gained a whooping 25 pounds!  I can't fit into any of my clothes, and I have not changed my diet or exercise habits.  If anything, I am eating healthier now than I was two years ago.  I had attributed the weight gain to turning 30, but now I am thinking it could definitely be the Lexapro.  A couple of months into taking it, I started feeling drowsy all of the time.  I have never been a "nap-taker," but I quickly became one.  I also experience very vivid nightmares which hinder my sleep at night.  My anxiety is gone, but so is my sex drive...
I am weening myself off starting today!  I am cutting my dosage from 10 mg. to 5 mg. per my doctor...giving it 30 days, and then I am DONE!
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I read somewhere that lexapro increases hepatic glucose.  That is why we gain weight.
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I'm so glad to have found this forum.  I have been on Lexapro for 2 years.  Before I went on, I was the slimmest in my life--1 year after my 2nd child,at 27, I was 116 at 5'3".  After about 6 months on Lex, I noticed the weight gain.  I'm now about 2 sizes bigger than before the Lexapro.  My boyfriend was convinced it's from lack of exercize and diet but I haven't changed anything in those areas.  I will now completely wean off this horrible nightmare of a drug.  I'm also not able to concentrate while taking it--it's beginning to affect my work.  Thank you for all your feedback!!
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I've been on celexa for 5 years or so and haven't had any problems, but my Dr. decided I should try something different only because I've been on it for so long.  He recommended lexapro, and I started taking it about 3 weeks ago.  I'm a 5'5" muscular dancer at about 122/123lbs.  In just 3 weeks, I've gained 8lbs without changing a thing about my diet or dance activity...in fact, I actually increased my workout by going to the gym 4 times a week with cardio for 30/40 min each session, but my weight won't budge.  This is NOT my body, if I had ever exercised like this before I would have been stick thin, but this weight just will not give.  I'm going back to celexa this week, not going to sit around and wait for the lbs to pile on (cause what's the point, the extra weight is MAKING me anxious and depressed anyway!)
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thank u!!!!! i have been on lexapro for about 3 or 4 years now and seem to have been gaining the weight , i just thought  i would do some research and now i know why. thank u all for your comments , i am now going to ween myself off!!
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I got onto this forum as a more Q and A experience? but now i am a little nervous. I was just perscribed lexapro and wanted to get some general feed back. I am scared to gain weight but i herd not everyone gains weight. Right? help should I take it or not
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I have been on lexapro since i had my baby.  It has now been four years that I have been on it.  I slowly tapered off from March 2005-May 2005 then did not take lexapro for 4 months.  I started feeling bad again.  Does anyone else have obsessive scary thoughts, or it is just me.  I found books in the book store about it.  I did not have this till I tapered off and got off the medication.  I want to quit taking lexapro, but I'm scared of what happens when I taper off.  Does anyone else have this problem?  I weighed 180 pregnant and then got down to 145.  I got on lexapro and now I'm at 205.  I excercise, eat right and stay busy all the time.  I don't know what to do?  Is there anyone that is like me out there?
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I have been taking Lexapro for 2 years. After the first 6 months I had to be bumped up from 10 to 20mg. It helped tremendously with my anger and mood swings with little side effects..at first. I am a person blessed with height and a good metabolism. Even at 40 I had to exercise only  moderately to keep weight off. In the last year, however, it all changed. I started gaining weight-gradually but noticably. Every time I noticed a weight gain I would restrict my diet and increase my work out. It seemed to help for a week or two but then the weight would slip back on. Over the last year I have gained 20 pounds and have been unsuccessful taking any of it off for any length of time. Here's the kicker: I work out 6 days a week-faithfully. I do 1 1/2 hrs of high level cardio plus 1/2 hr of weight training. I also do a fairly decent job of watching my diet-usually keeping under 2500 calories/day. I should NOT be gaining weight-yet I am.
Along with that I have had tremendous lethargy which over time increased from just a couple of hours a day to an all-day event. Same story with my sex drive. Gradual decline over time to non-existing today.
The good news: I am starting to ween off Lexapro and in two weeks have dropped 8 pounds without restricting  my diet or increasing my workout. My lethargy is beginning to lift as well. Amazing. I have moments when I struggle with mood swings-but so far they are controllable. I'm hoping my body will start regulating my seratonin levels on its own and I can be done with these things.
Thanks for reading: hope it helps.
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I also could figure out what was wrong with me because I do not want my husband to touch me in any way.  I got on this to help my relationship because I wanted to chew everyones head off but I enjoyed sex before.  Now I hate sex and my attitude is great.  I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't.  What do you do!!!!!!!!!
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I have been taking lexapro for about 4-5 months now and I have gained 10-15 lbs.  I have been on the treadmill everynight for 45 mins and using the ab lounger also.  I was getting frustrated wondering why I was not losing any weight until I started reading this forum.  I would like thank everyone who wrote here.  I now know what's my problem.  THANKS AGAIN!!!!!
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Look up "Gwen Olsen" on youtube or google video.
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Hi, I just posted a thread but I have to tell you that you are the first person I know that has confirmed what I was feeling about 5 years ago. I got my neck hurt and I think it messed up my chemical balance. It was almost IMMEDIATE that I got totally depressed and anxious. I thought I was dying. ANYWAYS..when you said you would get like little shivers and then kind of like your eyes would roll back for a minute and you just sat there..I totally know what you feel. I had that happen BEFORE I got on anything. The day I hurt my neck...Almost like I was in withdrawl, but never took anything. Thats why I believe that I had a sever chemical change. I still have the shivers when I wean myself, but not that bad. Wow, now I know that I am not crazy!
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Hi, I am new to this thread. I have read it before but never posted a comment. I have been on Lexapro on and off for about 3 years. I also take Wellbutrin. Last year I stopped the Lexapro for awhile and just was on the Wellbutrin. Yeah, I lost about 30 lbs, I was excersisng too but I think alot of it was not taking the Lexapro. I was back on it for about 9 months. I  gained some back. I still excersise but it seems to just not come off. I don't get it..I don't know about anyone else but does it seem like you almost feel like you are retaining water? Like you seem kind of bloated all the time when you are on it? I love feeling good when I am on it (mentally) but does it outweigh the other? I would love to find something else to take that didn't have the weight gain side effect. I have been off for awhile again..still get some side effect feelings..room shifting, being a bit dizzy. I am starting to feel a bit out of control again...Looking around my house and thinking.."It is way to cluttered...where do I start..." which, I know it doesn't look any different than it did a month ago. I am a bit moody and my patience is getting short again. I am sooo trying to control it. I am going to try some B complex and some natural things and see if it helps. If not, I will go back on it or something else, it is not worth it to me to be a crazy lady...my husband and kids will pay the price and that isn't fair. I hope I can find something that doesn't make me gain weight so easily but if not, I guess it is what it is....
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I've been on 10 mg of Lexapro for over 7 months now and I haven't gained any weight. I do get aweful headaches were I have to lay down everyday it seems like.
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I have been on lexapro 10 mg for over 3 years.  I took it for a year or so then I stopped because I thought I didn't need it anymore.  i had to stop taking it gradually.  I got major withdrawals - headaches, mausea, dizzyness, and these weird zaps that feel like my eyeballs are rolling abck in my head for a second, sort of like a shiver but you don't really move.  Anyways after a couple of months I started having alot of ups and downs and started taking it again.  I have been on it ever since, for about 2 years.  My side effects are insomnia starting at 3-4 am, vivid dreams and night sweats.  I noticed if I take it in the morning I am way less lethargic than I am if I take it at night.  If I take it at night I would be on the couch all day or need a nap after lunch and I mean really bad, like unable to function.  The doctor told me this drug does not cause weight gain and she said she had never heard about the zaps, which other people have told me about so I know it is true.  I have gained 25 - 30 pounds since I have been on it.  I weighed about 137 when I started taking it.  I haven't really changed my life accept I stopped smoking a year before I started the lexapro.  I have tried everything to lose the weight, going to the gym and doing 1 hour of serious cardio plus weights 4x per week didn't do anything watching what I eat and counting calories doesn't do anything, I went to nutritionist, she said my diet is pretty clean.  I think I am going to stop taking it again and see what happens.  I know i have to take 1 half a tab for a week and then 1/4 tab for a week and then 1/4 tab evey other day for a week but I know I am going to get really sick...
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I read all of these comments, which I think they are great.  I am also on Lexapro right now and at the beginning I felt great, and I also lost a few pounds.  Now I gain 10 pounds and I always been thin, I am afraid every day I step on the scale it is a couple of pounds more.  Also, I sweat all the time, and my doctor said it is pre-menopause, it is not hot flashes it is just sweating, bad dreams, even my head feels big, don't know how to explain it.  It seems this medecine works great at the beginning and after a few months all of these side effects start showing.  I don't know if it happened to any of you, but my doctor is not listening, every time I bring these symptoms up, she makes me feel like it is all in my head.  I want to thank you for posting yor comments, I feel I am not crazy now.  Doctors should listen to their patients and not assume.  I want to quit this medecine, but I don't know if i should quit cold turkey or little by little.  I am switching doctors.
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I was on wellbutrin and i gained weight .  Ive also tried zoloft,paxil, and something crazy that made the road move as i drove (crazy).  With the exception to the road moving meds i gained weight with all including LEXAPRO!  I probaly would have gained with the road moving stuff but one dose did it for me on that.  lol If you want to feel good on the inside you almost have to give up looking good on the outside.  Good luck! For now im just glad i feel better about my thoughts, the weight will have to wait!
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