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Need help can't get myself to bleleive its anxiety

I'm a 32 male. Have absolutely no stress in my life. Have a wonderful girlfriend, family, house, and plenty of toys. I have been having alot of symptoms - lightheadness, feeling of being in a fog all day, shaking of fingers (not a rest tremor) all the time, lower stomach pains (below naval), and lower pack pains and insominia (can't stay asleep for more then 4-5 hours even on Lorazepam). If I drink any caffeine I start sweating like crazy. It all started in Janauary when I was diagnosed with the flu and at that time thought I might have HIV and freaked out. I have seen four doctors including a neurologist Ran blood test which all came out fine. Had a lyme Disease test, Hiv test, uranalysis, and few other tests which all came out negative. But I never felt any better.  Everyone of the doctors thinks I should take some antidepressant So I started taking 50mg of Zoloft for 3 weeks now. It hasn't helped yet but supposebly it takes around 3-4 weeks to kick in. I just can't come to beleive that this is all caused by anxiety. I have never had any problems of this in the past. Whenever a run one test and it comes out negative I start thinking it may be something else. I have so much trouble getting up and going to work. Even when I am at work I never do anything besides the neccessary work. So most of the day I spend thinking of how bad I feel. I also starting seeing a therapist for the first time yesterday but it didn't help me much. Please someone tell my this is just anxiety and I will get over it.  I keep thinking its Lyme Disease and the test just weren't right
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I have had identical symptoms.  I have absolutely no reason for anxiety.  A great paying laid back job, great wife, home etc etc.  I used to have days where I was constantly foggy headed, had back and neck pain, brutal stomach problems and gas and insomnia.  I am now on Paxil and it has cleared evrything up.  I still get bouts where I get some of the old symptoms back for a day here or there.  Give the pills a chance.  Anxiety can be subconscious.
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hello... i come from the same boat your in. im a 18 year old male who believed he had AIDS. i was up day after day with possible reasons why i might actually have AIDS. for example, loosing weight was a symptom of AIDS and what my brain would tell me is, im not loosing weight because im going through depression or anxiety or not even eating, it was telling me that i had AIDS. i went to the doctor 3 times (thank god for health care in canada!) nothing was wrong with me. through gettin enough reassurance i realize i dont have AIDS. after that episode of my life, i developed panic attacks. which the first thing that came to my mind was, heart attack. went to the doctor several times for that as well. gettin reassurance it wasnt a heart attack, i still am frightened i might eventually get a heart attack. i am taking luvox (50mg) and it helps a lot. it keeps me in control. what my psych told me is it might have something to do with me going to two funerals in the past year. i want my life back, i am in grade 12 and want to enjoy it. i am greatful for people like you guys so i can relate too. the anxiety will pass.
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annie anxious
Well I am so glad to have found a page where so many people have suffered the same **** I have.  I too have been in and out of doctors offices and hospitals.  I had a fairly stressfull life but it never seemed to bother me...I kind of thrived on it.  Now I am often afaid of my shadow per say.  It has reaked havoc everywhere in my life.  I have been on lots of meds only to have reactions of some sort or it made me worse.  I figured that there was something wrong with me ....they just weren't finding it.  Anxiety would come over me in waves at times all day long.  EVerytime I figured out a way to deal with the feelings...they would find a new way to come over me.  At the times when it hit me I wasn't really under any kind of stress.  I have had it at night or morning or whenever.  From racing heart to palpatations that made me fall to my knees...my stomach twisted ...literally so bad I was rushed to the hospital...they had to give me a muscle relaxant just to get it to untwist.  I have had fuzzy head to poor vision...bothered by light...bad headaches..severe weakness...cold chills hot flashes...and diagnosed with fibromyalgia.  I deal with the pain of that daily now.  I sleep poorly.  I have bad digestion..gas...reflux.  I don't think much else could go wrong...however  I did discover that vitamins can help a lot...I take B 50..vitmine c 500 twice a day...and magnesium at bedtime and I do self talk....I just get so mad sometimes at the feelings that I tell them to give me what they got or I just say find then if you are going to kill me get on with it....amazing enough that often gets the panic attacks to stop...I also am a believer in prayer...I don't always have a friend to call but I do pray and that helps a lot.  It has been 3 years for me and the best results I have gotten so far are from vitamins...prayer and don't stop doing what scares you...it is hard but challenge the fear head on...other wise you will be in a sort of prison.  I do carry around ativan...which I know I can take if I have a really bad attack...somehow I don't have to...I just sort of keep saying I will take it if it gets to be more then I can handle and I end up getting through it.  I went from daily attacks to now I have about 1 every couple of months...I am looking forward to being free of them altogether or they come up with the right med to help us all.
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annie anxious
Well I am so glad to have found a page where so many people have suffered the same **** I have.  I too have been in and out of doctors offices and hospitals.  I had a fairly stressfull life but it never seemed to bother me...I kind of thrived on it.  Now I am often afaid of my shadow per say.  It has reaked havoc everywhere in my life.  I have been on lots of meds only to have reactions of some sort or it made me worse.  I figured that there was something wrong with me ....they just weren't finding it.  Anxiety would come over me in waves at times all day long.  EVerytime I figured out a way to deal with the feelings...they would find a new way to come over me.  At the times when it hit me I wasn't really under any kind of stress.  I have had it at night or morning or whenever.  From racing heart to palpatations that made me fall to my knees...my stomach twisted ...literally so bad I was rushed to the hospital...they had to give me a muscle relaxant just to get it to untwist.  I have had fuzzy head to poor vision...bothered by light...bad headaches..severe weakness...cold chills hot flashes...and diagnosed with fibromyalgia.  I deal with the pain of that daily now.  I sleep poorly.  I have bad digestion..gas...reflux.  I don't think much else could go wrong...however  I did discover that vitamins can help a lot...I take B 50..vitmine c 500 twice a day...and magnesium at bedtime and I do self talk....I just get so mad sometimes at the feelings that I tell them to give me what they got or I just say find then if you are going to kill me get on with it....amazing enough that often gets the panic attacks to stop...I also am a believer in prayer...I don't always have a friend to call but I do pray and that helps a lot.  It has been 3 years for me and the best results I have gotten so far are from vitamins...prayer and don't stop doing what scares you...it is hard but challenge the fear head on...other wise you will be in a sort of prison.  I do carry around ativan...which I know I can take if I have a really bad attack...somehow I don't have to...I just sort of keep saying I will take it if it gets to be more then I can handle and I end up getting through it.  I went from daily attacks to now I have about 1 every couple of months...I am looking forward to being free of them altogether or they come up with the right med to help us all.
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Try this website http://www.stresscenter.com
hope it works
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I used to have the same exact symptoms only at night. I would wake up with heart pounding, shaking, and nauseous. I would try to deep breathe through it and that made it eventually go away. I was later diagnosed with GERD(reflux). Since I raised the head of the bed 6 inches, take Zantac for my GERD, don't eat certain foods (very acidic ones), and don't eat within 1 hour of going to bed, these episodes don't occur anymore. I hope this info. helps.
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I am a 31 year old Female, who is a single mother, I have am in really bad need of assistance. For starters I came from an abusive marriage that I just recently got out of, I have an 11 year old daughter that I am raising alone. For the last couple years I started having shortness of breath, feeling dizziness, and feeling like I have no control over my life, I have went from everythought imaginable, from suicide to you name it.
As of today they have gotten worse, yesterday alone I had a major attack, and I am scared to death, I feel so hopeless, Its not that  I dont want help, I cant get it. No one seems to be in the office when I need to see what I can do about what is happening, My boyrfriend tells me to go to the Er, I am deathly afraid of hospitals, because I dont have any control there, I feel like poeple will think I am losing my mind. I have tried talking to friends and trying to find someone that can help me, I dont want something to happen majorly knowing there is help somewhere out there. So please if your in the Richmond Ky area, I am begging for help,, I need it seriously, before I have no hope left.
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One word: Stachybotrys. I too experinced the symptoms you have all described. After being blown off by physicians a number of times, (anxiety, panic attacks, asmtha, sinus diseaase, epilepsy, etc.) I finally found out that what was messing with my brain and nervous system was a toxic mold called Stachybotrys.
This fungi emits mycotoxins which attack the brain,  haveschools in our area have been closed down due to this poisoning. Since I discovered it and it forced us and our possesions out of existence, segments have been done on "48 Hours" our local TV and newspapers (Madison), USA Today and NY Times (among others) on this plague.
I can just say this: watch your insurance policy. They are trying to weasle out of "damage caused by water" (as opposed to flood"), and look for nasty black mold, usually in circular patterns, in any water-damaged place. Also, if you work in a school, library, anyplace with lots of cellulose and central air, you could be victim.
This stuff is nothing to fool around with. I know.
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I am a 23yr female, who used to be very active with working out and just enjoying life. A month ago I got the flu, and I woke up with my heart pounding, sick to my stomach, tingling hands, light headed. I thought that I was dying. That following day I was supposed to get on the plane and fly to see my fiancee. I crawled on the plane and ended up in the emergency room when I arrived there. The doctors did all the tests you can imagine, and found nothing. I was really sick the whole time, then I had to fly back home. I got back here and it got worse. I even passedout cold by getting myself so panicky. I thought that I maybe had stomach cancer or something, because my stomach hurt so damn bad. The doctor put me on lorazepam and prozac. They kind of help, but my stomach still hurts really, really bad. My fiancee is flying here right now and we are driving back because I am so sick. The has taken over my life and I don't know what to do about it. I can't eat and I do not want to drink, but I know that I have to. I do have a lot of stress with the move and all, but soon that will all be over. I am going to see a doctor in my new location, so hopefully I can get some help. This has changed my life, and not in a good way. I just feel so panicky and sick all the time anymore. Any advice on what has helped you would be greatly appreciated.   Thanks
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There is book that is wonderful, but difficult to get-- i found my copy on ebay.  i had/have terrible health anxiety.  i am 29 and have an orthopedist, psychiatrist, gynecologist, gastroenterologist, neurologist, rheumatologist, internist and a GP.  i am still scared i have a brain tumor or MS and no doctor will order a CAT scan of my head or an MRI.  i shouldn't be surprised, b/c i have been to doctors for tons of things over the past two years......  

anyway, that book is called:


by Carla Cantor and Brian Fallon, M.D.

it is a great book.  when i get really scared about what i am feeling, i will read parts of it.....  Brian Fallon specializes in health anxiety/ somatoform disorders and such.... i tried to track him down..... i would have traveled anywhere to see the man.... but could never find him.

the book is worth buying.

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Try smoking marijuana to get your thoughts straightened out. It is likely that you have unresolved thoughts going on subconsciously which is leading to your anxiety. If this doesn't appeal to you, just start being mindful of what you are thinking/telling yourself at all times. Your best bet is to go INSIDE yourself for the answer and the solution to your problem. Check into meditation. Any quieting or mindful mental state should disclose the problem and the solutiom. HTH
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Hey girl42000, I've had some of the similar symptoms a while ago.  It was not a good experience, what I did was found a girl who was understanding enough to help me out and calm me down whenever I found myself in a situation where I couldnt get away from.  It doesnt have to be a significant other, it could be friends or family.  It was hard to open up to other people about my condition but helped extremely. Whenever I felt the anxiety come on I just gave one of my friends a call and they helped calm me down.  The understanding of close friends about your condition could be the best drug without the bad side effects.  Since then my anxiety slightly diminished and now I have not had any attack for over 2 years.  I hope this helps and I know that every case isn't the same.  If you need any other help or advice you can email me at ***@****.

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I have been fighting anxiety attacks for about 2 years now. I have done research online and have been doing a pretty good job fighting, but I'm starting to worry that I'll never be "normal" again. I don't even know how the attacks started....one day I
had a major attack and have had less major and minor attacks ever since.

The things that spark anxiety attacks in me are being places where I can't escape from...for example, I drive myself everywhere because I want a way out if I have an attack. Thinking about being somewhere where I can't just up and leave scares the **** out of me. Flying on planes has become an issue for this very reason...I can't very well just say 'let me off here'...and I want to be able to travel before I'm dead. I am fine by myself, but even making dates with friends scares me because if I have an attack, they won't understand my wanting to leave, and go be by myself.

I sought help from a doctor about a few months of experiencing these attacks, and she prescribed Serzone, which made me ill for 3 days. I had a severe panic attack and it was the most awful thing dealing with it. I threw up, and then my vision got blurry, and after I finally got to sleep, I felt better when I woke up. But I didn't feel "right" for days afterwards. The doctor suggested I try another drug, but I opted not to, in fear that the same thing would happen again. Now I get anxious thinking about taking any kind of drug, even asprin.

I'm pretty sick of this illness taking over my life. It's really starting to **** me off. I was very active before this happened, and have become quite a hermit because of it.

I have adapted some measures of dealing with small attacks when they occur, like reathing techniques, and talking to myself, telling myself that everything is  fine....most of the time these techniques help.

I know I should seek profesional help, but even the thought of explaining all this to a doctor makes me nervous.

How and why did this happen to me? Could it be a medical condition.....? I never used to worry about anything and now I feel like a little old lady who is scared to leave her home.

What should I do?
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I experienced my first bought of major depression at the age of 41 last summer. My legs felt like tree trunks they were so heavy. If your cardiologist suggests your heart is healthy than I would not focus on it. You are suffering from depression. The heaviness in my legs begin to lighten the very next day after taking celexa. My symptoms (head in a "fog", trouble thinking, night sweats, heart pounding, heavy chest, insomnia, nausea, trembling, sensitivity to noise) gradually lightened over the course of six months. Stay the course with cognitive therapy and medication. 9 months later I am off all medication as well as alcohol and am back to myself. The meds can be tricky but stay the course, ask alot of questions and have faith.
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Goodness--- anxiety inducing health troubles...... i am 29.  in the past year, i have had ekgs, an mri of my lower back, chronic bursitis in both hips, numbness in legs, "out of body" feeling, upper abdominal pain that jumps locations-- so i have also had 2 sonograms of my abdomin, a HIDA scan--- and TONS of blood work.  been checked for lupus-- and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia b/c though i used to be able to read (was a teacher)-- now, i can barely write or read-- i omit words-- misread words-- and am EXHAUSTED all the time.  my symptoms have now jumped to -- pins and needles in feet, hands, and legs-- so -- they are going to check me for MS.  

unlike other people, i have been on psych meds since '94.  i cannot take ssris because they induce manic spells-- tri-cyclics-- cause heart irregularities... and anti-psychotics-- KILL ME!!!! i have tried neurontonin and ended up in a fetal position for HOURS before it wore off..... i didn't know who i was or where i was..... this happens anymore when a "new medication" is introduced into my system.

so, i take flexeril 3 x a day, klonopin 3 x a day, inderal (if i am having angina---), and bextra 2 x a day for bursitis that won't go away.

so----- i have been told fibro and anxiety induced symptoms..... and my psychiatrist has also mentioned somatoform/conversion disorders.....

you know, schizophrenia and bi-polar are bad---- but when you hurt and hurt..... and cannot take anti-depressants--- you cannot help but panic.... you think.... BRAIN TUMOR, BRAIN LESIONS, STOMACH CANCER, MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS, and heck, i hadn't even thought about LYME DISEASE!!!!!!!

somatoform disorder..... what a way to lead a life.  i am 29 and feel so old and weary.... it is just such a horrible way to live......  

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I was on Zoloft for 1 1/2 years for anxiety and stopped at the beginning of last year.  I was doing fine until 9/11 and started taking it again...on 50 mg. still.  Zoloft has been a great medication for my anxiety vs. Prozac (felt like I was in a fog all of the time).  I have found a great series of books by Dr. Edmund Bourne that are very reassuring and comforting.  He suffered terribly from anxiety/obsessive thoughts and writes how he was able to overcome it.  The first one you should try is "The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook".  You can read all of the reviews on Amazon.com and find out about the other books that he has written.  It really is a remarkable book and teaches you how to look at anxiety in a different way.  Believe me, I have read just about everything on this subject!

Another great source of information is www.anxietycoach.com.  I believe that it (as well as Dr. Bourne's books) seems really to understand how we anxiety sufferers feel.  There is hope out there!
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Thank you for posting the info on calcium and magnesium.  I talked to my Dr and I've been doing some research on vitamins.  I've been on them now for a week and I already can tell that there's an improvement. I do not want to start an antidepressant if I don't have to.  I've been reading all the side effects and also about withdrawls.  So I've been doing the vitamins and also St. John's Wart.  I have also been drinking Kava tea to help relax.  I'm feeling a lot better and I just wanted to tell you thank you for the info.
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Well, let's see if anyone has any ideas for me! I have had problems with anxiety/depression for what seems like my whole life. I am 49, female, married for the second time. In my younger years I had some pretty serious bouts with intense anxiety and panic leading to depression. have even been hospitalized a couple times, but I think those were largely unnecessary had I gotten good medical intervention early on. Anyway, about a year ago it reared its ugly head again, and for some understandable reasons; two surgerys, job problems, my father got very ill and passed away, major renovation due to a wate leak in our house, one lousy thing after another; 9/11 didn't help any. I was taking Xanax on a sporadic as needed basis, but over the summer I finally conceded that I needed to get better control, even if through medication. I also suffer from seasonal depression, though now that the weather is improving, I am feeling better. My doctor tried me on Paxil, Celexa (both got me so revved up I couldn't stand it, even on a small dose) Remeron, which knocked me out, and I am so discouraged and frustrated I'm not sure what to do next. What really got my attention was the comments about waking with a pounding heart in the middle of the night. I could set a clock that every morning between about 5:50 am and 6:15, I will wake up with my heart racing and be totally awake. I reach for the Xanax, take a .25, lay back down and try to relax and hopefully go back to sleep. Also have a hard time falling asleep, but once I feel sleepy, fall asleep quickly and don't wake up until the panic sets in for no apparant reason. I am wondering if this is a withhdrawal symptom from the Xanax? Could the medication actually create anxiety from it's waning level in my system? This all started because of difficulty sleeping. I am now wondering if it isn't more of a sleep disorder. A friend of mine takes Ambien, and swears by it. She also take Wellbutrin which works well for her. Most of the time I don't feel depressed, and I can't figure out if the feelings of anxiety (tense and wound up) is something in itself or medication related? Have started seeing a shrink, but not sure how much good it's doing. Any ideas?
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Hi all. Just joined this site.  I think I`m going through the same thing here but not sure.  Started just before Xmas when I split from my Fiancee.  I thought it was going away, but now seems to have came back.  Most of the time my symptoms are a fuzzyness over my vision, light headed, poor concentration.  Also get an occassional odd feeling in my chest.  Can be hard to get a deep breath also.  These symptoms are here most of the time, also sometimes get flushed, loose appetite and motivation.  I am at the docs on tomorrow for a blood test.  When it is at its worst, it is hard to communicate with people, feel like I just want to hide away.  Its very surreal.
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I totally understand where you are coming from, been there, done that..I just wanted to comment on you getting Xanax from the dr. but not wanting to take it..Yes, I know this is a very addicting drug, but I must tell you that is the one drug that really brought me around, especially when it came to the panic disorder..I've been on it for 10yrs now, on a steady basis & it really helps with the panicky feeling..I have also learned how to talk myself down with a panic attack when I do get one (I don't get them nearly as much as I used to, nor are they as severe since using the xanax), but have been going for therapy for the last 16yrs and still go on a monthly basis..I haved learned not to listen to what everyone else says about a certain drug..I remember when Prozac came out and so many people thought it was their "wonder drug", well when I tried it, it made me NUTS..All drugs work different with different people..I still like to see what works for some, because maybe that drug will work from me, but if it makes one person "weird", it doesn't mean it will do the same for you..Even though we say, we are very happy in our lives, & free of stress, it is still possible that your symptoms are stress related..Especially if other things are ruled out..It must have taken me a couple of years to be convinced that it was not my heart..
Hope that you all will be feeling better soon..
Take Care & Keep us posted how you are doing!!
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This is starting to sound like a broken record but i to have a good job, wonderfull wife and kids and my boss is also one of my best friends and golfing partner. Who could ask for more? Trouble is i seem to have severe anxiety. I get cheast pain and discomfort, bowel problems, waking up in the middle of the night with my heart pounding out of my cheast and sweating which makes me think i am having a heart attack. My doctor sent me to a Cardiologist just to make sure and she said my heart was perfect.(of course i don't believe her). I also am very fatigued with very weak feeling in my legs which of course makes me think my heart is bad. I just started taking Busparone for about one week now and my doctor just gave me a weeks worth of Xanax which i am trying not to use unless i have to for panic. I hope there is a time when i start feeling better because this is not what i would call a high quality of life.
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Several months ago, I starting waking up early with rapid breathing, some night sweats, etc...

The rapid breathing has improved with Zoloft; however, I still wake up every night (could be the Zoloft), some night sweats and some rapid breathing.

I've been told in this forum that my mind is addressing the anxiety while I sleep because it wasn't resolved during the day.  Originally, I also had cramping muscles in my legs.

Hope that helped

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Last summer I was in an auto accident and was put on Soma twice a day along with Vicadin as needed.  That was in June of last year.  My doctor has had me on the stuff until last Friday.  On Thursday last week I started having panic attacks.  I had forgotten to take the Soma and once I took it I was better in a couple of hours.  I went to my doctor on Friday and she took me off the Soma and the Ultram that she had prescribed to replace the Vicodin.  

She prescribed .25 milligrams of Xanax as needed and put me on Zoloft.  Well, I got progressively worse over the weekend and she has increased my Xanax to .50 milligrams every eight hours.  I do pretty well until the Xanax starts to wear off and then I have a panic attack and feelings of doom.  I am very scared because I have never had mental health issues before.  I am a thirty four year old male.  Are all of these problems related to the Soma and how long will these feelings last or is this a panic disorder?

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I can completely relate.  I too have absolutely nothing wrong in my life whatsoever (great boyfriend, great job, great everything) - when some nasty health-anxiety related problems took control of my life.  

My problem also started when I went for an HIV test (which was negative) - next thing I know, I have a throat constriction (went for lots of tests - all negative), I have tingling, pins and needles in various parts of my body, including hives. etc, etc   I felt like I was losing my mind.

Finally, I admitted to myself that I have an anxiety problem, and am currently considering going on Paxil, as prescribed by my GP.

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