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I am suffering from Paxil withdrawals.  Below is more information that the doctors won't tell you!!!

Tell your Doctors, and perhaps they will make the connection! How hard has it been for you to wean yourself from Paxil? It's as agonizing as coming off of heroin..and shares most of the same symptoms and long term effects! While researching an answer to all of the awful symptoms I experienced during my Paxil withdrawal, I was unable to find any medical resources listing Paxil as a source of these particular symptoms we all experience. Guess where I kept finding my search results directing me to? Heroin withdrawal. The symptoms associated with heroin withdrawal that are similar to Paxil withdrawal are: nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, restlessness, and leg movements, or jerking. While heroin produces muscle and bone pain, insomnia, and cold flashes with goose bumps ("cold turkey"), which are not identical to Paxil withdrawal, the Paxil symptoms of headache, "electric shocks", dizziness and hot flashes as well as psychotic mental state (violent anger/hopeless depression, unwanted suicidal/homicidal thinking) are similarly debilitating and certainly result in the return to the use of the drug (paxil) in the same way that heroin produces that result! Most experts agree that the major withdrawal symptoms peak between 24 and 48 hours after the last dose of heroin and subside after about a week. However, some people have shown persistent withdrawal signs for many months. I think that most of us (the "experts" on paxil withdrawal!) would agree that, even with careful and lengthy periods of weaning off the drug, at least some of these frightening effects occur and are problematic in our lives for longer than the average heroin withdrawal duration of about a week! Most of us have found that, by the time a week has passed,off Paxil, the terrible sickness we feel has become so great, we are desperate to return to taking the drug again to alleviate the symptoms. And many often do return this way, again and again...simply because we can't afford to lose three weeks or more of work, withdrawing from a medication that Doctors routinely dismiss as not being a cause of such sickness (we all have a really bad case of the flu), or because we are so frightened by the strange, indescribeable physical and mental feelings of disassociation and nervous system "zaps" that we go back to the drug to restore clear thinking, fearing that we are "crazy"...especially since our doctors seem to have no understanding of any of these symptoms as relating to anything they have seen before.   I hope everyone who is serious about finding the truth about the drug Paxil and it's horrible withdrawal symptoms will be sure to notify their health care providers of all of the symptoms experienced with this drug and insist that the details be documented and reported to the manufacturer, distributors, pharmacists and anyone in the medical field who can process this information officially and end the notion that these symptoms are "hearsay", simply because the drug company has not chosen to make them "fact"! And the next time you feel, or someone tells you that withdrawing from Paxil is "not that bad", remember that you are in the throes of a withdrawal so severe. that few others, except heroin addicts, have experienced, and YES, IT IS BAD! But it can be survived!

: Shawn Allen
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To the wise doctor... have you ever tried taking and staying on this Paxil for a period of time, like two years then stopping it? If not, pls. do not disregard what we, the patients, who are taking this medication are experiencing. This is exactly how doctors reacted when symtoms on Redux, Luthronex & Propulsid were first reported to you doctors. All of you dismissed it and scientifically citing what the pharmacuetical phamplet reads. However, it was just published in the papers last week that all of the meds I mentioned were all pulled off the market because of deaths, severe health problems where surgery were required and some were fatal heart attacks. Since we are the patiets directly taking this Paxil, don't you at least owe it to the oath you took to take our symstoms seriously and investigate this withdrawal symtoms we are all experiencing? At least document them and send them to the company that makes Paxil. What is it going to take.. oh, perhaps, 1,000 patients who have been taking Paxil committing suicide leaving a letter stating that they feel that it is Paxil that made them do it. Will you then listen? Pls. respond to this as I am curious how you can know better than how all of us feel!!!!
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I've been on paxil for about 1 and a half years, and it has really helped my social anxiety.  I am much more outgoing and enjoy all social contact.  Being drastically underweight, I didn't mind gaining 45 pounds during that time.  Watch out for that though if you want to stay thin!  I am now ready to go off and even if I wasn't, I would anyway.  I had been taking 30mg/day for the last four months and the side effects have been unbearable - no motivation, sleepiness have been an awful problem, to the point where they are affecting my relationships.  I too have been told that the "me" that used to be has disappeared and wish to get that back.  I have dropped to 20mg/day and have had slight dizzy spells and extreme restlessness.  I can handle that compared to being a zombie.  Has anyone else noticed that paxil takes away your dreams?
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LUVOX WITHDRAWAL: I recently slowly got off of Luvox after taking it for about 4 years.  When I told my Dr. the symptoms I was having he said there was no such medical condition.  I was having electrical type shocks in one side of my head to my bottom lip. ( Left side only)  I was getting them in my heal when I walked and then they shot up to my brain.  (mainly the left side.)  I could hardly walk without walking into the walls.  I couldn't open my eyes without getting them.  I just started Paxil and now am wondering if it was the right choice.  It sounds like people comming off of Paxil are having the same withdrawal symptoms.  It was a very tuff thing to go through!!!!  I tried Zoloft after Luvox however I was very shakey.  I found after starting the Paxil now for about 4 days I am still shakey.  Best of Luck to you all on the quest for relief.
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Everyone is trashing paxil and I sypathize with you. My problem is I suffer from social anxiety disorder. Whenever I speak to more than 1 person at work or am in the 'spotlight' at all I break into a sweat on my face and blush. I am very uncomfortable communicating with people. I need to rectify this problem! Can anyone recommend a solution. I would love to hear from someone who had these symptoms and cured them. At this point I feel like trying paxil regardless of possible side effects.

Thanks in advance

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I took Paxil (10 mg) for couple of months (5-6) then decided to quit because of following reasons - (1) Wasn't quite sure if it was helping me for social anxiety problem (2) Because of its side effects if I missed my doze for couple days (3) to avoid long-term side effects.

The side effects I experienced were - "light headedness", sudden dizziness, delayed ejaculation (my girl-friend enjoyed this particular side-effect!)

Anyway, I tapered-off this medicine gradually with the help of my doctor. It has been about six months and most of the symptoms described above are gone. I must add that I try to eat healthy and exercise 2-3 times a week. Don't know if this helps.

Now, occasionally, I do get dizziness for few secods but it does not last long. The sexual side effect seems to have gotten worse to the point of slow response!

Im summary, all these medicines do have side effects. They fix one problem but create another one. My suggestions - don't take high doses of these medicines (I am not a doctor). I would think it will take longer time to recover from side-effects of Paxil if you have been taking stronger dosage for a long time. Hope this information helps to some of you PAXIL users who are trying to get-off of it.
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im only 16 years old and i have been taking paxil for only a couple of months i need to stop i cant stand these feelings they make me so scard i feel like im dreaming almost all the time i just wish someone would come up with an answer. i need someone to talk to and tell me i will be ok and i can get through this
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