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Real talk about antidepressant weight gain

Has anyone ever been in my boat?  I have been on some antidepressant/SSRI or another relatively solidly for the past six years.  I have been on Zoloft, Paxil, Celexa and am currently on Effexor/Lithium w/Trazadone for sleep.  ALL of these drugs made me gain SIGNIFICANT amounts of weight.  Prozac and Serzone were weight neutral, but lost effectiveness or didn't work at all.  I started antidepressants, at 27, 5'7" and 125 lbs.  I am now 33 and weigh 178.
When I have gone off my meds in the past (I used to have a fantasy that I wouldn't need them forever.)or have been transitioning to a new one, I have lost SIGNIFICANT amounts of weight.  When I went off Paxil in 2003, I lost 30 pounds in 3 months (and no-- my eating/exercise didn't change).  I absolutely know that if I went off my meds right now, I'd lose a lot of weight in a short time.  I also know that a deeply debilitating depression would most likely follow at some time and that I'm probably "A Lifer" as far as depression treatment goes.
Yes.  I have had my TSH checked for thyroid problems.  My doctor will not prescribe Topamax because of the side effects.

I want to scream when I see websites that say just lower your calorie intake and exercise.  Yes I do that, but these medications absolutely do something to my body that no amount of diet and exercise seems to offset.  Yes!  That works for people not on antidepressants and even some who are, but not for everyone.  What about us?!!  As slender as I was, I could handle even a thirty pound weight gain, but at an extra 53 pounds, I feel huge, unattractive and though its really hard to exercise carrying all this extra weight around, I do.  I feel like I'm never going to date again.  I hate it!  Clothes never look right on me.  Adult onset diabetes also runs in my family, not to mention all the other health problems being overweight can bring.  For a long time I thought better to be bigger and emotionally healthy than skinny and sick.  But it's just gone so far and I just feel hopeless.  I think that if something doesn't change it's going to get harder and harder to exercise at all as I get heavier and heavier.

Is there anyone out there who was in a situation like mine, but then found the right medication, supplement, therapy, mindset or medication that actually allowed them to lose weight.  Is there some kind of special SSRI blend or new medication that I haven't tried that will stop me from putting on more and more pounds?  Please help!  I don't know what to do.  I need real help.  Something that works.
44 Responses
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My story could have been similar to yours as far as the weight issue. I have just posted my first comment on this site. I found the site about 4 months ago, but never logged in to comment.
     Please check out a website that explains how our medication works in our bodies, Why they cause weight gain, and a couple of very simple nutritional supplements are suggested to begin using that will overcome the problem of weight gain. These supplements are Omega threes and another that is made from saflower. Please take a look and see what you think.
     There may be help for you there. We are all different with different issues. So what works for me may be all wrong for you. However; I am a firm believer in gathering and sharing honest information. I believe that informed decissions usually turn out well. Here is the site:

Just in case that my address doesn't work ( I am a lousy typest), you can access it with a search on  the tittle of the book that is published there. "The Road Back."
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If you are experiencing weight gain and are unhappy about the change in your body, don't understand exactly why you gained it and want to reverse the damage check out this book. "The Road Back"
     "The Road Back" is published online, in part, and explains what is happening and how to reverse the weight gain without changing or interferring with your current treatment by using nutritional supplements that help your body replenish the hormone leptin.
     Leptin assists your body balance and control your weight and appetite. Antidepressants and some other meds disrupt the production of this vital hormone. Check it out. It is really very simple once they explain it.
     Check it out, it's free and you have nothing to loose but the weight and all of the emotional and physical problems that go along with being uncomfortable  and overweight.
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Thanks Silver for another encouraging story.  After much discouragement, it's good to know that someone who had the same problems as me found what works for them.

Because I think I'm a depression treatment "lifer" if there's something out there that can diminish my weight gain problem, I think I need to try it after school gets out in a few weeks as long as my psychiatrist agrees.  And if Wellbutrin isn't it for me, maybe something else will be.  I'd love to hear other post-SSRI weight loss AND mental health stories
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Hi Andie,

That is great! I didnt mind Paxil except for the weight gain...and I could NOT lost it no matter what I did...

I think about this when I am exercising...because I hate exercising...this will allow me to live longer to be with my kids and family...so suck it up and keep going...and I repeat that over and over to myself...and after about 15 mins I actually feel better!!!

Have a great day!
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I went from 5'8" and 135 to 175 soon after starting Paxil and I have been on Paxil for almost ten years - I'm 39 now. After carrying around that extra 40 lbs for about 9 years, I had a cardiovascular health scare that made me want to lose the extra weight for my health rather than to just look better. I'm now down to 150 and and still working on it - but really I could be fine with 150 indefinitly. Personally, I needed something more motivating than just appearance to lose the weight. My method is very simple, in theory anyway. I have a tiny notebook that I take with me everywhere and I write down the calories (to the nearest 50) of everything I eat. Like clockwork, if I stay under 1800 per day my weight goes down. If I eat between 2000 and 2500 I stay constant and above that I go up. The best thing I found though is that I can have non-stop eating days (PMS) where I eat 3500 or 4000 calories and I will be up a few pound the next day but those pounds drop right back off if I go back to 1800 (also on the next day). THis has been a huge help for me because before I used to think that if I overate, then I might as well give up - but now I eat way to much about once a week, but still have lost weight.  I think the overeating days keep your body from going into starvation mode (in which it is very difficult to lose weight).  I used to think my weight was just something I had to accept while on Paxil, but I'm still on Paxil and loving my healthier body.
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i had slight anxiety..and that went away with the wellbutrin..everyone is different though..so all meds dont work the same for everyone
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