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Zoloft Withdrawal! Please help!

My doctor (psychiatrist) took me off ZOlOFT. I was on Zoloft for about 5 months at a max dosage of 100mg. When he decided to take me off he did the tapering down process in 25mg increments every five days so I thought that was a good tapering process. I even asked my family doctor and he said yeah that is a safe way to get off the med. I took my last 25mg dose this past Monday night. I never had issues when I was coming off the medicne but about three days ago I started having spells of feeling light headed. I have had bouts of flu type feelings and I feel very tired and worn out. Basically I feel like **** and I dont have the flu. My question is, How long does it take to get Zoloft out of your system? I know your never to stop taking SSRI meds abruptly but when you follow a good tapering schedule and you still deal with wwithdrawal symptoms that's enough to tick a person off. My doctor wants me to start Lexapro but he wants me to wait until Zoloft is completely washed from my system. How many days do I have to put up with this ****? Any answers or advise is much appreciated. You know the medical world tells us that you cant become dependant or addicted to these meds but I tend to dissagree the more I read about people having discontinuation syndrome after following doctors orders on a good weening off process.  

Take Care
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i am feeling depressed....definitely mildly...just under alot of stress and want to wake up feeling a little better in the morning...

i read that taking 5 htp--100-300 MG A DAY and sjw together can work between 3 and 5 days....anyone know if thats true or have any other recommendations..kinda looking for a quick fix..my best friends wedding is in a week and a half and im not even excited about it..im afraid im gonna not be into it the day of and im the maid of honor so that wouldnt be good

i mean..everyones looking for a quick fix but i dont know if there is a such thing..has to be otc cause i hav no insurance....ANY ADVICE WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED
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Good Evening,

I've been reading the forum and decided it was time to write.  I have been on Zoloft for over 12 years longer than anyone who has posted here.  I had a hysterectomy and was depressed from surgical menopause and that is where it began.

I wish you all could visit the Psychiatrist I have here in Tampa, Florida.  He really gets what these drugs do to you and there is no sugar coating it.  Yes, you do gain weight!  If you have a history of weight problems they only get worse!  Most people will gain 20-30lbs over a span of 10 years.  You also will find that you crave carbs.  Your brain becomes numb and so does your metabolism.  I always thought I was crazy no matter how hard I worked out it still was a battle and the cravings were always there.  He is the only one who has explained to me and encouraged me to re-think if I still needed the Zoloft.  My intern doctor told me years ago that Zoloft has little side affects and that weight gain is a myth. My butt didn't look like a myth.

With the help of my doctor I'm getting off Zoloft.  I was on 50mg daily.  He first put me on 50mg daily, except Tues, Thurs, and Sat. 25 mg.  This lasted for three weeks.  I then went on 25 mg. for two weeks.  Then I stopped two weeks ago.  He warned me about the side affects and also gave me medicine to help.  He told me I would experience panic attacks, loss of sleep at night, out of body experiences and also I would feel alot of rage.  To combat these symptons he gave me 25mg of Xanax to take at the beginning of an attack and Ambiance to take if I had trouble sleeping.  He explained there is no easy way to come off this medicine just keep remembering mind over matter when the panic attacks start.  He also suggested to increase my exercise with alot of cardio 4 to 6 times a week which would help with the rage.

I was also informed that it will take about two more weeks to get through the above, but the panic attacks are less often and the rage is getting better.  As far as the metabolism he told me it would take 6-8 weeks before my body would start to return to normal.  At that time I could expect a significant drop in weight.  It has been a very hard road, probably one of the hardest things I've had to do.  When I started on this medicine 12 years ago they really didn't have all this information.  I believe that when most people have had suggested to them to take a drug such as Zoloft it helps a great deal.  I only wish that more doctors would re-evaluate the reason you are on, how long you have been on, and if you still need.   Thank you.
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I recommend a slightly different  schedule where you decrease the dose and the interval over 3 weeks...you might trying going on the smallest dose again every 2 days, then 3 days, then 5 days, then stop.
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Hey, sweetie--I just posted something for guy w/a ? that might help you, too.
If you are having trouble, STRESS to your doc that you don't feel good about waiting for the zoloft to be out of your system before starting the lexapro--like I said to guy, people who recommend clearing one med before starting the next don't understand how we feel when we are off our meds----THIS MOSTLY APPLIES TO THE DOCTORS!  It's important to remember that as sympathetic as people (docs included) can try to be, anyone who has not SUFFERED with depression or anxiety CAN NOT truly understand how debilitating it is.  You do not need to suffer.  I have transitioned between paxil and prozac seamlessly by tapering one, while increasing the other (slowly). If your doc won't do it, find one that will.  They are out there, and you do need to do it under doctor's care to avoid worse things like seratonin syndrome
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I am sure u will get better. I had been on zoloft 100mg for 7 months when my hands started to shake seriously. My neurologist told me to stop taking it and start taking prozac. However  I decided to cut back 100mg to 50mg for 15 days and then stop it. Nowwww I feel .... I have insomnia, dizziness and nausiness...it had been a week now and I believe for me there is no way back... I dont want to live dependent on this medicine. I will survive soon!!!!(I hope!)  I believe u will too... Please just try to hang on...
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Hi everyone. I contemplated taking zoloft but after two years of my husband being jobless & letters we are losing our house I started to become very depressed. No one could tell on the outside but at home our arguments became extreme! Anyhow my doctor decided to our me on zoloft, after my first dose I had a bad reaction! Now three days later I stillfeel awful. I honestly thought I was having a heart attack! How does anyone deal with these side effects??? Well I threw the rest out & as my heart was telling me im going back to praying to our lord to get me through these tough times. I thank God I did react this way because after reading every ones withdrawal symptoms I feel lucky. Ill pray for you all.doctors just want to medicate every one boosting the pharmaceutical companies rather than dealing with our emotions in a organic manner so we don't become drug addicted destroying our bodies & minds.
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I cannot believe I have stumbled across this.  I began coughing in March of 1998. I have literally coughed my brains out ever since. I have been to:

several general practitioners
a Pulminary Specialist
2 different Allergists
Ear-Nose-Throat Dr.
a Speech Pathologist (referred by the allergist)
Chiropractors (3)
and a Licensed Massage Therapist

I have been treated for asthma, allergies, COPD, told it was a nerve, narrowing of the Turbinaids (sp?), chronic bronchitus, sinus infections, whooping cough, GERD (acid reflux) and "just a cold."
Doctors get fed up and give up on me, it seems. Or prescribe things and tell me to "give it 6 months" and then come back. In the meantime I have been coughing for over 9 years. Coughing until I have pulled muscles in the back and rib cage area and ended up in the ER, coughing till I have vomited, not being able to sing in church and having people get up and move because they assume I am sick. Coughing until I have headaches or break blood vessels in my face. Pulled my right arm out of socket and threw my back out. Coughing 365 days per year. NOTHING...none of the medications have worked....I won't list them all here, but you name it... I have tried it. Some things...especially inhalers made it worse. I have been put on an at-home breathing treatment and dones sinus rinses religiously. I was currently drinking apple cider vinegar and using chinese herbs and probiotics (hey, you'll try anything when you get where I am) when I ran across this while searching chronic cough (for the 9 millionth time).  WOW!  I was on Zoloft for 2-3 years after a divorce and tapered off sometime in mid-1998. I didn't have any side effects...so I thought. I made no connection to the cough and the discontinuation of Zoloft. But after reading this I started taking it again..just 50 mg 2 days ago--almost instant relief. I have that dry mouth feeling and very little drainage (I kept telling the doctors about excess phlegm and sinus drainage). I don't understand it, and I really don't want to be on zoloft just for a cough...but I wish someone would figure it out so that I could take something THAT WORKS on the cough without the other stuff.  Mary
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Please post the 176 day withdrawel of zoloft. I really will appreciate this information.  How does this work?  What should I do?  I have been on 75 mg. for 5 years and hava gained thirty pounds.  I recently have been told I have Type 2 diabetes and must lose weight.  My familly doctor advises staying on the zoloft and staying happy so I don't eat to feel better?  Thanks.
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I wondered are you over the withdrawal symptoms?
How do you feel since your last post 05/24/07 ?
I'm going through all of this too. I stopped my zoloft 4-5 weeks ago after 6 yr.s of (200mg.) a day.
Thanks,............. Please reply
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Thanks everyone.  YOu have been a great support system.  
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I think you are on the right track with your plan. After taking Zoloft for 2 years (100mg per day) I can tell you that it is not  great med. I think it serves its purpose (short term) The withdrawel from this med is dangerous. It has now been almost 3 weeks for me and i still have the withdrawal symptoms. Your plan of 0 alcohol, good diet and lots of exercise with relaxation techniques is great. This is what will help you.

I will tell All on this thread that are withdrawing from Zoloft to also drink LOTS OF WATER! Exercise and lots of water have really helped me. I am still dizzy a lot and have strange tingling in my extremities at times but my concentration is coming back. Case in point I went bowling for the first time in 3 weeks yesterday  and bowled a 203, 211 and 257 (high score and high series for me) This takes a level of focus and concentration that i did not have on the Zoloft so I see a light at the end of this tunnel with the withdrawal symtoms.

I hope and pray that all of you FEEL BETTER soon and take the advise of people who have gone through this withdrawal. Anything that helps is a Gos send.
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This has helped me:


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My gosh! I know I'm echoing everyone else who has said this - but boy am I glad I found this thread. I love the description "Brain Zaps" because that's EXACTLY what got me searching, and searching, and searching. Finally I thought, hmmmmm maybe it's because I haven't gotten around to picking up my zoloft from the drug store, and it's been almost 2 weeks cold turkey. I was on it for not very long - about 6 months: 50MGs.
Now I'm exhausted all the time and have those weird brain zaps. Horrible. I researched everything, honestly thinking it was a brain tumor, Thyroid disorder, adrenaline gland issues...etc.
I can also really relate to the feelings of euphoria - I have just recently (before finding this site) began to wonder if I'm bi-polar because I would be so full of joy one day, and then filled with anger the next.

I'm tired of feeling sick, of the brain zaps and of my strange emotional state, but I now don't think I want to go back on it. I got on the zoloft because of a hellish work situation and the lack of excersise and stress that comes with always working. I believe I can control my "generalized anxiety" with food, zero alcohol intake, the right supplements, intense excersise (I need that sort of rush), and calming excersise like yoga and walking.
I don't want to go back on this ca-ca drug now. I went through a major depression before and truly believe that anti-depressants can really help people, but I think I (me personally) took the easy way out by drugging myself instead of trying to help myself more naturally. I will continue to visit to post any ideas and helpful hints I find.
I'm going to take the advice of a previous poster and begin taking supplements (amino acids and omega threes) tomorrow....
THANKS to every single person who posted (i read the entire thread) because I now don't have to worry about the "brain tumor" that was causing these zaps and fatigue. Good to everyone!!

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Have you done any research on Zoloft and pregnancy...I've done a little bit...I read that every woman that gets pregnant has a 3% risk of having a baby with a birth defect. It said that in studies, women who take Zoloft (it didn't specify a dosage amount) had the same 3% chance..in other words it didn't raise the risk for birth defects..It did, however, say that zoloft mothers tend to have fussier, or colicky babies...Well no wonder!...they're probaby going through hellish withdrawl after being on zoloft for 9 months and then coming off cold turkey! That's my motivation...Not wanting the new baby to get these crazy brain zaps!

Speaking of brain zaps it's been about 3 weeks now that I've been completely off..and I still get them, but slowly getting better...I have a fear that they'll never go away, but surely they will...just as I'm sure your rage and irritiability will let up...just in time for the good ole pregnancy hormones to come in and fill you with more rage and irritability, lol... Since my last post a week or so ago, the rage I've had is almost totally gone...although I do feel a bit "down"...Good luck to you, and to everyone...
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Ditto, memory back. Just came off 100mg daily dose of Zoloft (cold turkey) really dumb, but after two years of taking this med (that did serve its purpose) it has left me in a constant state of forgetting things and just being plain lacksadazical (sorry for the spelling). As a web designer and programmer this is not good. It has been one week and I am going to rough it out, but it is HELL!

#1 DIZZY with a capital "D" I have to get up slow and make my movements even slower. I do not trust my gait all the time.
#2 Cold hands/feet
#3 Not a good time for anyone to irritate me.
#4 Joint pain/muscle pain
#5 Had some strange irregualar urinary function, meaning I found it difficult to urinate for about 4 days, this seems to now be improving.
#6 Feeling of numbness in my mouth and teeth.
#7 Occasional nausea
#8 Mild headaches (at times)
#10 Teary! meaning I can get emotional good feelings and bad. Both can make me cry.
#11 Feel palpitations from time to time, but this may be due to excessive coffe intake.

I am also taking Lamictal 100mg per day but have not started any weaning process for that yet. I am going to wait until all the effects of the Zoloft withdrawal subside. After that i will try round 2 with the Lamictal. I am going to try to make a go of it without the meds for a little while and see how things go. I will post occasionally to inform how things are going so some of you who are going through the same thing or are thinking of this route can maybe identify.
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We seem to be going through similar situtions...although I am not pregnant, I started weaning myself off of zoloft because my husband and I are going to start trying to have a baby in the next year .  My doctor advised me to wean myself off of zoloft as it could be harmful to a baby.  She suggested that I take Wellbutrin (which is considered "safe" during pregnancy) instead because of the chances of my depression returning.    

So, I weaned as I was told and have been completely off of Zoloft for about  2 weeks or so.  The brain zaps are finally getting better (although still there), but my rage and irritability is at an all time high.  Sometimes I just want to hit whatever is in front of me.  My husband even said he woke in the middle of the night to me punching the bed in a fit of rage.  This scares me!  I had a friend who couldn't handle going off of zoloft during her pregnancy and her doctors put her back on a low dose. Her baby is perfectly fine, but I don't want to take that chance.  I have also been really nauseaus.. I feel bad for my husband too!  Lately I am so moody I am sure I am horrible to be around.  I wonder if this is how I really am without the drug (I have been on it for 14 years) or if it is a withdrawal.  I guess I will keep at it and hope I don't bite someone's head off.  Best of luck to you!

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Hi Group,
Thank you all for your honesty.  I am cold turkey off zoloft now for a 2-3 weeks.  I first broke all of my 100mg in half, took for a day or two, then said forget it.  Personally, I loved Zoloft when I first took it over a year ago.  My doctor gave it to me to battle extreme PMS symptoms.  His instructions were to take 25mg daily and double to 50 five days prior to menses.  Well, after about 6 months of use, I felt I needed an increase.  I am cold turkey because in less than 6 months I noticed short term memory loss.  The field I am in requires me to be a quick thinker and make knowledgeable decisions FAST without thought or hesitation.  I noticed forgetfullness, idlemindedness and terrible weight gain. (at least 35-40 pounds) Here are the symptoms I have, and here are some things I have noticed helps me:

1) Crying over dumb things
2) issues with patience
3) less tolerant
4) easily irriated
5) Dizzy if I look down too much
6) Dizziness if I get up too fast
7) Insomnia
8) shaky
9) Sore muscles
10) Paranoia (I am scared to death of bugs, rodents, reptiles)
11) Easily nauseated or grossed out over dumb little things like garbage, odors, little holes in things

Things that Helped so far
1) Deep breaths
2) forcing myself NOT to cry (mind over matter)
3) Exercise
4) Iburprofen
5) Chewing Ice
6) Reading
7) Busy work - house cleaning, projects, shopping
8) Rosemary tea
9) Less Coffee or Caffene

Hope this helps.  Zoloft works if used in tiny amounts.  Terrible if you get over 25 mg in my opinion... Way too powerful.  Efexor too.  Much too powerful.....  I still dont know what a brain zap is so please help me out and let me know...  

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OMG, this forum is a Godsend right now...I can't tell you how many times I've tried to explain these "brain zaps" to friends and family and they just look at me like I'm nuts! If you don't get them, I've been describing them as electrical synapses...I don't know what the hell that is, but that's what it feels like...When I found out I was pregnant almost 3 weeks ago, I wanted to get off of it, asap....I weaned myself off as advised by my MD, and ever since I started weaning off, and currently, I'm having the brain zaps and some CRAZY rage...like I've never felt before...My poor husband!!! We weren't sure if it was the pregnancy hormones or what...that is until I found this forum.. Today is one week since I've been completely off of it...and the zapping is starting to ease up a bit..so I'm praying I"m a the tail end of it...I have an appt. on the 11th....they wanted me to stay on it....they said that they let women take it throughout their whole pregnancy now...but I just keep thinking of the newborn baby getting the brain zaps because he would have to come off of it cold turkey once he left my body!!! Any thoughts or experiences on this matter? Best of luck everyone..I hope I can make another post in a week or so that will encourage anyone just starting the process.
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I am reading your comments and can't believe my eyes that I have found a place where we all feel the same.

I was put on 50mg Zoloft about 9 months ago due to mainly anxiety problems. I started getting off it about 4 weeks ago with the advice of my doctor, first took 25mg a night for 2 weeks, then 25mg every two nights for two weeks.

I had my last dose about 4 days ago, and started feeling some of the well documented problems, since yesterday. Slightly dizzy, feel like I'm floating sort of thing, ribcage pain etc... I am a bit concerned as to the duration of this withdrawal condition. Reading some of the comments about months and months of suffering have got me a bit worried...

I am taking Omega 3 as part of my normal diet (have been for about 2 months now) and I hope that can help.

I will post again here and give everyone an update on my "recovery".

PS. Aren't there any good lawyers here that suffered from this evil?? A lawsuit sounds like a good option right now. There sure are more than enough of us to file a class action against these monsters!!
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I was reading these post and noticed no one has said how much weight they lost when they went off of Zoloft.  I have been on Zoloft for close to 10 years and have just realized I will take it my whole life If I dont stop.  I gained about 75 lbs. while on this.  DO PEOPLE LOSE WEIGHT IF THEY STOP TAKING ZOLOFT?
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After many, many years on Paxil and then Zoloft (150 mg), I finally finsihed my tapering off this awful drug.  The last date I took Zoloft was March 31.

To date, I have lost about 10 pounds.  I must admit, I have cut out almost all sugars and have hreatly diminished my carb intact.  I stopped most dairy products also.  None of this has even been much of a problem since getting of Zoloft and before, I couldn't pass up anything that was a carb.  I just don't have that appetite for the sweets - chocolate included and I LOVED chocolate.

I haven't even exercised at all since I got hurt in a car accident 4 weeks ago, but the weight is still coming off.  This is the # 1 reason why I got off Zoloft.

Keep your chin up and and follow my carb solution and the weight should come off.  I put on about 30 lbs.

I do, however, feel my anxiety and panic beginning to return and that I don't like.  I will absolutely, positively NOT go back on an SSRI.
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It's comforting to know I'm not crazy/having a stroke! The "brain zaps" I'd been experiencing were frightening to me, especially since I'm a physical therapy student in my clinical affiliation. I HAVE to be cognizant at all times!

I took Zoloft for nine months to combat anxiety attacks and got up to 75 mg/day. I weaned myself from 75 to 50 to 25 over a period of two weeks. Started feeling "off" about two weeks after the last dose.

I am going to meet with a pharmacist friend and pick his brain about withdrawl symptoms and what can be done to lessen the severity of them, notably:
- light headedness
- nausea
- flu-like symptoms
- will I lose weight?
- will I improve my memory?

Anything else? I'll ask questions you have. Respond ASAP.

Hang in there everyone...sounds like there's light at the end of the tunnel. I sure as hell wish I had known how severe this withdrawl was going to take; I wouldn't have taken these stupid meds!
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Zoloft 50 mg for about 3 months; tapered to 25 for about 3 weeks; 1 day after last 25 mg dose I started experiencing strange bouts of brief dizziness not unlike that of some viral symptoms (flu, etc.) although not as pronounced.  I guess that's what people here are referring to as "brain zaps".  Alarming, to say the least! Anyway, I can live with those now that I know what they are, and that they will eventually cease.  In the mean time I have noticed that 200 mg of Ibuprofen every  6 hours seems to help reduce the frequency of the withdrawal symptoms.
Good luck to all!
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Thanks for letting us know how your doing! I'm really encouraged to hear that your are doing so well. Please continue to post now and again to let us know if you feel that you are back to "normal" and if you have experienced any weight loss (if you gained while on Z) and if your libido has returned if that had been a problem while on it. I'm excited and very happy for you. Thanks for the good news it's good for all of us!
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