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Zoloft withdrawal, some odd side effects...

I recently began experiencing some really crazy symptoms and this was within the same week that I went off Zoloft, kind of weaning myself off. I came on here and discovered someone else who had posted exactly what I was going through. I am going to quote it here word for word because I want input, I want to know how long it took Amy F. to feel better:

"What are the withdrawal symptoms of ZOloft? I'm a 27-year old female and have been taking Zoloft for chronic depression for a year and a half and decided not to take it anymore....

"I abruptly stopped 10 days ago and am starting to feel crazy. I'm light-headed, dizzy, disoriented, sleepy, irritable, and more emotional than usual. I'm having difficutly concentrating. Today I didn't feel "together" enough to drive my car. My nightmares have worsened in terms of intensity and violence (I have them every time I sleep) The strangest symptom withdrawal I've noticed is that I'm losing my taste for cigarettes."

"....I haven't discussed stopping with my psych... b) she gives me **** for being a daily pot smoker."

This is almost exactly a description of me, except I've only been on it for about six months, I took a week to wean myself off, and I am supposed to start a new presciption for Prozac, but these synptoms are terrible, (it's also starting to affect my breathing) and I wondered if anyone else has experienced this.

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First of all~ to everyone who posted here, and is experiencing Z. withdrawal symptoms~ I'm incredibly sympathetic. I'm also completely outraged at the drug companies (especially Pfizer) who have not published any information regarding withdrawal; and the doctors who have dismissed patient complaints and advised higher dosages. This is really ignorant. I am experiencing dizziness as I type this, even though I'm just sitting calmly at my computer. Here is my story...
I'm a 21 year old female and I've been on Z. for major depression for about a year and a half. My doctor works for a local human service organization, therefore I get treatment for free. I started out at 50mg, then 100mg, and recently I graduated to 150mg. About a week ago I was told that my doctor would not authorize any more medication for me until I came in for another appointment. (I missed my last two.) The nurse told me to "just hang in there".
I immediately began experiencing withdrawal symptoms. The dizziness is the most frightening because it's almost constant. I feel like the only relief would be sleep but when I close my eyes to try to fall asleep I get this strange sensation, like a low-voltage electrical jolt, through my head. I thought this might be just my imagination until I read the accounts of "electric-shock sensations" on this message board. I also have some diarrhea, but I have been diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome in the past, so I'm not sure that's relevant. Physically, I feel "apart from myself". Hard to explain, but I'm assuming anyone who reads this will recognize this feeling. Before I began Z. my depression caused me a lot of hopelessness, procrastination, irritability, etc. Now it's like these symptoms are magnified, worse than they were before I was on any drug. On Z., I was able to hold two jobs, one for a year and a half, and one for 6 months (something I've never done before) and became pretty optimistic, comparitively. But in the last week I've missed two days of work, just not being able to motivate myself to get out of bed, not even calling in sick. Suddenly I'm avoiding my responsibilities, which in turn just makes me feel worthless. I've been snapping at my boyfriend so much that he has realized I'm not in my right mind and has decided to just try to reassure me and be as nice as possible to avoid provoking me. (Not something he does often.)
It's really scary to be in this position. I hate being dependant on drugs, but I figured it was fine since Z. was helping me, and my Dr. had said when I began using it, that I would be able to discontinue it in a year or so. I don't feel "cured" at all right now. I feel like taking Z. was pointless, since I'm back where I started, only with withdrawal symptoms to add to the fun.
My Dr. appointment is on Jan. 29th. Until then, I'm not sure how I'm going to cope with everyday life. I cry over the most trivial things lately, like missing the bus. I'm almost afraid to go to work because I'm sure I'll break down or something. Start crying or get in an argument. That is not normal behavior.
I hope to post an update here after my appointment. I'll be interested to hear what my Dr. has to say. My email address is ***@****. If anyone would like to contact me for any reason, please feel free. I have to say, just knowing that there are people out there going through the same thing as I am makes me feel a whole lot better. Blessed be.

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First of all~ to everyone who posted here, and is experiencing Z. withdrawal symptoms~ I'm incredibly sympathetic. I'm also completely outraged at the drug companies (especially Pfizer) who have not published any information regarding withdrawal; and the doctors who have dismissed patient complaints and advised higher dosages. This is really ignorant. I am experiencing dizziness as I type this, even though I'm just sitting calmly at my computer. Here is my story...
I'm a 21 year old female and I've been on Z. for major depression for about a year and a half. My doctor works for a local human service organization, therefore I get treatment for free. I started out at 50mg, then 100mg, and recently I graduated to 150mg. About a week ago I was told that my doctor would not authorize any more medication for me until I came in for another appointment. (I missed my last two.) The nurse told me to "just hang in there".
I immediately began experiencing withdrawal symptoms. The dizziness is the most frightening because it's almost constant. I feel like the only relief would be sleep but when I close my eyes to try to fall asleep I get this strange sensation, like a low-voltage electrical jolt, through my head. I thought this might be just my imagination until I read the accounts of "electric-shock sensations" on this message board. I also have some diarrhea, but I have been diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome in the past, so I'm not sure that's relevant. Physically, I feel "apart from myself". Hard to explain, but I'm assuming anyone who reads this will recognize this feeling. Before I began Z. my depression caused me a lot of hopelessness, procrastination, irritability, etc. Now it's like these symptoms are magnified, worse than they were before I was on any drug. On Z., I was able to hold two jobs, one for a year and a half, and one for 6 months (something I've never done before) and became pretty optimistic, comparitively. But in the last week I've missed two days of work, just not being able to motivate myself to get out of bed, not even calling in sick. Suddenly I'm avoiding my responsibilities, which in turn just makes me feel worthless. I've been snapping at my boyfriend so much that he has realized I'm not in my right mind and has decided to just try to reassure me and be as nice as possible to avoid provoking me. (Not something he does often.)
It's really scary to be in this position. I hate being dependant on drugs, but I figured it was fine since Z. was helping me, and my Dr. had said when I began using it, that I would be able to discontinue it in a year or so. I don't feel "cured" at all right now. I feel like taking Z. was pointless, since I'm back where I started, only with withdrawal symptoms to add to the fun.
My Dr. appointment is on Jan. 29th. Until then, I'm not sure how I'm going to cope with everyday life. I cry over the most trivial things lately, like missing the bus. I'm almost afraid to go to work because I'm sure I'll break down or something. Start crying or get in an argument. That is not normal behavior.
I hope to post an update here after my appointment. I'll be interested to hear what my Dr. has to say. My email address is ***@****. If anyone would like to contact me for any reason, please feel free. I have to say, just knowing that there are people out there going through the same thing as I am makes me feel a whole lot better. Blessed be.

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Hey Fellow Zoloft withdrawal Zombies!

Here is my update.  

Started to taper off of Z Dec. 29th.  I was on 50mg a day. I started taking 50 mg. every other day.  Sides not too bad. Second week I started taking 25mg a day. Now for this next week I will take 25mg every other day.  The sides are....

Confusion at times.  Boredom.  I was never bored on Z.  Negativity, Very impatient.   Hyper. , Muscles tensing up alot.
Still not much of a libido.   I am sleeping better.  I get very exhausted and feel like I'm going to pass out at times.  Severe diarrhea at times. Less nasal congestion. Not as content as I was on Z.  

I figure it took 6 weeks to take effect.  So it will probably take 6 weeks to wean myself off of it.  

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This all sounds so bleak.  If any of you have successfully returned to health after weaning from Zoloft, please share how you did it.  How long did it take for the effects of withdrawal to resolve themselves?  Does it make sense to just hang in there and stick it out or is it better to restart the meds and wean even more slowly than so many of us have?

To the person who said that Zoloft has been a lifesaver for many family members - I'm not sure there is any reason to argue that.  It can be a lifesaver, however, I don't think there has been any research done on how long it is necessary to take these drugs AND there clearly has been no research done on how to handle withdrawal symptoms.  We are told to take it slowly but exactly how slowly?  And is it possible to come off this drug slowly enough to avoid all negative effects of withdrawal?  No one seems to know the answer to this.  It's infuriating to think that the drug companies have no accountability in this area.  As I type this, my head spins, and I'm wondering for how long this will continue.  

To all of you - thank you for sharing your stories.  Misery really does love company!  It makes me feel less isolated and less like I'm slacking off because I'm uneasy about driving to work or walking down the stairs to do laundry!
In hope,
Margaret   (***@****)
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I noticed a post from someone who had no difficulty getting off Prozac but when later put on Zoloft had problems getting off.  Zoloft leaves your system much faster than Prozac.  After two weeks of terrible withdrawal symptoms I couldn't stand it any more.  My doctor put me on Prozac.  Within a day my withdrawal symptoms disappeared.  The theory is that Prozac stays in your system for a while even after you stop taking it.  So it usually causes little or no withdrawal effects.  Aside from my own doctor recommending this I have also read elsewhere of this method being used to get people off of other SSRI's that cause withdrawal.
I've only been on the Prozac a couple of weeks, don't think it's even working yet, except that it helped with the zoloft withdrawal.  My plan is to stay on until the spring, which is when I normally get happier anyway.  Then I'll try to get off it.

This is the same Jen that's posted previously.
I have a new email address now if anyone would like to talk to me:
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Hi all you ssri fans!  Zoloft is a wonderful drug in times of need. Like the severe depression I went through 6 years ago. In 6 weeks time I was able to tolerate problems and frustrations like never before. I felt like I was the person that I always wanted to be.

Yes, I have had a weight gain of around 40 pounds in 6 years. I am an R.N. and have analyzed this to be do from a decreased tolerance of exercise the higher the dose. Also to a kind of numbing to the sensation of being full and a general lack of will power.  My energy and will power return during the times when I quit Zoloft. ...but I never quit for very long...

I have been on "Vitamin Z" for going on 6 years. I can't get off. The most I've been off is about 3 weeks. The depression is gone. How do I get off?  

I have tried tapering and cold turkey. I have not experienced any of the withdrawel effects that were described in this forum except for  I feel good. I perceive myself as OK and relating to people OK. . .but I have been told that I am not OK...I turn into a B----!  I have no tolerance for anything or anyone. I get very negative. My temper has a short fuse. My husband says that I am rude to people. My perception is that I am being friendly. He says I am lashing out at people. Stirring up trouble. He can always tell when I go off my Vitamin Z.  So why do I try to go off?

I forgot what its like to have a sex drive. ON Zoloft I could take it of leave it. I don't miss it. I am content. Not too good for my hubby though.  

I also grind my teeth a lot on Z.  I have gained weight. . . and have a sort of chronic mild diarrhea.

. My Dr. has offered to switch me to Wellbutrin, which does not effect libido. Has anyone had any experience with going off Z. and starting on W.?  Do you still go through Withdrawel from Zoloft even though you are starting Wellbutrin?

Just how long does it take before all the Zoloft withdrawel effects go away?

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I have been reading the numerous emails on Zoloft withdrawal and have experienced most of the symptoms mentioned.  I am 27 years old was on Prozac for two years for panic attacks.  I then came off because I always felt like everything was a dream and I still had anxiety.  I had absolutely no problem coming off of Prozac and to my amazement, I was panic free for one year.  The symptoms started to resurface so I got on Zoloft.  After about a year on Zoloft, I decided that I would come off because my husband and I would like to start a family.  I did not hesitate because of the good experience that I had coming off Prozac.  I called my OB/GYN and she told me to taper off over a two week period.  Boy was she wrong!  I was off of it completely about three days when the withdrawal symtpoms set in.  The one that frigtened me most was was that crazy eye delay (feeling like your eyes have to catch up when you look at something).  I also felt like a was extremely hung over even though I had not had anything to drink.  My husband is very supportive, but he thought that my anxiety was probably coming back.  I knew that this was different.  After feeling horrible for 3 days, I got on my computer and found these postings about Zoloft withdrawal.  I immdediately went downstairs and took my regular dose (50 mg/day).  Within a couple of hours, I was fine.  Monday morning I called my internist to get her advice.  She wrote me a prescription for 25 mg.  She suggested alternating between 50 mg and 25 mg every day and then EVENTUALLY alternating between 25 mg and 12.5 mg and so on.  She said that Zoloft withdrawal can be severe if stopped abruptly and that I should take it as slow as possible.

I haven't actually tried it yet--I guess that I am still afraid of experiencing those symptoms!  I know that I tend to get long-winded, but maybe this way may work for some of you.  If I find that something works for me, I will let you all know!
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I had been on Zoloft for about a year, with side-effects of nausea, mild elation & dizziness.  About a month and a half ago, I was having to write 200 pages of my PhD and teaching at the same time, so I was getting very little sleep.  I made a suicide attempt by swallowing about 300 assorted pills, including 100 zolofts.  I was in a coma for 3 days.  My psychiatrist immediately took me off the zoloft, saying the manic feelings were symptoms of an overdose -- the anti-depressant basically acted as a powerful, amphetamine-like substance.  According to her, this is not an unusual consequence of zoloft-taking.  Having already tried prozac, paxil, wellbutrin and anafranil,I am now on Laraxyl (Elavil), and experiencing mood changes, chronic mouth dryness, mild facial twitching, some feelings of vertigo, but at least the sleeping has improved.  I would like to hear from anyone who has had similar experiences and/or who is currently using Elavil or a similar substance.
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A couple of weeks ago I took the last of my Depakote, Zoloft and Klonopin and was unable to get a refill because I have temporarily lost Medicaid.  Right about that same time I started getting really bad dizziness/vertigo.  I had also started on Augmentin for a UTI which I have taken before with no problems but this time was unable to keep it down.  Just made me really sick to my stomach.  Well my UTI is still there and the dizziness has shown no sign of letting up and has been so bad that it makes it hard to function and so I finally got concerned and went to the ER tonight.  The doctors answer was that it was probably from not being on those pills and so he had the social worker come in and talk to me and she helped me with getting the scripts I needed.  I guess they paid for them.  Anyways, I am going to start back on the pills because I can't take this dizziness anymore but I am concerned because my husband and I had started talking about the idea of maybe getting pregnant since I was already off the medication.  Other than the dizziness as a possible side effect, I have been doing fine mentally, being off my medication and so we were wanting me to stay off and get pregnant.  Well, now I don't know what to do.  I won't get pregnant while on these pills (especially the Depakote) but can't handle the withdrawals.  What do I do?  I am thinking of maybe taking them again until the dizziness goes away and then over the next couple of weeks maybe slowly weaning off of them but don't know if that will make a difference with the vertigo.  I can't handle going through this dizziness anymore.  I have taken Depakote and Zoloft before and then stopped taking it real quick and was off it for a few years and never went through the dizziness before so I don't understand why it would affect me this time around.  The only thing I can think of is that I was not on Klonopin also then and maybe somehow that is making a difference this time around.  I am concerned about this.  I would like to get off these meds so that I can get pregnant but don't know how to avoid the side effects.  Any advice would be appreciated.  You can email me at angel_eyes10101***@**** .  

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I cannot believe all these stories I am reading!  All the side effects that everybody says they have had.  I want to let you all know that Zoloft has been a life saver for 3 of my family members, and they were all on it for more than 3 years and never complained of any side effects.  But each one of them was started on either Prozac, or Paxil, and had to stop them because they didn't work, or the side effects were to bad.  They would fight tooth and nail to tell anyone that Zoloft has been the best thing they could have ever taken for their depression and anxiety!  I also have a friend who started taking Celexa, and he says he is now impotent.  He had a perfectly healthy sex life with his wife before he started taking it for his depression.  Just thought I would let you know that you all are few and far between with people who experience bad side effects with Zoloft.
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I quit Zoloft cold-turkey on November 19, four days before Thanksgiving. My doctor happened to mention in passing that Zoloft had been linked anecdotally to weight gain, which I'd defnitely noticed over the course of a two-year program. so I asked him what else I should or should take, and he gave me a scrip for Wellbutrin. He said to switch over and I'd be right as rain. I decided to get off the Zoloft and see how I felt in a week or so, before starting the WB: figured if I could get off of meds entirely, then hooray for me! DUMB IDEA. On Wednesday, four days later, Thanksgiving Eve dawned grey and gloomy down here in Texas, but that was fine. I was looking forward to a wonderful holiday with my family (I'm 48, father of two college kids and happily married to the same woman). Doing last minute chores during the morning, I started feeling coldness in my hands. Yet it was 60 degrees out, which for me, is still shorts and pullover weather. Thinking nothing about it really, I put on slacks and a sweater and ran errands. Kept getting colder, so I turned the heat up, even fired up the seat warmers, which I NEVER use. Still couldn't get warm and started shivering. Within minutes, my teeth were chattering uncontrollably, and I pulled over to the side of the road to get myself together. By this time, I'm also feeling disoriented and dizzy...the same dizziness a woman above described as not being able to move your eyes and your head independently. Try THAT for a weird feeling! To top it off, I started getting that same "electric shock" sensation in my ears that others have described. So here I am, it's about 100 degrees in this car, and I'm shaking uncontrollably, I swear, almost convulsing, and not a little anxious about all of this, I might add. Now, I've been cold before...Toronto in the winter, and so on, but I'd never felt anything like this before. I figured it was the Zoloft, as I recalled hearing about it on a news program on ABC, so I called my wife from the cell phone and said, I'm coming home, have a zoloft tablet ready for me and call the damn shrink. I spent the rest of the day in bed, and the symptoms subsided about 40% within an hour: within four hours, I was at 60%. The next day, Thankgsgiving, was fine, altho I hit the sack early. today, I'm fine except for a muscle I pulled in my back this morning moving some furniture, and it's searing. Never felt a muscle spasm like this: it rolled right across my back over the course of three hours. To wind up this interminable story, the shrink confirmed that it WAS withdrawal, to get back to my regular dosage, stay on it a couple days and SLOWLY wean off of it, then switch to the WB. Morale of the story: I've had some weird stuff happen to me in my life, including a very painful surgery or two, but NOTHING compared to this. I'm going to VERY CAREFULLY get off this stuff and try to stay off it. If you're considering coming off Zoloft, PLEASE do it gradually (and stay off the highways!) If anybody wants to email me, it's ***@**** (that's letters BMEL, then numbers two-one-one. Have a great holiday!
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I think there's a good chance that what you're experiencing right now is not what you were like before the meds.  My aunt went off Zoloft after having been on it for 5 years and it took her six weeks before she felt somewhat normal again.  I've been on it since I was 17, I am now 23 and now I've been off it for a week.  It's been one hellish week.  I haven't actually run out. I'm getting to the point where I feel like taking just a little bit just to get through tonight.  But then I just worry about prolonging the withdrawal affects.  One thing I'd like to say though, since you're suicidality was primarily due to you period:  there's another option if you're open to using birth control.  My depression was not cause by my period but it did worsen around my period.  Now I don't get a period anymore.  I used to have such painfully debilitating periods that they kept me out of work.  I used to take the tri-phase type of birth control pills.  But my periods were still horrible.  I've been tested for every possible cause of painful periods except for endometriosis for which they would have to make an incision and go inside me.  My doctors kept trying different pills and finally one day my ob/gyn put me on a monophasic pill called Necon.  The first month I was on it I didn't get my period for the week I was on the sugar pills.  Of course I was somewhat concerned so I got a pregnancy test, it was negative, I went to my dr to get another one, which was also negative.  She told me that if I was comfortable not getting a period that I could just take the active pills continuously.  I could stop every four months if I wanted just for reassurance.  I know some women aren't comfortable with the idea of not having a period but I was glad to see mine go.  The last time I took the inactive pills I didn't even get one.  I must say prior to taking the monophasic pill I did notice a change in my moods throughout my cycle.  Now that I'm on the same dosage all month long my moods are more stable.  I don't go crazy around "that time of the month" anymore.  I know there's still some controversy surrounding this issue but there seems to be more and more evidence that it's perfectly safe as I have read about it in various women's magazines including Cosmo and Glamour, as well as in the Boston Globe.  I must say it's helped me a lot.  It's something you might want to consider asking your doctor about when you get through the zoloft withdrawal.  Not to mention birth control is a lot cheaper than Zoloft.  I also am now a firm believer that drs who don't specialize in psychiatry should not be prescribing psychiatric drugs...or at least not without a psychiatric referral.

feel free to email me

by the way I tried your yahoo email address and it didn't seem to work.  Do you have yahoo messenger?
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One thing I want to add here for everyone.  In Dr. Glenmullen's book "Prozac backlash" he lists the most common effects of SSRI withdrawal as follows:

1.  Disequilibrium (e.g., dizziness, spinning sensations, swaying, or difficulty walking)

2.  gastrointestinal symptoms (e.g., nasea, vomiting)

3.  flu-like symptoms (e.g., fatigue, lethargy, muscle pain, chills)

4.  sensory disturbances (e.g., tingling, electric shock sensations)

5.  sleep disturbances (e.g., insomnia, vivid dreams)

this can be found on page 72 in his book.

I have to say I've been experiencing number 1 full force now for the entire week I've been off Zoloft.  I've had symptoms of 2, 3 and 4 as well.

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I am currently suffering the debilitating side affects of Zoloft withdrawal.  Much of what I've read here really rings close to home and I have to say it's really irritating that there isn't a lot of medical data out there that explains all of this.  I want to highly recommend to everyone who's taking, considering taking or has taken SSRI's that you consider reading the book "Prozac Backlash" by Dr. Joseph Glenmullen.  He has done extensive research on the effects of these drugs and the withdrawal affects.  This is the first information I have come across that's actually written by a medical professional.  I have to admit, it's nice to know someone has taken the time to research this subject, yet it's still very irritating at the lack of knowledge most medical professionals have (or want to have) with regards to the side affects of these drugs.  

I can't say the book totally helped me because it can't change the fact that I was ever on Zoloft and the affects that I've suffered from it.  But it's nice to see that documentation is starting to become available from actual medical professionals and it's nice to see I'm not completely crazy for what I'm experiencing.  My own doctor seemed pretty clueless.  

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Hi I went off Zoloft 5 days ago and have been haveing numbness, headachs, dizziness, I spent 6 hours in the hospital and they said I have a kiddney infection, Because i had pain in my back and the test said I did. They did a Ct test and it was normal. I have a 6 year old and I was sleepy all the time more after i went on it then before. So I went off it I could not put my son at risk Because I was sleepy. I am very upset that the doctor or pharmacist did not tell me about this med. I was only on it for 3 mounths. I go to the doctor Monday and I am not a mean person but when it comes to some one mot telling me what the meds would do to me to were it hurt the well being of me and my son that makes me upset. So I am going to find a different doc and I am thinking about getting a lawyer, I could not even walk the other day it scared me and my son. I hope all of you do the same and I hope you all start to feel better. as i read all your messages it make me angry that this people did this to all of us.
Thank you for letting me tell you all about this.
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Well obviuosly like everyone else I am experiencing the side effects of going off Zoloft.  I started taking Zoloft in April of 1997 because I would become extremely suicidal just before my period.  This had been happening since I first experienced my period at age 10 and at age 25 I was still experiencing this.  I thought I was just a lost cause.  Little did I know until my boyfriend stated that it only would happen during this time.  My OB/GYN put me on 25mg.  You would think as a psychologist myself I would notice these changes in my body.  Sometimes it is easier to notice these tihngs in others.
  Anyway, I have been experiencing severe finacial hardship, not being able to find a job anywhere despite my Master's Degree. Because I have had no health insurance for over 3 years, I have had to pay out-of-pocket for my Zoloft.  Well I can no longer afford the $150 or so a month and had to quit cold turkey about 4 weeks ago.  I am 28 years old and I feel like I could loose control at any moment.  I keep getting dizzy and couldn't figure it out.  Orthostatic hypotension, a tumor on my brain?  I could not find any answers until I found this page.  I am a psychologist for crying out loud and could not find any information anywhere on antidepressent withdrawal and its side effects.  Is that nuts?  
Here is what I am experiencing: creepy crawling sensations, crabbiness, neck tightening, migraines, headache, dizziness, fatigue, nausea after eating, loss of memory, increased negative thought, suicidal ideation, insomnia, crazy dreams and nightmares, chills, anxiousness, irritability, crying spells, increased anxiety, inability to want to get out of bed, and a feeling of strangeness.  I kept thinking to myself 'Is this what I really am?  A big old mess that can not control herself? Was I like this before the meds?'
  How long do these effects stay and can I get by one day without feeling like I want to kill myself?
It just goes to show that even the professionals like myself that are keenly aware of depression and other disorders are battling this as well.
Please help:
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Zoloft withdrawl has been very difficult for me.  I am not convinced that discontinuing this drug at a slower pace makes much of a difference to the mentioned symptoms. After taking Zoloft for one and a half years, I chose to stop taking it and try alternative methods.  I decreased my dose, which was 150mg per day, over a three week period. I incurred most of the mentioned withdrawl symptoms.  They started right away and have remained now for one and a half months.  The symptoms are subsiding a great deal for the most part, but some days can still be very bad.  The day after my last pill I started taking L-5-hydroxy Tryptophan, 100mg, 3 times per day.  I tried a couple of brands, different combinations and settled with Solaray's L-5-hydroxy Tryptophan plus vitamins B-6 and C.  I believe this natural dietary supplement, which has given me no side effects, is for now my best source of help.  It does take one to three months to kick in, but it truly has been my God send.  There is lots of info available, via internet and books. Please research it, it may change your life forever.  You may respond to this at ***@****  God bless you and may He be your main source.
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i just thought i would add along with the million other comments that i experienced most of those same side effects as well.  i started taking zoloft last march for depression, which turned out to be borderline personality disorder.  i took it for a month and then i went through a week in which i experienced no depression, so i stopped taking it because i didn't think it was really doing anything- i thought i was just better.  i had only been on 50mg, which is a very weak dose, but after i stopped i would get odd experiences whenever i moved up/down/right/left.  it was like when you spin around until you're dizzy and then you stop but the room keeps moving and your body feels like it is, too. every time i moved and then stopped, i felt as though i was still moving. my eyes didn't match up with my body, and i saw everything kind of "delayed."  i was scared, so i decided to go back on zoloft, and the symtoms stopped.  however, they come back if i miss even 2 doses of it.  it's bizarre.  i don't even want to take zoloft anymore, but i am afraid to stop and let those weird experiences come back.
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I stopped taking Celexa six days ago. It was prescribed for menepausal symptoms including night sweats, insomnia, irritability and irregular & painful menses.  After four months on Celexa, I decided to come off. I am always tired, have gained 10 pounds, but most distressing of all, I am chronically constipated.  Since stopping the druug in the last six days, I have developed flu like syptoms, an acute dizziness, and an irritable bowel; Explosive diarrhea and bowel distention (read: the bloats--can't zip my pants comfortably) are the worst problems. My eyes are extremely scratchy feeling and I'm exhausted and yawning by midday. My irritability has returned but I am managing to keep it under control (just barely). I have had various sleep disturbances, including vividly negative dreams and numerous   awakenings during the night for no apparent reason. I exercise, eat nutrionally balanced meals and am moderate in my habits. I suppose this will take some time
to leave my system and it is what it is. Unfortunatly, these significant physical and emotional disturbances were not laid out for me as a patient starting the prescription. I think I will work on the symptoms from a diet angle and try to forgive myself and go easy these next few weeks. Hope my family can too (-:
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I'm a 27yo woman.  Been on Zoloft for about 18mos, following severe depression.  My psych and my PCP sent me to a neurologist after I started dribbling food on myself, "dropping" words, and losing small motor skills; neuro/psych guy diagnosed depression and I started on 50 mg, working up to 100 mg.  
It helped TREMENDOUSLY...more than I would've thought possible.  I've always been more than a little leery of treating emotional disorders with meds, but I'm a believer now!  With an appropriate diagnosis and the right Rx, these drugs really do work.  that doesn't mean they're not over-used or inappropriately prescribed, but I really believe Zoloft made the difference for me...went from a really bad downhill spiral into functionality.  I finished school, got my medical license, and have dealt with various personal stressors like a *normal* person.  Like I did before the depression.  I've been really, really pleased.  Had some trouble with my libido at first, but that resolved on its own.
Took it for about a year, talked w/my doc about going off (just to see what happened) and she recommended I wait until spring.  Missed a few doses (at first accidental, then "just to see") and was FLOORED by side effects.  Went back on my meds like a good girl.
Now, our insurance policy is changing and the paperwork (surprise!) is taking longer than it should.  This drug is incredibly expensive if you don't have insurance: $128 for 30 day supply at 150mg.
I thought I'd try a reduced dosage for a few days until the insurance came through, and have been getting steadily worse for the past 5 days.  
Physical side effects: the electric shock feeling others have described, incredible dizziness when I change position, and a kind of fullness in my head that makes it difficult to think.  Really hard time with my small motor skills...my typing is slower and lots less accurate (have to backspace a lot) and I'm dropping things unless I'm very careful.  
Emotional side effects: irritable, suspicious (just *sure* my lover's trying to leave me), lack of confidence in myself (of course, this might be the right attitude to have, given my lack of physical abilities), and difficulties with coordination (putting one foot in front of the other).
I don't feel depressed, I feel like an addict in withdrawal.  The medical literature does not describe these "side effects" & my doc acts like she doesn't really believe that I'm having these problems as a result of Zoloft withdrawals.  
At first I just planned on going back on the drug after the insurance kicked in.  Now I vacillate between going straight to the pharmacy and just paying for the %&!@ stuff myself and resolving to NEVER take it again.  
Some things that have helped me cope:
acting normal/pushing myself to perform normal daily activities like doing the dishes, getting up in the morning, brushing my teeth, etc.  
Exercise--I think the natural endorphins help your brain equalize.  
Alcohol--not the smartest thing, maybe, but it seems to help if I have a shot of Bailey's in my cocoa...maybe I'm just better able to deal with feeling disoriented if I'm tipsy.

It's also helpful to read that others are going through the same weird situation.  When you're diagnosed with an emotional disorder, even when you're surrounded by supportive people who are well-informed and act nonjudgemental, it's hard not to judge yourself sometimes.  Our culture really associates illness (of any kind) with character flaws.  Having an anonymous forum for expressing my feelings and experiences really helps.

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When I ran out of Zoloft, it took about a day and a half to start noticing withdrawal symptoms (I take 75 mg a day).

The first thing that started to happen was dizziness, light headedness and these weird 'jitters'. By 'jitters' I mean I felt like I got a jolt through my body every few minutes. The longer I was off the Zoloft, the worse the 'jitters' got.

Zoloft may allow me to deal with life, but I completely lost any desire for sex and I always feel like my life is a dream. Also, I have extreme difficulty concentrating.  

Since I explained to my psychiatrist these symptoms, she has put me on 150 mg of Wellbutrin to boost my energy levels and hopefully restore my sexdrive. Personally I just feel like I'm being drugged more than helped.

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I'm on vacation with my brother and forgot my zoloft at home. It's been four days and I have five more days to go. I am so sick I don't know what to do. I was wondering if there was anything I could take to hold off the withdrawl symptoms until I can get home on monday. :-(
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Anyone wishing to learn the truth about one of the initial FDA studies that approved Zoloft should read this posting. I was in one of those studies and comlained loudly that the long term side effects were horrible. If your severe side effects last anything less than 3 years, you are very, very lucky. Pharmaceutical companies are interested in publishing the truth, only a profit. If you have had serious side effects after trying to withdraw from Zoloft, please contact me:


I will be happy to help you sue Pfizer. If you are considering taking Zoloft, DON'T.

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I just want to say that I too have gone through the withdrawl symptoms of Zoloft.  When I am on Zoloft I am completely great I have no side affects as far as I can tell.  
I could not get my prescription for 4 days once, they were the days from hell.  I could not stand up or turn my head without getting dizzy. I felt like I had the flu. I had to call out of work, I thought I was going to lose my job. The worst thing is that my doctor had no idea what I was talking about, I couldn't even get a doctor's excuse. I just hate having a drug in control of me, I don't know if I will ever be able to go off Zoloft.
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