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what is wrong with me...anxiety?

Hello..i have some serious concerns on my mind..I am 23 years old and feel like I should not have these problems. To start I have acid reflux and allergies to ragweed (this season) , grass, dust mites. I have been getting a tightness/pressure in the left side of my neck and I am so worried about it. I am planning on seeing a neurologist asap. What can this be. I know that acid reflux/heartburn can cause burning in the throat but I feel like a pressure/tightness in the left side of the neck. One of my doctors have said I had anxiety in the past. Can this be it? stress? I am always tired and feel like I'm not in my body. Kind of like I am groggy or just out of it all day. What can this be? Please help me out. I had a CT early this year which came back fine and a chest x-ray. Why do I always feel run down and this tightness. Can it be like a caroded artery. Would that feel like this. Any comments would help since I am paranoid about this feeling. Thanks for your help out there. Also, do you think ragweed can attribute to me feeling like run down and dizzy/out of it/tired? I have taken xanax before and they help to calm me down but I have been experiencing this pressure in the neck more lately.  Please help me out . Thanks again.  Also, I am constantly getting sinus infections.  Please try to make sense of all this.
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I have put away the Linden Method and have not touched it since I cured my self.  I have also deleted the 10,000 bookmarks from my computer, and the $8,500 worth of books about anxiety.  The only time I read about anxiety is in a medical context for work.  Except when I came on here to share my story.  I don't know what you plan on doing with your Psychology major, but  I hope it helps overcome your anxiety.  This is the last time I will reply on this subject.  I will treat you like I would treat a patient who needs a break from going to the doctor over and over again.  I would tell you don't keep trying to figure out why the anxiety makes you feel like it does.  Go and find what is causing it.  Not the chemical imbalance excuses, what is really causing it.  Figure that out and resolve it, and then find peace with your mind.  After that go back to your life, cured of anxiety and ready to face life's challanges renewed and even better than you were before.  You can't see it now, but when it is over your will be so proud of yourself and amazed at how you conquered anxiety.  I hope everyone in here gets the happeniess back they once had.

God bless you all!
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Trust me that I know how anxiety feels.  It took my a long time to stop crying and to get out of bed.  I am not some wimp.  I served in Panama and Desert Storm as a medic.  I am finishing medical school while supporting a family.  I went through all this with no anxiety for the most part.  But when I got anxiety, it hit HARD!!!!  Don't tell me I don't understand.  I understand more than most do now that I have come out the other end.  I also see people all the time with it since I am becoming a doctor and work in a hospital. 50 % of the patients are suffering some form of anxiety.
For six months I could not function.  With all the stuff I learned in medical school I knew what every sensation I felt meant.  But with all that knowledge I always thought the worst case senerio, like MS, Lupus, Diabetes,Cancer Parkinsons.  I have had almost every medical test.  I drove my family crazy.  So I know what it feels like.  I came on here saying how I fixed it, trying to share what I learned.  I figured having someone in this forum who SOLVED thier anxiety is much better than getting advice from people trapped in it.  Listening to people like you is what kept me trapped in anxiety for so long.  How dare you tell someone as a HCP that drugs are probably the only solution.
You might not get a cookie for trying to cure your anxiety without meds, but you sure can have a happier life.


So if everyone in here wants to take advice from a person suffering from anxiety, go ahead.  You want to know what it means to be anxiety free.  Like you use to feel before anxiety without taking drugs. Thats what it means.  I come on this website because I work in the medical filed and am interested hearing what people are thinking.  But if you are suffering from anxiety for god sakes stay out of websites like this and do something to fix your life.

Calling it a disease is an easy way NOT to get off your butt to try to fix it.  It is the hardest thing in the world I ever had to do.  Notice how many times you call it "my anxiety" when talking to others.  It almost like you have a pet dog.  "I can't go out because of my anxiety." " I can't go to work becuase of my anxiety."

See how my tone is compared to others.  I am not spiteful like some others.  I wish someone like me was around to help me when this first hit.  But I listened to people that had anxiety, that where trapped themselves. When I stopped looking up things about my anxiety every 5 minutes, that when the worm turned.  

Good luck to all, and may you travel the road that helps you be anxiety-free!!!!

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Trust me that I know how anxiety feels.  It took my a long time to stop crying and to get out of bed.  I am not some wimp.  I served in Panama and Desert Storm as a medic.  I am finishing medical school while supporting a family.  I went through all this with no anxiety for the most part.  But when I got anxiety, it hit HARD!!!!  Don't tell me I don't understand.  I understand more than most do now that I have come out the other end.  I also see people all the time with it since I am becoming a doctor and work in a hospital. 50 % of the patients are suffering some form of anxiety.
For six months I could not function.  With all the stuff I learned in medical school I knew what every sensation I felt meant.  But with all that knowledge I always thought the worst case senerio, like MS, Lupus, Diabetes,Cancer Parkinsons.  I have had almost every medical test.  I drove my family crazy.  So I know what it feels like.  I came on here saying how I fixed it, trying to share what I learned.  I figured having someone in this forum who SOLVED thier anxiety is much better than getting advice from people trapped in it.  Listening to people like you is what kept me trapped in anxiety for so long.  How dare you tell someone as a HCP that drugs are probably the only solution.
You might not get a cookie for trying to cure your anxiety without meds, but you sure can have a happier life.


So if everyone in here wants to take advice from a person suffering from anxiety, go ahead.  You want to know what it means to be anxiety free.  Like you use to feel before anxiety without taking drugs. Thats what it means.  I come on this website because I work in the medical filed and am interested hearing what people are thinking.  But if you are suffering from anxiety for god sakes stay out of websites like this and do something to fix your life.

Calling it a disease is an easy way to get off your butt to try to fix it.  It is the hardest thing in the world I ever had to do.  Notice how many times you call it "my anxiety" when talking to others.  It almost like you have a pet dog.  "I can't go out because of my anxiety." " I can't go to work becuase of my anxiety."

See how my tone is compared to others.  I am not spiteful like some others.  I wish someone like me was around to help me when this first hit.  But I listened to people that had anxiety, that where trapped themselves. When I stopped looking up things about my anxiety every 5 minutes, that when the worm turned.  

Good luck to all, and may you travel the road that helps you be anxiety-free!!!!

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You definitely sensed anger in my tone.  Now you are sensing anger and frustration.  Of course meds are a short term fix.  That is (or should be ) class knowledge.  However, as an RN and a third year pysch major I can tell you this with complete confidence.  The meds will help.  Let me put it this way.... remember when you were a kid and your mother (or somebody) would say "Keep making that face and it will stick that way forever"?
Well, anxiety works similarly.  Your brain is a part of your body.  Just like your posture, your accent or your pattern of speech, it will "stick" in any position you hold it in long enough.  Unfortunately, not being enlightened enough to have a total view of the chemical workings of thie inside of ny brain on a daily basis (yes, folks, this is sarcasm) I was unaware of when my brain started "sticking" in the anxiety pattern.  However, when I noticed the effects (for years but I denied them) I was way to far gone to be able to handle it by myself.  Having worked in the ER and also LTC (long term care, aka nursing homes) where they hand out Xanax like candy, I was extremely predjudiced against taking what I called "dope".  I have dealt with both drug seekers and addicts coming off of this **** so hard I felt like I was dying with them because I am very empathetic.  So when the docs started recommending "pills" I can only remotely express my reluctance.  (It was more like self righteous screaming fits about how I wouldnt be one of "those" people, but lets call it reluctance so I am not embarassed for myself, okay?) Ok. Would you take morphine for a broken arm? Probably not, but pain meds certainly.  Would it heal your arm? No.  But it would make the healing process more easily dealt with.  You don't get a cookie when you die for taking more pain with less meds than anyone else.  I am voicing my opinion on this website to help people overcome the very first stages of healing.  Do you realize that most of us with anxiety can't even walk into 7-eleven without freaking out, we can't remember to pay the freaking light bill, nor can we barely organize ourselves enough to shower, brush our teeth and comb our hair and (well, just a few minutes late) make it to work, where we are striving not to "die" in public?  And fighting the feeling that we are going to.  Every moment.  Save for maybe a few...and those are SO rare.  And so welcome.  And thinking to ourselves..."What the hell is wrong with me? Why do I feel this way? Why? Why? Why?  Will it stop? Somebody please be here with me all the time so that when I finally do keel over, someone can call the right numbers to get me to a hospital?"  You say, "Stop scaring this guy!!It's JUST anxiety!"  Well, let me tell you (yes this is anger, guys) It is NOT "JUST" anxiety, friend.  It is ANXIETY.  A debilitating, crippling, ****** up and totally out of control DISEASE that some people have and some poeple don't.  I have friends that have the same problems and same lifestyle as me that never have panic or anxiety.  (I secretly despise thoses people, LOL, just kidding...kinda) What I am voicing here is a way to START your treatment.  Go to your doc.  They will get you started on meds that will then allow you to begin to take control of your life and then go on to get secondary treatment.  As soon as we all feel safe enough to not have our (unbelieveably tired of us but loving us enough to deal with us, day and night) best friends and family members on speed dial.  Giving us the ability to cope for a short while (yes, give the drugs the credit) while we learn to get back into the stream and swim.  And start looking for long term options to help us control this DISEASE. If it were not a disease, you would be able to put aside your Linden method and say, "Whew.  I am totally cured.  Don't need that anymore."  Don't hear many drunks saying that at AA. So, everybody, I am a nurse, not a doctor.  But I am suffering with this disease, and I will tell all of you that by now you are posting because the symptoms have become unbearable.  Use all of the tools in the box.  Take the meds to start with, then when you have DAILY LIFE under some sort of normal control, start  looking for long term treatment options.  And don't forget to share with us what works for you....if you can help one person out with your experiences, it is worth the ten minutes on the computer it took you to type it in.  Worth much more than that...to that person and to yourself.  And don't degrade each other, or be so self- righteous that you forget when you yourself were too freaked out to not have that phone in your hand and those people around you.  And don't forget to thank those folks when you start to get better...they deserve it.  We are a trying bunch.  All of us, here together, helping each other out.  Be kind, be careful, and don't make that  face.  It could get stuck that way.
Love and kindness,
Anger and frustration,
Fear and uncertainty,
Hope and PRIDE
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Check out www.egoscue.com.  A lot of the vertigo can be caused by your head alignment or calicum deposists.  My wife had vertigo pretty bad, they fixed it in about 30 minutes.  

A far as everyone else, do what you want with your anxiety.  I am telling you what worked for me and countless other people.  My family has a history of high blood pressure and diabetes.  But they where all FAT!  I am not.  My brother is 350 lbs and has high blood pressure and diabetes, as did my mother and father and sister.  I am 6' and 175 lbs.  I use to be fat because everyone else in my family was.  Now I am not so I am not sick.  A lot of people in my family have anxiety/depression.  When I first had anxiety the doctor said it runs in my family so live with it.  Well that was unacceptable to me.  So I figured out what caused my anxiety.  My childhood, being fat till I was 23, going to and paying for school, worrying whether I would be a good doctor, worried about my wife and kids, trying to support my family.  When I got anxiety I used my symptoms as an escape, I concentrated on those things.  I then did not have to worry about those other problems.  I left  school for a year and just sat on the couch and cried and asked why god did this to me.  The drugs helped for a short time but how was I suppose to live like that.  Thats when I did CBT (cognitive behaviour therapy).  It teached me to change the way I thought.  You realize a symptom like a leg twitch is not MS.  I was SO scared with anxiety.  It was very hard to go through.  
My family refuses to go to therapy.  The accept the family history therory.  And it is true though.  When you grow up in a certian enviorment you usually act and think like your parents. Would kids be racist if their parents or friends were not?  What about kids who turn to crime.  How is anxiety different than that?  You have developed thoughts that make you think like this.  I am not some hippie.  I am trained in ALLOPATHIC MEDICINE.  I am trained that everything in the body can be treated by drugs. That not what I believe. That why I going into a private non-HMO practice. You need what to do what is best for you.  I would like to see people off a lot of drugs.  Lipitor is a good example.  You can take fish oil (Omega-3s),exercise and eat right and your cholesterol will be lowered.  All the **** about family history of high cholesterol is bunk for the most part. Its high because they all eat ****!  A doctor in medical school will learn about 5 hours of nutrtion, and hundred of hours about pharmacology (study of drugs).  How may detail men (drug reps) to you see in your doctors office?  The ones with the briefcase full of Viagra pens and Lipitor notepads, and tickets to the Bahamas for the doctor he is seeing to go to a 'medical conference'.  Drugs have there place.  They help save lives.  But many are only meant to be used for short terms.  ADHD and anxiety are ones that are abused by the use of drugs.  ADHD is more or less a phase that usually will go away if treated correctly.  
All I want to say is do what works for you.  But don't stop on just meds as the only treatment.  Would you go to a Cardiologist if you where having a baby?  Than why would you go to a general physician for anxiety issues and have them give you a drug.  I am not a big fan of psychiatrists but a good one will be able to help you.  A  psychologist would be a better person to see, and if they think that therapy will not help they will refer you to a psychiatrist.  

Good luck to everyone.
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I'm sorry, but I tend to disagree with you. I'm sure that the Linden Method works for some people, but others have no choice but to try medication. I've tried CBT and have seen many doctors. And to say that people "create" a chemical imbalance is messed up. I come from a family that has a history of Anxiety disorders. It runs in the family. You can't say that we all "created" it. And it's not like we learned from our family members either. I never even knew so many people in the family were suffering until I got diagnosed. On the OTHER hand, I DO believe that SOME of our ways of thinking can be changed with CBT. I've learned certain things that have helped me. But I can't do it all on my own. I need help. And so do a lot of people.
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Mellisa, I sense some anger in your tone.  That is what I am talking about.  Dealing with anxiety.  If you are taking meds and that works that is great.  But you must deal with the problems causing the anxiety.  That way you anxiety will disappear.  Have you tried CBT, or did some doc tell you only meds will help.  Look at the PDR for many anti-anxiety drugs, many are only meant for the short term.  At least try something like CBT.  Only you can fix your self.  Not drugs,not MDs, only you.  Doing something like CBT will help you with that.  I was as bad as you could get with anxiety.  Now I don't have it.  If you want proof look up the numbers.  See how effective CBT is.  Don't forget that meds are not a cure.  Any doctor will tell you that.  The are suppose to assist while you fix and cure your anxiety.  And it is fixable and cureable.  You are creating any chemical imbalance.  Its not your fault, the anxiety is causing it.  But only you can help the anxiety go away.  In the long run you are fighting a battle in your mind that you are sustaining.  Did your doctor tell you to try any therapy, or did he just give you the drugs and say take these forever?  Take every step you can to cure yourself.  You don't have a disease, you have a mind that has formed habits that are keeping it stuck in anxiety.  Good luck
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Hey guys..im sorry but I am new to this..What is CBT..is xanax better than konopin?  Is there a difference?  Has anyone used the Linden Method.  Can u give me examples of what it is? and is it worth the money? Thanks
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I went to the the ER again today because I was determined that I was not normal. I knew I had some form of Vasa Vagal Syncope. That was diagnosed by the doctor. Problem was I waned to know why! I had them run a cat scan. Praise God everything came back normal and my sinuses were clear. I am also please to say I had a fantastic physician that not only did what I asked, he allowed me to make some choices wnd when he smiled and gave me an antihistamine and a motion sickness pill I took them gladlyI refused however to take the valium. I went to the CT scan and when I got back my ears had stopped ringing, my head was clear, I was a little groggy but. . I wasn't dizzy. He did some motion tests and to make this story shorter. He sent me home with Vertigo. Now I dont mean tovsimplify; I still have Vasa Vagal! I am extremely sensitive to stimulats that alter my mood. (alchohol, cigarettes, etc). and any medication that could lower my blood pressure ie. Motrin, viagra, etc.)  But the initial symptoms of me passing out during a Vagal are almost identical to a dizzy spell. The Vertigo is just another trip wire! Anyhow ,I hope I am at a balance here that I can live with. I can work on the Vagal, I can controll ther vertigo. Here's how I feel like it's working: (ON ME) sometimes when I sit or ly down I get dizzy and I panic, (because I think I'm Vagaling), my heart races, my blood pressure goes through the roof, and when my vagal kicks in nad I am in a relaxed position or sleeping BP drops too low and I pass out. (Vasa Vagal Dyncope)At least this is how I feel about it. We'll see.
Thank you for this site. It probably helped me more than anone just being able to talk about this.
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okay, this first part of this post is to everyone.  First of all, there are some symptoms that are anxiety related and some that arent.  When you have a REAL(read: identifiable on tests done at the docs) disorder (heart, lung, BP, etc. ) you will indubitably experience anxiety due to theses problems.  You will, no doubt, be given anti-anxiety drugs.  Take them.  Your docs have been to school (most of them recently ) and they KNOW what they are dealing with.  
THis part is for Idaman:  Nobody is exactly alike.  What works for you is terrific.  If it gets you through your day, you are one step ahead.  Please dont, however, rule out meds in general, because just like meds didnt work for you, maybe the Lindamn method wont work for everyone.  I need my meds to helpme cope with my life.  Hatred, predjudice and boxes are not what we should be doing here.  We should be helping each other cope.  If a special method worked for you (and excuse, me, but I am going to look up on the ******* internet your idea) I am happy.  Klonopin helped me.  I am not suggesting that the world in general start takingdrugs (it took me four years to finally agree to take klonopin or any other drug, or DOPE as I see it ) but what works is what matters.  I believe (maybe wrongly so) that if you catch VD there is no other method than antibiotics (thank god if youonly got the less serious kind) to help.  I also beieve that like any kind of infection, your body needs neds to help you fight the INFECTION off.  Do I say take drugs for ife? No.  But it can give you the edge you need to right yourself.  You talk about the brain in your post.  The brain workls on electrical impulses from neuron to neuron.  Which is why my spelling is ****** because I am on meds and that is ne of th e side effects.  Ocassionally, the brain ( due to stress, physical or mental) will go "off" balance.  I work out at all american gym three times a week with a personal trainer and I take no cafeine, alcohol, tobaccco, or fast food.  I eat clean, and nourish my body cleanly.  So. There is a CHEMICAL IMABALANCE in my brain that needs help. Meds help that.  Yes, I have unwanted side effects.  I type funny.  I cant spell and could care less about punctuation.  I am sleepy.  I slur.  But on the whole, I feel better.  No, no, Im sorry, I feel NORMAL.  Will there be withdrawls? I am certain.  But I would rather stay on this drug for the rest of my life than ever feel the way I did three weeks ago.  Scientific medication is there for a reason.  It will help some people.  I will quote to everyone who has posted now.
To everyone, Donna, esp.  When I learned I had cervical cancer, one of the posts I was on a person posted back to a post stating "I will try homeopathic therapy only." And the other woman replied "Absolutely. BUT USE ALL OF THE TOOLS IN THE BOX." That one sentance changed my life.  Use the Lindman, use Belinda Bassett, use yoga, exercise, use meds use everything that you can find to find a way out.  And USE WHAT WORKS FOR YOU.  Use all of the tools in the box.  Dontput down one persons treatment for another.  You are all (with me ) suffering.  Use everything you can find.  I will look up the Lindman treatment.  I will try it.  One more tool in my box.  But lets all try to help each other, not hate.  Sorry I didnt make any one laugh this post.  But I Have a ditry joke about an old lady whose cherry rotted and got friut flies if anyone is intereted.  LOL.  Email me for support.  ***@****.

Love and likeness,
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Sorry one more thing.  I never had allergies till the anxiety started, and have not had them since I fixed the anxiety.
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Are you trying to scare this guy!!!  It is all anxiety!!!!  These kind of sites just make it worse for somebody having anxiety.  You don't need drugs!!!  They won't work.  I had the same problem in my second year of medical school.  I had EVERY symptom you can imagine.  Yours times 100.  I was given xanax and the like and it made me worse.  Here is what you do.  I did the Linden Method.  It cost me about 170 bucks and was the best investment I ever made.  Check out his website, just type in Linden method.  It took a few months but I got better.

Things like hypothyriod and heart problems can mimic or be caused by  anxiety.  So try the method first, and see how you feel first before you take a lot of tests.  I had MRI/MRAs,CT scans of my head, neck, spine,chest; a ton of x-rays, blood work, T3 & T4 tests, EKGs, EMGs,spinal tap.  Tested for Lupus,MS,Asthma,Diabetes etc etc etc.  Guess what, it was NOTHING!!! I learned more about health from my issues with anxiety than the first three years of medical school.  I was absorbed by it.  I lived it everyday.  When I did the Linden method I started to feel better. Doing things like stop taking medication and seeing doctors all the time.

Anxiety can do a million things to you.  Your neck hurts because your posture is comprimised from stress.  You hunch over more or your breath from your chest making your shoulder go up and down, hurting your neck, head, chest, back and shoulders.  Your eyebrows fall out from stress.  Your body is so tense, so exhausted from worry that your immune system is comprimised.  Your body aches from head toe from the stress.  Your legs twitch and ache.  Your feel like your in a fog.

Exercise, Exercise, exercise, eat right, take 5 minute life breaks, anything you can to relax.  The Yeastconnection.com has a lot of things you can do, even more if you have a Candida overgrowth; which can mimic anxiety also but is easily fixable.

You will be fine.  But here is the most important thing, STOP LOOKING ALL THIS **** UP ON THE INTERNET.  It is the worst thing you can do.  And stop reading about other people problems.  Many of them have anxiety too.  Just because somebody has a thyriod problem doesn't mean you have it to.  These things can be treated even if you did.  But fix the anxiety first and these things many times will disappear.  

Good luck and relax and don't woory!
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Sorry for my misspellings in my post, I have been awake for 17 hours for work and school.

Meds for anxiety.  Do they help?  Yes they can.  Are they good for you in the long run? No.  

If you broke your arm would you just take morphine?  It would take the pain away but it would not heal you.  That is what meds do.  In the long run you still have anxiety.  A psychiatrist, a regular MD or DO will give you drugs.  Thats what they are trained to do.  Taking meds without therapy is worthless.  You need to fix your anxiety.  It is not a mental illiness or a disease.  It is a disorder that means your brain is not thinking correctly.  You have formed habits and your brain is "stuck".  You can fix it, all of you can.  It won't happen overnight.  I did the Linden method and it worked for me.  If you must see a Doctor don't see a psychiatrist, they will just give you drugs.  See a psychologist, one who is a DOCTOR.  Not a social worker or therapist.  A person who has the title DR. and Phd or Psy D.  Also make sure he uses the CBT style of therapy.  This will help you retrain your mind to think correctly.  Insurance usually only pays half of the cost, but it is worth it.  Get an extra job to pay for it if you have too.  

I know its hard.  My anxiety was very bady.  I looked in the mirror and did not even know who I was.  I thought my leg hurting was MS.  I was very bad off.  The meds made me feel good for a short time and then I got worse. I was scared.  I thought I was going crazy.  I had all kinds of thoughts.  I was thinking I was going to kill my wife, or I had other sick thoughts.  When you have anxiety your brain gets tired.  You think and feel all kinds of things.  It is amazing what it can do.  

If you feel meds will work than than try it, carefully.  But I would try therapy or the Linden method first.  If you are on meds look at the other options.  If I knew then what I know now I would of saved a lot of heartache for me and my family.  I am only trying to help.  6 months ago I would of not been able to write this without getting anxious. A year ago I could not leave my house. I can say honestly now I have not had any anxiety since I fixed myself.  Just the usual stuff that everyonme has.

I just want you guys to feel better.  When you can fix this thing you feel like you can conquer the world!!  What is harder to do than fixing your own mind?!!!!   I was right where you where.  Trust me,  try some of these things.  Don't go through all the things I had to go through for so long.

Good luck!!!
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Hello everyone. Thank you for your support. Heres the follow up.

Yesterday at 3:30 I went to my doctor and we discussed anxiety. I told him about my heart racing at 4 in the morning. His immediate response was to do a ekg. I explained that he had one in the file including a stress test, echo, enzyme, etc. He reviewed my file and the nurse said to him it dosen't look like heart symptoms. He then proceeded to agree it may be anxiety and gave me samples of LEXAPRO plus he drew blood to test my thyroid. While drawing blood the nurse lost vacume in one of the vials and had to fidget around with it until finaly she was done and guess what I PASSED OUT! right there. The doctor said it may indeed be anxiety and sent me home.

On my way back to work, I took one of the LEXAPRO and an hour later my friends my entire neck was on fire! (like too much Niacin) but this was intense! My hands started sweating and my feet started getting heavy my scalp was crawling and I headed straight home, called my wife, and we headed for ER. I wasn't going to make it to the hospital so I went by my doctors office and told the girl to call an ambulance and told one of the nurses to watch me as I took over one of their rooms.

Once again everyone frightened the doctor did a ekg and guess what! it came back normal. Well I finaly got to the ER, yet another EKG, more blood tests and after about an hour of all the confusion I sat up looked at my wife and said here goes, she got the nurse and I passed out right in fromt of her. She madly attempted to save the reading on the heart monitor but the printer was broke so all we had left was a phanton in a macine. She says I flatlined breifly but came right back on my own. Personally I think she turned the machine off screwing around with it. My wife was so pissed off because the nurse didn't even try to revive me.

I was the rushed in yet another ambulance to another Hospital with cardiologist specialist. Once there I got, yet another EKG, more blood tests stc. . . I ended up in my own room and fell asleep briefly that night and the nurse showed up the next day to take me to a Table tilt test. There I stood for 30 minutes trying so hard to pass out for these ladies so they can see what it was! The deal was if I flatline I get a pacemaker if not we do more tests. I didn't pass out. So the gave me nitroglycerin and within 7 minutes I passed outcold. The nitro tanked my blood pressure however; I did not flat line.

PROGNOSIS: I sit here in my bed tonight at home after being discharged with syncope. They say this: I have a vagal nerve that is apparently easily stimulated which as we all know drops your heart rate. Thus lowers your blood pressure, therefore I pass out. They told me it's easy to diagnose this but not so easy to treat since so many variables can effect the Vagal. I was told to increase my salt intake to keep my blood pressure up and meet with the doctor in another couple of weeks. He is afraid if I pass out somewhere where no one can help me I could hurt myself and others. His idea remains,  if this continues I will get a pace maker.

any comments? The word a little scared comes to mind.

We didn't do a cat scan since I did one about a year ago because of the same situation. once again, God??? please help me.
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ni im not past the anx....
o went to the hosital and they sent me home for the night.
and hust today i had a 3 hours conversation w my coun...
but she cant help they she would too.
ive searched everywhere i could foe help now, i dont know what to do i am still very suicidal, sooo i dont know what the night holds for me...
thankx for trying to help guys i appreciated.
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Anxiety is such a *****.  I know that they blank out all my cuss words but, darn it all, sometimes they just work.  Listen, this is the cheap way (if we were rich we would all be talking to our private shrinks right now for about three bills an hour) to get help.  Go to your local clinic.  I have been blessed with the broadway clinic in Oklahoma city.  Tell them you are dizzy. tELL THEM YOU FEEL OUT OF IT AND IN A DREAM ALL OF THE TIME.  Tell then you have a friend who had the same symptoms and took klonopin and it helped.   I have been so dizzy and out of it I ran a red light at an extremely busy intersection in the middle of rush hour with my kid in the car.  Not to mention myself.  Get some klonopin.  Its not too expensive, about thirty bucks for  a months worth. (.o5 mg 3x a day) Just try it. I was so mad when I found out it worked...mad at myself for thinking it was everything but this stupid, pointless anxiety. Pisses ya off, dont it? I think, hey, I have the same **** everyone else deals with.  Emotional troubles in relationships, troubles at work, cant ever seem to get the laundry done, damn electric bill is due again .....I mean, just every day stuff.  Why am I fainting and falling out and totally disconnected while everyone else is coping just fine? The answer? Everyone else is on meds.  LOL.  Anyway, I have been so much better since taking the klonopin.  BEWARE. Ask your doc for a anti anxiety drug that you can start with it that is longer lasting with less addictive properties and side effects (paxil works for me) and keep in mind klonopin is SHORT TERM.  But by the time you will need to wean off, your other drug will be in full effect and helping you.  DO NOT LIVE THIS LIFE IN MISERY>  Get help.  Its out there.  Good luck.  I hope you all get the same relief I have gotten.  Thank god for Dr. Matt Haag at The Broadway Clinic in OKC.  He saved my sanity.  And who knows what else.  Fainting in the car is bad.  Especially when you are the one behimd the wheel.
Luck and love.  Be patient with yourselves. It is not your fault.  
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Thank you Melissa, You have helped.  I guess I kind of want to make sure of what I have.  I feel out of it most of the day, like in a daze, tired, not in my body, almost like I am in a dream, worried about what disease i might have...it's crazy, is this what anxiety truly is...can it affect me physically.  Is this partially depression.  Any clarification would help me in this troubling state of mind. Is konoglin better than xanax?  Thanks for all your support.  Has anyone felt the above ways before.  It would be comforting to know.  Thanks again!
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Donn82 this post is for your question.  The answer (sucky but true) is this. No.  I tried for so long to resist the "easy" way out by taking pills and having others help me.  Well, if you had strep throat would you say, oh well screw the antibiotics, I will just "fight" it? No.  I know in this society that "stress' "depression" and "anxiety" are commonly looked at as weakness.... but you are not weak. You are dealing with a very real, very debilitating illness that will (just like strep) only get worse and possibly (likely) cause long term damage. Maybe this last year or so you have had a lot of "big" issues to deal with? Maybe not.  Either way, your brain has gone off balance just like your body does when it has an infection.  What you need is the proper "mental antibiotic" to help you fight this imbalance.  Dont be afraid or embaressed to get help.  It wont last forever, and take care of it as soon as you feel ready.  It took me about a year to finally break down and get help.  And even though I cant type for **** and if (one of the side effects of klonopin is clumsiness) this is clumsy well then  hurricanes are a rainshower, then so be it.  But I feel NORMAL again.  God help my emplyees when I am late on my dose LOL thank god they really like working for me.....But you cannot do it alone.  And you are not alone.  There are millions of us out there fighting this infection of the mind.  But see your doc.  Tell the truth.  Let them help you.  I hope I have helped you to realize that you have done nothing wrong, and you could not have dine anything different to change what you are going through today.  But you can get help.  I know it is hard when you are very independant and strong (you sound that way) but give it a try.  Love for you,
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Okay, everybody slow down a bit. We are al goingto contact your helpful person.  However, in response to your posts, I wou;d suggest that you go to a medical facility.  Are you currently on any meds? List them.  ALl of them DO NOT LIE TO YOUR DOC.  If you need for someone to contact this person and explain that you are going through real problems (yes anxiety is a real thing) and compel them to help you I will do so as soon as I speel check this post. LOL.  My tyiping (speaking, walking, coordination, etc. is a little off) but I will do my best to help this person understand that you are in need.  I am (believe it or not with all my my problems) an RN so I will try to convey your needs.  Till then, dont take any more than your are precribed.  Docs actually do know what they are doing.  Leap of faith, kiddo.  Hang in there.  We are rooting for you.
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Hey, I am no doctor and nor do I know if you have done this already but I suppose I would suggest the works done as far as testing (like a CT/MRI) just to rule other things out.  I would look into if passing out is a effect of anxiety or something of that matter.  I hope you feel better and get checked out soon.  Let us all know.  But I would def. get a CT if I was you.  - d
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I usually feel 'out of it' most of the time. I am 23 years old also. I had an MRI done and everything was normal. I always worry ALOT about what is wrong with me. I am actually going to see a doctor tomorrow. I feel exactly the way you describe, but my doctors think I worry about my reflux too much.
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I am going out of my mind! For the last 4 years now I have experianced dizzy spells that have ultimately ended up with my poor wife scared to death picking me up off the floor.

Recently I was at a show in Vegas and I had indeed another one of these episodes. It starts with my heart racing, then my forehead starts sweating, my legs get heavy, my ears start to ring and I begin getting dizzy and if I dont get up and move around a bit I will fall out. Well in vegas I was at a show and moving around was not an option. I ended up waiting too late and while trying to get out of the theatre I passed out.

They too me to the ER and ran every cardio test known on me, ekg, sonigrahm on both my heart and my neck, x rays, stress test, blood test, timed enzyme heart test. wel. .. IT"S NOT MY HEART. They sent me home calling it a vagal nerve response.

Last night at 4:ooam I woke up with my teeth clinched dreaming of work and my blood pressure which is usually around 120 over 70 turned into 150 over 91. My heart was racing so I went into my office to try and calm down but it took me almost threehours before I could get the nerve to try and go back to sleep.

I don't eat red meat, I eat very little meat at all (fish and chicken) I take omega 3 and asprin Just in case. I don't drink, I don't smoke,In fact I have ruled niccotine, caffine, sugar and red meats out of my life completely since the last episode.

I would really appreciate anyones experiance here, if nothing else someone remember me in a prayer. I have a wife, two kids, I am only 36 and I feel like I am having the problems of my grandfather. God. . please help me!
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are you past the anxiety?
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