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depression help!

I've been battling major depression for almost a year, I'm not BP. My Dr has been upping my meds. I did ok on effexor xl 150mg and lamtical 100 for 2 weeks and then crashed really bad. So my dr upped my effexor to 225 mg and for 2 weeks felt normal for the first time in a year it was a relief. Then I had a international gift show to work, this was working 12 hour days for a week and then I started my period. Then I had to leave this job and go on a family vacation the very day. I've been having anxiety and bouts of depression. My Dr is on vacation and the dr on call isn't getting back with me. Any thoughts would be great! I know he'll up my meds I guess.
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9674222 tn?1405209253
Sometimes it is a matter of just finding out what works.  I have tried everything.  As i have gone back and and tried things some the second time didn't work the older i got.  I now am on a very low dose of Effexor and Wellbutrin/Generic but it took a long time for my dr. And I working together to see what was a good mix.  Keep a journal of your meds. Of what works and what doesn't and why.  ( I would recommend that to everyone.)  I also journal,  so when I do talk to my dr. I can tell her/him,  how I have been feeling.   Hope this helps!
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  I have also been on Effexor for a few years.  after my mom died I crashed.  I had already lost my daddy had cancer and then my husband all I had left was my mom.  I dedicated my life to help her she got alzeimers. I have feeling good the Effexor but this last week I have been crying a lot and things are getting to me.  I feel like I want to scream.  I went to the doctor yesterday and he left my effexors and put me on wellbutrin I have lost down to 88 pounds my nie ce who I love dearly is moving in with her 7 year old who has been here since school was out.  and a 9month old baby.   the cats pee and poo everywhere.  I hope the pills kick in,  I gt to have some help.
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1551327 tn?1514045867
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