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Itchy legs, no sign of rash or irritation

For the last four years I have had a problem with my legs itching.  When it started it was only an occasional problem, but it has developed into an everyday occurance.  When my legs itch it is usually my lower legs, but my upper legs will itch too.  There is never any sign of a rash or any kind of irritation on my skin - it just itches like crazy.  Sometimes it feels more like a "pins and needles" feeling, like when your hand or foot falls asleep.  It almost feels like every little hair on my legs are poking me.  I've tried switching detergents, soaps, not using fabric softener or bleach, I've used anti-itch lotions from my dermatologist, but nothing helps.  It gets so severe at times that it brings me to tears.  Sometimes it will get so bad it will wake me up in the middle of the night.  It can last only a few minutes or it can last days.  Usually it seems to be aggravated by something, the most common causes being nylons, water (taking a shower or swimming), humidity, and shaving.  But sometimes it doesn't seem to be caused by anything at all.  I have been to several doctors trying to solve this - and all I've been able to determine so far is that I am not having an allergic reaction to anything.  I will do anything to make this stop, it has been going on for so long now.  Not to mention that I'm getting married in a few months, and I would hate for my itchy legs to ruin my wedding day and my honeymoon!  I have already had two doctors tell me "I don't know what else you can do", so any suggestions on what this is or how I can treat it would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.
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I have this problem too.  It's very strange b/c I had it about 3 years ago and it went away.  It is back now...just started a few days ago.  It happens only after a shower.  (This morning I chose not to take a shower, not how I want to handle this in the future! ;)  This is strange:  the only commonality is that the drain in my shower got clogged a few days ago.  When I had it before we had a slow drain in the shower...I have no idea if this has anything to do with.   I am having the drain fixed Monday and will post a comment if that helps.  Does anyone else have a slow drain?
It also seems to start out slow and build up to an intollerable itching (really more crawly than itchy) that makes me crazy.
Any info. is greatly appreciated.  I'll keep you posted on the drain.
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Just to let everyone know.  I am a male, and I suffer from the same itching problem.  It used to happen evey once in a while, but now it happens more often.  Mostly on my legs, but sometimes on my chest.  It only occurs after I take a shower.  I found one possible solution to the problem.  Hot showers.  I mean, really hot showers, not to where it will burn you, but really hot.  Hope this helps.

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I have also had this problem for the last 8 years.  (Since my late teens)  It drives my husband crazy, my legs are a mess and I have not worn short skirts or shorts for a very long time.  It seems to clear up for a few weeks in summer time, unless it is really hot, in which case it becomes a great deal worse.  Even when my legs are clear of scabs, there are hundreds of scars.
Things that seem to trigger it are:
stress, heat, sweat, shaving legs then wearing stockings, nylon trousers, pins and needles, dry weather, cold weather.
Things that seems to help it are, cold packs, amolin (a barrier cream with zinc in it), showering or getting up and changing my activity.
Hormones do not seem to have had an effect, as the problem started well after puberty, well before becoming pregnant and has continued through two pregnancys and breastfeeding.
I have reached the point now where I live with it as an unfortunate part of my life, which is otherwise rich and fulfilling.
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Hello itchy skin pals... I thought as most did that I was the only one , I am happy to know that I am not alone but sorry for all who suffer form the "itch". I am a healthy 25 year old woman w/ 3 small children . The server itching started about three years ago during the pregancy of my second child. Not sure if that has anything to do with it . Just as most it is only my legs that itch , it usually lasts for 30 minutes or so but with me the only relief I can get is by getting into a warm shower and finishing with cool water then immeditly putting an anti-itch lotion (Neutrogena :soothing relief ) and forcing myself NOT to itch my legs for atleast 20 minutes. This does not happen to me every day in fact the only things that I notice as a regular is that it will start about 15 minutes after I get up in the morning . I live in  Western North Carolina have all my life. Strange , maybe there is a connection. One thought that my husband found is it could be "hard water" and for some getting a water softner has helped. I have not tried that yet.... I wonder if it is a vitamin or mineral deficiency . Well lets keep looking for an answer . Thank-you all for your thoughts and Ideas.
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I've commented so many times, I'm a regular here.  I noticed that whenever I had a shower or bath, hot, warm, cold, warm-cold, that I itched.  So I just bathe my privates with soap, kinda like a sponge bath.  After that, I gently rub a damp wash cloth over the rest of my body.  My problem now is that shaving really irritates my skin like the shower did.  I am a woman and I need to shave to feel a little feminine.  Anyone know if waxing would cause an itch like shaving with a razor?  I have had to spend the whole summer in jeans just so no one will look at my legs.  It seems that no matter what I do, I will end up miserable with "the itch".
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Some of the people in the site below this one "itching head to toe", have some of the same symtoms.  A few people list some things that might help.
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