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Lumps on the scalp with tingling pains

I am a 25 year old male, and have had problems for about 6 months now. I started out with these weird tingling sensations on my scalp accompanied with throbbing neck pain on the right side where my neck meets the outside of my collar bone and occasional pressure on the right side of my face and head. I noticed a small lump on my scalp in the area where i first felt these weird scalp pains. Thought maybe i had a scalp infection because i wear hats a lot. I have been to my regular doctor who  looked over my scalp and said it wasnt an infection.  The first time he presribed me some Allegra and Flonaise because he said the glands in my neck were swollen due to allergies.  In the past six months i have visited him about 4 times as well as made a few trips to the emergency room because the pain gets so bothersome sometimes.  I have even went to a neurologist and had an mri done of my head to rule out anything internal.  My regular doctor thought it could be anxiety/stress related and prescribed me some lexapro, which i have been taking for about 4 weeks now with no difference.  The neurologist also said everything checked out normal and said that anxiety can cause these lumps.  He also told me to get off all of the medication and find a hobby. He said everytime i feel the pain and lumps try to take my mind off of it and convince myself that i am fine. Lately I have noticed more of these lumps on my scalp with some of them bigger that than original one i found, and the tightness/pressure is still there as well as the swelling in the right side of my neck, gland area.  The lumps are soft and pink but hard to make out because of my dark hair color.  They dont have and other distingushing marks besides their pinkish color.  They also seem to be occaionally itchy and sometimes  are painful to the touch.  I have also noticed that the original lump has started to loose a bit of hair on and around it.  Everywhere I feel these tingling scalp pains i can feel a small lump.  I dont believe that they are caused by anxiety and have another doctors appointment scheduled in a few days since they seem to be worsening. Was wondering if it could maybe be symptoms of infectied hair follicles or some other type of problem.  I have had dandruff/dry scalp problems in the past but nothing major.  I also have a lil bit of acne trouble, mostly on the back and some exzema on my arms and thighs for most of my life if that makes a difference.  i just cant take it anymore nothing seems to be helping.  

Thanks for your time and sorry for the long post, Bob
7 Responses
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242489 tn?1210497213
I'm afraid that I can't think of any dermatologic conditions of relevance.  Some people get cysts on the scalp, but they wouldn't come on so suddenly, and cysts don't cause any symptoms remotely like yours.  I know these sensations are disturbing, but I can't shed any light on them, I'm sorry to say.  


Dr. Rockoff
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I to suffer from this and just don't what it could be

closer the bumps are to the ear the more sensitive and painfull they are and occasoinally sharp pains from the ear throuogh the neck into shoulder they come and go severity waivers. is this something like shingles or is it stress telated and they also sometime scab over and itch and burn..
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I have this problem as well my Dr told me it is from build up from hairspray and gell things of that nature. I was told to get dandruff shampoo and try it and it seems to work to keep them down. But I don't understand why the pressure and pain. He stated that might be from tention and has nothing to due from the pumps. Or they are caused by stress.
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Bobmel said that "I dont believe these are caused by anxiety"........has anyone heard of anxiety causing lumps/bumps on the head? I have been going through alot of stress lately and I too have lumps/bumps on my head but I cant say that I have any of the other symptoms...just lumps on my head that show up and disappear again every few days and they almost feel like bruises when I touch them.....Can anxiety cause this kind of thing because that would be my first guess since I definately have more anxiety lately because of personal problems....but I googled this and dont see any sites that say that it could be a cause of anything having to do with the scalp?????
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A related discussion, What is this sunburned feeling on my scalp? was started.
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