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diabeties and metformin

I have recently (one week) been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabeties.  I have been taking metformin 500 mg -- two tablets daily for one week and my sugar is pretty much unchanged, higher if anything.

How long does it take for metformin to lower my sugar.  I have not changed my diet but do eat low carbs and no prepared foods.

Is alcohol an issue with diabeties.

Thank you
9 Responses
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Hey guys i have just been diagnosied with PCOS iam only 20 and so am a little upset ive been told that over 4 years due to the condition i have put on 6stone. i have now been put on metformin and have been told this will help to regulate my cycle aswell as help with my weight loss. i am currently on 500mg 3x a day i take this after food but feel that little sicky feeling sometimes. i really want to lose alot of weight for my 21st and wondered how much weight ppl have lost and has it taken along time?

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The sugar (and carbohydrate) content of *raw* alcohol is actually nil. It is the other constituents that directly affect the blood sugar. Here in Britain most beer is not terribly high in sugar. Good Scotch (single malt is my preference) is low as are most spirits, though I don't know about liqueurs. Red wine is usually lower than white.

The thing with alcohol is to treat it with respect, particularly as it's other effects on diabetics can exacerbate any problems if taken in excess - and excess for diabetics is often lower than for others. For most, a little alcohol (say 1 or 2 glasses of red wine) may prove beneficial, but only if it is enjoyed – it is partly the pleasure involved that does the good but any good is otherwise masked (it's to do with endorphins, I think).

So the short answer is: unless medically advised not to drink, enjoy the occasional glass of wine or beer – and even the odd spirit.

Take care,

"Time wounds all heels."

Diagnosed Type 2 December 2005
Metformin - 3 × 500 mg, Gliclazide - 2 × 80 mg, Simvastatin - 1 × 40 mg
(and a good laugh every day!)
Diet and Exercise
72 kg (fairly) stable
HbA1c 5-5.1

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I take the metformin 500g 2 tablets 2 times a day, and i am also now on the protofane insulin injections. Depending on how high your sugars are, and how they are when you wake up in the morning, you can talk to your endocrinologist about either adding another tablet called diamicron to see if that helps to stabalise your sugars and bring them down, if all else fails, you can talk to them about the insulin. I had a lot of trouble with just the metfromin alone as it is long lasting but can take a few weeks to get your sugars down. Since i have been on the insulin, i have more energy, and my sugars are the best they have been in years. Another good thing, not sure if you can get the books in USA, but there is a series of books called Symply to good to be true, the lady who wrote the book, has done this book for people with diabetes, heart and cholesterol problems. The meals are easy and i tell you what they tatse, AWESOME. Each meal also tells you if it is a hi low or med GI rating, so you can rest easy about what you putting in to your mouth as everything is counted out for you and you can still have some of the good stuff.. Just thought i would mention it,
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88793 tn?1290227177
As I was told, Metformin is not for blood sugar control.  It is for pushing the insulin to work.  It also can reduce weight.  I like the way it reacts.  Unfortunately, it didn't work for me at all.  It makes me short of breath and the sugar remain that high..... I only told to take half a tablet of 500mg (250mg) twice a day.  It does cause trouble for my liver, though.
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141598 tn?1355671763
My reason for taking Metformin mid-day is quite simple. My fasting glucose is good so no problems there. Why take it when I don't need it? My morning meal consist of either scrambled eggs and plain coffee or oatmeal w/cinnamon and plain coffee. Why take Metformin if breakfast causes no glucose problems.  However,  I usually have a sandwich for lunch which is around 1-2pm. The carb sugar in the bread (<2g) affects my level slightly. I take it after I'm finished eating lunch knowing by dinner, 6pm, the Metformin is working in my system full strength up until my bedtime. This works for me and seems to keep my glucose in check.
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141598 tn?1355671763
Read it again. It says 500mg per TABLET!
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307500 tn?1302116146
U said on the doc's page u take 250 of metformin, and here you say the lowest dose is 500? Not true u can cutthe pill to make it 250. I was told to do that once a day........
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100019 tn?1335919717
Isn't it weird how doctors prescribe different dosages for the same meds?

When I was dx with diabetes a couple years ago I was put on one 500 mg metformin with my evening meal.  I'm surprised they put you two immediately.  After a week you should see your bs dropping.  

I wonder if I would do better by taking my metformin with my lunch meal instead of dinner?
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141598 tn?1355671763
"I have been taking metformin 500 mg -- two tablets daily for one week"
I stand corrected, but the lowest dose of Metformin is 500mg per tablet. I have to assume you mean 1000 mg or two 500 mg tablets daily. In any case, when are you taking the Metformin - what time of day? Best time for me is mid-day or after I have eaten my mid-day meal. This seems to balance my glucose throughout the remainder of the day. Since yours is two doses, what does your doctor say about splitting the times between each does? Say one at 11am and one at 6pm? Please consult with your doctor before changing.

You're on the correct diet but it seems you're anticipating more out of Metformin than its design. Metformin helps to promote insulin in the gut.
Its slow reacting and does not take the place of injecting insulin. You still have to watch your diet carefully by staying away from sugary foods in any form or matter.

Alcohol has lots of sugar. Alcohol is an issue by itself. As a diabetic, alcohol consumption can only hurt you in the long run. How much you drink at a time is up to you but try to drink in moderation if not at all.
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