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Nasal staph infection

I have had a nasal staph infection for 3 months..it is now confined to each side of the septum.  Have done courses of Bactrim, Augmentin, dicloxacillin along with bactroban cream.  The initial course of bactrim and bactroban cleared it up in 8 days.  Was told to stop taking medication...infection returned in 5 days.  Am now on another round of Bactrim (completed 10 of 14 days) & it does not seem to be working.  Have had CT scan and sinuses ok.  What do you suggest I try next?
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I was wondering if you can help me. I have turbinate hypertrophy. Only the left turbinate swells when i lay down and also swells in the winter with the dry heat on and lately the high humidity makes it swell also. I just recently was told by the Allergist  i have indoor allergies to mold and dust mites. but so far the allergy medicine does not work my nose is already dry and it makes it more dry  I dont have any itchy,red eyes, or itchy throat or runny nose or sneezing that is associated with allergies i just have swollen turbinate. Here is a background of my past:   In jan 2005 doc cultured and i had a staph infection on my adenoids gave me levaquin twice but would not go away. several doctors later another ENT took my adenoids out had a very bad infection after surgery in sept 06 another culture came back as staphaurous.but doc said everyone has some staph in their nose. but now my turbinate is swelling all the time Lost a lot of sleep in the last 9-10 months now.Current Ent wants to trim the turbinate and fix my deviated septum said there is nothing to culture in my nose. Heres my question what if i have this surgery and my problem is that i still have staph infection then what i have trimmed my turbs for nothing? My appt is in a few weeks,if you could please give me your opinion and advice.Also i get pain at the top of my head and pain at the bridge of my nose and sometimes i get blood from my nose.  thank you in advance.  
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As I've mentioned before, undergoing the surgery would probably be beneficially to you.  Once the surgeon is in with the scope, he can see so much more.  You can always inform the  surgeon if he sees nothing wrong, not to touch or cut anything.  You need to see why this staph inf is not going away.  Maybe its a polyp inside the nose that cannot be seen and once removed, can make a big difference.  Viruses and bacteria sit anywhere unfortunately. Let me know if this helps.
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yes,you are very helpful,i hope to see you on this forum for a long time, thanks again :)
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I've had a staph infection in throat and nose for 8 yrs. No antibiotics have worked. :(
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Have you had any surgeries? If you dont mind me asking the staph in your nose what symtoms do you experience?  For me it makes my turbs swell.
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Hi again, well I get sore throats on and off, post nasal drip, and I cough up from the back of the throat , not the chest, thick disgusting small firm pieces of mucus that is dark yellow , can be greenish and/or blood streaked. The back of the throat can feel quite rough and sore first thing on some mornings until I am able to cough that filthy piece of mucus up from where ever it has decided to attach. Then my throat immediately feels relief. Pretty off eh? Also, when I sleep I can't breathe through my nose because my nose becomes blocked. A lot of people carry this bacteria in their noses and mouths with no effects. I do have a low immune system maybe that's the problem. I hope you have better luck.
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my daughter just had this. She has very bad allergies. The staph infection was eating up her top lip from her nose. A Dermatologist cultured her nose and made up a speical ointment. Then a few months ago she had this strep b in her urine throat and nose. The antibiotics did help . I believe this will always be an ongoing battle because of her allergies.Clindamycin worked well for her. Wish you the best!
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have u found any cure for this as i feel we have the same thing in a sense ,i get the same thing in my thoat ,its been going on 2 years and many other infections have come with it ,at the momment i still get lumps even though treated for staph.i get lots green mucas,thick flem with constant throat clearing all day long ,seem to get lot of neckpain with headaches.since this has started also got ibs ,urine infection,tooth infection ,sinus promlems .of to see a immune doctor in a month .so if u have anyput please post here or email me many thanks jason
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I have had the green phlegm and pain in nose for months now.  Not sure
if it is a staph or not.  I did have a culture but nothing showed up.  Never
had yellow or green phlegm.  It is impossible to deal with and antibiotics
(probably not strong enough) have not cleared it up.

Hope you have better luck.  Is it possible I have a staph infection and they
missed it?  Maybe I should bring in a sample of the green phlegm.  I
felt all but dismissed when I went to the hospital.  Told me to take allergy
meds.  I have never had this before and I sure do not want to live with this
for any longer period of time.  Let me know what develops.
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i have had stuff tested many times well at least 15 times over 2 years .its come back twice for infection ,so not really sure where  from in my thoat so i guess it could be missed, many times  i have took all these samples in yet the only ones with infection where the tiny green brown bloody lumps ,yet i feel the same all the time...at first i could deal with just coughing up the odd lump here and there ,but now the excess flem is a real joke , clearing  my throat  50 plus times at day at least so working from home as become a pain as well ,100% affects my life as well .i feel now i have a low immune since this as all started and prone to picking everything up .but 100% its gone downhill from the first lump in throat,so i hope the immune docs next month can shed some light on it .and i have another ent to go and see ,on cipro at the mo as doc now thinks its in my sinus.as for being dismissed my docs i have been there ,and i have voiced my opinons back as well .you know the normal stuff nothing wrong with ya ,live with it ,etc ,
but then i get candida in windpipe ,staph in throat ,and more infections than ever.#so if they dealt with it when it first started instead of sending me packing .i think many thinks could have been avoided.will post back when been to see other docs etc .
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I am tired of surgeries. I have had 4 sinus surgeries to clear out the polyusp and cysts that keep forming in my nose. I now have been cultured again and have a staph infection, was put on a month supply of prednisone and Septrum. If this doesn't work does anyone no anything else to do. I have come to the point that surgeries are not gonna even work anymore. My doctor did do a scope and say he can see the polyups starting to develop again. I mean is all I can do is have surgery 1-2x a year. There has got to be something better then that. I will accept any and all suggestions.
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Oh my goodness, I am so glad I looked at this forum.  I have had 6 infections in the past 8 mos. Under left arm, was very painful & abscessed, outer ear infection I'm told outer is unusual) upper respiratory brought on by flowering plants, while on vacation) Asthma under control for years, ended up with pneumonia,A tooth with 3 previous root canals which ended up being retreated. I felt the tooth was bothering me again when I developed the next infection. My latest was in my nose.  Started out as a small deal, which I ignored.  Two days later, my lip was swollen twice it's size and the nostril was basically swollen shut.  I have pain in my face. I think most is inflammation.My doctor gave me every conceivable medicine. antibiotic, antiviral, steroid and a ointment.  I still don't know what it is. All of these infections have shown up on the left side.  
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I ha e also had 2 staph infection under left armpit yrs in between them now I took an oral antibiotic and a cream & it worked ,thank god .my boyfriend and I moved to Wisconsin 2 yrs ago and I've been sick ever since Oct 2014 I had an operation for deviated septum and also my polyps and t something we're huge so they deflated them, I guess u could say because they were to large for my passages and would swell so I was almost completely blocked.I found out I'm allergic to boxwood elder & pet dander yet both were on the lower scale ( I had dogs all my life I did have a running nose more but nothing like this my allergy testing showed ,dust mites but on low level now it didn't even show up on my allergy test. I think I feel worse now after my surgery last yr ,my nose get huge clumps of dark red blood dried up or yellow with a dark brown even blackish color in the middle ,massive in size compared to what would ever imagine could come out of my very small passages I felt ill when I saw it come out I thought it was some cartilage they used from earlobe to build up inside of passages.now as disgusting as it is and sounds I use a Qtip to get the clumping out and I do salt saline with tea tree ,rosemary and peppermint essential oils to do sinus rinses (2-6 x a day)before the sinus infections and migraines become excruciating & even more debilitating. I'm lethargic all the time after a yr of this I asked for a biopsy thinking mold  instead the staph came up positive & after a month the mold negative but that was a bummer cause after a month of gentamicin I still felt horrible and still do after second wknd of round 2 of generation & irrigation solution which is not covered by insurance...this has also all been on my left side .I dislodged my C4&C5 so they harvested bone from my right iliac(back of hip about 4 inches up from tail bone & about an inch to the right  & it's about a inch round hole that cause chronic pain also excruciating & debilitating at times never mind the next that at times causes migraines and the neuropathy on right side of neck & shoulder blade & sometimes have a spasmatic or tremmoring  hand and so on ,on occasion now after having the nerves burnt and being on gabapentin after yrs of needles from neck lower back(L3 thru L5)from prior injury that became aggravated due too limping from pain due to bone harested area.I'm taking everything homeopathic possible plus different vitamins for sinusitis & for nerve damage & bone harvested area in hopes to find ways to lessen pain I'm even using light therapy along with a chiropractor which has helped & has reduced my migraines & neck pain  thankfully:)anyway I don't want to live on Sudafed ,muffins or antibiotics beside my other meds tizanadine,gabapentin 1200 mlgs  3 x a day  and so on .....oh I just started trying colloidal Silverton long enough to update I will later tho...someone please give me any advice to get thru this,get rid of awful disgusting,debilitating thing called STAPH! Thank u for all of ur post I don't feel like I'm alone in this horrific journey ,I now have some hope one of us can help one another :) thank you so ,so much :)
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I'm on my second month of Gentamicin ingredients are generation sulfate USP XYLITOL NF ,it's a capsule that u put into some water with it and irrigate morning and night.my Dr said it's the only thing that should work  for it ..good luck ill update later and hopefully it will have worked
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