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Chronic Sinus Infections

I have always had sinus problems and have two surgeries to clear them out. I am always coming down with sinus infections. This time I think it's the worst. I have so much pain and pressure in my head and face. I have green/yellow discharge from my nose and it smells awful! I am throwing up constantly because it is so bad. I cannot get in to see my doc until late tomorrow. Does anyone know why it's so bad or any suggestions on how to deal? Thanks.
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242516 tn?1368223905
Erin, getting checked by a major university affiliated clinic or trustworthy place like mayo is a good idea since you have seen 5 ENTs over the last year.  It's worth getting a second opinion from the best person for your condition.  That depends on your diagnosis, your labs, imaging.  You need to see someone more qualified...
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please help i am in almost the same exact boat i get sick about every 2 months the last time back in sept was the worst and had to be put in the hospital my face was swelled up like it was abscessed now its almost the new year if not already by the time you get this i was sick for a week and 1/2 i am 33 and have had 4 surgeries since i was 16 2 within the last year and 1/2 the inside of my nose has hardly no cartilage left its so bad that i have seen 5 different drs w/in the past year and they dont know what to do with me im at the point where im almost depressed with it my voice is affected as well where its scratchy and hard to get words out at times too this last dr im going to also recomends ear tubes and i just dont know anymore only for the fact that ive been bounced around so many times i dont know who to trust i have had blood work done as well to rule out any serious conditions that maybe linked with blood vessels please help i am desperate almost to the point where i may even check into the mayo clinic here in arizona im at a loss my email is ***@**** thank you for your time Erin

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242516 tn?1368223905
yes, there are congenital abnormalities that can predispose to sinusitis

sounds like you need surgery
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Thank you for the information, that's awesome. I did not know that it can be a temporary placement until the ear starts to work again on it's own. That is very encouraging. Are some people just born with sinuses that do not work right? I have never broken my nose. The doctor found my sinus cavities were very caloused and said mine do not drain right?
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242516 tn?1368223905
You're welcome!

I've posted a review of and picture of tympanostomy tube placement at my journal:

It's likely to require general anesthesia (being put to sleep)

Levaquin is a good broad spectrum antibiotic

Once a month!  that's much too often!
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My symptoms started when I was really little. Just progessively got worse as I got older. I have had ear infections in both of my ears since July, and I have tried numerous antibiotics. This time we are trying Leviquin again. My ears somehow always have fluid in them and the doctor feels that tubes are the best route. Do you know if for an adult if they have to be put asleep for that kind of surgery?
It seems like I come down with a sinus infection atleast once a month.
Thank you for your posts!
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242516 tn?1368223905
Good luck with the antibiotics for your sinusitis and pneumonia.  I'm sorry you're sick.  What did your doc prescribe?

Sorry you need tubes, how long has it been since your symptoms started?
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thank you for your post. i have been dealing with this for a long time. i always have post nasal drip and now need tubes in my ears. i went to the doctor today and have a bacterial sinus infection? with phnemonia.
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242516 tn?1368223905
Ask your doctor to evaluate you for allergies today, that can cause allergic rhinitis, post-nasal drip like what it sounds like you're experiencing.
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have urself tested for allergies to dust mites? they live in our pillows and beds..
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