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Smelly mucous in my nose, taste in my mouth

I've read the other posts, but this isn't a recurring thing, I don't smoke, I'm not on any meds, I'm not overweight, I exercise... I got the flu - bad for one day (achy all over, headache on my temples), the next day the achiness was gone but I stayed in bed. Today, the third day, I feel much better, but am left with a slight cold and am taking it easy. I do cough, but only once in a while, and when I do, it sounds like I'm not getting enough air. When I blow my nose, it smells really bad, and I can taste it every once in a while in the back of my throat. Any ideas of what the cause may be and what I can do? I think when the cold passes, the smell will be gone, but I never had this before with a cold. Thanks.
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Is the mucus in your nose hard or soft.  If it is hard, let me know.
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I've had this foul smelling mucous for 1 week now.  When I first noticed it, I went to the doctor.  She said I have a sinus infection and prescribed Zpak 5 day regimen.  After 5 days the foul smelling mucuos was still present.  It appears the source is the right sinus cavity.  I purchased a Netipot, but symptoms remain.  I've never experienced this before.
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the foul smelling mucuous is soft and yellowish.  No other symptoms present.
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I have it too.  It is disgusting, isn't it?  The smell and the taste is awful.  I am going to go to the doctor's about it as I can't stand it.
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Let me know what you find out, I have had the same foul smell and taste off and on for a few months.
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i had this problem it was a sinus infection smells like ****, Needs two weeks of strong antibiotics, if not will get worse other people will smell it and you can taste it. ps make sure you go bk for more antibiotics if not fully cleared up i did after the first week good luck
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I got this at the moment, I got ani-biotics from the doc yesterday. Today it is worse!! I have had the flu many times, but never this!! it soooo yuck!! How dare my body do this to me!!
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I am still having those same symptoms...I have been on CEFTIN 1000MG per day for 12 days and the foul taste is still there...although the headaches have toned down...I'm going to go back to my Dr., as I believe the CEFTIN is going to knock this out.
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Omg!! I have been coughing up mucous and it is the worse taste that I have ever had in my mouth!! I have had constant headaches and this has been going on a week now but I just told my mother today!! I don't know if it is nothing but a cold or if I should go to the doctor!! Any help is very much appreciated!!
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I thought I would do a quick search on the internet to see whats going on in my mouth!!!I have also had a cold and head aches and sore glands and around my throat,I thought it may have been my wisdom teeth.But as I read here,That really reallly awful taste in my mouth may be a infection?!Off to the doctor!!

Thanks and YUK!
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Buy a Neti pot and start flushing those sinuses.  The soreness in your throat is typical lymphatic defense; but be sure you haven't developed scar tissue back there which can create pockets to hold debris, which will eventually become putrid; the cycle continues.  
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yeah... I got it too and I have to say it's very uncomfortable! Has anybody else noticed that it gets worse in the late morning/afternoon?
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I finished chemo and radiation treatment about six months ago and would appreciate any help or advice from anyone who could help.  I have neuropathy in my hands and feet which doesn't seem to improving, I have a sore neck and very nasty tasting phlegm in my throat, which  affects my taste.  I was treated for neck and throat cancer,which I have been told is cured Thank you for anything.
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I am in process of becoming a dentist/orthodontist. The symptoms you have are similar to the symptoms of a breached tooth infection. Have you had your wisdom teeth removed? if not, you may have an impacted tooth. Does the smell kind of smell like moth balls? At some point in time, did your gums have a ball like thing on it, that now seems to be softer than it was? Those are symptoms.

Daniel Onusarian  
Soon D.D.S.
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I need advise...i have something similar to the other people in this group...it started with jaw lock when eating on the left side of my face, then the next day moved down lower so i thought it was a wisdom tooth...but 5 days on its turned into a full sinus attack and the back of my throat is raw but nothing happens when i blow my nose or cough! i can taste the infection so i know im screwed but my doctors is shut till next week due to staff shortages!!!! HELP! any ideas on over the counter remedies or foods which will ease the soreness and take this god aweful taste away for a while??? cheers, lisa
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i have all those symptoms that you are all talking about but iv had mine for over a year iv been to and from the hospital, i have had a mri scan and ct scan and i have been doing sinus rinse 3 times a day, the hospital have finally found out what i have i have a rare diseases in my nose which only affects south european people or people who have had nose surgery and im neither of that, so some-one like me is very very rare to have this condition, i suggest you ask for a ct scan, im awaiting for my next lot of results and i am due to get them in August 2010- to find out the next step to curring this.
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I have also suffered this disgusting condition, and like a lot of others, not experienced it before. For sure, the smell is rank. I initially thought that the cat had brought in a dead animal and stashed it somewhere, initially I got the odd occurence of the smell, and just couldn't understand it. Never did I think that such a God awful smell could be produced in my sinuses. But there it was, my son sat beside me and said, let me just have a little sniff near your face, he instantly recoiled, and retched. He said, wtf is that, I have never smelt anything so bad. It was not my most dignified moment. So what to do? Initially trawl the internet, pick this and that, discard the crazy ideas and solutions, and then Blitz the damned bacteria, which by that time I knew it was. And Blitz it I did, off to the local chemist, and armed with all sorts of stuff, some relevant, others, maybe. But I got rid of it after 2 days, thank God.  So, ok, in most cases it is going to be bacteria at work, and they can invade anytime, and anywhere. Literally out of the blue. Of course the symptoms may be part of another malady, so if it persists more than 2 or 3 days, it is good for a doctors visit for sure, Anyway, I hammered into the anti biotics, which are the main artillery against bacteria, everytime. And No, as one person said, they feed on anti biotics, no they don't. You need them to kick the proverbial ***. So, that is working away, but of course that darned awful reek is still there. My strategy there was to dry the nose, sinuses up, and be rid of the mucus for as long as possible. Saline flushes are great, but do them slowly, tepid water, slightly salted, too much will make your nose hurt like hell, I know from experience!  Lie back on the bed, with some absorbent towels, I used a syringe, obviusly without a needle!! Most pharmacies stock them if you don't have one  around somewhere. Then gently squish the solution into one nostril then the other, you will feel it trickle down the back of your throat. It will tickle probably, and in fact might cause you to splutter and gag momentarily, but that is all, it's worth while. I did this over and over for perhaps 5 minutes, when you sit up, it's weird as a lot of the saline solution just gushes back out, so have that towel ready! I used to imagine some of the nasty little critters coming out as well, and I was gaining the upper hand. Positive thinking works wonders. When done, gently just squeeze nose from top to bottom to clear any residue, and get that towel out of the way, and into a very hot wash!!  I did this probably 2 times a day, sometimes 3 when it needed it. So now you should have a much cleaner sinus and nose. Now, I also bought, if these are universal, i am in the UK btw, they are lozenges, small, with eucalyptus oil, and menthol mainly, and boy do they have a kick. I just used the original ones, apparently originated in 1865 for the Atlantic deep sea fishermen. Get some of these 2 or 3 at a time, and munch on them, they will drive away that smell, and also dry up the whole tubes with the menthol. So you shouldn't find yourself sniffing for a while, and getting that yuckky smell or taste. Over time the mucus will build up, but for one it gives you some respite for a good long time, and when you start to notice it again, bung some more in, and if necessary, flush again with saline solution. Like I said, those bacteria were gonna get their tiny ***** kicked right out of there!!
On top of that, i also utilized Olbas oil, again universally known, this on a small tissue or similar, sniffed in by long slow breathing, adds to the effect, and also aids the drying up. I used to put some on my pillow as well at night, and keep it by the bedside to splosh onto the tissue now and again to keep up the assault. Finally remember to keep those vitamins up, if necessary with supplements, this equips your immune system to tackle the baddies. With the anti biotics you should be taking as well, your armory will be well stocked,   Ok Bacteria, here we come, "Lock and load" folks. :-)
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I forgot to say that the lozenges I refer to in the previous post are called "Fishermans Friend"  you have probably heard, or seen them, pharmacies have them usually, and quite often in the regular confectionary section of everyday stores and shops.
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Hi!  I have this problem at present.  I've been to ENT dr for 4 times already.  The antibiotics by the dr are helpful for few days only and again the  symptom is back.  Yeah, it's so embarrassing, it's like a rotten egg and worst is i can taste it and would really make me throw up.  I had my ct scan and the status of my sinuses are worst, so i have to undergo surgery (no cut two weeks from now to clean up my sinuses.  I keep on praying and asking God's mercy & healing power that through this surgery, i would  be totally healed...
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Thank you for that info!!! I have the worst stinking snot I have ever experienced!  People can smell it on me!!!! I had a metal plate put into my wrist two months ago, so I thought my body was fighting the metal plate, as the snot smelt like burning metal.  I have been on amoxicillin 500 mg 3 times a day, and its still there!!!!!! I actually just read the above post and used my saline for my nose and did as you said, and it is better, no smell for now.  This is mortifying!!! Even going to doc,
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I have beem having somwhat of the same problem, but i kinda think mine has to do with a tooth i had pulled out. Just wend. i had one of my wisdom teeth pulled out, i dont think it had a infection in it, but i could be wrong, the dentist never said anything about it. it would hurt my whole side of face. my ear, jaw, temple but only of my right side. well i got the tooth pulled, my tooth dont hurt anymore, but now my teple my head jaw all the same things still hurt, and now i have this disterbing nasty taste in my mouth like in the back of my throut, and my snot smells the same, but my snot doesnt really have much of a mucus look to it, its pretty clear and white , normal. im scared to swollow cause i think that it could possibly go in my blood stream and into my heart. i have no idea what it is, im tryin to go to the doctor this week. If anybody has any ideas on what this could be please let me know. I also have colf-flu type syptoms ... i feel drained, i cant get up and walk around for long amount of time.
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I have a rotten egg smell to and I have really turned into another person because it is all I think about for its so embarrassing to have a fart egg smell exiting when I breath or talk. I believe the house I live in has done this to me.  Over the summer a sewer gas (which took me forever to locate the source) was coming through my bathroom window from sewer mounted on my neighbors property. I inhaled and ingested small quantities of hydrogen sulfide for over a year and it has infected my respiratory system. Unknowingly it contaminated every utensil I put in my mouth but i always noticed that I felt worse after brushing my teeth not knowing it was poisoned by hydrogen sulfide(the poisonous and egg smell that often flow from sewers).  I don't what to do because my doctors claim they don't smell or see anything but being a teacher, I know my students are repelled by me sometimes but they love me so much they just deal with it.  I can't go on living like this because its the most embarrassing thing in my life and I would give anything to be secure knowing my breath isn't reeking an egg smell. Please help me if anyone is out there!!!
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Hi nookie.  What you have is unusual, but not on this forum.  You could have an infection from the sewage, or something else.  There are many causes, some of which I list in my journal, in section 16: Revolting Sinus Odor.


Too bad about the doctors, but I was a schoolteacher too, and unfortunately kids can smell a whole lot better than most adults, including medical professionals.
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I have this right now, too.  I'm usually a healthy eater, I eat mostly vegan (no meat, no dairy, no animal products), but hubby and I binged on dairy ice cream every night for a week (uh oh), so I assumed all the nose-blowing was from eating the dairy (dairy makes mucus...when you eat dairy regularly, you just don't notice it, but when you stop eating dairy for a while, then eat it, you notice!).

Anyway, the after-dairy nose-blowing usually only lasts one day, but I was still blowing after 3 days, and then I got a massive toothache on my back upper molar.  It was so bad, kept me awake at night 3 nights in a row, then spread to my lower back molar.  Both are crowns, so I thought they were infected and I've have to pull them out.  I went to the dentist, got x-rays -- no infection, teeth were fine, dentist said it sounds like a sinus infection.

I am into holistic remedies, haven't been to a doctor in 5 years, I refuse to take antibiotics (unless life or death), so I looked it up and found apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a cure for sinus infection, if you drink it consistently throughout the day (e.g., add 2 Tbsp to a large bottle of water).  Well, I've been taking ACV as needed for years, so I'm very familiar with it.  It cures food poisoning, severe flu, and lots of other ailments.  But I hate the taste so much, I will chug it as a shot, then chase it with a little water -- I cannot drink it throughout the day!  Yucky!!!  So I'm taking it both morning and night (note: never drink coffee within 3 hours of eating ACV, or projective vomiting will ensue), and throughout the day I'm trying to be as alkaline as possible by drinking wheatgrass shots and kale/spinach/celery/carrot/parsley juice from Whole Foods juice bar, near my work.

I've also been doing Neti Pot with 1 tsp salt per 2 cups purified boiled water cooled to body-warm, then drain tons of nastiness out of my nose into the bathroom sink.  It feels good and lasts a few hours...not as long as I'd like, but what a relief from that nasty smell and taste.....infected mucous snot, and yea...kinda like rotten eggs (someone else said that).  Just SO nasty!!!!  And it's all I can smell at all times!!!  Gross.

I will try the eucalyptus lozenges for the taste.  I've been afraid other people can smell this.  Hubby says he can't smell it, but it's so hard to believe.

I've never had a sinus infection, this is pretty gross.  My dentist said most people take antibiotics for this, but it's not required, I could let it run it's course if desired, but will take a few weeks.
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