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Type of Doctor for Replace of a MOL ReStor Lens

On 27 April 2010, had cataract surgery for the left eye.  Unfortunately, it was not a success, as I am having more difficulty reading with my glasses than before the cataract surgery.  I should note that if I remove the left lens of my glasses, I cannot see any better.  Today had another appointment with the doctor who accomplished the surgery.  When I asked why I was not having any success, he said the reason was because we needed to accomplish cataract surgery on the right eye as the left eye was taking the load from the right eye.  I said that I did not understand this point, since the right eye had good vision and should not be a load on the left eye.  I could tell he was a bit up tight and did not want to discuss the situation with me.  

He recommended that I see a optometrist for new glasses.  In the end, he  basically said that I would not obtain any major benefits from the left eye until the completion of the right eye cataract surgery.  In the mean time, I would have to wear glasses for the left eye for close up work such as reading and cumputer activity,.  I should note that he recommended the ReStor for close up work, since that was my objective.  He also wants to accomplish laser treatment for the left eye to tweak it a bit since he noticed some cloudness (I dont remember the terminally but have seen it mentioned on this group).  Any comments about this type of laser surgery at this point in time, would be very much appreciated.  

Is there a special type of ophthalmologist that accomplishes removal of an existing MOL?  ( I should note that I live in a Dallas, Texas suburb and if anyone in this area can recommend a doctor, I would very much appreciate the information)  

Also what is the danger level in such a removal and replacement with a different type MOL lens?  

Any suggestions would be very much appreciated, Sam
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Many thanks for your kind and supportive replies.  I will call Dr Bowmans office Monday and see if I can get on a waiting list for an early cancellation by another patient.  Hope you all have a happy and safe weekend, Sam.
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I have had the restor lenses for 6 months.  I just made an appointment with a specialist who removes the restor lenses.  As a result of having these lenses, I lost my good vision, can't read in low light, (like the lighting in Walmart)  can't drive safely anymore.
My life has been greatly affected. My doctor insisted that I needed to have both eyes done to achieve good vision again.  I am back to wearing progressive lenses and still have poor vision.  I am mad at myself for trusting my doctor and not checking this out prior to the surgery.
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Hi Sam,

I total echo Jodiej's comment about the the earlier the better to have an explant.  I had mine done within a month.  I didn't realize that you appointment was not untill August 30th which does add another two months.  Get  that earlier appointment.

Keep in touch.

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Thank you for responsding to scams request for a surgeon in the Dallas area
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I'm not an eye care professional, but it's my understanding that it's better to explant an IOL early.  If you have a general ophthalmologist, family physician, or even an optometrist who is willing to help you, have them call Dr. Bowman's office to explain your situation and (hopefully) get you a sooner appointment.  (A referral from another ophthalmology could probably get you an appointment for this week rather than two months from now.)  If this is simply not possible, then call yourself and ask to speak with Dr. Bowman's assistant or the goup's surgical coordinator.  Explain your situation and request an earlier appointment with Dr. Bowman or another surgeon who is experienced with explanting IOLs.
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from disappointed66

So glad to hear that you have found a surgeon and that you will be getting glasses in the meantime to accommodate your vision.  Good luck, Sam.

Keep in touch.

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Dr Feldman, many thanks for your reply.  After some searching and talking to other patients, there is a Dr Bowman at the UTSWMC in Dallas who has a good reputation and comes highly recommended.  The earliest  appointment I was able to obtain, was on on 30 Augustt 2010.  I plan to ask his opinion about the left eye and then go from there.

In the meantime, I have completed a refraction (?) for both eyes and will get new glasses  hopefully by next week.  The prescription includes a "Slab Off Surfacing."  I really did not understand that part of the prescription, but do trust this optomitrist as he has an excellent reputation as a low vision specialist.  

Thanks again, Sam

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517208 tn?1211640866
Dear scams,

I would recommend that you speak further with your eyeMD.  With multifocal lenses, it does take about three months to adjust to the vision obtained and they do work better with both eyes treated, if you have a visually significant cataract in the other eye.  If the capsule behind the implant is cloudy, the vision will be reduced. If you want to seek a second opinion, you can find an eyeMD on the AAO.org web site.  There are many excellent doctors in the Dallas area including Drs. Kleiman and Evangelista, Boothe, and others.

Dr. Feldman

Sandy T. Feldman, M.D., M.S.
ClearView Eye and Laser Medical Center
San Diego, California
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Hi Sam,
I wanted to picket my first surgeons's office, but I was afraid I might get arrested!
I did have a negative experience.but it turned around to good.  With the right surgeon, you too will have the good vision you so deserve. Thank goodness you did not have the other eye done..  Keep in touch,

LL disappointed66 (not disappointed any more)
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Disappointed66, many thanks for your detailed/informative reply.  I have definitely lost faith in this doctor and any other eye activity will be with a new doctor.   I should note that just before my cataract surgery, there was a lady walking back and forth in fromt of this doctors office with a sign saying something to the effect --  Dont Use This doctor.  I started to cancel my surgery but unfortuantely did not.  

I am sorry that you had a simiilar negative experience.  Thanks again for your reply, Sam.
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from disappointed66
First, do not have any kind of  laser treatment in the left eye. (I am thinking he might have said a yag.) This makes it difficult to explant  if you  decide to do so.
I am one of the many sad recepients of the Restor lens disaster. Left eye.  It was a total horror. Night driving was completely out of the question/light glare and starburst from every light source made it almost impossible to see at night, I could not see at any distance even in the daytime.The surgeon told me that I would need to have the other eye done in order to get the benefits. He would not give up. I was told I needed "tweeking " also. No way was he going to touch the  other eye until I had good results with the first one!  There are people on this forum who fell for the "second eye bit" and the results were not good.  My advice is to stay away,Run away from the Restor lens. It is known to cause many problems. I went to another surgeon and had the Restor explanted and exchanged with the Tecnis monofocal aspheric lens.  I had it set for distance.  My vision is excellent. I just need glasses for small print.  I have had the other eye done with the same excellent results.
I have extremely good night vision. I am very pleased with my vision  Not everyone is the same and results do differ .I am not an eye care professional so I cannot say this is what you need to have done.  I am sayinging, find another surgeon.  I would not feel comfortable with a surgeon who gets up tight!   Get that second opinion or third if necessary. As with any surgery there are always risks and a good surgeon will discuss everything with you without getting "up tight"!  I certainly would change surgeons period. I am from New York, so I am not familiar with surgeons in Texas, but I am sure someone on this forum will have that information for you. Good luck.

Keep in touch.  We have all helped each other so much on this forum.
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