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Clomid and ovulation

My Dr. prescribed Clomid(50mg)for the first time to help me conceive my second child. I took the first pill on day 5 (Fri. 10/27) and my last pill on day 10 (Tues. 10/31).  I usually have a 26-28 day cycle. When should I ovulate?  When people say day 11-14, is that starting from the first day of my last period or the first day I took Clomid?  I've done a lot of research on this and I am getting conficting answers.  I figured asking women who have taken Clomid would know best!
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Hello everyone,

i always had irregular periods before going on BCP . i stopped taking the pill in may and had my last withdrawal bleed in june ... since then got no periods ..went to the doc last month and she prescribed me provera and clomid . she started me on 50 mg of clomid , the doc office called me the other day and told me that i didnt ovulate and was soo disappointed since 3 years ago when i had all my tests everything was in the normal range .. now my prog levels are not normal ...
the doc has just done a pap smear and then did a progesterone test , didnt do any other tests . dont you think she should do other tests before upping my dose of clomid to 100mg!
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Hi, I am new here but have a question I am dying for someone to answer...obviusly in my 2ww! :) This is my first month on clomid (100mg) and I went in for a progesterone test on day 21 and my level was at 45!!!  The nurse told me that was really high, but I'm sure she won't say much to get my hopes up!  Could this mean I am pregnant?  Has anyone had high levels and gotton BFN?  I am really praying for a BFP.  Any advise or answers are greatly appreciated!  Thanks
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Hi, I took 50mg of Clomid too this cycle and it did not work for me.  I am starting Prometrium today CD 25, to start AF.  My doctor did CD 3 bloodwork and 3 follicle scans this cycle.  I am getting on 100 mg of Clomid next cycle.
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Only one round so far. now i am just waiting to see if i get my period. if it does not come naturally by day 35 my dr is going to jump start it AGAIN with provera and then i will do another round of clomid next month but at 100mg. how long have you been taking the clomid? what days are you taking it on? I was taking it day 3-7 and told i could o anywhere between day 11-16.  how come something so "natural" becomes such a science project:)
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did you only do 1 round of clomid or did you do multiples?
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My doctor did full blood work prior to me going on Clomid and he said my FSH was normal, but he did not do an u/s.
summer06 I did not o on 50mg Clomid which is why I am going to try 100mg this next month.  I am keeping my fingers crossed that this increased doseage will work since all of my hormones "appear" normal in the bloodwork... I just can't get on any kind of a cycle since going off the pill almost 1 year ago. Only one natural period since last December.
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Did you O on 50mg of clomid. I took my first dose and per the u/s I didn't O.
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no, my dr. said since I already had one child and was healthy that he was not going to do any further tests unless the CLomid did not work after 3 cycles.
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151928 tn?1275707337
Did any of you have to take a FSH test or do an ultrasound prior to being put on Clomid??
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ladies thank you so much for your information.  I really think this will be hit or miss for me but will keep you posted!
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thank you for your comment, trying to figure out when I am ovulating is tricky.  Home detection tests never seem to work!
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Your cycle starts on the first day of your period so when people say you would ovulate on a certain day, say 14, that means the 14th day after your period has started.
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I would recommend bd'ing every day starting today and buying an ovulation predictor kit (opk) tomorrow and start using it right away. you may not be too late to use the opk ... just remember that opk are different than pregnancy tests (pgt). With an opk, if you get a faint test line, this is NEGATIVE. Only when the test line is AS DARK AS or DARKER THAN the control line is the opk positive. Once you get a positive opk, you should ovulate within 24-48 hours, and the best time to bd is MORE THAN 24 hours but LESS THAN 36 hours after your positive opk.

Best wishes! Check out peeonastick.com for more information ... it is a very informative website that I have been living by for the past month or so. Good luck with the Clomid!
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My doctor told me that ovulation could occur anywhere from 4 to 9 days after I finished my last Clomid pill... he said to be active :) all of those days just to cover all opportunities.  You will have to keep me posted.  I am uping my Clomid to 100mg this next month... 50mg did not work for me, but hopefully you will have success with it.  Crystal
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