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318181 tn?1336443496

2WW - anyone with me?

Hi everyone,

I'm 3 dpo today and as always dreading the looooong 2 week wait! So far, I have slightly tender BBs and some creamy CM...but of course, I know it's way to early to start "looking" for symptoms :-)

Anyone with me?
146 Responses
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318181 tn?1336443496
Jewels & Keenie: Best of luck to both of you! We actually have a new thread called "Cycle Buddies 2009", and we'd love to have you join us on there! It should be on the main page...

Heather ;-)
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727562 tn?1302986438
Hello Ladies, I am waiting patiently with the rest of you! I am 5 dpo and I have heavy sore bb's, dull backaches, spider veins all over my chest, constipation and very very moody! I don't want to get my hopes up. Today I had a big dip on my BBT, yesterday it was 98 F and today it was 97.1, what's up with that? I'm doing this au naturalle but I do have to take baby aspirin daily because of my clotting (had four prior mc's because of clotting lining) and I took evening primrose oil up until ovuation along with my daily pre-natal vitamin. I hope I get a BFP this month, it is so disappointing when you don't, it feels just like a loss!!!!!
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741698 tn?1233752726
Hi my name is Julie. This is my first round of clomid. I am 3 dpo and in my 2ww now. i am so excited. I hope i get a positive test. I am going on the 26th to get a progeterone testing. If anyone has any advice or questions for me i will gladly take them. I want to give everyone some baby dust. best wishes!
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318181 tn?1336443496
OMG!!! Chinup, that's wonderful news!!! Congratulations on your GREAT numbers!

I am sooooo happy for you :-)
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Hi, i'm 2 weeks after iui. and my beta result is 500 then 1000 after 2 days. I'm so happy now. thank you guys so much for everything. my progestoren level is 38mg (and i'm taking prometrium 200mg)
baby dust to all
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324372 tn?1222820202
I did the guanifenisin thing the first time around using clomid and I got pregnant the first month I tried it!  I had EWCM for days! I didn't take just the guanifenisin pills though.. I did Robitussin.  I tried just Mucinex this time, and I never got EWCM the same way I did with Robitussin. I'm not sure why.. maybe there is something in the additives?

I broke down and did another HPT today, and the faint line I saw yesterday was still there, but fainter.  I'm thinking somehow it's the trigger shot hanging around.  I had that low tugging cramp two days ago, and yesterday I was fine, but I have AF type cramping today.

Funny how we all analyze our every twinge when TTC, huh? :P

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I will have my beta this Sat.
good luck to all
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282955 tn?1394730951
Hi Heather,

Speaking of cramps they are all gone :(  I had some bloodwork done this morning to see if I trully "O'd" my OB would like to know for sure if 50mg clomid is enough for me.  I am quite scared thinking about HPT,  I am sure I will cave in as soon as I miss AF but we'll see. I get scared of needles though so I may do it only if it's my last resort...........Hope this is the month for us,
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318181 tn?1336443496
Yay, tea_berries, you're already halfway through the looong 2WW! Cramps at this point can definitely be a good sign :-)

I'm not even sure what dpo I am today. I think I'm either 2, 3 or 4 dpo.

Are you planning on taking a HPT next week? Or are you seeing an RE and will be going in for a blood test?
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282955 tn?1394730951
thanks for the info about pineapple and grapes chinup! I will keep that in mind.

heather5:Well I am 7DPO today and still tired, had some cramps this morning since 5DPO till now, my temp is still around 98.78 and 98 It must be CLOMID acting up on me :) not much headache lately but darn sleepy,  staying positive to get BFP.  But I must say that the cramps this AM were the worst so far, HOW about everyone? How are you ladies doing?
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318181 tn?1336443496
Maybe I will ask for a progesterone test. Thanks for suggesting that :-)

Yes, I did ovulate on my own before clomid, but thought it would help increase my chances. I was on 50 mg, days 5 though 9. Not sure if I'll try it again or not.

How about you?

I'll keep the grapes and pineapples in mind for next cycle...although I'm still kinda hoping there won't be a next cycle and that I'll get my BFP this month. Here's to positive thinking!


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i read somewhere that grapes and pineapple help cm.

how about ask your dr. to do blood work to see your progestorene level.

are you on clomid 50mg? so did you O regullarly without Clomid?

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318181 tn?1336443496
Hi chinup!

Sorry about the BFN...but 11 dpo is still early. Yeah, it's probably a good idea to wait until 14 dpo. I've had two miscarriages, and both times I got pregnant, I didn't get my BFP until after AF was due :-)

I tried the grapefruit juice and guafinesin (sp.) to increase CM, but it didn't seem to work. Maybe I need to ask about estradiol too. Oh, and I haven't tried grapes before. Is that suppose to help too?

To be honest, I don't really have too much faith in this cycle. I was very excited to try clomid this month, but with the lack of CM, the difficulties determining my ovulation date and the fact that I don't have tender BBs at all, I'm a little bit discouraged. Still hoping, though...

SSBD right back at you!!!
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BFN on cd 11, so i will not check again before cd 14 :)
but i no longer have tender BB, and since i take Progestorene, so the BBT could be fooled by the drug.

my dr gave me 10mg estradoil (to take after finishing Clomid) to lessen the negative side effect of clomid.

and i drink lots of water and grapejuice, eat grape (even eat salty foods). and during this winter, grape in my place is so hard to find :)

lots of SSBD to you and all others on 2ww.
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318181 tn?1336443496
Sam: So sorry last cycle didn't work out for you :-(  I'm sending lots of SSBD your way for this month!!!

tea-berries: That's very exciting!!! I wouldn't mind having headaches, nausea and lower back pain either...for a BFP :-) Best of luck to you, and keep us posted!
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282955 tn?1394730951
Hi heather , hi all:)

I am happy you are on 2WW now I will keep my fingers crossed for you :)  I am now on 6DPO, I know it's too early to tell but I am getting signs like the ones that are mentioned on the website called twoweekwait.com .  I'm staying positive and check after AF is due. I hope we all get out BFP soon :)  

It's funny but I have never been happy to have minor headaches; nausea and lower back aches before,  I know you can't judge pregnancy through these early signs but it keeps me smiling to have these symptoms feels like BFP is comming .  I will include everyone in my prayers :)
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365429 tn?1390253309
its sam, im cd2 AGAIN!!! anyway, hope this is ur month. fingers crossed...
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318181 tn?1336443496
Hi chinup!

I'm doing good. I tried clomid this month for the first time, but I'm a little worried, because A) I had NO cervical mucus and I know the little swimmers need that to get where they need to be, and B) I can't really tell by my temperatures when I ovulated. Could be as early as Friday or as late as yesterday. I guess I'll just have to wait and see after charting my temps for a few more days. But either way, looks like I'm back in the 2WW :-)

So, you're 11 dpo today! Wow! When are you testing again? I'll cross my fingers for you!!!
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how are you doing?
i'm on cd 11 now.
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318181 tn?1336443496
Hi girls!

Rumsy, so sorry I missed your post from the other day...YES! I hope this is the start of a wonderful trend too :-) I'm CD 12 today, and so far just faint lines on the OPKs, but I'm guessing clomid will delay my ovulation by a few days this cycle. Hopefully I'll be back in the 2WW by the end of the week! How are you doing? Have you been back for a follow up yet?

Chinup: LOL! Yes, 7 dpo is probably a little early for a HPT :-) But you're getting closer... Susanelizabeth got a PFP at 9 dpo last month, and I know some others on here who got theirs at 12 dpo. Give it a few more days and test again!!! And keep us posted! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!!!

Sam, ashort and anyone else in the 2WW: How are you guys doing? I'm sending lots of SSBD your way :-)
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I cannot wait for my. i'm 7piui and 8pHCG, and BFN today. too early to tell, doesn't it. but the news of 2BFPs keep my hope up.
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2 BFPs - hopefully this is the start of a wonderful trend! How are you doing Heather?
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318181 tn?1336443496
OMG!!! Diesel...I'm so happy for you!!! I've heard many women say the tenderness comes and goes in early pregnancy, so try not to worry too much about that. Congratulation!!!!

Rumsy actually got a BFP this morning too. She started a separate post earlier today. I can't believe we got two BFPs on the same day!!!


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406099 tn?1215147743
BFP! Golly gosh, it's a BFP! But I am now a little worried because my tender BB's are no longer tender........should I be concerned? I just want to be able to enjoy this moment, but I don't want to get my hopes too high. AAAAAaaaaaargh! I've waited so long for this, and here it is. Thanks to all for your support chix. xx
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