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398038 tn?1247857003

Femara Info

To all of my friends using Femara, and those that are thinking about it, I found some really good info online that is very detailed.  It's actually a fact sheet from a fertility clinic in Ontario.  I don't know anything about the clinic, but it's by far the best info I've seen on using Femara for infertility.  Here's the link if anyone is interested:


Also, any updates from those of you using Femara?  My first cycle resulted in ovulation, but no BFP.  :(  I'm now on cd 9, so hopefully it will work this time!

To jnitro26:  I saw that you are also in your 2nd Femara cycle.  How is it going?

To HeathJo:  How is your 2ww going?  SSBD to you!!!

To G_S:  Here's hoping everything is OK and that you get your BFP!

To bny807:  Best of luck with your ultrasound today.  If there is some endo, I'm sure it will be treatable.  My thoughts are with you today.

To kschnack:  How is your first Femara cycle going?  I hope it works out for you!!

Thanks to all the wonderful ladies on this forum who are so supportive.  My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
45 Responses
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366262 tn?1360031596
well i have sore bb's and cramps, and i have been really hungry, which i am like this before af all the time.
i have had so many tests taken, and they cant find anything wrong, except i wasnt o'ing on my own. and me and my dh never tried to prevent getting pg, so its been 4 years and still not pg. and its starting to get frustrating. i guess its becasue i dont undertand why, i have had 2 m/c and 1 ectopic and that was 5 years ago, havent be able to get pg since then. i am trying to stay positive.
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398038 tn?1247857003
I don't know how many dpo is normal for you, but what symptoms have you had to make you think AF is coming?  I'm still holidng out hope for you girl!!  We had used preseed a few times when I was on clomid, but we didn't with the Femara.  Maybe we'll give that a try this time.  What about you?  I know what you mean about trying to stay positive.  This whole ttc is definitely one big roller coaster ride.  You have times when you are so hopeful and just know that this will be your time, and then have to deal with the disappointment when it doesn't work.  Then with every new thing you try, you get that feeling that this will be your solution, and then when it isn't, it's so scary to think about what is next.  How long have you been ttc?  Have the doctors given you any definite answers?  We've been ttc about 20 months now and they have found nothing wrong other than a possible ovulation problem.  That makes it hard because you can't fix the problem when you don't really know what's going on in the first place!  I guess all we can do is keep praying for our little miracle.  I always try to believe that everything happens for a reason, so maybe God is just waiting for the right time.  I know it's hard sometimes, but we really have to have faith and believe that it will work out for us.  It also definitely helps to have someone to talk to, and I'm sure you have your DH for that, but I'm here too if you ever need to vent.  My DH has been wonderful, but I know it's just as hard for him and you can't dwell on it and talk about it all the time.  We definitely need to keep in touch.
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366262 tn?1360031596
i am 11dpo today. i poas when i woke up but it was bfn, so i really believe my af is coming. did you get preseed to help with the process? i keep thinking that i am never going to get a bfp. i know i should be posotive, but i havent been able to get pregnant in years.
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398038 tn?1247857003
Yes, I am already finished with it this cycle.  I'm on cd 11 today, so I'm hoping for a positive OPK soon.  I actually got a positive on cd11 last month, so we'll see what happens today.  I was actually just about to go give it a try.  I hate doing that at work though!  I always run into the bathroom with my little cup and test and pray that no one else is in there. :)  What dpo are you?  I would definitely still hold out hope if I were you.  Sending tons of SSBD your way!  
Helpful - 0
366262 tn?1360031596
have you started taking femara again? my af is due sunday, so once that comes i will start on cd 3. and my dr said they like to see anything over  a 10 for my levels. i wish i was pg but i feel af coming, i keep getting cramps and my bb's are really sore. but i wish you all of the luck, i will keep you posted, keep me posted too.
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398038 tn?1247857003
It's good to hear that you are giving Femara another try too.  I have been feeling pretty good with it, and it seems to have done what it is supposed to, so I'm hoping that the second time will be the charm for both of us!  It's good that your dr is monitoring you.  I think that progesterone level is good, isn't it?  What is it supposed to be?  I called the dr to see if I could have an ultrasound this month, but since I got a positive OPK last cycle, they don't think it's necessary.  I still would've liked to have seen some actual follies to make me feel better.  I also asked about a progesterone test a few months ago, but she didn't think that was needed either.  It's frustrating going to an OBGYN sometimes because they really don't monitor things like they should.  Oh well.  I guess we'll see what happens and pray that it works this time.  Keep me posted on your progress.  Best of luck to you!!!
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