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276983 tn?1308574048

Very worried about HCG levels..

I'm starting to get a bad feeling in my gut about my BFP.  

As I posted last week, I found out on Halloween (Wednesday) that I was pregnant.  My HCG was at 45 and my progesterone was at 24 (these were done 14 DPIUI).  I had more bloodwork done on Friday (of last week) and my HCG went up to 83, while my prog went up to 25.  At the time, the nurse told me that they want to see the # go up at least 60%, but it is best if it doubles (in 48 hours).  So mine was darn close to doubling (from 45 to 83), but not quite.  She didn't seem too concerned b/c it was at least in that 60%-doubling "window".  I went back in today for more bloodwork and my HCG went up to 229 and my prog went down to 19.  She didn't seem that worried about the progesterone dropping (she said anything could cause that to happen).  However, she sounded much less optimistic this time.  Showing you guys the quick big picture here... within the 4 days since my last blood draw, my numbers should have been between 211 and 330.  So with 229, I am in that safe area, but really darn close to being near the very minimum that they like to see.  She pretty much told me that it doesn't necessarily mean anything bad (ectopic), but it doesn't look great either...  as she put it, I'm still "on the fence".  She really couldn't tell me anything else... she just didn't sound happy about it, which in turn makes me worry like hell that my baby isn't going to stick.

I'm going back on Friday for more bloodwork and hopefully by then the numbers will jump up where they need to be.  I've been so happy and optimistic... now it feels like I'm mourning already.  I just want some answers... I know whatever is going to happen will happen.  I'm just wondering if anyone on here has had a similar situation where their #'s were a little screwy, but it still ends in a healthy pregnancy?

Any info will help a lot!            
25 Responses
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276983 tn?1308574048
I posted a new post, but I told you guys I would keep you updated... so I'm just letting you all know that I have either a blighted ovum or a biochemical pregnancy.  The pregnancy failed.. I won't know for sure what happened until tomorrow, but either way, the end result is the same.  I'm so disappointed and sad (and angry a little)... although I suppose I should have better prepared myself.  I'll find out tomorrow when I can try again (I really hate the idea of waiting a couple months/cycles).  

I appreciate all of your support.
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I had my first HCG test 13 dpo...I thought it was a regular blood pregnancy test, but when she called to say I was pregnant, she told me that my hcg was 116 (which was an obvious positive).  Now, I go in once a week for a hcg beta blood work.  

Hope that helps!
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My clinic is not testing HCG as ofter and I am seeing from others. I had 3 day transfer on 10/22 and my first HCG was 10/30 (8dpt) level was 3 then 11/1 (10dpt) level was 26 and that was when my clinic gave me not the best of news that it might be a chemical pregnancy because they did not like my first number at 3. I tested again 11/3 (12dpt) and it was 89 and they confirmed the pregnancy. I have not had any tests since then and my first u/s (and I am assuming blood work) is 11/20.

How ofter and when did you all have your HCG tested?
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I know how you feel on the HCG roller coaster ride.  For two weeks mine went from 236 to 4019 to 3019 to 4398 to 4528. They would rise then drop then barely move.  As long as your numbers are within the range they are suppose to be I wouldn't worry.  Some dr's hate the HCG because it is not an exact science.  As long as they continue to move and yours going from the 200's to the 500's in days is really good.   An U/S will tell you for sure.  Best wishes and good luck, keep us posted.  

I am 7 weeks tomorrow and I go for another U/S.  
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325658 tn?1208896013
oh my, it is so hard not to worry.  i am hoping for the best for you.
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276983 tn?1308574048
Thanks SLMS!

JennMonkeys:  I know exactly what you mean about wanting more symptoms.  I have been nauseous and very tired lately... but I want to feel more pregnant (course that's not realistic... there's really no true pregnant "feel").  But my mom did tell me the same exact thing your mom said... she had three of us and the only real symptom she had was slight nausea (and that didn't even start until much later).  

Good luck with your u/s on Tuesday... it'll feel so great!
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I am feeling great ant that concerns me as well. Can you believe I want to feel nauseous? What I really want is a sign other than tired. I did talk to my Mom this morning and she said she did not even know she was pregnant with my younger brother until she was in her 2nd trimester. She had NO symptoms and she had 2 prior children. Soooo I guess that made me feel better.

I know what you mean about the u/s and it making it reality. This week for all of us is going to be long. I know that it is going to be wonderful for all of us to hear that heart beat.

Let us know how Friday goes. You will be in my prayers for those numbers to be perfect!
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Good luck tomorrow! Hope your numbers have gone up!!
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276983 tn?1308574048
Hey there... yeah I can't wait to start making our "spare" room into the nursery (but b/c my doc is still concerned about my nubmers, I'm holding off on anything like that for now... just to be safe).  
The nurse actually called me today to tell me they want me to do my bloodwork tomorrow instead of Friday.  Although I don't know why they're doing it sooner, I'm happy to get the results back sooner... I really need to see those numbers jump up.  And depending on what they see, I might end up changing my u/s appointment (sooner or later).  
I'll let you know what happens!
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hey not fair!!! i gotta wait till the 27th before i got my u/s done!! urrr lol jk thas good at least you get to see your baby and maybe relax a little, i know i was told that im done with blood work but im worried i kind of wish i wasent and still get to see how my numbers are doing its not good to not know lol im soo weird i know, i feel the same as you till i get to see the baby on the u/s i wont stop worrying...let me know how ur numbers do on friday, ive been having morning sickness i wake up gagging to the point where i ran to the bathroom and i vomit but not much really comes out (sorry) but at least i know that this is a good sign and at the end it will be all worth it riteee? i went shopping for baby room today with my mom it was soo exciting...i got a number for this guy who does murals for the baby room i got soo many ideas already but i better wait till after the holidays im just getting too excited!! ahhaa
cant wait to hear from you!! take care.
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276983 tn?1308574048
My RE called today, so I have the appointment on the 19th.  It WILL make it feel like more of a reality once I get to see the little bean!  I can't wait.. .I just hope my bloodwork on Friday jumps up nice and high!  I've been feeling ok lately... a little nauseous here and there, but not too bad.  How about you?

Good luck with your u/s... ditto on keeping us posted!
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You will have to keep us posted on the u/s. I also have mine around the same time 11/20 and I am also anxious to see the bean to bring it to reality. How are you feeling?
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276983 tn?1308574048
As best I can tell, my numbers are looking better today.  My HCG was 229 on Tuesday and today (Friday) they are 505.  Unfortunately the nurse who called me with my results was in the middle of eating her afternoon snack (couldn't really be bothered with too many questions it seemed) and she honestly didn't seem to know what she was talking about.  When I pushed her into telling me whether 505 was good/bad/neutral she just said that it was "within the range and I should be cautiously optimistic".  That was about it... she kept saying that the numbers should double in 48 hours... but everything I read online said that it should double within 48-72 hours.  So going by that, my numbers did double in 72 hours (in fact, they MORE than doubled)... I was just confused why she still seemed "iffy" about whether or not I was in the clear... to me the numbers looked good, right?  Am I understanding this all correctly?  

Either way I don't have to do any more bloodwork until next Friday (so a week off in between.. woohoo).  And then I have to call on Monday to schedule a pregnancy ultrasound for 11/19 or 11/20.  That does make me feel better knowing they're finally going to do an u/s... I wanna see the little bean in there.. I think that will let me breathe a sigh of relief!  So, confused though I am with these darn numbers, I'm choosing to just let it be and go back to being ridiculously happy that I'm pregnant!!  (However, as always... I welcome advice on what you guys think of these numbers... good/bad?).  Thanks for all of the positive thoughts guys!
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276983 tn?1308574048
Thanks for all of the support... you guys are such a big help!  

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296076 tn?1371334474
with my daughter now 5... I was told because of my numbers that it is unlikely that this pregnancy will result in a baby... I was distroyed but I stayed in bed for 5 days and prayed for her to hold on... and now she is 5... good luck!!
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As hard as it is please hang in there for that little bean growing inside you. You can never give up on that. It is a shame how the Nurse/Dr. can get you down and loose hope when that is all we have. Right? I statred with HCG 3 and my Nurse/Clinic Cord. gave me the worst news that I was most likely am having a chemical preg. So I had all last weekend with the bad news. Next 2 blood tests HCG 26 then 12dpt it was 79 and then I got my BFP 11/5. Wendy, I have a great feeling about this hang in there and I will pray for you, DH, and for your 9 months to be smooth from her on out. Keep us posted!
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208686 tn?1293030503
I think your numbers sound right on track! My progesterone was 32.80 and dropped down to 18.23 in a matter of days and my doctor didn't do a thing with it, he told me as long as it didn't drop down past 12 then he was okay with it and wasn't worried too much. I put faith in him as I really respect him as a doctor! A couple weeks later it jumped back up there on it's own to 24. I am 11w 2d now and all if going fine.

Focus on the good and that lil bean in there! I'll be thinking about you!!.. waiting til Friday.... ((HUGS))
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hey Wendy,
talk about nurses sometimes i feel like killing mine! lol dont listen to what she says just be patient and rest a lot thas what ive been told by all my friends, the first time i tested mine # was 27 so it was low she says i was barely preg. so i was like what the hell is that suppost to mean...4 days later yesterday i went again, when she called me she was like well i wanted to see the #'s at least @ 108 but your is 172 i was like ok ur saying it like its bad...she was like ohh no no its good but we still want to be cautios so i go back again sat. i try no to think about it as much..when i was telling my sister in law she had no idea what i was talking about and she had had 2 kids so im not worried!!
just be HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
keep me updated on ur results friday!
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don;t worry
have faith in GOD....Nurses and DRs scares sometime
everthing will be fine..you'll have great nos on friday
all thebest and rest well
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276983 tn?1308574048
Thanks guys... I took tonight to panic and worry over what the nurse told me, and I'm going to do everything I can to think happy, positive thoughts until my next bloodtest (Friday).  I'm easily led down the "bad news" path, so if my nurse is sounding pessimistic and acting like there's already something to worry about, it's really hard for me NOT to think about it.  I think that's what was most bothersome about the phone call was that she sounded like she had already lost hope (even though she insisted the results weren't awful, just not great).  Thanks again!

(lookingup:  Congrats on your little healthy fetus!)  
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294043 tn?1354207946
Just wanted to wish you the best of luck!!!  I hope your next test will put your mind at ease.
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237300 tn?1231454718
Your numbers sound fine to me. Try not to worry too much...I know it's hard but try to stay positive.
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300926 tn?1253582516
Stay positive....your numbers are fine.  I hate when the Dr.'s and nurse's are the first to loose hope.  Just continue to pray everything will be fine.  Blessings to you, DH, and baby.
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231654 tn?1218981839
Hi Wendy
I just wanted you to know that you should remain calm.  My numbers were not going up fast.  They were going up every 36 hours and I was told from other woman that I was probably doomed.  Mine went from 22 to 30, Then 30 to 130 and then 48 hours later 289.  Of course my RE said not to focus too much on the numbers as long as they are going up.
Well Today I had my first ultrasound and it implanted in the right place and not ectopic. I was able to see a sac and my RE was pleased.  My fetus is 3 weeks and 5 days.  Hang in there. Believe in your little one.  I am!
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