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how many days after iui would you get pregnancy symptoms OPEN

I was just wondering if anyone could tell me when I should start to having pregnancy symptoms after iui. I am 6 days post iui and yesterday I started feeling naused. It woke me up during the night and I still feel the same today. I don't know if I have a bug or if is maybe a sign. I also took 10,000 units of HCG trigger shot but it has been 8 days since I had shot so I don't know if that could be it. Please HELP!!!
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I swear I have lived on this site and many others for the past few weeks, but have decided to share my story so that other first timers like myself can continue to hope big.  Here it goes.  I had my first IUI done on November 27.  From the moment that was done and during my entire 2WW I was cramping; I hadn't talked to anyone, but just assumed that was a good thing and that it had to mean that stuff was working.  Last week Tuesday I was officially out of my 2WW window, but since my husband was out of town, I had promised him I'd wait until he got back to test.  On Wednesday, 16dpiui, we decided we couldn't wait, so that night we did two tests.  With all the cramping, backaches, and several other symptoms I just knew the results would be good...2 BFNs.  My heart sank, but I told my husband I'd try again in the morning since levels are higher then, and that I'd get a blood test done no matter what the results were.  The next morning were 2 more BFNs.  I hadn't gotten my period, but that's been so normal to me, so I was heartbroken by these results.  I dreaded having to do the blood test because how could 4 tests be wrong?  I procrastinated and did the test in the afternoon.  Friday morning I got the results and it was a BFP!!  I guess I tested at home too soon.  Now comes my 3WW until my first US.  To everyone waiting, keep your heads up because if it can happen for me, it can definitely happen for you!
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Am having cramps and my breast is becoming bigger since 30 of last month,dis morning I was weak and vomiting and my next period will b 15 of dis month dem I took a pregnancy test it was negative,what should I do
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Hi Latifat, I also feel almost the way you do. I have cramps and my breast feels a bit bigger too, but I don't want to go for any test, so am just going to wait it out. My period is suppose to start on 16 July, so am just going to try and remove it from my mind and do more of praying.
Good luck to you and let me know the out come
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Good day am new .but m really excited. As I had my  first iui Yestarday I have Been feeling bloated. N sleepy. But I think my mind s playing tracks with me as it s too. Early .......I was. On clomid n trigger  
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Hi there I'm 3dp iui (2nd time back to back) grumpy today with emotions running high, frequent urination, headache and achy ovaries. Will keep posting.
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4dp iui bad cramping all night in ovaries and back.  Very emotional.  I was never this bad with IVF.
8dp iui still cramping slight nausea, took a test cause this wait ***** BFN but it's still wary I know.  Boobs feel slightly fuller but only stopped BF my 17 month son 2 weeks ago.
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We are doing our first IUI in 2 days. I will keep you updated and lets kickstart this discussion again! Day 3 of my cycle I saw the Dr, started Femara 5mg till day 7. Today is day 11 to see how many eggs there are!
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Hello, me and my wife are trying to do at home insememination. But I. Ant seem to understand os to how to track my cycle.... how do I understand the cycle of 24 and 26 and so on what that mean  I normally just mark my calendar the day it come on nd then I mark my calendar the day it goes off
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Day 1 of your cycle is the first day of your menstruation. Till your next menstruation starts that is how many days your cycle is. So you count each day until the day befote your next menstruation. Your next menstruation starts day 1 of your new cycle.
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I am inviting anyone ttc out there to join the discussion. Looks like no activity in here for a couple of years.
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I am going through iui, fertility treatments now. I would love to re-open this conversation. The more information, the better!
hi there i am new to this forum, i had miscarriage at 17th week with ivf and now after 3 months i did my 4th iui (3 iui’s 4 yrs ago than 2 cycle of ivf )with clomid started on 2 cd to 6 cd at 11 cd i.e 9th dec doc did u/s and saw 2 follies 18mm and 22mm so took a trigger shot same day, did my iui on 13 cd now in 2ww. has anyone had positive result in such scenario, plz help !
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I saw this post just now as I was reading through all the post, I know this is from 3 years ago, but I had to thank you anyways for such an encouraging post!! You are absolutely right if God wasn't going to give us a miracle He wouldn't have put the desire in our hearts! He has perfect timing! Infertility may be one of the most difficult experiences women and couples experience, but for my husband and I it has strengthened our marriage and it has shown my husband how much I really on God and how strong He makes me. God bless you and again thank you for such beautiful encouraging words!!
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I wish people use this thread regularly. It was so alive during 2006 to 2013 and now no one is posting. Is there any way to kickstart the discussion?
Hi, I have never answered on any site like this before but I have been online regularly checking up about fertility treatments and have been very disappointed with how out dated the comments are. So here it goes I would love to add to the conversation as I think it's so important that women can get advise and ideas from others about peoples experiences etc. Today I had my first IUI and thank God I was happy with it. It wasn't as bad at all as some people say it is but I know everyone is different and I can understand that for some people they may have more complications.  It's the anxiety before it that is more difficult to deal with. My advice if you are worried before the IUI procedure, is take a relaxant to help you before hand as it does help. I spent 4 months on Clomid and the pregnal injections so now I begin the wait after having IUI today. It is a very emotional journey so make sure you talk about it, don't bottle things up! I have found it hard but now since I have started IUI it has become more exciting and I am keeping positive!! Must try distract myself now though for the next two weeks ☺
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I am feeling just how you are feeling. Don't know how things are gonna be with me. But all the best to you and all of the other ladies who are trying so hard.
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Hiii everyone, I was searching for a place where I could share my mental condition going with all this treatment. It's my sixth day after my iui. And I am taking progesterone. I can feel breast tenderness, nausea, mild cramping and even I am very sleepy. I know this may be because of the  hcg 10, 000 shot that I was given before iui. I don't know how much hopeful I should be. I am afraid even about thinking of getting a negative test.
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hi I just had my second iui on2/01/16. I got a BFP on my first iui in aug 15. I had a missed m/c in October. this iui is really bothering me I was on my way to the drs. on fri jan 29 to get follicle check its my cd 12. I was just around the corner when a car hit me. I thought about just walking to the drs my car had to be towed. but I iad my dog now that I think about it I don't think that the dr would have minded that the dog was with because of the problem I am really mad at myself that I didn't do that the police took me home I called the dr and told her I had a accident and didn't know how to get there the next day. I told them I was canceling this cycle. but on sat night the net day, I started to get the picing on both sides at around 7 oclock so I couldn't pee till 9oclock or so I forget I took a clearblue and it just had the negative circle. I tested on sun the next day at 10.45am and was positive on clearblue and other opl test strip so I called the clinic right away and I asked if I could come in today and told them I had the pinching the night before they said to get iui the next morning wich is Monday. I am uncure about this iui because of not going to the follicle appointment but I would like someone to comment on my post please .      I also asked them about the trigger shot and they told me that I could take it anytime like after we get off the phone that was 11.00am on sun day.1/31/16. they told me they couldn't give me any answers because I didn't have my b/w done.
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Hi  ladyI am in day 6 and I been having cramping from day one I don't feel sick I am always sleepy but I always been like that I am nervous I don't know what to think I have a lot of faith but these tww is killing me
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I am looking for male baby with IUI. Could you please advise good hospital for the same?

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my 2 nd iui did on last 02 on august. 8 days after iui i had my under stomach pain just like periods symptoms. today is 13 day after iui. today also i have that pain. i can be pregnant or not ?  
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Hi my Name is Naomi also new to the community.. me and my DH struggel for 16 years and 3 years ago we found out by husband have a low spermcount. I've done my first IUI on the 9th April 2015. My legs have been also hurting sins day 1. I see you didn't post anything after the 5th of Janary, and wanted to know if its normal in some cases...

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After feeling down and in the dumps I found this page!  I am totally surprise with all the women in the world going through the same emotional roller coaster as I am.  I had stage 4 endometriosis which was removed surgically last year…
My first IUI was negative and am currently on day 7 after my second IUI thus 7 days to go! Currently I have severe cramps and my boobs are killing me! Looking at previous comments I hope this is a positive sign!!!
Just something I note and would like to compare is there anyone ells that was on the following treatment:
My hubby was on Prolox a supplement to increase his sperm count
I am currently on Inofolic and started Farmara one day 3 of my cycle for 5 days while drinking the Farmara I had Menopur injections.
On day 12 I had 3 egg cells at an average size of 2.17cm which is much smaller than my first trial measuring 3.2cm.  On day 12 I got my final injections and IUI was done on day 13
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Hi I am new to this community. I am trying to conceive for past 1 year now. This community is so thoughtful and inspiring, it does give a lot of motivation. I have an endometrial cyst around 3.5 cm in the right ovary. My doctor asked to to under go IUI. I had my first IUI  2 days back. Anyone with a successful IUI with endometriosis? I am keeping positive, but at times get very frustrated. Please suggest.
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Congrats!  Thank you for your kind and faithful words
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I am new to this site I have been with my husband for 8 years when have only been pregnant once and had a miscarriage at 7weeks. I am 34 and we had decided to see a fertility doctor but do not have insurance so figured to try it out before it got to late. I had tried clomid and nothing RE said my follicles were not growing and that I had a 45 follicles in right ovary and 30 on left side.  She said I should only have 5-6 in each ovary, hence I haven't been ovulating. I was then put on femara and they started to grow but I was also told to take a prenatal vitamin, extra folic acid and vitamin d. On CD19 Had follies 17mm, 16mm, 13.5mm, and 14.5mm, took a trigger shot on CD20, and had my first iui on CD21. So I am waiting to take my test hoping for BFP, and  trying not to get stresssed out.

But I wish the best of luck to all of you I know how hard it is to see babies, and be happy for all your pregnant friends when no one really knows what we go through.......Baby Dust for all of us!!!!
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Don't give up my husband and I have beeen married for sixteen years we tried IUI one time in 2003 it did not take. We figured God had other plans and oh boy did he we have since adopted 5 boys and fostered many more. On March 18 2015 we started IUI treatments again. I'm in my 2ww period. I really want a chance to be pregnant I love my other children more than words can say but I want to carry a baby if God sees fit I would be extremely happy. If not praying for peace and understanding.
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First iui today.  Trying to stay sane!  The 25th is a long way away!
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I had my iui done on Dec 27th 2014. Today is 12dpiui, tested but came out BFN..Nipples are little sore. No other symptoms...
Feeling very bad..am progestone tablets..Waiting for a kid since more than 2 years...
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This is my second IUI, last month I had a IUI and sadly I got my period, this is my second IUI and I'm 8 post IUI, been having in and out cramps, restless sleep and my legs have been hurting as if I've run a marathon. I don't know if it's normal or what I should be feeling. I also had the weird dreams!

Does anyone feel the same?
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This is my second IUI, last month I had a IUI and sadly I got my period, this is my second IUI and I'm 8 post IUI, been having in and out cramps, restless sleep and my legs have been hurting as if I've run a marathon. I don't know if it's normal or what I should be feeling. I also had the weird dreams!

Does anyone feel the same?
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Hello everyone. Im 35 and been trying to conceive with my husband for 7 years. We tested all ok, and we opt to try IUI for the first time. Now I'm day 12 post IUI and did not feel anything weird about my body at all, except for breast tenderness since day 1 post IUI up to now. This one I always feel when my period is about to come. Haven't done the test yet coz I don't wanna get a false positive or is dreading to see a negative. Just sharing and hoping for a successful first try in IUI.
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5days after iui... Been having flu since day3.. And having weird dreams too...
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