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how to tell him... need advise

For the past 3 wks, my taste buds have been changing. I am 11wks pg today. My hubby is so nice. He cooks for us, because sometimes I don't like the smell or just too tired. But the last 4 times he cooked, I did not like it. He is so sweet to do that but I can't keep saying that I don't like it. I feel bad because he cooked what I liked before getting pg. But my taste buds are changing. How do I tell him and not hurt his feelings? The first 2 times I told him that I did not like it and he seemed disappointed so the other times I lied and said it was good. We did talk about the fact that I will not be liking some things and some I will want. Even when I cook myself, I don't like to eat. What should I do?
8 Responses
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Thanks for all the advise ladies. Hope he takes it well.
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208686 tn?1293030503
okay, to prove just how obsessed I am with this flippin forum and all you ladies, I had a dream about this and I think it may help. In the dream, I made dinner one night and when we sat down to eat I couldn't, it was because it just made me too sick to eat it. I started crying and got all emotional saying "Gosh why does everything I eat anymore taste like $hit! I'm sorry honey, but I just can't eat normal things at this time! It isn't the cooking at all, it's just this pregnancy!" Now in the dream, my husband said he understood and would keep that in mind when he cooked. Which I might add, my husband is an awesome cook, but lets face it, pregnancy does some crazy things to us! But it's all worth it!
You could use my dream as an example if you like..lol.. Good Luck! ~Patty
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223372 tn?1240920676
My sister went through the same thing...Her husband is a fabulous cook.  WIth her second child, she would have to go into a closet and close the door to escape the food smells!!  HA!  By the time he had finished cooking, she was so sick she could not eat.  She finally had to tell him.  I think that is when he learned grill cooking is the best!  HA!  No lingering smells....  
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221731 tn?1199293160
I think you have the perfect excuse to say you don't like the food, because you are pregnant.  How about if you said something like oh, this has a little too much salt or this needs to cook a little longer or something like that.  I don't think he would get offended and he has to get used to it because you are going to get a lot worse as you go along.  If he knows you liked his cooking before you were pregnant then he shouldn't take it personal.

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I am much earlier than you, and it's not my taste buds(yet), I just only like what sounds good to me.  I am the cook in our family and have cut way down because I find it hard to figure out what I will eat!!  I do a menu a week ahead of time so I don't spend too much at the grocery store(this week's menu was empty, couldn't find anything that sounded good, lol).  Maybe if you sit down with him and tell him what is sounding good to you this week (with the knowledge that it can change at any  moment haha), and have him try cooking what you think you can eat?  You are so sweet not wanting to hurt his feelings, and he is a trooper for not getting angry.  It sounds like you two have a great relationship so I wouldn't worry too much about it.  Have him read some stories of other pregnant women who are going through the same thing, maybe he will understand more.
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My tastes have changed too.  The things that I used to like don't taste good to me anymore.  Even pizza tastes bad!!  I think you should just tell him that it's normal for tastes to change when pg, and that you've read it and talked to others about it.  I'm sure he'll understand, and then the next time he cooks and you don't like it, he'll better understand why.  Good luck and happy healthy pg!!!
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254689 tn?1251180040
You are so sweet to be so concerned about your husband's feelings!  I really don't know what to tell you - I was reading some posts and I came across yours and it almost made me cry.  What can I say but I'm 5 wks along!        You and your hubby must have a very special relationship.
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Be honest and tell him,

explain that because of your PG status 'congrats again' that your appetite and tastes are changing and its not a reflections on him or his cooking. honesty is the best policy. if i remember correctly you did FET and are pg with twins. glad to see you are doing so well:) an inspiration for the rest of us doing FET. good luck. hope my advice helped.
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