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I saw your post about spotting...I pray this is nothing to worry about and I pray that you take it easy for a bit to make sure and not stress the baby.  So have you gotten your HCG levels yet?  To know what to go by.    I'm praying very hard that everything is ok.  Let me know.

25 Responses
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148691 tn?1260194903
Hey girls!! good morning!!!! thank you for the thoughts and wishes!!! it seems like I have 2 jobs aligned! yay!! the one i liked first just contacted me this morning and told me i would have to come for a second interview to discuss salary, benefits, and job in general......which means.....they chose me!!!! (she said in the first one: if we make a desicion, we'll call the candidate to come for  a second interview). I was SOOO nervous about not being able to afford a GREAT life for my lil' pea....=(
But, he/she bring mommy GOOD luck!!!! =) he/she's my light!

ashort- Girl! I know that waiting just STINKS! i mean! like it's a big science to get the blood analised and sent all over God's creation to have a darn result??? WTF! but, yeah, ask for Provera girl.....ask for anything you feel is right for you! remember, otherwise, they do rutine cr*p on us most of the time!!! Man, i really hope you get AF soon so you can start TTC right away!

nwmom- Girl! how are you doing?? thank you for your sweet words hun!!!!! they lifted my spirits this morining!...man! im telling you! i am shaking just to think about that US.....i am really prepared for the worse....but it'd still HIT HARD.....ya know? i can't think straight right now...i am so affraid of seeing a black mass of ....nothing....just like last time.....=(
Girl, you are right, it is normal for us ladies that have gone thru this to be so nervous.....but you'll se, you and the newly preggies here will be posting our H/B's and our good news very soon!! =))

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So glad your doing better!!  Glad that your interviews went well too!  Can't imagine that they wouldn't want to hire you..... you seem to have a great personality and sense of humor! :)   Can't wait for you to have your u/s on Weds and hear GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm nervous too for mine on the 18th but I think that's normal after m/c's.  Let us know how your numbers look tomorrow!!  :)
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237300 tn?1231454718
Glad to hear things are going well.  Wow, so you might get to pick between 2 jobs?  

Things are about the same for me...still waiting...I called about my blood work yesterday and b/c it had to be sent to NC it won't be back until the 17th...so I think I'm calling RE to see if he will check my Beta if it's down I'm going to ask for Provera....
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148691 tn?1260194903
awwweee thank you girls!!! I am emotionally MUCH better today, couldn't help but stop by the store and buy my beloved (once hated) FRER's....tested and line is dark as can be! =) some peace of mind for now! =))
I also went today for my other interview and they ALMOST offered me the job right then and there! the guy asked me if i could make a decision by wednesday! (i have the other one from yesterday and would love that one too!) and he pays really well!! (it's a looooot of money for me!! haha =))

Well, anywho, i went today also to get my 4th blood draw and we'll see tomorrow what's going on.....from here then the heartbeat on wednesday!!! (oh GOSH! I am freaking out.....) never got to see a h/b.....just an empty womb....="(((

So guys, thank you for the beautiful prayers and thoughts and wishes!!! you guys are in my heart and mind as much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)))

How are you guys doing today????
Any update on anyone??
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So glad to hear your doc said things were ok.  I couldn't get on yesterday and was wondering how you were doing!  Take it easy and how did that interview go?  :)
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237300 tn?1231454718
vsentz...glad to hear things are better today.  I wanted to check on here to see how you were doing!  Sounds like things are good...
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148691 tn?1260194903
Yes mam! you just know! =)) I think your daughter shouldn't tell them right away. I didn't. Unfortunately a lot of people to this day are still closed minded about pregnancy and hiring women at a stable nice high-end position for the fear  of her leaving to raise children, even when that's not gonna be the case.

I am not planning on leaving after my baby is born. I will keep working, i just CAN'T afford to be a stay at home mom! my dh would have to make at least 80K a year!!! can't do it!

That is a personal question, that NO employer should ask. If they ask her about it...then she doesn't wanna work there anyway, it's just probably a mamma and pappa little business....bigger companies don't focus on personal stuff like that......;) but that's just what i think.....

I hope it helped! tell her KUDOS to her from me! keep those numbers up and doubling and focus on getting a cool job that she can enjoy and will be able to develop as a professional AND (most important) a mommy!!!!!

So happy to hear everything is fine! how far along is she?? i am on progesterone sup. (twice a day, tho) as well! they made it happen for me! she' will be PERFECTLY fine, you'll see! =)
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Hey -

Your interview and the company sounds great.....sometimes you just "know" immediately, huh?  

got a ? for ya....my daughter has two interviews set up right now for this week and at least today she is PG....does she tell them at the interview?  did you?  Not judging...just wondering.  I am having trouble advising her on this since she will work after a baby anyway.

Her OB office called and remarkably they said her hCG went up "beautifully."  whatever that means.  No more bleeding since last week.  200 mg of progesterone suppository at night.  All symptoms.  hCG rising.  Not sure.....what to do.  They will do an u/s Thurs of this week or Thurs of next week...whatever her OB decides tomorrow.

Cross those legs.....!!!!!!!!!!!
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148691 tn?1260194903
LOL.....damn! i thought i was the only 'frisky' one here! lol ;)) yeah girl, check into that....just to make sure =) I am thinking of you sweetie....

grammy- I am 5 weeks. Actually 5 weeks one day! woo hooo! lol =)) I made it pass the 5 week mark! now the other mark to pass is the 12 week one.....=( and a heart beat (strong one....). =/
I did! i had my interview!!! BOY! thank you for asking hun! WAS IT EVER one awesome company!!! it was HUGE!!! a nice lobby, nice 'brain storm room' like they called it.....modern and classy.....and the prospective boss is SUPER duper nice!!! she's a very outspoken, talented and down to earth lady and the other designer that was there with her was just as nice!!
I think i made an impression on them...at least that's what they acted like! lol =) (good actresses huh??) and they gave me a little 'test' to come and do it at home and i have a deadline to meet (tomorrow at 5, but i'll send it tonight or tomorrow morning...;))
I am so hopeful this is it!!!! it has a nice 8 to 5 schedule, nice marketing firm....HUGE! and nice people to work with! drive sucks a little, but one hour is not THAT terrible bad is it?? =)) i am too excited this will be it!!!! =))))

How are you doing today?? anything turning around for daughty??
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178590 tn?1294176767
I know what you mean someone else said I better check into that cause she'd always here 4-6 weeks dang I don't think I can go that long nor can DH.........
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How many weeks are you?  Didn't you say you had an interview today?  Goodluck and GL tomorrow as well at your labs!

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148691 tn?1260194903
Brown Eyed Gurl- Sweetie, it'll come and go like nothing really happened!! you'll see! I am praying for you, for tomorrow's procedure and for the doctors to find the RIGHT reason and tackle that for GOOD!!!!!!!!!!! i wan't to see your BFP post so baddly!!!! you are lucky they tell you no diggy doo for 3 days at least! i was threatened with a whole 2 weeks! dog gamm!! i can't keep my legs closed for that loooong/?!!! lol!

Grammy, no problem sweetie! =)

mommyluv, girlie, thank you so much for your prayers....you were heard! so far i haven't seen anything other than yesterdays and i am not cramping, other than the regular twinge and twist of pregnancy......I have to go tomorrow for another blood draw to check if my levels are above 2000! and then we'll just have to wait for the US to see the heart fluttering away.....=))

guys thank you so much for being here fo me!! =')
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173145 tn?1301700850
I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!! Oh i am so happy that it stopped!!!! its a sticker!!!! oh i am so excited for you keep on buggen the nurse its what we pay them for right. for what we pay they should come live with you for 9 months:) keep us posted. Are you going to get your levels checked anymore or are you done with that
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178590 tn?1294176767
Thanks so much grammy I'm sure everything will go good and I'll be back on here Thursday telling you all it was no big deal and I'm stressing for no reason.
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Sorry to interrupt your post....


Good luck tomorrow.  Let us know when you are up and at 'em again.  We will be thinking of you in the a.m. ((hugs))
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178590 tn?1294176767
Thanks so much for your incouragment.  I'm hoping to get back in the game soon I started opking yesterday so maybe I'll o at least 3 days or more after D&C cause the Dr. said no sex for at least 3 days.  Well my Dr. called and I go in at 9:30 in the morning so wish me luck.  I'm praying this new Dr. can find out what's causing me to keep MCing.
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148691 tn?1260194903
OOOOHHH! man! hun I am so sorry i didn't read before what you were going thru!!! I am sorry!!!!! =( But you know? you have a great attitude, if this is hat is gonna help you have your little angel back.....go for it!!! I know you are not looking forward to this.....but, if it helps any.......you don't have to worry about anything, if you've never had one,.....it's not painful at all!!! i lost my little one last year and right after that i had to have one......i was walking like nothing that same day!!! i didn't even bleed, just spotted.....and that's it! =) plus, you are one VERY strong woman, and what you are going thru, just not every girl does.....some give up before that......you don't! you are determined! and you WILL BE a great mommy! i just know it!

BIG HUGS to you, and if you have any questions, please ask away ok??? and post any updates!!! =)
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121828 tn?1333464491
Still lingering around here......I'm 6DPO Ugghhh  SSLLLOOOOOWW TWW.  So glad to hear that the spotting is gone. I was terribly worried and ANGRY. I felt like calling my Dr. and saying "WHY IS EVERYONE HAVING M/C's????" But thank goodness that's not the case :) I started my collection of OPK's 5dpo,6dpo... I went to pee on it this morning and my DH walked in the bathroom and I screamed at him because I felt like I was doing something bad, hiding it, ha ha ha...He would really think I was whacked out if I'm peeing on them now..since he knows how many I peed on last week for O'time. Did you have your interview?
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178590 tn?1294176767
I'm not in the TWW yet but am hoping soon.  I'm feeling better just a little nervous I go for D&C tomorrow and I'm not at all looking forward to it but if it helps get my uterus ready for another little angel then I'm ready and gun hoe......Glad you're better today and I'm praying for nausea and lots of back aches for you......lol  That makes you at least feel pregnant huh...... my boobs are still itchy and achy so I'm thinking my HCG isn't all gone yet.
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YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Take it easy, you!  
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148691 tn?1260194903
after all mommyluv was very right! ;))
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148691 tn?1260194903
Hey girls!!!!!!!!!!!!! im here!!!!! awwwwwweeeeeeeeeeee  Brandi!!! thank you hunny!!! that's is sooo sweet of you to ask!!!
I am doing better today, spotting was just a little bit yesterday and today is all gone (THANK GOD!) just that little brownish then turned a little pinkish and then brown again...and then last night i saw some specs of blood...like the remains i think....but today it's 0 brown! is clear again.........*wheewww* then again, i didn't bleed last pregnancy and i still managed to miscarry....=(

I am bugging the living sh*t out of the RE's nurse today!!! lol until i talk to her i will not stop calling!!!!

One good thing is that i don't have cramping and my boobs hurt still pretty good, i was also very nauseaus this morning.......so *sighs* BRING the pukes and aches on!!!!! im ready for them if that's what it takes!!!!!

OH! she just called!  I explained everything to her and she didn't sound too concerned....she said that was fine....old blood.....and she told me what to take and what not to take.....

for my preggies here: it's ok to take senokot (if you ABSOLUTELY need it) and it's ok to put stuff in a cold sore (i develop them BAD!!!)....., it's also ok to take tylenol, rubitosin, and sudafed.....for tummy aches: tums.....and that's pretty much it! =) she said this kind of spotting is fairly usual and not to get alarmed...she still wants me to go tomorrow for my blood draw and to take it very easy.....

Thank you girls!!!! =)))

how's everyone doing today???
Brown Eyed Girl- girl, how are you feeling??? are you all ready in your TWW?? you about you Kelly!!?? grammy64- every thing going better for you?? sweetie, i wish you and your daughter the best!!! =)
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For some reason I thought she mentioned an interview today.  I bet she is just busy....

fingers crossed xxxxx
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121828 tn?1333464491
Oh, No, Please update us on some good news :)
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