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i am physically unable to burp.

All my life i have been unable to burp. I have these awful embarrassing involuntary gurgles that are sometimes loud and others not as loud. As long as i could remember, i have felt bloated after i eat too much or drink anything. Many people have tried to teach me how to burp but i simply cant. Almost everytime i yawn though, i always seem to let out a tiny burp or maybe a gurgle and i feel a little relief. i have noticed i yawn a lot more than other people, maybe this is a way my body tries to get out the access air. I hardly throw up or get sick. I have thrown up maybe seven or eight times in my life and i am 17 now. I do remember everytime i throw up i belch really loud before doing so. It sounds horrific and i have never heard anyone burp the way i do when i am sick. No one believes i cant burp, even the people who have heard my gurgles. My mothier thinks i am weird and refuses to take me to any kind of docter because she thinks i am making this up. i am afraid that if i dont get help soon i might just blow up. Recently, i was curious if i was the only one with this problem so i did some research online. I have come to find that many people have experienced what i have but i have heard nothing about a cure or a name for this problem. If someone has an answer or the same or similar problem, please let me know (:

thank you so much,
383 Responses
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15782437 tn?1471899915
I will be checking this forum daily now.
Anyone who has not seen my previous posts should send me a message. I am, as far as I know, one of the first people to get cured from dysfunction of the belch reflex.

Robert W. Bastian, located in Downer's Grove Illinois is the only doctor to my knowledge and honestly the only doctor I trust to do Botox injections on the upper esophageal sphincter.  I have been cured for 9 months now from one  procedure.

I am happy to talk to anyone with any questions related to the inability to burp.
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Well, then, here's a big twist to the belching prblm maybe ur doc wud know the answer to. I also NEVER burp. I get the gurgling noises and heartburn, and have to stick a tongue depressor down my throat to burp when that happens. BUT, I also have Symphonic Disphonia, aka shaky voice, like Kathryn Hepburn had in On Golden Pond. U can Google it - Spazmodic or Symphonic Disphonia. I bring this up only bcuz I get botox injections every few months in the muscles in either side of my vocal cords to "smooth"out my voice. Now, I am wondering if I shud talk to the doc about also getting the shots where u got them to help u. I have told many docs about this prblm but they don't really see it as a serious conditon, but it is painful. What can I do? Oh, and just an FYI, the botox injections I rcv for my throat do nothing to alleviate the discomfort of not burping.
If you feel air getting trapped at the point between your Adams Apple and the bottom of your neck then the problem is the upper esophageal sphincter. Your vocal cords are in no way related the the UES. You would need a separate injection in the cricopharyngeal muscle.
I can't burp at all. It's starting to get harder for me to drink any thing because I can't burp and it's so irratating and I'm not sure if Drs can help
Hi there :) I am from the UK. I am very interested in gaining more knowledge about this devastating problem. I have never been able to burp for as long as I can remember, and over the past 6 months it has become unbearable. I'm wondering if you could answer a few questions.

How much did the procedure cost?
Did you have to have any diagnostic tests beforehand?
Did you have to have any follow up appointments?
Was the procedure done awake or under anesthesia?
Does the Dr deal with patients from the UK?
Has there been any side effects?

Thanks in advance, I feel I could be on my way to getting back the quality of my life! :)
Procedure is going to range 3-4k USD.
If you search my previous posts on here you will see all the other tests I have taken and research I've personally done on this problem.
Procedure is done at Good Samaritan hospital in Downer's Grove Illinois. You will be under anesthesia, completely asleep during the process.
I'm sure Dr Bastian is willing to take patients outside of the US, that is something you will have to contact him about.
The only side effect is slight difficulty to swallow. This is due to the fact the your esophagus is connected to the cricopharyngeal muscle.
This only lasted about a month for me. It's fine as long as you take small bites to eat.
I can't burp this is recent maybe the last couple of months. I eat And have a fullness I have a slow colon and I don't use the bathroom to make a bowel movement it is very irregular. I am considering a colonic but also I was diagnosed with GERD but I haven't taken those meds in a year and I need assistance. I don't know what to do the doctor's isn't helping me? Do I need to see a gastroenterologist?
Hi! I currently live in OH, but from NW Indiana. I would love to speak to your Dr about my condition. I seem to have these gurgles after eating and drinking but even more so when Im sick with a cold and have a runny nose. Im currently pregnant and I feel its even worse. I would be willing to try anything. I am 36 years old and have been dealing with this my entire life. I am miserable during these episodes. Please give me any contact into you have! Thanks!
My son had the procedure this morning. Went very well. He feels Ike there is a lump in his throats when eating, but he has eaten everything! He's not having any guy pain, but the burps haven't begun as of yet. Can't wait! Thank you so much for posting, because without it I would have had no idea that there was a cure to this really irritating problem.
Mary Anne
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It's so crazy I stumbled across this website, all of these people are JUST LIKE ME! I'm 27 and I've been bloated/gassy/uncomfortable/unable to burp (which just makes me sad), and I've always had a theory that my being bloated was related to my not burping. What caught my eye in your post was the gas pains going up to your shoulder because I get that sometimes too, and even in my lower back. None of the others had mentioned that. Did you get any good advice from doctors? Also, did you hiccup a lot when you were a child?
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Its honestly so cool to find other people that have the same problem.. it's honestly like a community. Not being able to burp should be researched. I wish I knew or had some kind of name for all of it. All I can tell people is I can't burp, I gurgle. No I don't fart more just because I can't burp. I know the air has to go somewhere. What do you mean does it hurt? Yes it hurts. I never have been able to. And when I was an infant, my mom said when she tried to burp me I'd just puke instead. I'd never ever burp. Every few months or so (usually longer) I burp. It's small and very short, but it's there. I just never know what induced it, or how I even did it. I look it up about semiannually just to see if there are any new developments on the issue. There never is. Quick question though, does anyone else's feel like they have a lot of acid reflux because of it? Maybe one day, everyone can burp.
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I had this problem for years, would always feel sick after eating or drinking and had to sit and gurgle to let it pass. Not anymore! Sounds disgusting but I worked out if I gag a little bit (I am never sick) only the super loud burp comes out that a few people they have described having before being sick (not a real burp) this causes instant relief! My close friends and boyfriend know and are always shocked when I have to do it infront of them, and grossed out lol, could never do it in public! I would say I have to do this 3-7 times a day depending on how much I'm eating or drinking but it has become part of my life and I would rather gag-burp than sit around feeling sick every time I eat!! Hope this helps :)
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Hi everyone, I've posted on this forum a few times, and I've been waiting to discuss my results with treatment so I would know if I've been "fixed" or not, but I can now say that Botox injections are definitely the way to go with this.  I am the second person after DJM05 to go to Dr. Bastian and receive Botox injections into my cricopharyngeus muscle.  I had the injections done about 1.5 months ago, and it has changed my life significantly.  Dr. Bastian gave me 6 injections, because while he was doing the endoscopy, he saw that my esophageal muscles just below my UES were very stretched out from basically an entire lifetime of having air trapped right there, so he gave me two extra injections.  I would say that my problem is 90% resolved.  No more awful gurgling, no more esophageal/stomach pain, no more never-ending gas.  I am waiting until the 3-4 month mark to see if it will wear off enough that I might have to get more treatment, but for now, things are SO much better.  I had a lot of the same symptoms and history that other people on here have (emetophobia, acid reflux, hiatal hernia, etc) so I'm guessing it could all definitely be related somehow, but Dr. Bastian really seems to be the only doctor out there who understands this condition and will treat it.  My advice for anyone who is sick and tired of living with this: I suggest you contact Dr. Bastian's office to discuss making an appt!
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In my experience, one has to be very politely aggressive to get the medical treatment one needs.  Download Dr. Bastian's paper and take it to your ENT. When you see the doctor he will ask you why you are there and you will say, "Because I am unable to burp, I have never been able to burp and the condition is seriously interfering with the quality of my work and social life." He will then say, :Hm, I have never heard of this problem before. "You get to reply, "That is because doctors never ask about whether a person can burp or not, and everyone who has the problem learned at a very young age to hide it. If people find out you cannot burp, they will either laugh at you and or try to teach you how to burp, because it is easy, see, like this. Or some other annoying and utterly useless exchange that is not worth your time and energy."

You then hand him Dr. Bastian's report, noting as you do it that the paper  was published in the Journal of the American Academy of Otolaryngology--Head and Neck Surgery, the most prestigious and very thoroughly peer-reviewed ENT publication. He will then flip through the paper, look impressed, say hmm a few more times, and tell you that he knows nothing about the topic and he will have to refer you to another doctor. Do not leave without a referral. I suggest insisting on going to the chair of the ENT department at your closest medical school. Yes, any doctor who performs botox injections for dysphagia can do the job, but a medical school doctor is more likely to publish another paper and more likely to spread the word of this very serious quality of life condition.

Be sure to describe your problem without leaping to a diagnosis. For me, that is a life long inability to burp, pain at the base of the throat, loud gurgling noises, excessive flatulence and difficulty vomiting--in short, everything that Bastian describes. Include how much time you spend coping with the problem. Let the doctor discover the diagnosis and treatment plan as he reads Bastian's paper.

For extra fun, count how many entries there are in this thread so you can say that there are at least that many people with the problem, so there is no excuse for saying that it is not a problem worthy of attention. Do not leave without a plan for treatment or another referral.

And while we are spreading the gospel, see if you can persuade every doctor you see to add the inability to burp to their health questionnaire and to agree to educate other doctors about this condition. Our suffering has gone on long enough.
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My son can't burp either and as an infant he suffered from constant constipation. His stools were little round rocks, usually a turquoise green with little spots of blood. He outgrew that, but he still has constipation issues.When he was a small child, he would hold his chest and say his heart hurt. He is now well into drinking age and struggles with beer. He is managing his condition but I can't understand why Doctors see to believe we just are missing the moments when they burp. I would like to know from anyone who comes back and follows up on this if they have also experienced other bowel type issues or other issues, that are quite possibly associated to this condition.
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I have the exact same issue, I am 18 years old and cannot burp, I suffer from constipation every day, and basically pass stool about every 2/3 days, I get unbelievabl bloated each time I eat and drink - especially something fizzy, I can’t drink beer or fizzy drinks with spirits anymore due to the discomfort so I now just drink vodka and cranberry instead, I can’t handle the awful discomfort and constant bloated. It also really effects my self esteem as I can’t wear low jeans, high tops or any tight dresses if I’ve eaten before hand, if I go out clubbing I don’t eat before so that I can wear normal clothes without looking bloated, which obviously isn’t good before drinking alcohol - I need a solution!!
So I have the exact issue from the original post on this thread. I have IBS and when it hits its really bad. I'm going to get a referal to see a specialist soon. I am always bloated and having constipation or opposite. Its ridiculous.
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It's so nice to know that I'm not the only one with this problem.  I too have these strange gurgles.  I'm currently 14 years old and I really want to get rid of this problem.  My parents don't know and I'm planning on telling them soon but there just gonna thing I'm crazy, any suggestions?
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Thank you for making me realise that I am not the only one with this. I also have never been able to burp, get the "gurgles", and suffer from emetophobia and acid reflux. I had an endoscopy, and apparently my acid reflux is cause by my LES being loose. After reading your comments, I'm convinced that everything I've mentioned is related somehow, it's just frustrating to not know how.
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My story is identical to yours, thank you, now I am certain that everything I am experiencing is linked somehow. I, too, get the gurgles, have never been able to burp, I've had severe emerophobia ever since I was a child, and suffer from acid reflux due to a loose LES diagnosed in an endoscopy. My hypothesis is that the LES and the UES are somehow interconnected. Also, I believe that the emetophobia might be caused by the fact that we vomit differently from others due to the UES and LES issues, which has traumatized us at some point. I'll just add that I'm not the typical acid reflux patient; I am only 18 years old and also very skinny. I am seeing a gastroenterologist in two weeks from now and hope to discuss the connections between these symptoms with him.
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I am the same way. I have little growling noises instead of burping. Its almost like it doesnt want to or cant come all the way up. Like it gets stuck in my esophagus.if I am lucky I might actually really burp 3 or 4 times a year. But when I through up I make all kinds of wired loud burping sounds.I am 27 now and its never changed. If thats not odd enough I cant snap either. It *****!
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15782437 tn?1471899915
I hope everyone will read this who has this problem.

I have had dysfunction of the belch reflex for 18 years and am now cured and 100% in control of burping.

This dysfunction is a neurological problem, which means that no physical test will prove that this exists. I have tried all possible tests that yield no results.
Barium swallow, esophageal manometry, endoscopy, Thyroid ultrasound, gastric emptying scan.  These are all the tests I have done which got me nowhere, do not waste your money on these.  

I had been to 10 different doctors ranging from ear nose and throat doctors, gastrologists, and speech pathologist's. None of them willing to understand the seriousness of this problem.

2.5 years of research lead me to find Dr. Bastian. The only doctor in the united states willing to take this problem seriously. I told him all my symptoms and we determined that a non relaxing upper esophageal sphincter is the cause and using Botox injections on the muscle would temporarily paralyze the muscle enough to vent excess air.  

Botox is temporary, lasting 3-4 months. I have not had to go back for another injection since my first one which was over 6 months ago now. I believe that my body has relearned how to relax the upper esophageal sphincter own it's own.

Doctor Bastian iseveryones best bet in getting this dysfunction fixed. Feel free to ask me anything about this.
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Where is this doctor located ?
Hi where is this doctor located I have the same problem, it never occurred to me that I couldn't burp until about 1 year ago and I am 16, I am able to let out very tiny burps if I get to bloated, but not enough to give me relief
I had my procedure done by dr. Bastian in Illinois. The procedure was done at Good Samaritan Hospital which is in Downers Grove
You can search Bastian voice Institute to or just go to his website at Bastian voice.com
DJM05! Do you know if more doctors other than Dr. Bastian have started performing this procedure? Also - was this covered by insurance?
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I have the same problem never been able to burp.. I;ve had family members try to teach me,, people I tell dont believe me either. I had colic when I was a baby my mam believes thats got something to do with it,, I get the same type or gurgles mostly at night when Im lying down. 26 now and never thought of doing any research and now I noticed it not just me
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I had colic too!
15782437 tn?1471899915
Everyone with this problem needs to see Dr. Robert W. Bastian. If you can feel air stopping at the mid to lower part of your neck then you have a non relaxing upper esophageal sphincter. No endoscopy, manometry or any other test will show that this problem is real because it is neurological, not physical. Unfortunately there is no research in this but I feel like I may be the only person so far who has had this problem cured. I had 4 Botox injections done on my upper esophageal sphincter to paralyize the muscle and force it to relax which allows me to vent all the excess air. I have full control over belching now, even to were I can purposely swallow air and belch it back up on command. I will be more than happy to show proof and answer any questions.
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I am very excited about possible solution. How are you now ?
Can you tell me more about the botox injections ? It will working forever or it needs to be done again and again ?
9 months in now since the injections and perfectly in control. If your body does not relearn within how to burp on its own by the time the Botox wears off then you will need to go back for another treatment. The only other possible 100% fix would be to get an esophageal myotomy.
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I can't believe that I'm 37 and just now decided to look it up because people always make me feel crazy like i'm not doing the burp thing right. How hard could it be to suck down some air and burp like everyone else right?! Well now I feel better knowing that there are more people like me and i'm not crazy! You are the only one I saw who had the chest pain like me.  I have to pat my chest or jump up and down for it to come up. And it always feels like a heart attack.  Thank you so much for posting your story i'm going to print the article and take it with me to my next doctor's appointment. Hopefully she won't think i'm crazy too!
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7926574 tn?1395448164
It's really unbelievable how many people suffer from the inability to belch, and the how many people who don't believe us. Like one person said, who would fake not being able to belch??  I am 35 and have maybe burped accidentally 4 times in my life. I really can't pinpoint what makes me bloated, gassy, gurgle sounds coming up from my esophagas and out my mouth, or the feeling like I'm going to float away because I have so much air inside me. It happens often, especially at work. I have to make a trip to the third floor bathroom (least traveled) and make myself burp by sticking my finger down my throat. I don't throw up, but I guess I do burp in a sense, and get some relief. I mentioned this to a pcp several years ago, who basically blew me off, which seems to be quite common.  I never brought it up again to any doctor. The reason I was researching this tonight is because my gyne referred me to a gastroenterologist for some unrelated issues.  I had a consult yesterday, and he asked me if I had heartburn or indigestion often, sometimes, or never. I told him often and he asked me to explain it, so I basically told him what I wrote as my above symptoms. I did not mention that for release, I stick my finger down my throat, and didn't say that I never burp. While I don't think the symptoms I explained to him was the only reason he scheduled me for an upper endoscopy, I do think it is partly why. I was actually referred due to constipation and dramatic weight loss (20 lbs in 3 months which was not intentional) and was expecting just a colonoscopy. But, he wants both and I am scheduled for Wed. March 26. Colon prep is the 25th where I have to drink a gallon of this Gavalyte G solution and no solid food until after the procedures.  It's going to be hell drinking this stuff because it says it will likely make you bloated, full, and obviously gassy. I'm not looking forward to it, but maybe I'll get some answers. I may even bring up the fact I don't burp and what my only relief method is the day I go in.  It's definitely embarrasing having that gurgling sound come out of nowhere. I am so glad to have found others that deal with this as well.
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I am so glad to find out I'm not alone. I'm a very gassy person, but have never been able to burp. After drinking anything (including water) without food, or if I drink a lot of a beverage, I get what I call the "gurgle burps". It seems like air gurgling up from my stomach, but I can't really burp. It's pretty embarrassing, it continues until I feel nauseous, then I'm able to go into the bathroom and basically force myself to vomit air. It sounds like I'm throwing up, but all that comes out is air, which does sound like a loud belch. I've had this problem for 20 years. I finally saw a GI doctor, who put me on Prilosec, which isn't helping. My next option is to go in for the scope exam. Has anybody found anything that helps get rid of the trapped air?  Over the counter gas medicine doesn't work either
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Yes! Exactly this!
Exactly the same here also. 43 years of this and it is so tiring, and painful.
Sitting here with pain at the top of my throat / chest and gurgles going on.
My son can't burp either and as an infant he suffered from constant constipation. His stools were little round rocks, usually a turquoise green with little spots of blood. He outgrew that, but he still has constipation issues.When he was a small child, he would hold his chest and say his heart hurt. He is now well into drinking age and struggles with beer. He is managing his condition but I can't understand why Doctors see to believe we just are missing the moments when they burp. I would like to know from anyone who comes back and follows up on this if they have also experienced other bowel type issues or other issues, that are quite possibly associated to this condition.
OMG SAME! Ive been dry heaving and gurgle-burping for years!
OMG SAME! Ive been dry heaving and gurgle-burping for years!
1704915 tn?1357601254
also its called dysfunction of the belch reflex
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The first publication which deals with how inability to belch can be treated-diagnosed :

Sites that you will also find useful :

All you have to do is to convince an EarNoseThroat Doctor or Speech Language Pathologist or Voice Doctor to do a  botox for dysphagia to you . Botox for dysphagia is a known procedure to a lot of Doctors . You do not need to fly to another country to do it . Just go to your nearest city and there will be a doctor who knows how to do botox for dysphagia .
As the paper indicates , every test you do will come back normal , so avoid doing any test if you do not want to waste money and time . Just show the paper publication which I linked to the doctor you visit to convince him .
For the vast majority of the cases  : No the root of the problem is nor dyspepsia nor psychological reasons as the doctors will try to suggest to you , its retrograde only neurological reasons in the UES which botox solves . Yes botox as it may sounds odd saves the problem permanently .
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Wow!  That's some very useful information.  Appreciate it!!  Have you had this problem before?
Yes I have this problem from since I remember myself . I will visit in my town a voice doctor really soon and show her this paper and try to convince her to write a diagnoses in which she will say that I have retrograde only cricopharyngeal dysfunction and that I need botox . Then I will go to city close to my town and and show that diagnoses to a doctor who does botox . Then I will eventually have botox .
Thanks so much for the additional info....I too was told that the reason I could not burp was due to a tight esophagus but Dr Calari from Ft Lauderdale who diagnosed it did not have a solution. Oddly enough the reason that he took me seriously was because he said he also could not burp but did not have complications from it so did not see it as a real problem....but at the time I was just so happy to understand why.....I would be a bit afraid of the injections....but wish I could learn how to make it happen.....
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Hi I'm a 25 year old female from the uk and I've always struggled with not burping. My stomach can get very very bloated especially after certain foods Or if I'm out drinking socially with friends. I've always been very self conscious about this as after a couple of drinks that include something fizzy I get this pain around my throat/chest area and the only way To release the pain is to sick my fingers down my throat (just to clarify I, never sick) but it does sound like I'm being sick and This is very embarrassing especially when your out in public. I often have to sit and wait in pain until I know the toilet is clear but now family and friends know what I'm doing. I live of rennys and The doctor gave me lansoprazole to take but I'm finding this doesn't help much. I often get a funny gurgle pain that you can hear inside once I've eaten or drank which is pretty loud to. I just wish there was something :(
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I’ve had the same issue as the OP, as well as the hundreds of other posters on this thread. It’s great to know I’m not alone on this. I’m a 25 year old male, and have tried researching this periodically over the years, but this is the first time I’ve actually been able to find a name and possible cure. This is a very real problem for those who have it. We have a great deal of pressure in our chest almost constantly, and it just becomes the “norm” for us. It seems to have been getting worse for me over the past several years. I have had many GI appointments and tests done, and had been diagnosed with “IBS.” Even after telling all of my doctors and GI specialists that I physically couldn’t burp, never had before, and felt that a lot of my problems were contributed to that; they completely brushed it off and never mentioned anything about an upper esophageal sphincter, or specifically, retrograde-only cricopharyngeus dysfuction. I guess no one really cares about your own health the way YOU do. I am definitely going to do whatever it takes to have this treatment done. I’ll try to remember to pop back in here and report any results. Good luck to everyone suffering from this curse, you are not alone!
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Hi I'm a 23 year old female with so many similar stories. This is is called upper esophageal dysfunction. Here is a really good medical description of what's going on: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/3623025/
Here's another one also with three different treatment options, the less invasive of which is Botox injections into the throat to relax the muscle that's not working correctly. It's usually a temporary fix.
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This is my life. I am so happy to know that I am not alone out there. This thing we have is a curse.

I have lived with it all my life (28 years, female, exercise daily, eat healthy etc etc) and it's getting to the point where I feel the only solution is getting a razor out and cutting my own throat. That way, all that air will have to come out!

I know that everything I eat and drink will make me feel like crap. I know that whenever there's a social event I won't be able to drink or eat in order to avoid feeling like that. Drinking fizzy drinks is absolutely prohibited. And drinking beer after a meal is the worst (especially after pizza). Another awful combination is dinner, dessert and alcohol. Then I really feel like I'm about to explode. I thought maybe it was an allergy or an intolerance so I had them tests done, and it was neither.

I cannot go out on dates where there's dinner or drinks involved, because the sounds my throat makes are such a turn off for everyone, and since the air can't come out that way, I will bloat and fart like there's no tomorrow, which is a no go for a date (or relationships in general). Oh, how many times have I gone out for dinners or dates and sleepovers where I have spent the entire night absolutely awake and alert in order not to fart! And whenever I go to the bathroom just to let them out, they magically disappear. The moment I sit down again on the couch or lie down in bed, BAM. There they are again, just to make me feel miserable.

Not to mention dinner + movie kinda dates. Where my throat makes such loud and annoying noises that even at the loudest Imax they will be heard, let alone on a nice couch at home watching a movie with a beau. And the rest of the night spent holding in the farts, resulting in the worse belly pains ever, to the point where I just want to go home and resign to the thought of being single forever. (and the hickups! Oh, the damn hickups, like I was a drunk- which, since I cannot drink, never am).

If I do go out for a drink, after 2 or 3 drinks (whether beer or spirits) I have to stop, because my throat swells up so much that I feel like I cannot breathe. And when I go home, I sit on my bed with an empty cup on the bedside table just so I can spit the ridiculous amount of water my mouth produces incessantly in the cup, until I pass out. Only to wake up with a painful burning sensation still in my throat (how many times has this been dismissed with acid reflux!).

My friends have made fun of me all my life. I'm the one who can't burp and instead makes those funny noises. They don't know how painful and embarrassing it is. On those very rare occasions where I do manage a tiny burp (maybe once every two years) it feels like heaven. Like the weight of the world has finally been taken off of my shoulders. Like I were Frodo and had just finally managed to drop that ******* ring into the fire and were able to see the Shire again.

This life is a nightmare. I have had many tests done (some very painful ones too) and seen many doctors for nothing, as no one would take me seriously, so I stopped. Reading all your comments and messages has given me hope again. If we let our voices be heard, we can find a name, a cause and a solution to this awful curse. I will try the vinegar as one of you suggested, I will put my fingers down my throat, I will get in touch with Doctor Bastian, and I will keep reading this post in search of answers and stories and support and encouragement. Lots of love to you all x Jane
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Hi Jane, exactly the same here, I’m a 29 year old male. I recognize erything you say. Especially beer and pizza is a very bad combo indeed. Unfortunately I can’t really resist that always. It’s weird to just order a glass of water and some light food. It’s really bad.. even worse that most doctors won’t even recognize this. Maybe we could however go on a date together. We have at least one important thing in common , which no one else can understand ;). So we could drink some water together. Doesn't that sound romantic!
I’ve never related to anything more in my life! Omg, such a relief but so annoying that it’s more common than we think yet still seems to be unfixable.
I really loved your post, Jane.  Simply because it has been the same my whole life and you have a way with words!  The chest pain from the gas build up and horrible hiccups are just indescribable.  So, just sharing with you.  I did go to Dr. Bastian at Bastian Voice Institute in Downers Grove IL.  Don't know if you've made it there yet.  The botox injections worked beautifully for about 4 months, then wore off - - - - It didn't do any harm, and I absolutely would do it again, particularly if there was any hope of it being a permanent fix.  Some people have been able to learn to relax their UES in order to burp voluntarily, but I was unable to do that.  Now, my best bet is staying away from social engagements which include eating and/or drinking - - - - taking Gas-X, which helps move the gas DOWN rather than it getting trapped in my chest - - - - and suffering.  I'm 65.  Dr. Bastian recommended a laser slicing of my sphincter (or something like that) - - - - but a possible side effect could be choking on aspirated food or drink.  Nope.  I'll just live with the problem and adjust my lifestyle accordingly.  I do wish you the very, very best as you are so young.  I hope you find something that gives you permanent relief.
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I'm so glad I found this group of people.  Growing up I never burped (even my mom had a hard time burping me as a baby) but didn't really realize this wasn't normal until about high school.  I remember telling some people that I couldn't burp and they made fun of me by saying then I must fart a lot and that was gross.  But then it kind of clicked, I did seem to have more embarrassing moments involving farts, which ended up leading me to quit one of my passions of dancing ballet since I would feel too uncomfortable and bloated during each class.  Not to mention the awful embarrassing moments.  I've always just got that gurgling sound in my throat and my stomach makes a ton of noises.  I usually feel bloated in the evenings and then luckily overnight my body will reset unless I don't get enough sleep, then I might have an upset stomach the rest of the day.  I have a huge fear of vomiting and think maybe that is what has prevented me from being able to burp because of that fear setting in early on.  I have to close my eyes and ears any time it is in a movie and I freak out about situations where other people could potentially get sick (I never really went to parties for that reason).  Because of this fear of getting sick, I would never consider putting my finger down my throat to gag, I'd rather just live with the bloating and eventually they'll come out as farts.  

One thing I'm concerned about is that I would like to eventually get pregnant (I'm 29), and I'm afraid of how the morning sickness might be with me.  Has anyone who has dealt with this been pregnant and how was your morning sickness?  

I think that it is awesome there's a doctor that can fix this problem, I'm so happy for people that shared this info.  Maybe when I'm a bit older and making more money I will consider this procedure, but flying from Hawaii to Chicago on a graduate student salary isn't going to work.  I'm just really glad I've finally found other people like me.  I have searched a couple other times on the internet before without success so it's nice to finally know I'm not alone.  

P.S. just while typing this out I had the gurgling feeling 2 or 3 times.  I feel all your pain!
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Wow this is amazing to find you all! I have the exact same problem. I avoid all carbonated drinks. If I have 2 beers I'm physically in discomfort and bloated. Miserable. The gurgle noises I make happens a lot when I lay down after having carbonation. I tell people "that's my crocodile in my throat!" lol.
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Oh also, I am a 29 yr old female. I randomly researched this like many of you lol.
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