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Anxiety and Palps


Im a 30 yo male, 5 10, 230 lbs. I'm approximately 30-40 lbs overweight. 2 Yrs ago I was diagnosed with having panic attacks and anxiety disorder. I took Zoloft for a few months, but didnt like the side effects. I've been off of it for almost a year, and anxiety/panic attack free. Once in awhile, I would feel a flutter in my chest when doing low-grade exercise (Loading laundry, brushing teeth, etc). I usually dismissed it as no worry, and within a day or two it would go away. When doing high-grade exercise, I'd always feel my heartbeat, but with no abnormal rhythm.

About 5 days ago, I felt my heart skip while on the computer (didnt feel very anxious or worried at the time). I took my pulse to try to feel it, and felt it skip again. Needless to say, it threw me into a panic attack. After I calmed down, i was back to normal. Since then, I've experienced it everyday when i do normal low grade stuff, but when i take a brisk walk, it feels normal (although elevated).

Can you explain what might be happening? Why it happens during low-grade exercise but not more vigirous? Why it skips? Why does anxiety promote or make it worse? Is it at all related to Adrenaline, because the feeling I get is almost identical to the feeling i get when Im scared or suprised...almost like my stomach sinks...I have no other symptoms, not dizzy, not lightheaded...I just feel "off" when it flutters because I get so anxious.  I have yearly EKG's, and chest xrays on my job, with nothing remarkable. I have a doc appt this friday should it continue...I've resumed eating right in the interim.
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I too get this type of stuff, and as you say it will happen and then not bother you for days or weeks..You get panicked and really aware of it when it happens for a while really.  Do any of you get the fluttering feeling, like a butterfly sensation in your chest when this happens.  I know how most palps feel, the early beat and then the harder one, but the fluttering one is kinda weird.  Wondering if any of ya experience it and if you had it checked out.  These things are generally benign as far as what you get from doc and other folks, but it is sometimes something which throws ya for a loop and gets ya upset.
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Palpitations are the sensation of one's own heart beat. It is very likely that your symptoms are related to your anxiety and panic attacks. To better characterize whether or not a rhythm problem is occurring it may be a good idea to get a holter monitor test and an echocardiogram. The holter monitor will record your heart's electrical activity for 24-48 hours and help determine whether or not any rhythm problems are present. The echocardiogram will evaluate your heart for valve disorders and muscle contraction. I think it is important to try to get the panic attacks controlled because this is the most likely cause.
Avoiding alcohol, caffeine, tobacco and stimulants such as those found in decongestants may will help with these symptoms.

Thanks for your question,

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