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Are PVC's

I'm a 46 yr old fem. fit & in good health, B/P 110/70. In June '02, I got sick with an illness which had the major symptom of orthostatic hypotension & other organ symptoms. After 1 wk I could only crawl on my hands/knees due to fainting/weakness.I was sent to Stanford Med Ctr for 10 days.Had an echocardiogram, blood tests, tilt table testing, etc.I was on IV only for 10 days.Their diag: Orthostatic hypotension & gave proamitine. Proamitine made me sick & altered.They sent me home 2 days later & my GP took me off Proamitine as he thought I had a bad virus.After 9 wks I started to get better,no more cardiac symptoms,just getting my strength & life back.Then in March 03, I had tightness in my chest, squeezing in left arm.I went to the ER. B/P was 160/100 and pulse was 180.EKG showed no abnormalities.I was given an Ativan and refered to a cardiologist.I did a Holter monitor and a stress echo.Holter showed several instances of 148 BPM while showering, or just sitting and several PAC/PVC's some coming every other beat.Stress echo showed several PAC's & PVC's that lessened with exercise. After reviewing the Stress Echo/Holter,was told I have benign PVC's & PAC's and just deal with them or take beta blockers.I asked why all of a sudden I started having PAC's PVC's they said they didn't know.I asked if they would go away-they said no.Can someone tell me why these all of a sudden cropped up, and what can be done for them? I have multiple per minute and am uncomfortable. Are these as benign as they say? Organs just don't start acting up for no reason do they? What can I do? Thanks!
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My current situation is very similar and yet different to the many personal stories that I have just read on this most surprising discussion board.  
I am intrigued to find out the accuracy of the correlations that we are suspecting between arrythmia, hormones, altitude and other problems (allergies, digestive problems, etc.).
I am 33 years old and I moved to Quito, Ecuador (3000+ meters) a year ago.  Since that time, I have developed arrythmia (which is more anxiety-inducing than anything else), increased back & shoulder problems on the left side, digestive problems, fatigue and other health-related difficulties.  
I have noticed that all of these difficulties tend happen within about 5 days of my menses (or during ovulation)--I am in complete agreement with those who have noticed a similar correlation.  I have a regular but heavy cycle, every 28 days, with painful cramps and all of my aforementioned symptoms tend to be exacerbated at this time.  I have yet to have children and am a little worried that all of this will inhibit my husband & I from having a family.
I plan to address all of this with my doctor in the next week or so with the hopes of some kind of solution.  And will post if any solutions are proposed or if anything new is revealed...
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Hi, yes, I have been having them worse since I moved to Reno.  How weird to get your message, I also went to Reno Heart Physicians.  Who did you have there?  My Dad had Dr. Williamson, who I've heard is very good, and then I had a woman, her name is Dr. Chaney, but she went off to have her baby, and I got placed with the nurse practitioner, Dr. Zelk, who has been just great.  I wasn't too fond of Dr. Chaney because I thought she was kind of short in her answers, and not very nice.  Dr. Zelk has been very kind and understanding, and really knowledgeable.  Anyway, I did have them in Texas, but then they went away for about a year, appearing again a couple months after moving to Reno.  My reason to move to Reno was very stressful, though, my Dad passed away, and the kids and I came to live with my Mom while my husband stayed behind to work in Texas.  He has since gotten a new job in Connecticut, and we are probably moving there.  He's understanding about commuting, he says he could possibly work in Conn., and then commute to Nevada because the kids are enjoying their schools so much here.  I don't know what to do.  Anyway, I'm flying tomorrow out to Texas to take care of the house there, and I'm going with my two daughters, and I'm so nervous about the plane flight because of my palpitations.  We have to change planes in Phoenix, and I'm so nervous that I won't feel good.  I have them so much, it's just hard to deal with all the time.  I do notice that if I'm in a situation where I'm being distracted, I don't notice them as much.  I went out to dinner last night with my in-laws, and I didn't notice them as much then, but then while I'm sitting here typing, I'm having tons of them.  Do you ever get them that often?  I take my pulse, and I feel one every 5 beats or so sometimes during the day.  It'll calm down, but then I still get them at least every 20 beats or so.  The docs at Reno Heart Physicians don't seem to think it's a big deal, but when I wore my holter there, I wasn't having them as bad as I am now, so I was thinking maybe I should get another holter.  When I had them really bad like this in Texas, the holter did catch one short episode of atrial fib, then I got some attention.  I take an aspirin a day for that.  I wonder sometimes if I could be back in that again.  
     I know what you mean about feeling good sometimes when you go to a lower elevation.  I love Lake Tahoe so much, but sometimes feel better when I go back down into the valley.  Also, have you ever heard of a blood test called a Sedementation rate test?  When I had my blood work done at the heart doctors, that came out abnormal for me (too high at 38) and it was suggested that it could be living in a highter altitude.  Anyway, sorry to go on and on here, thanks for all the advice!!  Thanks, Val
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Hi - Have been away so just saw your message. So you live in Reno and are at high altitude as well. Did your PAC's/PVC's start before or after you moved to the altitude? Mine started 3 years after my move to Truckee, CA. In fact, ever since I moved to the higher altitude, I have had few bouts of strange, unexplained illnesses. I go to the Reno Heart Physicians and they laughed at me when I asked if the high altitude could play a part in my PAC's/PVC's, but I can tell you when I come off the hill and down into Reno at about 4000feet I feel much better!

If you'd like to e-mail me to discuss this further, you can reach me at ***@****.

Hope you are feeling better
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Hi there,
Just wanted to comment to you. I know its hard to deal with pvc, I hate it more then you can imagine. I am 38 female, I have had some pvc all my life, but now have it for weeks at a time which really stinks. It does take alot from us dosn't it?
The remedy in which has really really helped me this time is this.
Magnesium twice daily with calcium
flax seed oil in it's oil state in the refrigerator and the health food store only.
hawthorne berry once per day (great for heart function)
co-enzeime Q-10
folic acid
vitamin c
and mega B stress formula
and of course I take 25mg of zoloft at night for panic and anxiety.
I work out daily hard and drink lots of water.

The flax seed oil is essential and none of these can hurt you at all so don't worry.

take care and email me ***@****
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I have so many pvc's,pac's and such and increase this past year and wonder about the correlation with hormones. I am 35 and see a EP cardilogist yearly for my mvp,heart murmurs, syncope, and follow all his guidelines for years now. No caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, walk daily and stay thin. I would love a reward of no more pvc's,pac's . Loosing women in my family to heart disease is another scare to keeping my body healthy.
I can try Inderal or Rhythmol at the clinic to control them when ready. Ever have them keep you awake ?
I have been on Progesterone cream for 3 months trying to control my 2 heavy menstrual cycles a month and spotting to no prevail. Birth control is not advised, cysts on ovaries and so tired. I will have b/p of 90/59 and h/r of 50 and don't want to increase that risk as well. Any suggestions.
Have you tried fish oil ? My N.p. is suggesting www.omegabrite.com to help increase seratonin levels which women need when hormones act up.
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Hi all  :)
Been reading and must say to you all. I am forever greatful that i found you. I have always had some pvc's but never new they could run or cause the problems they do till now. I have had two major episodes in the past year of running pvc's that have caused lots of ugly stress in my life. I do beleive that this is brought on by something stressful. I have always worried all my life about haveing a heart attack, but more so since i watched my mother die of one 10 years ago. I have always felt every little glitch in my rate pattern or any little pain. I do have panic and anxiety and always have since i was small. I work out every day except sundays, and well eat descent to. I admire you all for doing all the research that you have to stop this annoying problem. I will tell you what i have done up to this point. I take zoloft 25mg daily. I work out and do alot of self talk. (possitive) I agree with myself that i will do for me daily what needs to be done to take care of me and breath my own air. I have aliminated sweets and caffeine. I now take a pluthera of vitamins including magnesium and calcium. I pray and listen to my needs. No i am not religious although sometimes believe i should be.  :)  I have been listening to all of you and truly am pleased to be here. can i join your group??  :)

thanks  Deb  ***@****
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