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Arrhythmias and treatment side effects

I am 45 ys young, and was hospitalized in August from an ER visit for arrhythmias and panic/anxiety that would not calm down.  I am now currently taking 50mg toprol xl, 200 mg amiodarone daily, and as needed, 5 mg diazepam.  I seem to feel better, but still have off days. I am not sure what to expect long term for the particular meds I am taking. I had a 24 hour IV of Amiodarone in the hospital after an MRI and echocardiogram of my heart showed no structural abnormality.  I believe the IV was to see how I responded to such a strong anti-arrhythmia medicine.  
I am a worrier and have lived with the PVC's and PAC's since my early 20's. I have been seen by several cardiologists over the last 20 yrs. I have been told as ALL the others here at this site, that I have nothing to worry about, yet as I have aged, it has gotten worse.  I am anxious, but it is from the feelings in my chest and often labored breathing that bring it on.  My new cardiolgist is very caring and open to some alternative therapies too...but right now, until we get to a better place, he wants me to take these meds.  My QUESTION: Am I in danger from taking the anti-arrhthmia drug?  I want to do what ever is best for me and my children in the long run of course.  This forum is very helpful, seems to calm me when I read all the posts. I am very happy to finally have the chance to post a question.  I am concerned about the long term effects of the drugs and probably worry too much. On good days, I feel normal, and some days there's a weird anxious feeling, I worry about side effects being the cause.  Thank you
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Hi.....Im so sorry that you are feeling so unwell. I just wondered could your dizziness be something to do with your inner-ear, like an infection or something.  It might be worthwhile having it checked or at least talking to your gp about it. As he said, it could just have happened at the same time as you have started new medication!! Either way, if I were you I would go back to your doc and get it sorted !!!  Sorry I cant be more helpful. 8)
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I have been out of the hospital for one week after having my first experience with A-Fib.  My blood pressure and heart rate are normal now (bp has always been low.)My problem now is that I am so dizzy that I can't go back to work and I think its from the medications I'm on.  I also have insomnia..can't sleep and feel like I've drunk caffeine when I go to bed at night (I eat very well and am a fit, trim 54 year old female.)  When I go from standing to sitting, or lying down to sitting or standing and fice versa, or even if I move my head up and down I feel dizzy as if my head is full of liquid, and very heavy.I am taking 25 mg. of Toprol, 250 mcg of digoxin and 4 mg of coumadin..  When I told my dr. about my dizziness and sleepless nights, he said he thought it might be anxiety and was unlikely a result of the medications,,,He suggested that it might be some other illness that is just occuring now as coincidence (he knows I'm worried about taking the meds and said he thinks I would blame any syptom on them.) Unfortunately, as each day goes by and my symptoms continue with no improvement (in spite of the fact that he reduced the Toprol XL form 50 mg to 25.)  I have never had A-Fib (though it is in my family) and I've never taken these medications or been to this forum.  I found you tonight and hope that someone might be able to give me some insight into what is causing my dizziness and insomnia.    After 2 days in the hospital my rhythm converted to normal and has remained so (with only a few flutters here and there.)   I want very badly to go back to my teaching and to be able to navigate my way through the day without feeling so ill. Please help me if you can.......
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Yes i think your right about food people are eating. I always try to steer clear of processed foods and if i have tea it has to be decaf. anything with msg is a no no as that make my heart race and am more prone to pvc's so much for the chinese take away which i love but don't eat because of the flavor enhancer MSG, although there are some places that don't use it in the cooking but you have to ask.  Also the cold remedies some have caffine in which maybe bad for some. I was plodding along nicely untill i had the flu jab 4 days ago which i have every year, but i'm getting a increase of pvc's again it may not have anything to do with it but doc said it could be. just hope it calms down as it's hubby's birthday this weekend and we all going out for a meal,i hope they don't give me processed food ha ha. Take care. and thanks for the info
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I am new to this forum but I can see a number of similarities. I too have had pvc's arrythmias, etc. Most of my arrythmias and pvc's disappeared. Recently, every time I run, they have been coming on strong. So I thought about what I did before, 15 years ago, when I first learned about them to today. Lately, I have been eating a lot of junk foods, processed foods, sweets, coffee, sugars etc. I have gained almost 20 pounds. I have also been very stressed the pass couple years. I used to run 3 times a week, now I run about once a month. That once a month has turned into five minutes because the arrythmias are so strong I have to quit. Now the conclusion. Back when I was first diagnosed, the cardiologist proposed different medications. I tried a couple but they made my symptoms worse. So I looked at other options. I continued to exercise, I tried to relax more and stop thinking about the symptoms. But what worked for me was accupuncture. Now physiologically speaking, you have to realize that most of these arrythmias are caused by a blockage in our nervous system which channels signals to our hearts. Accupuncture opens this blockage or as the chinese call it, "chi" by placing a very fine needle into these trouble spots. This allows the energy to be opened and channel through at it's normal frequency. I will probably go back to my accupuncturist, it seems like the only thing that works whenever I have an ailment.

In conclusion, I would highly recommend a skilled accupuncturist, someone from mainland china with high acclamations.
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Hi Cassarole,

    Sorry, have not been on the forum for a few days. Thanksf or yoru kind words.   Have been feeling very great lately. amazing in fact.   that is until today, when I went on a 15 mile bike ride.  felt great the WHOLE way, and now a few hours later, I can tell that I have to be really careful or I will be up all night with weakness/palps. No palps yet, but I am learning to detect the symptoms.   I can tell in my case this is Magnesium and potassium and I'm ahving a hard time keeping it in balance.   Once you loose your magnesium balance a the cellular level, it can be VERY hard to get it back. May need IV injections, which I may have to talk to my doctor about this week. Most conventional docs won't help you with that, so I may have to find someone in alternative field who is willing to do it.  Search the web: Walt Stoll- magnesium, and you can dig through the archives.  takes time and there is good info.  Most of what I have learned I have dug up on the web, read many,many abstracts on med line.   if you search this forum you will also come across many of the links I have found most helpful.   You will find that I do believe in high grade quality beef - go to www.mercola.com and read about beef and soy for the truth.  

Here are some of my favorite links:

I need to go eat some raisins.


Will keep you posted.  Please let me know how you are doing.


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Yes I remember all the difficulty you were having with the bigeminy. I never had pain, even with the NSVT, so I can't imagine being in pain on top of all the other sensations.

I am glad to hear finally that a doctor admits there is a lack of oxygen issue with bigeminy. How could there not be. My GP always said no. But there was nothing else to explain the shortness of breath and momentary dizziness.

So glad to hear you are out of pain and now able to get about. AND very glad to hear you still have a sense of humour (it helps that your doctor does too).

ps, my absence was mostly due to not wanting to "jinx" myself by saying how much better I felt, and then go into another tail-spin. So far so good.

I still can't say enough how much good a chemical free diet (food additives) is for you. Like the above poster, macro foods, whole foods are best. Did you know "hydrolzyed plant protien" yum, sounds like it should be good for you, it's plant protein! after all, but it's just another form of MSG. Yikes.

Keep on having good days (and read those food labels).
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I am so impressed by your vast knowledge of supplements and minerals and this heart condition that we all share, unfortunately.  I came across this website as I was looking for answers and alternatives to my health problem.  I have begun to take chelated magnesium, fish oil and vitamin B-complex.  Is there a book you recommend on this subject?  Like you, I am eating more fruits & veggies.  I am replacing red meat for tofu (I've got some great recipes).  I just finished making some macrobiotic cookies for my children and they really liked them.  I still eat salmon.  These palps I have are changing my life in many ways.  Some good and some bad.  It's just so scary but I live.  It is what I keep telling myself whenever I am having a bad episode; to LIVE.  I have three kids to raise, you know.  After I wore the Holter Monitor for 24 hrs. and the results came back the cardiologist told me to take Toprol XL (which works 80% of the time in most patients) or get an ablation.  The beta blocker would be the lesser of the two evils.  I asked him point blank if he thought I could die from this condition.  He told me the Echo came back normal and there is nothing wrong with my heart.  After much discussion I went against the BB.  I, also, walked out of that office thinking, then why is my heart doing all these funky beats?  I know my heart is telling me to start taking care of myself. Stress can be a killer.  It's best to stay calm. I was relieved to find out that there are a whole bunch of us out there with the same symptoms and we are not alone.  Just think, if all the tests came back okay, let's make that our peace.  Doctors have so many tools to diagnose health conditions.  If our symptoms were life threatening, they wouldn't send us home and say live (or die)with it.  I am still interested in more information about alternatives.  I appreciate all the websites you've provided on this forum.  You've been awesome to me.  Thanks!
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Thanks for that upbeat, glad to hear you are much better, i remember you earier in the year when you were having a rotten time just like me but we are all here to tell the tail.Thank god for this site as at my worsed this site was a god send as it gave me comfort knowing we are not alone.It's funny but when i'm having less pvc's i rarely come on maybe because i want to forget about it.When i'm not having them so much i'm back to my normal self, happy go lucky great to be alive person, well guess i appreciate life more when i'm going through a good patch,the worsed for me was when i couln't walk far for 3 months way back in Jan 06 as i was getting pain and breathless with mine it was constant bygeminy never felt pain before with bygeminy rythm i've not heard many people that do on here but my cardio said that there are some that do have pain but it's not common something to do with not enough oxygen in my case. i don't get pain with single pvc's which is what i'm getting now so i feel better, getting about makes all the difference.wish you all the best.oh before i gojust want to say, i went to the doc's and he was filling out a form to do with my op, he ask me if i drank i said "yes i drink one glass of red wine twice a week is that ok"?. He said "my god that's nothing" then i said but they are pint glasses doctor,"(joke) well he saw the funny side of it.take care all.
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Hello to all!  I am new to this site.  I happened upon it when I did a google search on chocolate and arrythmias. Reading all of your comments has made me feel so much better in knowing that I am not alone.  I began experiencing arrythmias near the end of 2005 (I think).  I didn't go to a Physician as they seemed to come maybe once a month and I was in denial.  I was finally forced to face the truth when I had a long episode (30 minutes) during a class I take.  I was sent to an E.R. and went through a gamut of tests.  My EKG, cardiac enzymes, and stress echo were all normal.  I listed my symptoms to the cardiologist and he felt it was probably PSVT's.  My heart rate will all of a sudden become very slow and then just "take off".  This leaves me feeling very faint, and I have to say, more than a little scared.  He wrote a prescription for verapamil for me which I did not fill.  I did not fill it because one of the side effects is a decrease in blood pressure.  I run a low pressure of 100/60 and feel that I don't want to take anything that would cause it to go lower because that also increases dizziness.
I quit drinking coffee, don't drink sodas, and don't drink alcohol.   I had another episode the other night which caused me to get out of bed (4:30 a.m.).  It lasted 2 hours!...uggh!!  I was able to semi-control it by the use of vagal maneuvers (coughing, and cold water to the face).  I am now going out to the store to pick up some magnesium which I hope will help...thanks for the help.
I am sorry that so many of you are experiencing the same thing, but it truly helps me in knowing that I am not alone.  Thank you so much for sharing.
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sorry, the last post was addressed to you too, but it didn't post your name for some reason. Hang in there, sometimes three is a charm.

There is one more thing I'd like to add. While the cardio supplements helped eliminate the sensation of PVCs, I think the minerals found in them have almost completely eliminated the anxiety/panic attacks as well. It was a vicious circle that appears to be broken.

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Hello, it has been awhile. And I am very happy to relate that I have had such a wonderful absence of the "sensation" of the PVCs. They are still up there, and sometimes it is bigeminy, but I don't feel them. Wow. So it's been nice not to think of them.

I'm sorry to hear that after going through an ablation, it didn't quite do the trick for you. And yes, only a sufferer knows what it is to live with such an enemy every day.

I don't think there is any standard labortaory test out there to tell that you are deficient in vitamins or minerals. So how do you know? I guess trial and error (just like they use with prescription medications, lowest dose and raise it, or try a different medication!). I just did the same with vitamins and minerals.

But after awhile found that there was a difference between synthetic vitamins and minerals and those from whole foods. You know, the difference between vitamin C as ascorbic acid and eating an orange! There are so many cofactors in an orange that makes the vitamin C work better.

I sure don't want anyone to chase something that doesn't work, but the Standard Process cardio supplements (and even increasing my iodine levels) worked for me. SP uses "whole food" supplements. I only want to suggest that everyone keep trying, something, because at 20,000+PVCs/day, if I feel better, I hope and pray the same for everyone else.
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Hi Everyone and Angie!!

More good stuff for you!!

    Use of taurine and arginine

1.  Make sure you do NOT take Mg in glutamate or aspartate form.
2. AVOID MSG or free glutamate- this will increase palps.
3. Watch the ratio of Mg and Ca....  some indication of too high Ca is what is causing our problems and it may be best just to use Mg for awhile.
4.  some folks may have Candida- fungal infection causing arrythmias.... here is something that helps.

Potassium and Mg in Afib... I think I might have posted this elsewhere.

This is BEAUTIFUL Stuff, guys.
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I am a 36 year old female whose just been diagnosed with PVC's, PAC's and Supraventricular Tachycardia.  At times, it feels like my heart stops for a few long seconds, once it catches a beat it goes about 150 bpm then it slows back down fairly quickly.  It is such a scary feeling.  My Cardiologist prescribed Toprol XL 50 mg a day but after researching the med I don't feel comfortable taking it.  I'm already exhausted from chasing 3 small children around the house and need not to feel any more sluggish than I already am.  This condition has brought a lot of anxiety to me and depression is another side effect I want to stay away from.  My Echo came back normal and the Cardiologist said that, in my case, I would be okay either taking the med or not. My question is: Has anyone tried to take a more holistic approach to this problem.  I heard that fish oil has been used in heart patients to reduce the frequecies of arrhythmias.  I know that mainstream meds save people and have nothing against them, but, can anyone shed some light into this subject?  Do any of you use supplements (with or without meds)and how do they work for you?
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Sorry you are feeling the pesky and worrisome beats.  Please re-read the posts in this thread again.  There's a pretty in- depth commentary regarding Magnesium deficency and supplementation in here.  It has helped several of us feel better.  I would love to be able to do research to get the common factors between all of us that have irregular heart beats.  I beg to know what causes them....and if I could I would solve the mystery!  We should get a grant and study this.  I'd much rather take Magnesium and Calcium with a spot of potassium from time to time too.
I can only hope physicians will take heed in the deficiencies being culprit to MANY conditions that do not require prescription drugs.  It is almost controversial if ya think about it.

Best wishes and keep reading here, it really does help.
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For anyone with AF, PACs, PVCs... etc.

If your heart study comes out fine and you are wondering whether you have "anxiety".... it is just amazing how much  like anxiety a deficiency in Magnesium is.  I've been taking Mg for about three weeks now, and it is amazing how much it has helped with the AF AND how calm what a much improved sense of well being I have.  Perhaps you would find this of value?

If you want to know what will decrease (or increase your palps)

These web sites are for you:



I hope to ask the MD's here on this forum to comment on these papers, unfortunately so far I have not been able to post a question to them (the board is always filled).

There is much more on Mg on the web if you do some searching.

Good luck,
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Hi Fran, in the early days every time i got a bad bout of pvc's i use to take sotolol but after awhile maybe few months i use to wean my self to a very low dose by then the pvc's would have settled i did this because i too was worried that my body would get used to the meds and not work. but even then there are quite a few meds to try if one don't work. just cross that bridge when you come to it. For the moment enjoy the fact that you are doing ok now which i'm glad to hear. I wish you and everyone all the best.
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Hi everyone,
I am grateful to read about your experiences.  Thank you for sharing them, as frustrating and worrisome as they are.  I am still taking the anti-arrhythmic drug 100mg every 12 hours and 50mg of Toprol XL in the evening.  I have also added calcium and magnesium regularly, and I can tell the supplement DOES have a calming effect....at times my heart will feel agitated and "unruly" and I believe the mg really does help.  I was reading that even if your CBC count shows normal range for Mg, most of us are deficient in the cellular levels, and well, the electrical cells of our hearts may misfire due to that deficiency of multiple minerals, especially the Mg.  Supplementation can't hurt and I am finding it makes me feel even better than just using the meds.  I take the supplements throughout the day in hopes of better absorbtion.  I will see my Cardiologist again on the 20th of Oct, and I hope to maybe reduce the amiodarone to even less.  I will not lower it on my own, as the adverse reactions that could happen, but maybe if I am asked to reduce it by him, my anxiety will not be as apparent.
I think it is safe to say, we all have the panic/anxiety in common too.  It is nearly impossible to prove to someone that does not experience anxiety AND arrhythmias that the irregular beats set the stage and make it impossible not to let the fear run away with you.  I have generic Valium on hand in case a meal or weird beat sets me off.  I sure would like to be free from this as it is like a plague.....I feel you all agree.  I do wish for us all to find relief very soon.  Bless you all,
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Hi Tictock!
I sure was thinking of you. I'm so sorry your ablation didn't work. The last time I had heard from you things were going well. I'm glad the antiarrhythmic is making you feel better - it probably is the antiarrhythmic.
I'm doing very well taking 20 mg Inderal once a day. I'm worried that the good effect might lessen with time. My cardio says it can happen, though on the internet I read it shouldn't happen. Maybe I might try posting this question.

Good luck to all!
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Hi Fran, Hi upbeat, and everyone, it's been a while since i've been on here maybe some of you may remember me way back in January when i was getting bygeminey rhythm for months where by every other beat is pvc, couldn't walk anywhere as i was getting pain and breathness with it every time i got up from the chair to walk it would start, really getting me down. It was going on for months couldn't even go to work. Then i had ablation, 2nd one,in April this year but it didn't work, i was started on Flecainidefor the first time while i was in hospital 100mg twice a day, they seem to be helping i still get pvc's if i walk too fast or far but  no where as bad as before. I can't say for sure if it is the Flacainide that is helping or if it's just calmed down by it's self as in the passed they come and go, but this was the worsed. We shall see if that's the case as i am on the waiting list to try the ablation again and 5 days before the proceedure you have to stop taking all medication, that's when i'll know if bygimny rhythm comes back without meds.just hope that 3rd time lucky. I'd like to thank everyone on here for sharing all your fears and worries and also info, it's good to know we are not alone and i take great comfort in that.been having my pvc's for 36 years off and on.The only people that can understand how stressful it is is someone that has them also.I wish you all the best of luck.
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I have had occassional pvc's for 20 years.  In July 2006, after working out hard at the gym, I started to have pvc's regularly and was quite alarmed.  They increased hourly.  My cardio told me to take 50mg of Toprol.  Didn't help. Was sent to an EP specialist who stated, "I don't hear any abnormalities and the EKG was normal."  He placed me on Rythmol and said, "I'll see you in 4 months."  Rythmol made me nauseated.  When I called the EP, was told he was on vacation and to stop taking the med and call in 5 days when he returns.  In the meantime, my cardiologist had me placed on a 21 day event monitor.  Being on only Toprol, 4 days on the monitor and I had a run of V-tach.  Only then did I get the attention of the EP.  Was placed on Flecainide along with the Toprol.  PVC's, PAC's, PJC's continued at an alarming rate.  30 to 40 per minute for one month.  My cardiologist had me switch EP doctor.  The new EP was fantastic.  Spent and hour with my husband and me explaining what he believed was happening, but could only be sure if an EPS was done.  Had the EPs, was found to be in second degree heart block, had a pacemaker implanted, had an ablation for the PVC's, and welcomed severe panic attacks after completion.  Yee ha!

Two days after returning home, was back in the hospital with bad,(and I mean bad when I say bad) chest pains.  Vacationed there for 2 days and had an echo done.  Was sent home with a supply of xanax.  Visited my cardiologist 4 days later who stated,"Your cardiac enzimes where high while you were in the hospital, you had chest pains, and your ejection fraction has dropped from 60% to 45%.  Why didn't the EP do a cardiac cath on you to ascertain if there was heart damage."  I took the xaxax out of my pocket, held it up for him to see, and swallowed it without water. (a new experience for me.) I was also sent over to the hospital for testing to rule out a pulmonary embolism (clot) due to history in my family.  No clot found, but I nearly stroked from fear.  Had the cath performed.  Apparently the pacemaker alters the EF on an echo and all was well after MD measured all the goodies in my heart.

Presently I am on 25mg of Tenormin 2x/day and Flecainide 100mg every 12 hours.  I still have pvc's, but not as frequent.  I don't have side effects from the Flecainide, but do concern myself about taking this med.  Tried to reduce the med, but PVC's became stronger and more frequent.  My cardiologist may send me for a second opinion at one of the bigger university hospitals in the Philadelphia, NY area.  The EP who performed the procedure did inform us that PVC's were difficult to ablate.  But with the pacemaker in place I do feel better although I am the youngest in the office by 20 years when I go for my pacer check.  Now taking Klonopin 0.25 2x/day to help with the anxiety.  Tried an SSRI (Lexapro) and had insomnia, increased pvc's, and I was extremely irritable. (Although my husband said he didn't notice any changes) The Klonopin is longer acting than xanax and no rebound effect from this med as of yet.

I have that fear of the unknown like all of you.  We never know if our hearts are going to be good to us, or fickle with us.  I believe there is a direct connection with anxiety and worsening of the PVC's.  I would just love to have my old life back and live without fear of the heart.

I could use a nice cold Pinot Grigio right about now, but with the Klonopin, I'll have to pass and drink cold water.  I return to work on Monday as a Hopice RN.  It may be time to change.  Maybe someday when things are better....Good luck to you all and keep the faith!
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I'm reading through these because I think I have an arrhythmia too but I can never seem to get a post up in time.  For all of you that have been diagnosed this may sound stupid, but what does it mean if I get an irregular pulse (2 quick beats, pause, beat, pause, quick beat beat beat.. etc) when I get up from sitting for a while, run up the stairs, even walk briskly?  The beats I feel are pretty hard.  Does that sound like anything any of you have experienced?  I just don't know what to do and thought some of you might have insight.  Even resting it seems to go faster then slower once in a while, just not nearly as noticible.  Im a 22 year old female. Thanks all of you so much if you have any insight, sorry to intrude on your post and good luck finding answers yourselves!
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I understand your inquiry.  As you will find in other threads here at this forum, there are many of us that experience what you describe.  Most often, the diagnosis is PAC's or PVC's which are premature beats either in the atria or the ventricles.  It feels like a skipped beat, but is actuall a pause then a quick beat to make up for the pause.  If you type PVC in the search area of this forum, you will get lots of information.  Arrhythmias are a plethera of irregular beats that include PAC's and PVC's, but can be different at different times.  It is completely a mystery and very frustrating to have them.  I also found here in this forum some very interesting information regarding Magnesium deficiency.  Type in Magnesium and the Heart and you will also find lots of information to be considered too.  Keep trying to post a question at different times of the morning.  I was acutally suprised when I did get the opportunity and received an answer almost right away.
Just keep reading here and you will gain an insight that might help you feel much better about what you are feeling.
Best wishes to you and everyone!
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Hi Upbeat! Nice to hear from you and that you're doing so much better.
Why should you be kicked out for what you said?? It's very interesting. It doesn't mean taking vitamins will help everyone with PVCs, but it could be another thing to look into. How did you find out you were deficient in some vitamins? I wonder why tests to look for such deficiencies are never ordered.

Personally now I'm doing extremely well with Inderal but it would be interesting to check my vitamin level.


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Thanks for answer and reply. I am on the medications for arryhthmias that are more serious than PVC and PAC's. I was formerly diagnosed with "only PAC's or PVC's. NOW My diagnosis is dysrrhythmia....and during my hospitalization of 6 days in August, they monitored me in the telemetry unit the whole time and prior to release, the cardiologist prescribed the amiodarone.  This concerns me as the side effects it can cause are frightening and do not help with the anxiety, but I am feeling better.  I do not know the duration he will keep me on it and how he will allow me to come off it.  I suppose since I had/have the serious ventricular type irregular beats and he felt the need to put me on it.  The anxiety is the hardest thing to deal with at this point, and the worry about the meds is major.  I am also taking magnesium orally now, and with the amiodarone IV in the hospital, I received 12 grams of mg in the drip as well.  I would like to know if the oral mg is helping, but the intracellular blood test is expensive.  I am also taking selenium for the thyroid levels that were low in lab work prior to hospitalization.  I am trying very hard to do the right thing and regain a better "quality' of life. The arrhythmia's became so bad, and I am not sure why they changed from the benign kind to the serious kind.  Anyone that has comments or ideas, I would appreciate your time in posting them.
God Bless and thanks again.
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