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Bigeminy and Ablation

I am a 33 year old female and have been experiencing  episodes of PVC's for approx. 6 yrs.  The frequency, intensity, and duration increased dramaticly 6 mos. postpartem.  I often have episodes that wake me in the night with strong PVC's, hot and faint with diarrhea.  The episodes used to last about a month at a time with 1000's of PVC's daily, then they would go away for months.  In 11/03 I started synthroid and the instantly disappeared for over a year until 3/05.  I am extremely chemically sensitive and I ran into a situation at work where I had a strong reaction after my my workplace was painted with oil based paint.  Since that time I have 1000's of PVC's daily with bouts of bigeminy, trigeminy. I often get lightheaded, tightness in chest and upper back, I get these adrenaline type surges.  I spent 4 days in the hospital last week after "greying out" several times in a day and feeling very weak.  The doc's tried Toperal, sodilol (sp?)with no change, even seemed to exacerbate.  Amiodarone helped initially then no success.   An EP who said this sounds like Autonmic Dysautomnia.  wants to do exploratory EP study.
Do ablations work for PVC's?  Sometimes I get these rush feelings before the PVC's act up so I wonder if an ablation will even take care of the othe surge thing.  can imbalanced hormones cause this?  I have already seen the influence of thyroid and pregnancy.  Can this just be years of stress catching up?  Should I do exploratry mission or just learn to cope?  Is this an issue of a hyper nervous sytem? Adrenal exhaustion? allergic reactions? Thank you!!!!
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There probably is some correlation between your autonomic nervous system and frequency palps. It seems everything I do triggers them, or should I say, since they are always there, just about everything I do has the potential to make them worse.

But no, I haven't been dx with that. However, I have been under under severe job stress for the last five years and I think it's just caught up with me. My adrenals probably were shot, and continue to be since I haven't been able to change the stress, only how I deal with it.

I think I was at the point of near exhaustion when the PVCs tripled and went to 24,000 per day. At that time and before I was taking Kyolic garlic, EPA/DHA (fish oils), CoQ10, B-Vit complex, Multi vit, SAMe, glucosamine with MSM and cal/mg. When I noticed the change in palps, I went to the dr. and was severely anemic, so I added iron to the list.

But when the PVCs weren't slowing down I decided to stop taking everything except the iron, and I added magnesium 1000mg/day. I tried going back on my old regime of supplements, but the PVCs seemed to increase yet again to many couplets and nsvt. I stopped the supplements, took a short course of toperol (3 days only) and the couplets and nsvt stopped and it was just my regular high frequency without a pattern.

Probably the beta-blocker did the trick, but I'm reluctant to go back to any more supplements except the iron and magnesium. Like I said, everything seems to trigger more PVCs, so while I'm busy TRYING to enjoy life, I try to limit the things that might tip the apple cart again and cause more PVCs. Hope you find something that works for you. Who suggested the adrenal supplements?
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Just wanted to know if either of you have had news back from your appointments at the new clinic/cardiologist. Hope it went well. Did you get the help/information you were hoping for?
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I know this is off the subject, but I am wondering if anyone else has had the diagnoses of Autonomic Disfunction?  I guess my cardiologist is suggesting that my autonomic nervous system is hypersensitive and thus the reason so many things trigger PVC's.  ..change in position, hot drinks, full tummy, hormone fluctuations, certain foods...
I have started taking Adrenal glandular supplements to nourish my nervous system which in theory shoud help associated anxiety and decrease palps.  I also take Siberian Ginseng and licorice for adrenals in addition to Co Q10, vita c, mag/cal, and Hawthorn for the heart.  Anyone else taking supplements?
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Hope the new cardiologist has some encouraging news and new therapy for you. Let us know what he suggests. And don't worry about your telephone sized chart or offending your long time cardiologist. I'm sure even they like to hear the opinions of other doctors and a fresh pair of eyes on your condition.

Oh, and I prefer not to think of us being on a sinking boat (you know what happened to the titanic), it's just rough waters, for a long long time. I have had the occassional calm sea, it's very pretty when it's here!

I also just wanted to let you know that I was an extra in Superman ?(what number I can't remember). It was filmed in Calgary Alberta in the late 80's if that helps. I'm in the opening scene of the bank robbery. It was fun, but seems like a different lifetime. You can't even tell that I was having PVCs at the time. smile
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Hey Upbeat,

A Couplet, from my understanding is 2 PVC's in a row between "normal beats". Likewise a "triplet" is 3 PVC's in a row between a starting and ending "normal beat. On the other hand, Bigemeny, trigemeny is different and looks different on a rhythm strip but from what I'm told there is no increased danger in one verses the other in a stucturally normal heart. Even runs of Non sustained V-tach, again another variation of a ventricular rhythm, is NOT life threatning in itself. At least that is what my cardiologist has been telling me for years. As in my case, it's the sometimes very frequent symptoms I would rather be treated for with Meds. at this stage than RF abalation until that procedure is "more" perfected. I have seen a doctor here in NJ since the inception of an arrythmia back in 1992 (PSVT) now the SVT has quited down "for the most part" and isolated and in the last 5 years or less PVC's have taken over and I don't know what feels worse and SVT or Multiform PVC! At any rate, I have decided to get a 3rd, yes "3rd" oppinion from another cardiologist and that was this past Friday and what's interesting is that he thinks there may be "other" options besides the Tenormin that I've been on for years which just does NOT completely or for a long period of time, thwart off these PVC's and occassional PSVT\Tachycardia I get, so I'm curious to see what a different cardiologist has to offer in terms of therapies(meds) that my current cardiologist hasn't tried nor suggested? Many of us are in what appears to be the same sinking boat. I would hope my cardiologist of 13 years doesn't resent me for reaching out for other medical oppinions and options.It's my right to do so and the worst that can happen (I hope) is I revert back to my original doctor. I have every right to seek for that small glimmer of hope beyond what I am getting now!
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Thanks for your comment\reply. It's always assuring as well as informing when someone in similar shoes enlightens you about thier problem. I appreciate your feedback and the info. you provided regarding your specific reason essential to RF ablation. I'm glad it worked for you and hope that if my heart enlarges as a result of these ectopic beats and intermitant, (yet ongoing for years) tachycardia, I hope I'm as lucky as you were If I too need an ablation procedure! My doctor who I've been seeing for 13+ years is chief of cardiology at Columbus Hospital in Newark, NJ. The doctor I recently saw, believe it or not, for yet another opinnion, is in Morristown NJ. closer to where I reside now. Oddly enough, he thinks he might be able to suppress these ectopics better than the current medication (Tenormin 50mg) I've been taking for a long time. I guess there are certain standard first line therapies  most doctors will use but at the same time each individual doctor is unique and "may" opt, as in my case, to try another approach using different meds. or a combination of meds.? Including treating the arrhythmia episodes that are also triggering extreme anxiety\panic states as well which I think that are directly associated  with both pre and post episodes  of an arrhythmia, which no doubt, fuels them even more. I take Tenormin and a Benzo (Klonopin)and I think this particular cardiologist plans on an SSRI(lexapro) for the anticipitory anxiety and the anxiety that follows an event, (even though I tried many of them in the past as well) and he may change my BB. He is currently reviewing the telephone book size file I've compiled over the 13 years and will be calling me to tell me what he thinks and if there is anything different he wants to institute or try? Hopefully, It's not a waste of more time and "more" of my insurance money, not to mention my co-pays, only to be revert back where I started
once again! We'll see..
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