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Costo Condritis

I'm a 43 year old hispanic male.  I've been in excellent health running between 2 to 5 miles a day since high school. Last year I sustained an injury to my left shoulder.  A few weeks later I experienced tingling in my fingertips (left arm). I was diagnosed with TOS and given a Medrol dose pack.  Didn't help.  Given Neurotin.  Didn't help.  Given a stress test and received a clean bill of health.  Diagnosed with High blood pressure and placed on medication.  Sent to Physical therapy and given viox.  Didn't help.  Tried ice and heat and received semi relief.  Visited ER several times, cardiac enzymes negative.  Heart cath Aug of 00 negative.  Still having severe chest pain. MRI of the Brachial Plexus showed swelling over the subclavian artery.  CT's of the chest were negative as well as chest X-Rays. Given Percocet for pain. Finally seen by Pain Management Clinic and diagnosed with Costo Condritis.  Given several injections with only minor relief.  Was seen by Rheumatologist and had site injected.  Received relief for about a month but pain came back with a vengance. It's been one year and still having pain but not as bad.  New pain different.  Sharp intermittent pain lasting a few seconds.  Starts in center of chest and radiates to neck, one to two episodes a week.  I'm learning to live with this but very difficult.  Started going back to gym and walking several miles a day.  Amitriptilne 10 mg at night, tylenol three times a day.   Still can't get  heart related issues out of my head.
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Dear Rover,

Given the normal heart cath it is very unlikely that the heart is the source of your symptoms.  I would think a musculoskeletal source such as costocondritis would be more likely.  I would keep working with the pain clinic.  They have many different ways to help deal with and cure chronic pain.
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Hi, I have costochondritis, too. There isn't much info on the web it seems. All I find seems to be the same thing over and over, that it lasts 6-8 weeks. I have had it for just over 1 1/2 yrs. and have only met a few others online with it, but they had it much longer than I! I am started a yahoo club: http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/costochondritissupport?as

where I hope those with costochondritis will come together and share what their experiences are, what they have learned, and support.
Good luck to you.
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I'm a 43 year old mother of four. After two weeks of chest pain my oldest daughter became extremely concerned and took me to the emergency room. Bloodwork was done,chest x-rays and EKG showed no signs of heart problems. Symptoms were : feeling of shoulers being pulled towards each other, and extreme pressure as if someone heavy was sitting on my chest. Taking a deep breath was impossible to bare. Final diagnosis was Costo Condritis,which I was told was inflammation between the joints between the ribs and breast bone,a form of Arthritis. Percocet was given for pain with no relief. I was already taking Vioxx-50mg/day. Need more information on Costo Condritis and TSETSE syndrome.
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Olivia, after posting my condition above (43 Hispanic Male) I ran into another individual with a smiliar condition.  She recommended Indocin, a nonsteroidal non-narcotic.  Heck, I tried viox, darvocet, percocet, the works, I had nothing to lose.  I started Indocin 25 mg three times a day last Tuesday a week ago and I feel great!!!!!  My pain has been cut by more than half. It took a few days to kick in but it works.  Ask your doctor about it.  I'm told that the 25mg is a small dose and that I can go up if needed, I don't think I'll need it.  Good Luck Olivia!
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I am a 33 year old female,  I have had this Chest/Rib pain for the past six months, in and out of ER, Diagnosis was Pleurisy, and 1 time Pneumonia.  last time I went to ER I told them I was not leaving with another script of Percocet,  I wanted them to find out what was causing this pain because I know that Pleurisy does not last this long.  I was admitted and a lung specialist came to my room and said she wanted to do a Rib scan to rule out no Fractured Ribs.  Well, it turns out that I have two fractured ribs  rib 11,12.  I have never been in an Auto accident,  never abused ect.. I just woke up one morning with this very bad pain and would not go away.  I am now being told that these ribs have something to do with my Heart.  I have Cardiomyopothy and have been placed on a Heart Transplant list.
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I am a 38 yr old hispanic male. I was diagnosed with Pericarditis by 3 different cardiologists about 3 yrs ago. I was otherwise very healthy and active till this struck me. I too have taken more pain killers than any person should take in a lifetime (up to 3000mg of vic per day) as well as having been on 50mg of indocin of and on for 3 yrs. The last bout 2 weeks ago did not go away with indocin - it got worse. The ER sedated me and sent me home - still unable to draw a good breath - and i returned to the ER 3 days later. After several EKG's, Echocardiograms, X-rays, Strees tests and myriads of all bloodwork.....the docs still had no answers but guessed Costo Condritis. They took me off all meds 4 days ago and I have not had any pain.I also have eliminated caffinated products and have gone on a lo carb diet at this same time......so far so good... maybe diet modification does work...it has for me so far. Email me and I will answer all. Hang in there people....do not give up!!
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Have to add that I am leary of costochondritis now. I had an episode of strange symptoms this past April which I attributed to some weird flu. Got it again in June and was told that it was Costochondritis by an urgent treatment center. I took NSAIDs as directed and got better in a few weeks. Then in August, I had the same symptoms. I persisted in going to work since I was made to believe that "costo" is not that serious and within a week, I collapsed. I was rushed to the ER with a pulmonary embolism, a collapsed lung and pericarditis. I spent 16 days in the hospital, was released for two weeks and then had to go back in. Was just released again yesterday. It is now believed that I have had pericarditis all three times but that because I am fairly young and appear healthy (40 year old female) and because my original EKG was normal, the first doctor simply wrote this off as costochondritis.
I am now trying to taper off 125mg prednisone a day... a treatment that has wreaked havoc with the rest of my body and recovering from a heart cath done 2 days ago. I'm lucky to have survived the PE. I would suggest that anyone who gets a quick diagnosis of costochondritis be sure to check with a cardiologist before accepting that diagnosis.
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I've had costochronditis for 14 years. It started after a long
duration Pulmonary Embolism episode which was fianlly diagnosed and treated. The pain was similar for the costchronditis but it was more associated with turning and it was more in front. It reduced in severity after a year. I can avoid it somewhat by avoiding certain positions and movements.

I would advise anyone with first time symptoms of costochronditis to check out other diseases like blood clots or tuberulosis I think my costochronditis was initiated by the PE given the timing of onset though I don't know how. Perhaps it was some sort of autoimmune thing.
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I have just been diagnosed with costo-chondritis by my physician today.  I came home to do a little research on it and came across this site.  The night before last I ate a snack which was a pb&j sandwich and a glass of 1% milk.  Within 15 minutes I was in severe pain. Several years ago I had my gallbladder removed and this pain is just like a gallbladder attack.  Severe chest and back pain, shortness of breath. Both times I thought I had a heart attack.  My doctor told me not to wait and go to the ER if this ever happens again, so I know she is not just dismissing me with her diagnosis.  She also did an EKG and blood work, which hasn't come back yet.  She pressed on my chest and I almost jumped through the ceiling!!  She said it was an inflammation of the ribs where the breastbone meets it.  I can't take aspirin or nsaids now because I am getting sugery soon, so she told me to use heat.  She really didn't think it could be diverticulitis, which is what I thought it could be.  I am trying to find out if this is a long-term disease or something that will go away.  I already have arthritis and sleep apnea whcih requires sleeping with a cpap machine at night. I came across another site related to sleep and the chat room was discussing a relationship between costo-chondritis and using a sleep mask and cpap.  Has anyone heard of this?  Any ideas on easing the pain without aspirin or nsaid meds?  Thanks.  KSP
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im 21 yrs old and yesterday my doctor diagnosed me with costo chondritis. back in september i had the same symptoms...severe pain in my back that travels around to the front, shortness in breath,etc...only in sept. i was also sick with a cold which made the pain extremely bad (to the point where i really couldnt breath)my doctor at that time gave me a chest xray to see for fluids and found nothing he then told me i hade pleuritis and gave me medication for it. well time went by and now im in pain again only im not showing any other signs of sickness so he right away told me i had costo chondritis. should i get another opinion? what can i take to get rid of this extremely annoying and unbearable pain? please email me with some advise.
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Don't know if you got my last comment - any way
31 year old new Mammy, costro has flared with a vengance over the last 6 months.

Does anyone else get a flare up after another condition - with me its an asthma attack?

How does the disease start and why?

Where did it get its stupid name?

Treatment, at present I am taking celebrex 200mg twice a day, durogesic patch 50ml per hour, voltarol gel (some relief but not long enough), tramadol painkillers.

In the past I had Atarax (good) and aceteominophen (demented on the stuff) and good old cortisone injections.  12 in 1994/95, don't get me started on that one.

Anyway, I've been to see another quack/doctor and he reckons I have fibromyalgia as well.  He is going to admit me to hospital as soon as a bed comes available - help...  does anyone else have this as well as costochronditis - I don't beleive his diagnosis - i think its just the costrochroditis.

Oh yeah, my gp gave me Lustral with this flare up because: "when you are sick, your body stops producing serotonin, these types of drugs help the body produce serotonin".  I was bad before, but Jesus, I slept like it was going out of fashion, my husband could say something to me and I would respond 3 minutes later while it felt like 3 seconds - so my daughter was minded by my Dad, so I missed nearly four months with her.
Now I feel like my gp doesn't believe in Costochronditis, thinks I'm making it up and that I'm depressed, when I AM NOT!!  I am Cross though and Cranky!!!  Anyone???
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You might want repost this further up the message tree.  Most people won't see this in the postings of September.  I do a search tho of the current date as not to miss any comments.

Put it anaywhere in the current date posts up the tree, i.e., in the 12/06/2001 questions

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It has been inspiring to read all your comments and histories. Hope our collective experiences will be of help. Here's mine:
59 yr.old female. Generally good health despite little exercise & 20 unneeded lbs. Diet is low cholesterol, no fast food. Love red wine. I think this began months ago with a flareup of arthritis from trying Pilates. Dr.upped Vioxx to 50 mg which helped some. I didn't bring up the rib pain because I thought it might have been caused by my underwire bra being too small or just maybe in my mind as the pain moves around so much. Had chiropractor work on hip with success, but could hardly turn over on her table (or in bed). Finally brought it up at my annual ob/gyn appt. because one breast was noticibly bigger than the other one. No mammo problems there, but when I described the chest pain, after examining, she said it was chondritis. I thought that might be a code for "hypochondriac-itis", so thought it was mental.  Boy, was I glad to find you guys!  I, too, have tried heat, ice, continued 50 mg vioxx, mild but sustained exercise, and yoga breathing. All help to a very small degree for a short time (hour or two). I feel like I'm a million years old, cranky & crabby, move at a snails pace and am totally frustrated.  I also have an ongoing gum inflammation (3 years) inspite of periodontic visits 4x year.  Is any of this related?
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It has been inspiring to read all your comments and histories. Hope our collective experiences will be of help. Here's mine:
59 yr.old female. Generally good health despite little exercise & 20 unneeded lbs. Diet is low cholesterol, no fast food. Love red wine. I think this began months ago with a flareup of arthritis from trying Pilates. Dr.upped Vioxx to 50 mg which helped some. I didn't bring up the rib pain because I thought it might have been caused by my underwire bra being too small or just maybe in my mind as the pain moves around so much. Had chiropractor work on hip with success, but could hardly turn over on her table (or in bed). Finally brought it up at my annual ob/gyn appt. because one breast was noticibly bigger than the other one. No mammo problems there, but when I described the chest pain, after examining, she said it was chondritis. I thought that might be a code for "hypochondriac-itis", so thought it was mental.  Boy, was I glad to find you guys!  I, too, have tried heat, ice, continued 50 mg vioxx, mild but sustained exercise, and yoga breathing. All help to a very small degree for a short time (hour or two). I feel like I'm a million years old, cranky & crabby, move at a snails pace and am totally frustrated.  I also have an ongoing gum inflammation (3 years) inspite of periodontic visits 4x year.  Is any of this related?
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A related discussion, Costro Condritis was started.
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