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I have a question concerning the significance of PVC, mainly multifocal and couplets.  I am a 32 y old white female significantly overweigt, pretty sedintary, Stress test a year ago okay, excercised to 5.4 mets on a Modified Bruce.  Echo 2 years ago pretty normal except for some septal enlargement but on the larger size of normal, and mitral and tricupsid minimal leaking, and aortic calcification small amount. Cardiac Cath done in 1999 was essentially normal except for small PFO no treatment on that.  I am terrified of excercise after the study showing PVC's after excercise put the person at a higher risk of death within 5 years.  I suffer from occassional pvcs, but yet documented on event recorder multifocal pvc's and couplets, these were on two seperate recordings.  When this happens it scares the **** out of me and I worry about it.  I have PVC's daily but not this type daily is that of any more significant?  I may NOTICE a couplet every month, but not daily.  I have cronic hypotension as well, and I normally have a fast heartrate, 90-120 range.  I also get episodes of bradycardia which are very uncomfortable.  I am tired of just living with this as it is almost impossible.  I am worried about the PVC's, expecially the couplets.  I take Toprol XL 50 mg in am and 12.5 in the evening, this just a okay job keeping heartrate lower than it used to be 110+ all the time, but has caused more Bradycardia and I think more PVC's.  I have been on that for 3 years.  How significant is all this?  

Thanks for your time in answering my question!
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thanks for you info. Are there Omega 3 supplements or can you only find them in food?
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I feel some comfort by reading your input, but I'm still having a hard time getting past the fear.  Why is it that when I bend over my heartbeat changes?  When I inhale, my heart beats irregularly; if I hold my breath is STAYS in this irregular mode...when I exhale it goes back to normal.  I get very few PVC's while sitting or standing; only when bending over.  I've been to the emergency room at least four times for this and no doctor has ever explained it to me.  I live in fear; sometimes I don't even want to get out of bed in the morning to face the day because I know I'll get the irregular heartbeat which depresses me.  I might add I've had depression problems all my life and severe anxiety.  Think anxiety could have anything to do with the irregular heartbeat?  Anyone -- please answer me, or if you want, contact me at:  ***@****.  Thank you!
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Hi Alex,

to answer you questions:
I have been on the Betablocker since Thursday and as soon as I started taking it I noticed my heart calming down and it stopped beating irregular.
The doctor told me to come back and see him this week and let him know how it is going since this is a trial time with the dosage etc.
I take the medicine in the morning and I do notice at evening, night time that my heart skipps a little bit, so I am thinking that the  medicine might wear off after so many hours. The doctor might have to increase the dosage, I don't know yet.
But overall my heartrate isn't much lower than usual, my heart just seems to be really calm and I love it.
I am so thrilled that its actually working and if I can take it longterm without any problems I might just do that for my peace of mind. Will have to see since we do want another baby and I don't know if I could take it being pregnant.
If you want to know anything else you can email me at:

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i'm really glad you've found some relief!  so are you still having the exta beats/skips or is it that you're just not feeling them b/c of the beta blocker?  what's your resting heartrate and has the beta blocker caused it to go down?  thanks.  take care.
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Hi everybody,

I just wanted to share something. I am 33 yr old female and have PAC's and PVC's since I was 18 yrs old. And like everyone else these really bother me and some days are better than others.
We are getting ready to move and about 3 weeks ago my heart starting skipping like crazy. Of course I freaked out once again and made an appointment with my doc.
Finally after always refusing to take anything for the irregular heartbeat I caved and the doctor prescribed me Metoprolol (Lopressor)25mg a day, its a Betablocker. Now I am so amazed how well this works and I feel like 100% better. I can deal with the moving stress and am so relieved not to feel the skipped beats every few minutes.
I will probably take the medication until our move is over and then see if it will be fine without it.
I was just so happy that there is actually something out there that helps me and I don't feel any side effects.
Somehow I always felt like a failure considering medication, I thought that I should be strong enough to just deal with it. But now I am so relieved.
So for all of you out there, if you can't take it anymore and this drives you nuts like it does me, don't be silly and wait 16 years to even try to see if medication works. :)
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Fear -- I don't think we ever actually overcome it.  We learn ways to cope with our condition.  The hard part for me was accepting my condition because I wasn't in control of it!

I've had these things forever so you would think by now they'd just be like getting up and getting dressed in the morning. Not! Some days are better than others though and it's not all gloom and doom.  I don't fear them anymore -- they just annoy me mostly.

What has worked for me is taking everything very slowly.  That gets my heart out of it's sensitivity.  Slow, deliberate walks.  Breathing deeply.  Being peaceful. Telling myself that I'm okay and I've been through this a million times before.  Eventually, my nervous system calms down which also calms my PVCs down.

Yoga, dancing, meditation, eating healthy, plenty of water and RELAXING and not over racting to things all help me.  Plus knowing I can come to this website and listen/talk to other people who are just like me or very similar.

Try sitting still and relaxing for awhile.  Or take a slow walk and notice the trees, the birds, etc.  Maybe that will help you too.


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