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PVC's and VT

Hello and thanks for taking my question.

Recently I have developed PVC's and or Ventricular Tachycardia (sp) which came out of no where.  I've had every test imaginable, ekgs, echos, nuclear stress test (2 in the last year), angiograms...everything.  It all turns up ok.  BP and cholesterol is great, don't drink, smoke, drugs, gave up coffee/soda etc.

My cardiologist is really trying to find the cause because he said the pvc's are coming from the lower chamber of my heart.  After the stress test yesterday, he has ordered some sort of sleep study for tonight.  My pvc's are getting less and less, but now I'm getting worried after the comment about the lower chamber causing them.

My questions are:

1.)  Are there different types of PVC's and does it matter where they originate?

2.)  If every test that I have had comes back a-ok, can irregular sleep patterns, (remembering dreams or not completing REM sleep) have anything to do with these starting up?

3.)  Can dieting - not eating right cause PVC's...skipping meals.  Blood tests show everything but potassium was ok...potassium was high.

4.)  Since my cardiologist is putting me through all these tests...is he looking for something and not telling me, or just being thorough?  I'm mid 30's with no other health problems.

5.)  What steps can I take to get rid of these?  I'm not worrying about them anymore, but their presence is still there.

Thanks for taking the time to answer these!

27 Responses
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I can relate to how  you feel about pregancy and PVCs.  I think if you have PVCs, you are right that in the postpartum stage, they often increase.  I am six months postpartum with my 2nd, and they are just starting to ease up now.  Not that I get as many as a lot of people on this board, but sleep deprivation and the added stress of a new baby certainly are triggers.  As for why you get them when you are nervous, your anxiety would cause an increase in adrenalin which would affect your PVCs.  The obvious thing to do is not let them bother you, but I know that's easier said than done. I am just at the point now where I can have PVCs and just let them happen, instead of getting into a panic about them.  I figure nothing has happened to me yet!  Good Luck with your pregnancy and delivery.
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Can anyone tell me do I got PVC or what else I get?  My pulse is always at 70 - 80.  I complaint have the vibration on my chest. It looks like palpitation but everyone said my pulse is OK. 70 - 80 can't feel palpitation at all. Dr prescribe me Digoxin and Flecainide to take.  Dr did said that "my heart muscle is getting old" & the last visit he said my upper chamber did not work probably. I ask my local Dr. what else I get? He asks me talk to my Cardiologist. At the moment I do not feel like to visit my Cardiologist anymore.  He's changed my pacemaker program to make me very sick and unwell.  
I do feel very unwell when the strong beats are chasing the  light beats. It makes me vomit or nausea, dizzy, SOB and chest pain.  I have pins and needles on my hands and legs. Recently, my chest is very stiff (back) when I woke up in the morning. Is that PVC will cause all these problems to you people? Echo show I've a slightly enlarge left ventricle.  I really wish to know what else I got?  Could some one tell me the syndromes of PVC feel like?
Thank a lots
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I also wonder whether those people who gets 1000's in a day get runs of VT.  I don't get a lot of PVCs per day, but I do get runs of what I am pretty sure is VT. I also wish my PACs and PVCs were just a thump! When I get PACs and PVCs I get the thump as well as pain and all other sorts of scary feelings associated with the premature beat itself. This happens with every premature beat I get! It makes just a "thump" seem pretty good in comparison.
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Hi, a year ago when I was in a high anxiety state about these horrid pvcs I too got twitches, plus a trembling that seemed to come from inside out.  Now my anxiety has subsided, so too have my pvcs and no more twitching and inner 'rumbling'.  Hope this helps.
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I posted in another thread but it is closed now.  I also get PVC's, just found out through a holter monitor I wore (thought they were palpatations), so I'm new to all the medical talk about them and still trying to understand why and how to not focus on them.

I'm a 29 year old female, 4 months pregnant.  I started noticing skips of my heart at 17 but back then it was no big deal.  A couple years ago is when I started getting several PVC's in a row which really scare me and I think I'm going to die.  Then my heart races really fast after I get an episode of several in a row.  

I do seem to get them more when I feel one and get nervous about it, but why?  Why is it if I focus on it, I get more?  Is it my brain saying "go ahead, have some more".  The thumps I feel are impossible to ignore, my mind can be really busy focusing on things I'm doing, but I still feel those thumps hard.  I'm just really confused why it is when I'm nervous about it, I will have more in a row, is it my brain making them come on?  Because they seem to happen even if my brain isn't thinking about them.  Just more so when I do think about them.  

I've been able to control them fairly well so far with the pregnancy, but I do think, would if I get a severe attack with several PVC's in a row that throw me into panik and hyperventalation, which I have done before?  What can I do?  I can't take any meds being pregnant.  

And I really fear the PVC's when the baby is born because I will be sleep deprived and I'm sure they will come more frequent and possible more severe.  What's going to happen if I get an episode where I can't get a grip??  I fear passing out, will that happen?
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I have found now that afer getting PVCs for 6 months, I seem to be getting other scary side effects which I'm not sure are due to anxiety of not. Does anyone else get body twitches or tremors? Like, partculialry I'm noticing eye twitches....ahhh....very annoying. Any advice would be much appreciated!

regards, megan

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