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PVC's and related arrhythmias

I am a 49 year old male who since early child hood have had episodes of premature beats which are easily felt because I am thin. Past EKG's have usually shown normal sinus rhythms with occaisional pvcs.
Also on exercise I would have runs of rapid 120-140bpm (after) that sometimes went on for hours but kind of outgrew them. Some doctors hear a click or slight murmur. Recently have had more frequent bouts of premature beats that sometimes are accompanied by a spasm like sensation which can be felt with finger tips under the left breast. They only last afew seconds but also create a flush or rush sensation. I recently had a stress test, EKG, and a doppler echo. Stress test was normal and echo was also except for mild regurgitation of the tricuspid and slight of the mitral.
Through the years some doctors have said that I also have MVP but this has not been proven on the echo. I am currently wearing an event recorder and have had 30 events in two weeks which the doc says are benign. However, am scared about the shuddering sensations and incresing frequency of other symptoms. I don't smoke, drink, and have cut out all caffeine. I want to think that I am doing all that I can to ensure my kids have a dad to grow up with. However, the increasing frequency of the symptoms are robbing me of sleep and making me paranoid about travelling etc. They seem to come out of nowhere and last for varying lengths of time. Any suggetions would be most appreciated.
PS have never fainted with these symptoms but have felt faint occaisionally with them.
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I am 25 years of age and began feeling fluttering in my throat that would last just a few seconds than go away and come back. I started these an hour and a half before the new year came in.  I decided I couldn't wait till tomorrow because it was so bothersome it actually felt like your heart pauses for a second.  I called the ER and they said it was muscle spasm and not to worry.  The next day I called again and told them my symptoms and they took me in and gave me an EKG in which they noticed a slight arrythmyia problem they told me not to worry and put me on a EKG monitor for awhile there they noticed my heart would race up and down while resting it wuld shoot up to 132 and go back down in two heart beats.  I was terrified no matter what the doctor told me I was picturing me dead.  Since then I have blood work which showed my potassium was low so I am on pottasium pills an ECG and a holter monitor done.  All of them shows I am healthy nothing wrong with my heart or heart valves.  Thats after seeing 4 different cardiologist and two doctors.  I am also on toporol daily but I am still getting feelings of my heart racing when its not and a feeling of not getting enough air sometimes and coldness.  Is there anyone out ther that can relate to these symptoms and ease my mind or give me another route to try please write a reply thank you!
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I am 25 years of age and began feeling fluttering in my throat that would last just a few seconds than go away and come back. I started these an hour and a half before the new year came in.  I decided I couldn't wait till tomorrow because it was so bothersome it actually felt like your heart pauses for a second.  I called the ER and they said it was muscle spasm and not to worry.  The next day I called again and told them my symptoms and they took me in and gave me an EKG in which they noticed a slight arrythmyia problem they told me not to worry and put me on a EKG monitor for awhile there they noticed my heart would race up and down while resting it wuld shoot up to 132 and go back down in two heart beats.  I was terrified no matter what the doctor told me I was picturing me dead.  Since then I have blood work which showed my potassium was low so I am on pottasium pills an ECG and a holter monitor done.  All of them shows I am healthy nothing wrong with my heart or heart valves.  Thats after seeing 4 different cardiologist and two doctors.  I am also on toporol daily but I am still getting feelings of my heart racing when its not and a feeling of not getting enough air sometimes and coldness.  Is there anyone out ther that can relate to these symptoms and ease my mind or give me another route to try please write a reply thank you!
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I am 30 yrs old and in the last month starting feeling flutters, I went to my doc and they gave me an event monitor for little over a week and recently just called me back with the report.  I have Unifocal singular PVC's and are benign. and i should not worry and if they get bothersome they can treat.  I do not want to be on meds unless i have to.  They still make me worry even though the doc said don't worry.  My dad has been getting PVC since he was about 35 or so. Is this a hereditary thing. he is fine and just ignores them.  I also want to get Pregnant again will this interfere or cause problems?  They come and sometimes stay for a while and then sometimes a week or more will go by and I don't notice any.  They recently returned on and off and I don't drink cafffeine. I was extremely stressed with work etc. at the time they started but am not now so why start up again. Do I just learn to live with these things?  Sometimes after eating or during they will flare up and that is the only time of day and others at night when tyring to sleep, they make me jump up from my sleep. upon feeling my pulse in my neck, it feels like my heart stops and starts again. Scary??  Anyone out here (esepecially a doc) who can give me some extra reassurance.
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Had a second aortic valve replacement in l996 (Dr. Cosgrove, Cleveland Clinic )
Have had PVC's for years but worsening in recent years.
Cardiologist tells me that my PVC's are benign but could develop into malignent arrythmia.  He has put me on amiodarone for life! plus lisinopril and coumadin.
Have lately read in an up to date book by a group of pharmacists that amiodarone can make matters worse and can even cause arrythmias and should only be resorted to in extremely serious arrythmias and only for a very short period.  I have been on amiodarone for 6 months - any opinions?
I am 69 and work out on a treadmill for l/2 hour 3 times a week at 4 miles an hour with no illeffects.
My first valve replacement was a porcine valve in l984 and the last one is bovine.
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I understand your situation.  I am currently in counseling for anxiety disorder, which is what I believe is the main cause of my skipped beats.  I've been to two cardiologists and ran the gamut of tests, but they can't find anything serious. I was told I was healthy and not to worry about it. Easy to say, but really hard to do.  I tend to have anxiety over situations I can't control, so when the skipped beats occurred two years ago, I couldn't concentrate on anything else, and I freaked everytime I felt one.  Often they aren't frequent, but they do still occur, usually when I've been doing well for awhile.  I fall into the same panic mode--and they will happen a few more times the next few days until something else distracts me. It's a vicious cycle.  I'm glad I've gotten them checked out, and maybe there's more to the story than anxiety.  But I choose to accept that that's my big problem now, so I'm getting that fixed.  The only advice I can give is to try not to freak out or concentrate on why the skipped beats happened.  That's what I'm attempting to do.  Fear is a really powerful thing, and it can do a lot to you physically.  Good luck--I wish everyone the best with this!
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I began having PVC's about three years ago.  I believe the main triggering element was the medication called Propulsid, which I had been taking for slow gastric emptying.  After doing a lot of research, I began taking the chelated form of magnesium--which has helped both my stomach and the pvc's.  I think it has something to do with muscle contractions, and I'm convinced there is a digestive connection (perhaps the vagus nerve??) which can trigger pvc's.  There is some great information on the importance of magnesium at krispin.com as well as numerous other sites.  I wouldn't be surprised that many of us are walking around with magnesium deficiencies.  My internist seems to think that I'm o.k. because the serum blood test for magnesium shows me to be in the normal range.  But, I have found a test that tests the intracellular levels of magnesium.  Found a doctor who was more open to "non-standard" tests, so she ordered it and yes, my intracellular levels are low.
I also take extra calcium as well as a multi-vitamin, extra C and B-complex, Hawthorne Berry and L-carnitine.  
The pvc's flair up every now and then but nothing like they've been in the past.  I also do not drink anything with caffeine in it, very little alcohol, exercise every day, etc. etc.
Hope this helps someone.
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