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anxiety and arrhythmia

I suffer from severe anxiety from PVC's (which I have had for years and you would think that I would be getting used to them).  I have tried Buspar (which gave me headaches), and tried Paxil (which made my PVC's worse). I have also tried Beta Blockers and Calcium Channel blockers but they didn't seem to help much either.  Beta Blockers gave me terrible headaches as well. I think it is because I have naturally low blood pressure anyways.  Doctors here say don't worry about palpitations, but it is too late, I am terrified of them.  No amount of pacifying from EP doctors or my family physican will make me stop worrying.

I would like to know if you can recommend any anti-anxiety meds that a person could go which would not affect the heart in any way.  

Is it normal to have such severe anxiety that I actually avoid any situation that I have to be around people now (because my my fear of my heart skipping).  I also cannot sleep at night at all because I feel my heart skip sometimes every third beat or so and it sends me into panic.  I have constant butterflies in my stomach because I can't stand the feeling of the PVC's.  These darn things have taken complete control of my life.

My doctor is a a loss as to what to do with me.  Could you recommend anything.  I am hanging by a thread.

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My life has turned upside down.  One day I was sitting at the computer and my heart started skipping rapidly.  I felt like I was going to faint.  I gathered myself and ended up in the ER and he said I was fine.  I went to a cardiologist and he put me on a monitor and it came back fine.  Anyway, i get these stupid skips more and more now.  I can't help think that I have some disease.  I can't sleep and this scares the hell out of me.  I went from a happy person to a mental case.  All I think about now is my stupid heart rythm.  I am so afraid that the Dr. is missing something.  If anyone has advice my email is ***@****
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All I can say is I am right there with you.  PAC's PVC's whateever the choice of the day is they are always with me.  My anxiety level with them use to be a 9 out of 10.  Now I think 5 out of 10 is were I am.  Keeping busy is the only thing that works for me.  Also, as other have mentioned, stay away from cardiac stimulants like caff, nic, choc, ect.  Drink lots of water see if this helps.  

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Very good post, Ann.
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Dear Trudi & others,

I've had the odd heart flutter for as long as I can remember.  I never thought anything of them...until they started to become more pronounced and frequent.  That was about a year ago.  I'd never had a panic attack before, but you can bet your booties I had them after that!  Several trips to the ER, ECGs all clear, 24 Holter monitor...all clear.  They why didn't I FEEL normal?

Depending on how often the arrythmia happens, it may not be "monitorable".  It's really frustrating to try to explain what's going on.  My doctor in Sydney originally prescribed Prothiaden...I had taken it successfully for Post Natal Depression a few years back.  This was to help with the anxiety.  It did, but only for a short period of time.  During this time I seemed to experience the "flip flops" more than ever, and when I least expected it.  So, Mike, I know what you mean about an anxiety medicine not being able to relieve the anxiety!

I moved to Hobart and started seeing a new doctor.  He took the approach that at my stage of life (39, relatively healthy) there was no real reason for me to be on an anti-depressant.  There are other methods of handling anxiety out there that are better suited for me.  I started seeing a psychologist a few months ago and the difference is remarkable.  I now know how to reign in that panic, how to keep my mind from exacerbating the situation...an over-active imagination is a dangerous thing.

I still have times when I "freak out"...but I know recognize them for what they are and don't let things escalate further.  I've been off the Prothiaden for about 1 1/2 months and feel better for it.  I have a script for Valium, which comes in handy when I really do need instant calm and my mind won't give it to me.

And Mike...regarding the panic attacks that last all day or longer...the effects of my panic attacks and milder anxiety attacks would mean that I would literally have to lie down for the rest of the day, go to bed early and try to get as much peace and quiet as I could (difficult with 2 small children, but made easier by an understanding husband).  If I didn't do this, it was guaranteed that I'd have a full-blown, major panic attack.  Listen to your body as well as your mind.

I suggest to everyone that they try some form of relaxation techniques...whether it's just sitting quietly for 5 minutes or a structured program developed in conjunction with a professional.  You may be sceptical...but what harm can it do?  None.  What good can it do?  It could make all the difference in the world.
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Trudi I have been going through the same thing for 5 years. ER dr's have told me my heart is fine. I have had all kinds of heart tests all came up normal. I get shortness of breath and chest pains. I can't sleep. The DR I saw last week told me it was Panic attacks but when I have these pains and shortness of breath it lasts most of the day. It goes away for a few hours then comes back when ever it wants. Sometime it goes away for weeks but allways comes back. Everything I have read about Panic attacks tells me you get these panic attacks then they go away. I can't figure out why mine lasts all day( and sometimes all night) My Dr put me on PAXIL last week and I have felt worse since taking it. I read that one of the side effects of Paxil is anxitey. I wonder how a drug that is supposed to fix anxitey gives you anxitey?........Mike
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     I know exactly what your going through.PVC's,PAC's have severely crippled my day to day life.Before i started getting pvc's i went through about 5 years of panic attacks,some so severe my heart would race 160-180 beats per minute.Then out of the blue one day i felt my heart start to skip.Needless to say i totally became a basket case until i had a number of cardiac tests done.It's been about 10 years now that i've been dealing with pvc's pac's and no matter what doctors tell me i still am petrified of them.I am on prozac which helps my anxiety, and i always carry a couple of zanax in my pocket as my security blanket.Still these meds dont totally help.I am constantly in fear of my next skipped beat:how many i'm going to get,how long will they last,did the doctor miss something in her diagnosis etc,etc,etc.Well,i could go on for hours but i just wanted to let you know that you are by know means ALONE.Please feel free to e mail me.My address is ***@**** Take care and God bless.
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