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palpitations - why can't they diagnose anything????

I am a 38 year old female who has really been through the ringer getting my heart checked out.  I have been for ultrasounds, EKG's, two unsuccessful ablations and probably any other testing that you can imagine.  The doctors say that I have a structurally normal heart and not to worry about what I feel.

I have been diagnosed with PVC's, short runs of SVT, and non-sustained v-tach (which I don't think happens too frequently).  I have been on numerous beta-blockers which I do not do well on and I still feel every skipped beat that I get.  I find I get really bad headaches and my blood pressure is super low 80/56 when I am beta blockers.  I naturally have low blood pressure so I think the beta blockers make it even lower.

Why can't they find out why my heart acts up all of the time?  I constantly feel skips, a fluttering sensation and sometimes it just starts pounding for no reason at all!!!!  I can't stand it anymore.  There is not a day that goes by when I don't feel something funny going on in there and it really scares me.  Is there not some operation that can fix what is going on????  Since they have found all of these things that are happening (ie: the PVC's - approximately 10 a day, but really hard ones, svt and non-sustained v-tach), why do they tell me not to worry?????  They have said I could go on an anti-arrythmic if I wanted to but it was not necessary.  I DO NOT want to go on an anti-arrythmic, I am too scared to go on it.

What else can I do?  I am driving my doctor crazy, I go back to her probably once per month and tell her I can't take this heart issue anymore.  She is always very nice to me but I am at the point I am embarrased to go see her because she says she does not know where else to send me.  

What can I do??  Am I driving myself crazy with this.  I really feel there is something wrong in there but everyone tells me there is not and a lot of people get weird sensations.
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Thank you for the positive feedback. I sensed a lot of similarity between our experiences, and had to post to you.  What is the overall timeframe you have had this situation occurring? Don't be embarrased to return to your doctor. Be pleasant, but persistent.   Are you near a major metropolitan area, or remote region? That can influence your options. Obviously, you have seen a specialist for the ablations.  What was said after the unsuccessful ablations? My blood pressure is 90/60 while on Atenolol 100mg/day.  It has gone down to 70/56 once.  It does not present any problem for me.

Keep me posted on your situation. I will continue to monitor this forum and thread.

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To Neil,
I just found this website last week. I couldn't believe all that I have read on so many other people feeling the exactly same way as I do. I hate to hear other people have these same stinking arrythmias, but it does help to know that your not alone, because that is usually how you feel, especially at first when you begin to experience these things. I have had alot of events, but only been to the E.R. once. Like yourself my husband raced me to the E.R. one night in february of 1998, after a whole day of feeling all different things. It started from the time I got up that day until the E.R. that evening. They also did all the same tests, except for the holter monitor, which I received from a cardiologist I started to go to about a month later. When you first feel your heart racing like that it scares the hek out of you, but like a panick sets in, which makes the racing much worse. I actually felt immediately better when I went to the E.R. because your not home guessing and wondering what is going on. You almost automatically feel better because you feel they know what your telling them, which is a calming and reassuring feeling.
Take Care.
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Nice to find this msgboard. I've only been dealing with this for the past 3 or 4 days.  Started with some strong palpitations, flew out of work to the ER on thursday.  Had the full range of stuff - blood work, chest xrays, EKG.  Fitted with the holter monitor for all of friday. Quick diagnosis of PVCs by the ER docs.  The very annoying hard thump...pause..thumpthump.....continued all through the weekend.  Sat down at my computer tonight (to read more about THIS , ironically enough..) and felt flush, then lightheaded and my heart raced off the chart and i couldn't calm it back down.  My wife drove like a demon down to the ER, I guess I was panicking most of the way. Could barely stumble into the ER door - entire body weak, lightheaded..hands shaking, face and arms tingling and 'buzzing' (if you know what I mean).  Docs finally got me calmed down...had a few more little bouts with it there, but learned to not let my worry and adrenaline combine into a vicious cycle again.

Got a shot of lopressor to help calm my heart out some, and a prescription for Atenenol (25mg) for a bit. Have the echo cardiogram scheduled for tomorrow.  Hope all that goes well.

I just have to say I really agree with the consensus on here that the worst part is accepting that "you're fine" the docs give you.  I'm only 29, and thought my number was up on the ride down to the ER. I've never felt that ..wired before.  I knew it wasnt a heart attack, but I dont want to repeat that ever again.
As for background, I'm fairly active, no family history of heart disease, and this is the first time I've had anything like this.

I'm going to read up more on the magnesium suggestion (I already take a multivitamin with mg in it, will see what kind/size).  I've also cut out caffeine and trying for more sleep (I usually push myself pretty lean on that) and working on relaxing.  Glad this group is here - for someone just introduced to this, at least it helps bear out the doc's assumption I'm not going to die from these!  I'm feeling good tonight finally - the lopressor either helps, or i'm finally calming down.

Sorry for the rambling format - it's been a rough week, my composition skills have kinda taken a back seat!   Good luck to all of you.
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To Jennifer, My arms go to sleep and tingle, I feel it most of the time when I wake up.  I also have fibromyalgia and a prolapsed mitral valve which the specialists say is benign.  Anyone else with fibromyalgia and suffer from these horrible feelings?  Sometimes when my heart starts flopping around I say out loud, "It ought to just fall on the floor and get it over with!"
Sounds stupid but it is such a bad feeling I feel like I need for someone in my family to hear me say that just so they could know it's acting up in case I fall out.  I am now taking Borage oil supplements since Friday and also Flaxseed oil,  fruit and vegetable pills, magnesium supp. and selenium.   A wonderful Doctor by the name of Cotter is a firm believer in nutrition and has extensibly researched all his findings.  I'm praying this will help me soon.  While sitting here my heart is fluttering and skipping all over.  I hate it!  I'm thankful I'm not alone but wouldn't wish this on anyone..
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Hi Everyone,
I have never taken any stronger medication in my life than an asprin or tylenol. So when the cardiologist I was seeing told me to start toprol 50mg, I was a little apprehensive about it. I went to a second cardiologist and he ran all the same tests that they run, and I guess from my continuing symtoms and complaining he put me on the exact medication and same dosage. I had the prescription filled and kept it and never took it until about almost a month after I got it filled. I was really nervous about stating a medication for a couple of reasons. One I thought what is it going to do to me?, then I thought about any kind of side effects?, then I thought about is this a lifelong thing? But one day In september of 1999, my heart was going crazy all day with the fast beating, so every one in my family  had said to me didn't you take that medication yet? So I couldn't stand it no more,  so I took it and except for feeling a little tired for the first few days, I felt much better. As time passed my dosage had to be raised a little because sometimes you do feel the symptoms break through, but the events are less frequent and less severe. I'm now afraid not to be on it. This  arrythmia thing runs in my family. My mother fast rate started when she was 17 and then returned at 33. She has been on inderal since she was 40, and she is now 72. My sister started at 33, she has mital valve prolapse and wolf parkinson white  and was on alot of medication that would knock you down. After years of this, she finally had an ablation done in 1996, and that cured her. She on no meds right now. But she will always have the mvp. My nephew who is 14, had an ablation done this past february. In january his rate went up to 245 one day and the decided on ablation. At this time his problems had only been going on a month, they started in jan. and the ablation was in feb. He is cured too. But he has wpw, I don't have that and I may not be a candidate for ablation. I wish ablation could cure for whatever type of arrythmia someone may have , but as I understand it, it may not. My doctor has told me that sometimes pacemakers are then needed if an ablation does not go well. So you  have to judge how your problems are, and see if it is worth trying ablation or staying on medication.
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Hi, I really understand where many of you are coming from. I am a 34 yr old who's father had a heart attack at 33. I began have runs of ventricular Bigemeny(10 to 30 runs an hour) about one year ago. I am very symptomatic. The palpatations feel as if someone is kicking me in my chest and I can feel them up into my throat. The real kicker is that I am an ER Nurse. I had the usual thallium stress test and echo and that came back "inconclusive". Because of strong family history and my arrythmia, I had a heart cath to rule out Coronary Heart Disease. My doctor had me take Toprol xl 50 mg a day and that eventually was increased to 100mg twice a day. It did not help. While in the hospital after my heart cath, the electrophysiologist came by. He discontinued my toprol and put me on Verapamil, a calcium channel blocker. After two weeks this did not help. I am scheduled for an ablation on the 25th.  I chose the ablation because I did not want to be on an antiarrythmic for the rest of my life. I know that my pvc's are benign and cannot "kill" me,but as the electrophysiologist put it, it is the quality of my life that counts. He said I needed a heart electriction, not a plumber(a little cardiology humor). I hope the ablation helps, but if it doesn't, I dont know what I will do. I as a RN know the side effects associated with antiarrythmics and I don't want to be on them. Just wanted everyone to know that I understand where they are coming from and I agree with some previous responses, go see an electrophysiologist. I can not stand to go around and feel as if some one is pounding on my chest, all day long. Drives me crazy. wish me luck on my ablation. Take care!

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