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Waking up with body vibrations

I am wondering if anyone has ever felt the following:  Almost every night I fall asleep normally only to suddenly wake up 20-30 minutes later with these feeling of vibration throughout my whole body.  MY heart seems slightly irregular and has the feeling like it wants to start racing.  Sometimes it does, most times it just beats strongly.  The vibrating feeling throughout my body is disconcerting.  I put my hand out to see if I'm actually shaking.  I am slightly but nothing in comparison to what I feel internally.  It last up to 5 minutes, then eventually I fall asleep, only to wake again after 20-30 minutes.  This can happen up to 5-7 times a night.  Eventually I fall asleep and fall into the regular REM sleep.
Any thoughts?  Thank you all.  
PS.  I do not drink alcohol, smoke nor take caffeine.
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Hey all.  I've had this thing happen a few times and decided to look it up.  First off, being in the spiritual guild so to speak, I'd caution other practitioners from immediately saying that others are having the same experience as you.  They might be having an obe or they might just be sleeping weird and compressing nerves.  Or, it seems like a ton of other things.  For me, it's definitely not a spiritual thing.  My body is telling me it's not happy.  This time when it happened it was concentrated in my torso  but when I lifted my arm where I have been dealing with compressed nerves, the sensation moved to the arm.  For me (and in portion at least), I am sleeping weird and compressing things.  I might also suggest that those taking new medications that *especially* affect the brain, that you might be loosening some things up and sleeping differently.  Or, you might be tightening airways and causing different affects on the body.  Whatever this is, it seems to be a body response to something happening in the body.  When people are talking about localized vibrations, it definitely seems like nerves (but could also be the body alerting you to something more severe.)
    So, there probably isn't one answer  but I hope I can help you close in on the answer for you.  I would start with basics.  Electrolytes, plenty of water, nutrition.  Are they all in check?  What has changed for you in the few days prior?  Are you waking up in weird positions?  Do you feel like Spirit is trying to get through to you? (lol, if you do then I would talk with a skilled professional that you like.  One that is verified! (reviews can be good  but do these ppl really know?  Ask yourself how the review is written.  Are the ppl wowed and in space or are they saying this person is very serious about their work.  And make sure you like the person.)   After making a checklist of any changes and possible causes (airways restricted, nerves, electrolytes, etc.)  an easy and cheap thing to do is check out books.  
A previous poster suggested  "Hope and Help for Your Nerves" by Dr. Diane Weekes
I would add 3 steps to living pain free  and trigger point therapy workbook (with a spiky ball)  **even though these are general wellness, triggerpoint therapy might be a great help**
For those who enjoy a yoga approach, youtube has some pretty good teachers maybe look up something with the nerves.  
Meditation  Equisynch.  
For a more energy practice JinShinJiutsu by Mary Burmeister  (this practice takes some seat time  but very effective.)  
In whatever path to wellness to take, I wouldn't ignore it.  If it's Spirit, then why would you?  Wouldn't you want to know what they're trying to tell you?  If it's physical, then your body is telling you something is going on.  I'd rule out the physical and then go to spiritual.  If you're having any kind of feelings/urges to walk a more spiritual path, then it could very well be  but it could also be a body response.  (lol, I have at time to time in my path thought something was spiritual for it to turn out to be a simple physical thing.  It's ok, we've all been there.  Doesn't mean you're not spiritual, just maybe not this thing.)  You can do a spiritual checklist too.  Any stressors going on?  Any feeling of displacement?  Life feeling boring and dull?  IF there is no harm and no major expense to any of these therapies, why not explore it?  The main thing is to find what is right for you.  What solves the problem or makes the heart sing *and not vibrate your body crazily*  Spirit has been known to take extreme measures to get in touch with you.  Watch the long island medium and what she went through.  If you want to see a through and through verified medium/lightworker she's a great place to have a reference point.  (btw a lot of light workers are not mediums, so verifying that your cat would lay down in a certain place would be wholly ineffective.  If you're looking at Reiki or some modality (even acupunture).  Ask for references and their success rate.  A very good lightworker will be happy and proud to share that information.  They might not have it  but if you accept a treatment,  then you should definitely feel different afterwords and have a good idea of the person.  Some Reiki people sadly can barely run enough energy to tickle you much less heal you of anything.  (gahh, I can hear the pitchforks being sharpened.  Ppl love to say that it doesn't matter, that Spirit will do it....have your own ideas whatever  results are the proof in the pudding.  I've personally seen reiki 'masters'  give several treatments with no result just saying it takes time.  Bahh!  There should be some results from day 1.  It could take time  but in my experience ppl who do not have the capacity or true love of what their doing aren't really doing it.  Why aren't you getting a result?  Duhhh....you're not doing it right.  Reiki is 100% effective in the hands of a true healer.  If you're a student of just starting out, it can take time to develop the skills to be a healer.  It's a lifelong thing.)  I half apologize for the digression  but someone needed it.  
That said, this is a thing.  And to the guy where it went down in a different room.  Totally agree, that's an outside thing.  Logical conclusion right?  Maybe try a qlink energy pendant.  One last thing and for people dealing with mental health concerns.  I'm not saying anything either way.  Your health is in your own hands.  Don't change your medication bc of something you read online.  but....meditation with skill can possibly remedy most issues.  If you need the meds, use them until you don't.   talk with your doc (gotta say that bc if someone has a serious issue and gets off their meds and causes harm I don't want to be a part of it spiritually or legally.  Your life is in your own hands).  (Allopathic Medicine has its place, if you say you learned how to meditate your problems away expect some looks. Work on your nutrition, balance and learn to ground yourself.  And explain things in a very fact based logical manner.)
I had some of the same experiences as the long island medium and it turns out Spirit was definitely getting in touch with me.  This doesn't mean that everyone with anxiety is having Spirit mess with them  but it is a possibility.  That's another conversation though.  (how'd I get on this tangent?  lol, trying to answer everything at once..bahh.  Create a great self.  IT's so worth it.
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Do you take a benzodiazepine like Xanax, Klonopin, etc.? I have the same symptoms btw. I’m 57 and it started about six months or so ago out of no where. I can only attribute it to the Klonopin I take which I’m trying to get off of.
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I’ve had the same experience off and on for years. I asked my doctor and he said this is a side affect to a drug I take called klonopin/clonazepam. I only take 1mg at night to help me sleep.  Do any of you take this or something like it?
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Internal vibrations that wake you up are a symptom of sleep paralysis.  Look up 'sleep paralysis' on Wikipedia.  It is all biological.  I experience the vibrations occasionally.  It is critical to exercise excellent sleep hygiene over a long time. Personally, using cognitive behavioral therapy exercises an hour before bed to unload anxiety and negative thoughts, not eating 3 hours before bed, limiting salt and fatty foods in the evening, drinking chamomile tea, stretching, and a cool bedroom help.  When I don't practice these activities, the vibrations sometimes happen, I then sit up and sometimes take ibuprofen.
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Thank you for sharing your experience.  Welcome to MedHelp.  Sleep paralysis is an interesting phenomenon. Here is information for our readers https://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/guide/sleep-paralysis#1.  Various symptoms can be the result of this situation.  We do encourage our readers to be checked by your doctor to make sure nothing more is going on.  But again, welcome to the forum and hope you come back to visit us again soon.
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This is not anxiety. It is a natural process that human bodies experience as our consciousness shifts into different states during sleep. You notice the vibrations as you shift back into the waking state and the vibrations come over a bit from your sleep state. The vibrations are increasing for a lot of people right now as our energy increases and expands with a shift that is occurring on Earth and in our solar system right now. Many of us experience these vibrations regularly through meditation and spiritual practices but it is increasing in many people now because of energy shifts that are going on on the planet. If you are truly interested in knowing more about this and why it is happening to so many people look up energy shift of Earth.
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Wow I didn’t think so many had this problem.. last night I was terrified to fall back asleep and just felt an evil presence in my room after the whole ordeal. I was dreaming random dreams when all of a sudden it sounded like a freight freight was fast approaching and my body started to vibrate more intensely. While the vibrating was getting worse I heard like a screaming in my head that felt like it was going to explode then after like 10 secs it would stop and start over again 4 more times during this time I somehow managed to grip my husbands hand and was squeezing as hard as I could to wake him because I was too scared to even open my eyes or speak. Just felt like I was paralyzed from fear and when I finally was able to move my heart was pounding and didn’t want to fall back asleep. I woke up my husband to hold me because I was that terrified.. I hope I never feel that again.
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Sorry Sharon, it was a symptom of sleep paralysis which you can read about on Wikipedia.
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The vibrations started after a colonoscopy. The 'prep' involved laxatives including an effervescent powder & pills. The effervescent taken first and pills later in the afternoon prior to the procedure. Fasting 24 hours prior with chicken broth & water consumption only. After the procedure, the vibrations started & very strong. Vibrations started in the legs & then migrated to the chest. It's been 1 1/2 years and still going on except only in the morning & just before getting up & in the chest and shoulders only. Stabilized and yet not getting better.

Acid reflux can cause heart palpitations due to acid rising in the esophagus causing the nerves around heart to be stimulated. Effects could be misinterpreted as anxiety.

Any additional effects linked to the acid?

Might be an idea to try various antacids except they do not appear to be very effective in my case.

Dietary change & eating alkaline foods only? This could alleviate the problem & yet not solve it; lying down can cause the acid to rise. Acid and acid vapors rising like this might not be good where respiration is considered ... could affect the brain also.
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I woke up this morning after some heavy drinking last night, having that same buzzy feeling. It's definitely not a feeling I feel safe having and maybe the drinking isn't to blame. I distinctly remember having a moment last night where I cried and had a panic attack for nearly 45 minutes. So I'm not sure what's going on, I just want this buzzyness to end. The bees should just make their honey elsewhere.
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I have felt internal vibrations upon waking that can last the entire day. I call it feeling buzzy inside, like a hive of bees humming inside me. This has been happening for years, since about 2010. I also feel extreme muscle tightness and feel aches all over my body. It is like I am a 90 year old in a 47 year old body. I also have diagnosis of Fibromyalgia, PVC Arrythmia and Hashimotos, and have been exposed to high amounts of stress over a 30 year period. I just think of it as if my nervous system has gone haywire and though I wake feeling aches, muscle stiffness and fatigued (I have not slept well in over 15 years), I also wake up feeling like my body is an overcharged battery. At times I will sit on the bed and can see my hair vibrating with the feeling in my body, so it must also cause me to physically vibrate as well. Sometimes it subsides in a few hours and other days it lasts most of the day.
My arrhythmia is also a problem that might be contributing to the buzzy feeling, and the arrhythmia can cause dizziness, breathlessness and also fatigue. I have not as yet found a way to stop or quell these body vibrations. I do not drink much caffeine, nor alcohol because of my arrhythmia, so it is not stimulants causing the problem. I also had an MRI and EEG, and nothing showed up.
Again, I really think is due to a literally fried neuro-network from all the high amounts of stress I have endured in the past. Though I try to live a calm, balanced low stress life, this vibrational symptom persists, and sometimes comes on during the day with zero provocation. I hope that helps someone relate, I just live with it, but wish it would stop because it makes me feel anxious and fatigued.
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I have been getting these internal vibrations for over a year and find it alarming. They started gradually after a period of bad stress and I now have then every night and on waking up in bed I can press my hand to my chest and actually feel it vibrating. It's not just in the chest but can be in any limb or part of the body particularly when I move around in bed if I wake up at night.I've also had it in the daytime once really badly in my feet so it felt like the ground was vibrating beneath me! I notice many people who post about this problem have cardiac arrhythmias and some have sleep apnoea. I feel that both these things are linked in with the vibrations as I have the same problems. I get palpitation regularly with a lot of PACs and have had several incidences of tachycardia and now aFib. At first I reported my vibrations to a neurologist but he passed them off as migraine aura. I don't think he was correct in his diagnosis. My vibration must be caused by muscles in the body if I can feel it with my hand, but why exactly it's happening and if it's symptom of something serious is what concerns me. I'm about to see a cardiologist so I'll mention it to him.
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I have felt internal vibrations upon waking that can last the entire day. I call it feeling buzzy inside, like a hive of bees humming inside me. This has been happening for years, since about 2010. I also feel extreme muscle tightness and feel aches all over my body. It's like I'm a 90 year old in a 47 year old body. I also have diagnosis of Fibromyalgia, PVC Arrythmia and Hashimotos, and have been exposed to high amounts of stress over a 30 year period. I just think of it as if my nervous system has gone haywire and though I wake feeling aches, muscle stiffness and fatigued (I have not slept well in over 15 years), I also wake up feeling like my body is an overcharged battery. At times I'll sit on the bed and can see my hair vibrating with the feeling in my body, so it must also cause me to physically vibrate as well. Sometimes it subsides in a few hours and other days it lasts most of the day. My arrhythmia is also a problem that might be contributing to the buzzy feeling, and the arrhythmia can cause dizziness, breathlessness and also fatigue. I have not as yet found a way to stop or quell these body vibrations. Again, I really think is due to a literally fried neuro-network from all the high amounts of stress I have endured. Though I try to live a calm, balanced low stress life, this vibrational symptom persists, and sometimes comes on during the day with zero provocation. I hope that helps someone relate, I just live with it, but wish it would stop because it makes me feel anxious and fatigued.
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I find that using a soft foam neck brace while sleeping aids steady breathing through the night and reduces or eliminates the rumbling sensation. Also, no salty meals -- but using fruits, vegetables and baked/broiled protein with no salt added -- helps control blood pressure and reduces rumbling sensation. Elevating head while sleeping and using deep-breathing to go to sleep, along with relaxing tea at bedtime like chamomile, may further help eliminate rumbling.These interventions greatly help me to have a perfect nights sleep with no more 3am-5am "rumbling" wake ups. My guess is that alcohol, blood pressure spikes and breathing issues -- and acid reflux -- may be the "perfect storm" that cause disturbing rapid heart beats and the rumbling sensation. I truly hope this helps you.
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If the sensation continues after adjusting for medical evaluation,including blood pressure, nutrition, weight,deep-breathing, including clean/fresh air environment and relaxation/stress management, consider psychotherapy or consult a psychologist.
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Mein jha tak janta hoon. Or maine anuvav kiya hi ki jab mein raat mein sota hoon tab 10-20 minutes ke baad mera body vibrate karne lagta hai . Mujhe kuch bhi sunai nahi dene lagta hai mein kuch bhi fill nahi kar pata hoon . Phir 10-20 Minutes ke baad dhire dhire body vibrating krna band ho jata hai.pata nahi aisa kyu hota hai . Mujhe mahine mein 1 Se 2 Bar ho jata hi. Muhe bahut daar lag rha hai ki ye kis type ka bimari hai . Hey god mujhe phir se pehle jaisa bana dijiye.. Please god.
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If this sensation is internal, and the is no body shaking, I would tell you it is not neurological issue, but should ask for medical opinion first. I say thats because the discoincidence of the consciousness bodies. Most scientists dont accept (most ever heard about it) but all of us can induce after practice. Its an amayzing experience, and can change the perception about our own lives. I am not crazy. I am biologist, Msc, and studying for my phD (not neurology, but in environmental matters) and never took these issues as truth, untill I decided go futher. I started studying it fews years ago and i can reproduce when I wish, and some times have experienced consciousness projections (I have no intention to make you believe it). The hands, chester and forhead pulse, right? it looks like electricity fluxes inside, sometimes spins over the skins, or lead us to feel like in catalepsis. Just dont rotulate this subject as mystic, because its natural. There is nothing to do with religion (or othe kind of mystification) or desease. Unfortunately, the is some bulls*t about it tagged as "astral", what makes people to desconsider it. I just sugest to read and practice (look for "Projectiology and Conscientiology", "E.V."). I believe in few decades, science will consider this approach. Whom read this answer, look for Waldo Viera books. Most of best sources of information is in portuguese, but can be found in english at http://www.iacworld.org/ . I just read all these people worried about it when was searching other things, and wanted to share. Hope you all the best!
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OK I will note one thing here (for my version of body vibrations that wake me up).  When I'm going to sleep if my head starts shaking I can do the following:
breath in (deep breath to the stomach area, i.e. via diaphragm) for maybe a "count of 2" (medium large breath, not huge per se), then breath out "through a straw" (pursing your lips) for a count of 5 or 6.
Mysteriously, the vibration seemed to pause after a couple of these style breaths.
Unfortunately I'm still researching this, but at least it's an interesting data point, anybody else?
I'll update here if I get any final prognoses :|
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I'm a 58 year old female. Healthy except I was just told that my TSH levels are low. Overactive thyroid can cause that and pituitary can cause thyroid to be overactive. I'll be seeing the doctor next week for more info on that issue. I've only woke up vibrating a few times. It's happened in the last month or so. I was not nervous or worried about it.  All over the Internet and YouTube people are talking about the Ascension of everything on this planet. We're currently mostly 3D creatures. However some have already ascended to the fourth and fifth dimensions. Our vibrations must rise in order to ascend. Tibetan Monks are existing in The Fifth Dimension or higher during their meditation time. Psychics and mediums are accessing the higher dimensions. The higher dimensions are a spiritual place, not physical like the 3D realms. I wonder that we are preparing for the Ascension. Google it or YouTube it.
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I have had this going on about a year now. Almost every night. Used to do speed (meth) everyday for 9 years but currently am 7 years clean and put that life behind me. don't know if my past use of drugs has anything to do with it but seems highly unlikely being that it was so long ago. I do smoke cigarettes a pack a day and also have stomach problems as well. If anybody found out any further information on this please let me know! Waiting for the person who started this thread to hopefully update us. Does anybody who wakes up with these vibrations also feel out of touch and or like you're going to die? It's like a different feeling than anxiety though. The feeling is extremely intense and scary
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I've been meaning to look into this but hadn't until now.  I'm 72 old male in pretty good health.  I do know that if one over indulges and uses certain meds that it can bring this sensation on.  I mainly notice this in the early morning and check my pulse to see if there is any connection.  Everything is fine.  My BP is on the low side with minimal meds.  I have had a long standing problem with afib but after cardio-conversion over a year ago have had no further episodes. I do take three pills a day to ensure it doesn't return. I don't sleep as well as I should and having tried a Cpap machine didn't find that the answer either.  Very weird.
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Its amazing to see this discuss has been continuing for going on 7 years.

I read a number of the posting and understand everyone's concern about their body vibrations. Word of warning, its very important through our experiences not to create stories about what is happening and further scare ourselves.  It easy to get concerned and fearful about the unknown.  

My history  is I've been having body vibs since college I'm currently 50+ years old.  First started having them when I started a meditative practice in my 20s and then started to re-experience them in my 50s after returning to my practice.

Please consider that western medical doctors have only one (of many) perspectives on health and healing.  It works very well in emergencies to remove pain or prolong life but it is reactive (vs proactive & preventative) in nature and focuses mainly on the physical body and its mechanics.  As we are slowly learning in the west, the human experience is an integration of body, emotions, mind and spirit (energy).   These aren't separate parts.  Each part effects the other.  (example): emotions effect thoughts, thoughts effect body, body effects emotions, etc.....

Add to the above, our western culture's propensity toward hyper-action.  We over schedule, over work, over caffeinated in order to achieve.  Subtly, we are taught & learn not to slow down or relax.  However, deep happiness and contentment comes from balance.  This is our natural state which we can maintain or not.  Imbalance takes a lot of energy to maintain....this happens even when we can't sense we are out of balance.  No wonder we become tired, fatigued and maybe even depressed as we continue to move faster and achieve.  

I'm setting the state here....this is an aspect of western culture we currently live in and who's speed is only increasing.  

I have a very different perspective on our body vibrations.  In fact, I have them most mornings when I awake.  I enjoy them and often allow myself to settle into them....it is a very peaceful restful time when my body is singing to me.  Very much like a cat when it happy purrs....the body does the same.  But as you can see from the number and duration of messages here, our culture doesn't support this view and our medicine (doctors) doesn't understand it.  Western doctors understand biology but fall short on subtler aspect of our experience: mind, emotions and spirit.  

These is a biological perspective to all this, we have a sympathetic and para-sympathetic nervous system.  These are meant to be balanced - activity & rest - doing & observing.  Sympathetic nervous system is activity based....stimulation....fight/flight reaction.  Para-sympathetic is resting....nurturing....digesting...pausing....sensing....feeling.  Our culture and many around the world thrives off stimulating the sympathetic system.  Always on....always alert....always active.  No wonder we are tired by the end of the day.  We don't do as much to support the para-sympathetic.

The body and mind want balance.....wants homeostasis.  A deep sleep, good sex, nice meal, contemplative meditation is all about activating the para-sympathetic nervous system.  I suspect some of the over the counter sleep aid people have mentioned on this blog do the same.

Our bodies want to return to balance.  This is what these vibration are about.  There is a redistribution happening in the body...thoughts, energy, emotions.  And when this happens your body purrs.  Don't be afraid of it.....relax into it and trust.  Part of truly re-balancing is allowing the para-sympathetic system to activate.....but this is very difficult if your thoughts are whirling and your mind is trying to take control of the situation because you don't understand what is happening.  Relax, enjoy and settle into the experience.....this take a level of trust and letting go.  (another trait our culture doesn't value)

We have some much more left to learn about our body and this human experience.   Th re-balancing of your energies is a normal and beautiful process.  Step into it and see what you can learn about the more subtle aspect of your human life....below external, tangible & the material.  This is where life becomes full and juicy.....it is also where true happiness and joy reside.  It is and inside -> out process  Trust your body and its messages....settle in and enjoy the ride...and be flexible to learn and change.
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Thank you. Thank you,  thank you ever so. It makes sense to me. It explains everything. You are giving me so much peace. I will follow your advice. Thanks
I feel this vibration several months ago. If it is not life threatening then I am not worrying that much.  Thank you.
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I have had the vibs for years. Mine seem centered in my head, and while it's occurring my eyes feel warm. Mine started when I was 30, in the early 90s, after I took 1 single Floxin pill. The reaction I had the first night I took the pill was severe, I shot straight up out of bed about 20 minutes after falling asleep, my heart was beating fast and I was confused and disoriented. While it's never been as bad as that first night, every other night after that was the same: wake up 20 minutes after drifting off, heart racing, vibrations in head, eyes warm. This went on for years. They eventually went away about 10 years ago. I do occasionally feel them again, once I took an MSM supplement and felt the sulphur may have triggered it, and once I felt that green tea made it worse. I had a cup of Matcha tea 2 days in a row and got the vibs pretty significantly last night. Was hoping someone here had a definitive answer.
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I feel what you have experienced. I thought it was just my mind going crazy cause I was so tired at night, I'd just blow it off and go to sleep. One particular time I didn't though. I let it ride, while I mentally stayed awake to see what would happen. Basically felt my whole body shake to the point of dizziness! My heart started to race but I tried to remain calm.

This is the crazy part. Then I heard a loud electrical buzzing sound in my head that became louder and louder, like my head was going to explode. Then, it got pitch black, and super quiet that I could hear my own heart beat. Like all of my senses were heightened! Then, I saw and felt my soul, or spirit or what have you, lift out of my body. Then I floated above my body and saw myself sleeping! I was scared and felt compelled to hide in the closet. So, I then "flew" or drifted to the closet, and tried to out together what was happening. I became so frightened I ended up being what felt like sucked back into my body before waking up!
I feel what you have experienced. I thought it was just my mind going crazy cause I was so tired at night, I'd just blow it off and go to sleep. One particular time I didn't though. I let it ride, while I mentally stayed awake to see what would happen. Basically felt my whole body shake to the point of dizziness! My heart started to race but I tried to remain calm.

This is the crazy part. Then I heard a loud electrical buzzing sound in my head that became louder and louder, like my head was going to explode. Then, it got pitch black, and super quiet that I could hear my own heart beat. Like all of my senses were heightened! Then, I saw and felt my soul, or spirit or what have you, lift out of my body. Then I floated above my body and saw myself sleeping! I was scared and felt compelled to hide in the closet. So, I then "flew" or drifted to the closet, and tried to out together what was happening. I became so frightened I ended up being what felt like sucked back into my body before waking up!
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I have had the vibs for years. Mine seem centered in my head, and while it's occurring my eyes feel warm. Mine started when I was 30, in the early 90s, and I took 1 single Floxin pill. The reaction I had the first night I took the pill was severe, I shot straight up out of bed about 20 minutes after falling asleep, my heart was beating fast and I was confused and disoriented. While it's never been as bad as that first night, every other night after that was the same: wake up 20 minutes after drifting off, heart racing, vibrations in head, eyes warm. This went on for years. They eventually went away about 10 years ago. I do occasionally feel them again, once I took an MSM supplement and felt the sulphur may have triggered it, and once I felt that green tea made it worse. I had a cup of Matcha tea 2 days in a row and got the vibs pretty significantly last night. Was hoping someone here had a definitive answer.
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That is exactly what I hoped it would be.  My thoughts are while sleep in that waking state you feel it more and it is a nice, warm vibrating frequency of the inner self.
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I have had the vibs for years. Mine seem centered in my head, and while it's occurring my eyes feel warm. Mine started when I was 30, in the early 90s, and I took 1 single Floxin pill. The reaction I had the first night I took the pill was severe, I shot straight up out of bed about 20 minutes after falling asleep, my heart was beating fast and I was confused and disoriented. While it's never been as bad as that first night, every other night after that was the same: wake up 20 minutes after drifting off, heart racing, vibrations in head, eyes warm. This went on for years. They eventually went away about 10 years ago. I do occasionally feel them again, once I took an MSM supplement and felt the sulphur may have triggered it, and once I felt that green tea made it worse. I had a cup of Matcha tea 2 days in a row and got the vibs pretty significantly last night. Was hoping someone here had a definitive answer.
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I've been hassled with these vibrations for many years. I wake up suddenly after few minutes of sleep with these vibrations throughout my body. Initially it fluctuated between my arms and legs, then it turned into an entire body thing. This can happen at least 4-5 times during sleep and I eventually fall asleep because of exhaustion. There are associated symptoms of palpitations and at times fast heart beat. Over the years I've learned to deal with it, but I've developed poor sleep quality and I dread going to bed which causes an anticipatory anxiety. I've gone through many extensive tests with negative findings. Just hearing the doctor say "there's nothing wrong with you" makes the condition worse. So I've linked it to anxiety and GERD. I don't know if the anxiety is causing the GERD or vice-versa. Either way, it *****. The use of Valerian root ( to reduce anxiety) and Zantac ( to reduce acid reflux) right before going to bed has been some help in managing it, but it has not completely eliminated it. So trust me when I say I share your pain.
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These are energies in your body wanting to be explored..ignore them,dont think about them..there is a reason behind all these spiritually.just ignore them and try to be postive all time,be happy,dnt take stress,watch movies,watch happie songs and just believe that u will b okay n it will b over,although it may tke time
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So has anyone been able to figure out what these vibrations are from?? I have SVT (sinus tach) but I get woken up by vibrations all through my body, hands feet stiff, abdomen swollen and bad heart palpitations like 5 times a night. I'm desperate. Been to almost every dr except for GI.
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Google sleep myoclonus.  
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