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Tingling - The path to recovery

I'm beginning to have problems in opening the forum and also writing is very slow. What about starting the third chapter? Coriecl, give your contribution!
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What nutritional therapies or other therapies are you doing?
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Hi Everyone,

Welcome beautyaroundme, I am sure you will find this a wonderful support network, as I (and so many others) have found it to be. I am so grateful to have a resource like this one - it has helped manage my fears and helped resolve that niggly feeling that no matter what the doc's say - I know myself and I had not been right since my shot on Dec 11th - I am now 1 month post vacc and still experience the fall out, although it has gotten way better than 2 weeks ago.

I also have had many of the same thought processes you have, it's really hard to deal with, but if you keep telling yourself that it is a reaction of the sensory nerves caused by some type of immune reaction from the vacc - and not a more serious disease- that should help.

coriecl: Thanks for your note on recovery time - I had figured ot would take asmuch as that - slow and steady...

I still have lots of concerns and feel tired and just 'not well' /low energy and just 'affected' - am a loner on this? Has anyone felt sick in a really ungeneralized way?

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*** Hi, I am new just realized that there's a part 3 :) so I am  reposting from the first page***

I received h1n1 vaccine and had severe jabbing pain in my thighs day after, kept getting pain for couple of days that felt like sharp needles deep within muscles. I waited, and it got better after 5 days but then on 8th day after shot I started to get muscle spasms all over arms and legs. I was so scared, I was all over the internet researching, thought I had that GBS, freaked and called my doctor immediately. I was told that my  symptoms were not likely to be GBS because I had reflexes and had no problems with acitivity or weakness. He thought it could be possible that it was related to a reaction from shot, but really couldn't give a clear answer. I received a vit B12 shot and have been taking some at home. My symptoms are better after almost 3 weeks now, (I think... scared to say that because I know it could come back).
I am so glad I found this board, I have been sooo depressed and scared about this. It's a little reassuring to know that I am not the only one on one hand, but also scary to think how many side effects this vaccine has. I have always been an advocate of getting flu shots, and trying to boost my immune system to prevent disease, but now I feel that I made a terrible mistake with this vaccine. I would not reccomend it to anybody. I have become very paranoid and disturbed, and maybe it's my paranoia speaking but I believe that there are toxins in the vaccine. Maybe because of the timely demand for the flu, appropriate studies were not done accurately or possibly some of these companies were reporting semi-false info just to get vaccine out in hurry or for other motives..who knows.  What I do know is that nerves do take a long time to heal, so I hope that is why this is taking so long to go away...I hope. Good luck to everyone. I will keep you posted.
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Francy: how are you doing with chlorella? I remember trying to take it years ago and my stomach felt sick.

Cathy: it's taken 2 months to really start feeling like myself. Every week brings more strength, more stamina, and gradual elimination of symptoms. Some of my symptoms may be due to the spinal tap I had too. My doctor said that likely it irritated some nerves when the needle went in so it might take me longer to heal.

Julie: the tingling has stopped in some areas because those nerves aren't irritated anymore. Where you're tingling now (or still) are the nerves that are still irritated. You had the nerve test and you didn't have damaged nerves (yay!), but those irritated nerves need to heal and that takes time. Keep trying with your nerve supplements and other supplements and therapies that others have suggested...some will work for you others might not. Experiment but it generally takes 2 - 3 weeks min. to see any benefits...and it's usually gradual. Don't get down on yourself... if you aren't already take lots of vitamin B, calcium/magnesium, omega 3 oil to help with symptoms and mood.

Well, the weekend is here...ahh! I long for the days when it really meant freedom and carefree!

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Yup - you summed that up perfectly in 2 short paragraph's gen49. Totally. Very well put.
Really puts 'We're all in this together.' in a whole new light...

Tonite I am dealing with muscle twitches and cramping like crazy in hands and feet - painful and annoying, feet feel like they are asleep...argh!

How is everyone managing? How are you keeping up with normal life? Cooking, cleaning, laundry, groceries?

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What I forgot to add is that if you really follow the story line that has unfolded here about this vaccine, it has affected such a diverse group of people - women, men, pregnant women, people of varying ages, those who got the vaccine with preservative vs. without, those with autoimmune issues, most without, people worldwide and people who have never had a reaction of any kind before.

Despite all of this, there is such a common denominator for symptoms.  Despite who you are or where you come from, or what your story is, you ended up with the same problems everyone else did with a few exceptions with tingling as the common thread in these three chapters of the forum.
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