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Tingling after Swine Flu Vaccine Chapter 2

Here is the continuation of surfnsand247's original Tingling after Swine Flu Vaccine.
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I feel I really must jump in and suggest to so many of you out there, STOP making very expensive appointments with so-called specialists.... 95% of you (I have read so many posts!!!) ALL say after finally getting in to see your specialist of choice, test after expensive test.... yet, everything comes back normal... then you get annoyed the doctor does not have a single clue what is wrong with you...
I went to so many of these people for a long time,  spending nearly a year's wages!, yet I'm sorry to say, NOT ONE OF THEM COULD HELP ME!!!.. yet they were happy to take my money...:-)
the fact of the matter is, these people can not, will not, and to be brutally honest (Just like what happened to Cathy) simply are just not even interested in helping you....FACT... their arrogance is spectacular...
with this terrible affliction, at its worst, pain and symptoms jump all around your body, from day to day.. nerve mimickery is an evil thing, convincing us we have one disease one day, and another the next...and it feels EXACTLY like it, yet the doctors find NOTHING! because the truth of the matter is, a lot of our symptoms would be the END progression, if we had the actual disease... many of them impossible to develop overnight..... however that's not to say TRULY EVIL drugs like Levaquin cannot destroy your tendons overnight...(proven)..
at my worst, I believed death was my only saviour, this was years ago, my symptoms so severe, apparently I could take no more...
yet here I am today, suffering yet again at the hand of these 'Dealers Of Death In White Coats'... what a disgusting, and embarrassing oath they take of "First, Do No Harm"..
I'm sorry, but I'm bitter to my core, these people nearly killed me once, I am not a nasty human being, so gave them a second chance..... emotions are getting the better of me now... I wish every one of you well, and will send powerful meditations your way to night...(all we want is what we had...)
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Michelle: So nice to hear from you, I have been thinking about you! I feel the same way - this group has been a life saver for me - the medical system has not served us very well in dealing with this fallout. I also get many abdominal symptoms as well - you identified them all and I have them too. Sorry that you have had a revisit of those troubling symptoms too - it is the worst. June 23rd was another shocking day for me - I could not believe I could feel so horrible again. I am attributing it to being anxious about my new job - definintely makes it all worse. Hang in there baby. We are always here, until we aren't because every one of us is 100% better. :)

I understand now why so many doc's & neuro's have said don't stress about it , cut down on anxiety (remember Farmer's country doc??? :) and rest. This seems like the right recipe. I will pick up the cal/mag combo...sounds like I need it. Thanks for that tidbit everyone.

Corie & Jackie - very interesting. Making those connections is like a light going on - I agree that this can be caused by meds and vaccs. If the nerves are irritated or inflamed - no doubt it would cause anxiety- it's the same system, sfter all. It's funny how we are all making connections to other times in our lives or other health episodes/concerns - just goes to show you how truly horrible this whole thing has been for us - it has invaded/disrupted us so severely that we connect to other areas in our life and in our past and make accurate connections. It makes me nuts how true health issues are passed off as anxietyby the medical community. I am also a person who can exhibit alot of anticipatory anxiety - I am convinced that that is what caused the intense reaction again - I am now daily living with buzzy numb and vibrating 'parts' just like all those months ago...not fun and I wiah it would be GONE already.

So get this: I FINALLY have an app. with a neuro doc. I told her what my experience was - she just stared at me and said nothing. Nothing. Really, NO-THING. She did not connect the vacc to my reaction, she did not say anything at all. But she did give me 2 boxes of Lyrica :) which I will not be taking. I was in total disbelief - I even told her that my online community have seen top notch neuro's who have said it is 100% attributed to the vacc - she just stared AT ME!!!

I left in tears. And I have cried all afternoon at the frustration of this all. Thank God my GP and the communities docs/neuro's have at least validated this reaction. I actually got the "well more people got sick from the H1N1 than anything else, there were very little reactions to the vacc that I have seen" I was in total disbelief, then she said."I have no idea what's wrong with you."  Oh, awesome.

Is it just me or did the vacc not cause some sort of autoimmune reaction in which the immune system attacked the peripheral nerves in my CNS because it 'mimicked' something similar that I had made anti bodies to when initally vaccinated? WHy is this so difficult to understand? That woman gave me nothing and left me completly demoralized. She set up an EMG. She gave me nothing regarding PT or like what Gen is doing Physiatry - she said that would not help me. What the freak is the point of doing an EMG 9 months later (booked me for Sept)?

Oh, but she did say that stress will make it worse. I said "I know I am stressed right now because of your nonplussed and unhelpful manner and I feel like sh*t."

No, just kidding, I didn't say that. But I was thinking it!  Darn Canadians, we are too polite - LOL!

Oh tingle community SOS...I need someone to tell me that it is because of the vacc and it will just take a little longer. And could you be wearing a white lab coat while you are writing?


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OMG – I can definitely make a similar connection. I have been thinking about this for quite some time now, but never said anything about it.   I have suffered for years with bouts of panic and anxiety.  The first (and worst one before this) was the year I started college, I know I had the flu shot that year, and I’m pretty sure I had others, but I can’t remember which ones.

Another thing is I have had peripheral neuropathy (numb and painful feet) for years, when it first started about 10 years ago, I was also getting weird sensations in my legs that lasted for months (similar to what I got this time around).  That is when I first started to see a neurologist, he ran all the tests he could think of and could not find anything wrong with me, he labeled it “idiopathic” which basically means they don’t know what the cause is.  He put me on a strong dose of Nortriptyline, and after months on the meds the sensations went away, but the numb and painful feet never did.

I eventually stopped the Nortriptyline and the weird crawling sensations in my legs stopped for 10 years (until I had  the H1N1 vacc).  I know for sure that I received the seasonal flu vaccine that year, because I got it every year for over 20 years.  I never even thought about a possible connection until I got the H1N1 jab.  Now from what I remember in previous years and from what you have mentioned,  I am almost certain I have been having reactions to the flu shots all along but never knew it.  At the time I thought it was the Nortriptyline working but now I wonder if it was just the vaccine reaction running its course.  I’m also not sure why the H1N1 vacc. was so much worse, but at least now I know I will never be able to get another vaccination.  Thankfully we are all on our way to a full recovery from this terrible ordeal.  

I am so glad to hear someone else make this connection.  Thank you for posting that Corie.  Jackie
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Hi, Everyone
Will jump in after Robbo's comments about elements. I haven't had any problems for quite awhile and all tingling, etc. went away. HOWEVER, I ran out of calcium & magnesium complex and vitamin b complex all at the same time. I didn't get some for a few weeks -too much going on, etc.. UNTIL this weekend when I work up at 3am with cramping in both feet & toes - Weird & Painful! Tingling came back too a bit. Hmmmm...??? Well, I am back on cal/mag & b complex again, faster than you can say Jack! It will be interesting to see if it helps. When I had cramping in calves during pregnancy my mid-wife always advised cal/mag and potassium. So you probably are quite right, Robbo.

Okay, another thing: I don't think vaccine reactions are as "rare" as we like to think or are told. In my hospital department of 300, approx. 5 people have been affected by immunizations that I know of, maybe there is more since I haven't asked the entire 300. Now I'm not going to actually believe that the odds of 5 in 5 million work at my hospital! In fact, along with my mum's help, I have figured out that I've had immunization reactions before in the form of anxiety/panic attacks!!!  After I started working at the hospital, I had anxiety or panic attacks according to my doc. We chalked it up to a new job. However, I had worked at another place prior, which was more STRESSFUL, and I never had anxiety attacks. Also, I never had anxiety attacks at the hospital while doing my practicum. It was only after being fully hired and having had the required tetanus, hep b series did I get them. I managed to track down and confirm these dates. I NEVER saw the connection before! It was my mum that did! Because she remembers me going to college and having another time of anxiety attacks - likely after immunizations again, although, we can't confirm the dates but can definitely make a time-line connection. I never had them at university, but I also didn't have immunizations at that point either. This was a big AHA! moment. So you know and I know that people get told that anxiety and panic attacks are due to stress, but what if, like me, they are actually caused by vaccines or medications? Then these true "reactions" aren't recorded as such, are they?  If only doctors would clue-in and ask people if they've had recent immunizations BEFORE we get serious complications! If mine had, he could have advised me not to be immunized!

Now the (one in a million dollar) question: can anyone of you make a same or similar connection? I know noVAX has, but has anyone else had anxiety or panic attacks that could be possibly traced to being immunized?

P.S. Hope Cathy, Jackie and Michelle & ALL OF YOU are doing better today!
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hello to everyone again!,
just quickly first up, how many of you have heard this? just lately, of course I have been asking everyone of my friends, family, and even my customers! if they have had the jab, I am actually quite depressed, so many of them said yes, worst thing that happened to all of them was some slight soreness around the injection site!!! arrrrgggh! think I might join the circus as a freak!!

anyway, now I realise how special I am!... actually, sarcasm aside, I am impressed that I'm still here today to do my best, to help everyone of you who are going through such a terrible time right now...
am I a doctor?  No.  Am I a hero, or your saviour?  No.... just a survivor...
My time spent getting over the combined effects of taking statins and Lyrica ( my doctor in for me I would have to take that on drugs from the rest of my life.. one of the biggest lies in medical history..:-( the combined effects of both these drugs, no need to tell you the misery I was suffering. I stopped the Lyrica cold turkey, I had had enough, my doctor was absolutely horrified, and then tell me this little gem..." you can't just stop drugs like this, it is a miracle you did not have a brain seizure and die!"... nice safe drug right there doc... rest my case... the drug altered my brain and neuro receptors so badly, I don't even recall my suicide attempt.... anyway, the ' collateral damage' side-effects took nearly 2 years to release me...

Fast forward to today, I have been basically healthy and happy right up to the start of winter here now... I finally had to get a skin cancer surgically removed, I only attend my doctor for what I feel are serious matters. He seized the opportunity to stick that wretched needle in me, nothing to worry about, jeez, even everyone I know that has had one, I think doubting me??some even saying "what, just from a flu jab??"..

Okay, enough of the fun stuff.... I want to try and help some others deal with what they are going through..
I am 20 days post injection. Everything happened to me almost to the day as everyone else on here describes... except for one remarkable event..... shot in the left arm high, tingling started in my right arm, quickly spread to my legs and feet... and lasted for...THREE DAYS ONLY.... why?  I believe I know why... because I had it before from the other drugs, and made me a little bit immune??not on your life... I am not a doctor, but I know exactly how I turned this around so fast, and I will share this with you.... (I am not out of the woods yet, as we all know, surprises can always creep up on us) You see in the months before taking a shot, and even now, every day I have a simple morning ritual of this... (ask your doctor about vitamins, you will be quickly dismissed with "if you think they will do any good thing go right ahead".. can you believe they are not even taught about the benefits of vitamins at medical school!) even many of you reading this may have your doubts..... I like to believe I am an intelligent human being, yet all my life been disappointed by putting my faith and trust in others.... after countless hours of research, I discovered one very startling fact..... we did not get sick from a lack of synthetic drugs in our bodies... however we can get very sick from lack of necessary to life vitamins normally easily just found in the foods we eat, (vegetables, fruit, etc) the Western diet is disastrous, I'm sure you will agree....Sooo genius, what did you do??? I discovered so many of these terrible synthetic drugs, once entering the body had a propensity to bond with, and DEPLETE some of the most vital elements required for life in the human body! Namely, Potassium, Calcium, and Magnesium.. this is easy science people... to those of you out there with the twitches and jumps, here is why... we need calcium to make muscles contract, but then we need magnesium to make muscles relax again! squashed in the middle of all this, potassium is what is found inside every single cell in your body, potassium controls the electrical stability inside the cell, too little, or too much of any of these elements can create havoc!
I have myself on what I like to think of as "ADEQUATE supplementation" I do believe in mega doses of vitamins , but only short term, due to the fact, that which is not taken up and stored is excreted in the urine, excessive amounts can also cause kidney stress..
instead of all this, I would like to tell you more about the " what worked from me", if he can help only just one of you, then all this writing has been worth while.... I am sorry, I hope not to bore anyone, my next instalment will bring us right up to date, with the how, why, and current feelings about moving forward...Cheers
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Having had my own ordeal with lipitor and ativan, I think we both qualify for the triple crown right? ha.  We've both been screwed up by vaccine, statin, and a nerve drug. although my ordeal with ativan  was a relatively short one.
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