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How to change my password?
20 Responses
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707563 tn?1626361905
Hi there -

I'm so happy to hear that it worked!  Let us know if you need further assistance at any time.  :)

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Ah-ha!  This time it worked!!  Did someone tweek the programming?

Thanks, Emily!

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707563 tn?1626361905
Sunshine -

It will ask you to log in again sometimes to verify that it is you.  What happens if you log in again?

If that isn't working, send me a PM and I'll be happy to help.

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874521 tn?1424116797
when I go to 'login and password' I get a page saying

Please verify your account to access secure data....It than asks what high school did I attend...
when I type in the answer it always tells me 'incorrect answer'
well I think I KNOW the name of the high school I attended....so I've not ever been able to access my secure data to change MY password..
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Sonny, Were you ever able to figure it out?  I am having the exact same problem.  I know that the moderator says that the password changing screen will come up when we click "Login and Password" but it does not.

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Hi Emily,

I am not suffering from any cognitive problems, so I'm quite certain the issues that I am having, which are like Sonny's, are really happening.  When I click on my "Login and Password" section of my Profile, it takes me to the original "Create New Account or Sign In" page.  

It definitely does NOT take me to a page where I can change my password.  This is frustrating!  I got the password I used to sign in because I could not remember my old password (because I was off the site for several months), and the automatically generated password is too good, in that it is utterly unmemorizable.

I am familiar with the standard process that many websites have, where you put in the automatically generated password to log in, then change the password to something else, by having a form open that offers you a way to do that.  But the MedHelp program is NOT doing that.  

Perhaps it is a glitch in the programming?  I would like to change my password, but MedHelp is not giving me a way to do that.  I'd be happy to email you the screen shots to show you what steps I am taking, and what it IS doing.  I hope you can help me change my password.

Thank you for your help,

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707563 tn?1626361905
I've responded to your PMs.  To keep it easy for everyone, let's stick to the PM and not here.


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Hi Em,

I emailed you today and or sent "notes" I admit that I don't know if this that I am writing now is " a note " or " a post/answer to a question "

For those who may not know ( if it matters ) a new condition is effecting my cognitive ability as well as my vision and other senses. That said, I am aware that I've been making mistakes. However to discover that I am wrong about everything is out and out frightening!

I read your post above over again a few times as I did ones by Lira the other moderator.

Not to argue but to give you an example of what I read vs what I experience may be the essence of the problem or maybe just a portion of the problem.

In my email to you earlier I told you that I am seriously thinking about setting up a camcorder over my should to record what i see and what is happening.
If I do this and post it on youtube or anywhere that a several minute video can be viewed you may see that what you say about the problems I've been experiencing are exactly as I am explaining to you. So, for instance, when you say:
"The password we send when we reset the password is a permanent password, and you can use it for as long as you want."
This may be true to you. It may be what you actually see happen if you try it your self. But what I see and what happens on my computer is not the same. It certainly is NOT a permanent password. Since those passwords often look something like this: dfkl2b or some other mix of characters that are near impossible to remember hence I ask about changing the password to something that I know and will remember. This temp word sent by medhelp is time sensitive. Therefore in 24 hours or so that word will not use. So what I would do is go back to the page that says : Forgot my password" and would get another time sensitive password. So I would wait for the new password to come to my email, I would copy and paste it along with my old name and I would get into the forum, would find my way back to this thread for instance, I would restate my problem, and for the oddest of reasons you guys would mention something to the effect of: " In order to post in medhelp you must be signed in. You are posting so you must be signed in" Of course I am signed in!
Every time I signed in as Sonny1 I needed to send for a new temp password. Yesterdays "dfkl2b" did not work but todays mdlk2z would work until tomorrow when I would need a new word.

You claim that that is not the case and in fact the temp word will work forever. I would hate to go through all of that recording to prove a point but at the end of the day, whether it's because I have a program that clears all temp files and tracker cookies may make the temp word no long relevant or that my type of computer causes that temp word not work the next day I do not know. All I do know is to be struggling with memory issues anyway, I crave being right from time to time especially if I am right and can prove it.
Something is systemically strange in today's world when one can not advance the conversation with information updates.

Please don't get angry with me for saying this. I experience that a lot lately; everyone is mad at me for saying things like: " I know I am not a doctor and did not go to medical school but I don't think I have migraine headaches and in fact I think the medication that you are insisting that I take is making me worse"
We find out that I do not have migraines and the medication they have been insisting that I take has shut down my liver.
No admittance that they were wrong but there is a lot of explanation why they did what they did.

Sorry again for going off like this but I am frustrated and may be getting worse under their care.

And so it goes.....
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707563 tn?1626361905
Hi there -

The password we send when we reset the password is a permanent password, and you can use it for as long as you want.  You can change it to one you are more likely to remember, or keep it.  When you go to log in, you don't have to click "forgot password", you can just enter the most recent one we sent.

With that info, do you want to keep Sunny1, or SonnyReborn?  We allow members to have only one name, so we'll have to close one of the accounts.


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I decided to act and changed my user name.

Sonny2 was not available so I changed it to this:

SonnyReborn.  I am using the password here that I thought I used for Sonny 1

Lets see if it sticks this time.

BTW When I signed in with my new name I thought I would find this post by typing in "password". My post did not show up however there was a page full of posts about problems changing ones password. At least I know it's not just me.

Thanks again for your help.

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When i get an email that informs me that someone has answered my post or perhaps that a "community" I joined has a new post; I can click on the link in my mail, it takes me to the appropriate page connected to the notice, I can read the post, but I am NOT signed in.

I click on "Login" and type in my name Sonny1.  Knowing that I do not have a permanentt password yet I must click " forgot password ". That takes me to a page that asks for my email address. I type in my email address and get a message that it may take up to 10 minutes for the password to be sent. Early in the morning it usually comes to my email address immediately. I open the email. I highlight the temp password and click "copy". The temp password is now in my clipboard and it, the temp password can be pasted in the spot for password along with my user name: Sonny1, I click submit and I am singed in.
At this point I AM signed in. However I am signed in with a temp password. This is THE ONLY WAY that I can sign in.
When you say this:
"MedHelp only permits users who are logged in to post, so if you're able to post here you must be logging in somehow.  I take it from this that you're able to log in sometimes and not others?"
I wonder what I am saying or what I am not saying to convey my situation/dilemma.
I DO NOT have a perminet password and have been trying to find out how to get one since the day I signed up and probably forgot what password I used although my guess it is one of two that I use for forums and boards. But each time I try to use those two passwords I get a message that says it is incorrect. The fact that I may have typed and M instead of an N for instance is one of the reasons I mentioned in yesterdays post somewhere here in medhelp why I uncheck the box that says "remember me" or "keep me logged in" or any other similar saying used by most sign-in pages.
There are already too many words, too many posts, too many efforts to communicate something that I think should be easy to communicate but I continue to go around in circles. Honestly it results in PVC's.
I am so sensitive these days to stressful situations and one of the biggest is failed communication.
I am serious about this. I think I am losing my mind or am living a bad dream. It truely reminds me of an old twilight zone episode when a guy finds himself sounding differently to himself than what others are hearing so everyone says to him: What are you saying??? Why are you using " hamburger" when you mean "file cabinet" . That is how I feel about this whole thing.
Maybe the best thing for me to do is recreate myself. Start a new, pick a whole new name like Sonny2 or something like that because to not make sense about what my problem is IS making me crazieer than I already am.

Thanks for your efforts.

Soon to be reborn as Sonny 2
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Hi Sonny,

MedHelp only permits users who are logged in to post, so if you're able to post here you must be logging in somehow.  I take it from this that you're able to log in sometimes and not others?
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As I told Emily, I never get a page that shows:

Old Password

New Password

New Password again.

Nothing like this every appears following the steps you have laid out.

I mentioned to Emily that I have unchecked the " keep me logged in" box. If that is causing the problem then at some point the moderators need to know that and tell anyone trying to change password to leave that box checked. But until I know that that needs to be done it does not make sense to ask the machine to remember my errors and mistakes. Makes sense doesn't it?

Thanks for trying but I haven't gotten to the brass ring yet.

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On the page that follows

"Account settings" I see NOTIFICATIONS: "Login and password" "Block List" "Privacy" and "Preferences"

Clicking Login and password " takes me to a page that says: "Create a new account or Log in"

If I go into "Log In" and uncheck  "remember my log in information" ( because I have been wrong about my password a few times thinking that the temp password has expired ) and then type in my temp password. It takes me back to the homepage and tells me that I am loged in. There is no place to enter my temp password and chose a new one.

This being the case I can never sign in without clicking "forgot my password and waiting for yet another temp password to be sent to me. So far I am on about my 6th or maybe even more. I am losing count.

It would be great to make it so there is a link that you can give me and it will just take me to that page. How is it that that is not an option?

Thanks for trying but it's no cigar so far.

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707563 tn?1626361905
Hi there -

You seem to be logged in, which is good.  Where are you getting the error message?


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Thanks for replying Claire.

I thought that I got into those steps pretty deeply on Sunday but somewhere around the last step it wasn't clear what to do.

Today I discovered that the temp password from Sunday didn't work today. I sent for another password and kept getting the " invalid user name or password message. I sent for yet another password and allowed 5 minutes to pass before logging in. Not sure if that is what one is suppose to do or not but it worked. Unfortunately now I forgot that password and will have to send for another one then try your steps.

As far as protecting my security; if a link is sent with the temp password that leads to the change password page exactly, the password can only be accessed during that short window of opportunity. That said I will try it step by step the way you outlined here and see what i see ( literally  )

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Hi, Sonny1,

Sorry you're still having problems!  While the process of changing passwords may seem involved, it's really a matter of clicking 3 links and entering your passwords.  Making it a multi-step process helps to protect your privacy.

Click these links at the top of your page in this order:
1. My MedHelp (this link is the last one in the blue bar at the top of the page, and takes you to your home page)
2. Account Settings (this link is a little further down, just below your Profie tab and to the right)
3. Login and Password

Once on the Password page, enter your new password below your old one.  Enter it again in the field below that and click Save.

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It's not just here; it seems that making thing so clear that even a person on heavy medications could find/figure out where to go in less than 30 minutes would be helpful and desired.

I forgot that I was even registered; typed in my email address and was told a temp password would be sent. It was, now I am going around in circle trying to find the place to simply change the password and get on with being here for the purpose I cam in the first place.

There is no doubt that stress "trigger" some of my symptoms and it's getting worse. Every time I find myself wrangling with that which could be and should be simple but it is not makes my symptoms worse. I wonder if everyone who wrote in saying that they are having problems resetting the password experiences similar effects?

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1849690 tn?1319229284
This does not actually show a way to change password, it just takes you to the password and login page.
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You can change your password by following these instructions:

"You can change your password to one of your own by first logging into your account and clicking on "My MedHelp" to get to your Home page. Once on your Home page click on "Account Settings" on the right of the page. The next page to appear will have the following text options: Notifications | Password | Block List | Privacy | Preferences. Click on "Password" and follow the prompts to change your password."

If you have other questions you can use the information found on this page:

or you can always ask any one of the moderators.  We'd be happy to help!
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