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915277 tn?1252573113

Mark of the Beast????

While I was goggling for info on microchips for pets, I found the strangest statement.  I remember having a conversation with my family about microchips and stating that some day, very soon, they would be putting the chips into people, especially children and the elderly.  Can you imagine,  if a child were lost we would be able to track them by such a device!  We could even go so far as to put devices on light poles, etc., that would immediately respond with an alert as the child or an elderly person passed below it.  I know it sounds a little science fictiony, but, it could work, and save countless lives...Well, they are already using these chips for humans and it seems a lot of Christians are quite upset about it...some believe that this is The Mark of the Beast/Devil, that has been prophesized in the bible...I'm not quite sure how I weigh in on this one yet...but, I'd love to hear your thoughts...
26 Responses
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460185 tn?1326077772
teko - our Siberian husky, Miss Puff, the biker chick, stole some toys at a dog event we have in Toronto every June (we paid for them; that's what humans are for).  Maybe she and your husband can go out "shopping"  lol

Wal-Mart - I LOVE that store.  All the bikers shop there  = )

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LOL!!!! Bad Wolfee!  My husband kinda looks like a biker dude, you know chain on the wallet, leather vest etc. When he walks thru a store, security is usually following him! lol Yet he is the most honest person there is and would not hurt a fly! He gets so mad  and when he confronts them with his big burly voice, they run in the other direction. He refuses to go in a store with me, other than walmart!
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460185 tn?1326077772
I must look like Al Capone  = (

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203342 tn?1328737207
Since we are on a budget right now and trying to pay off cc debts, my husband and I take out a certain amount of cash each paycheck and only use this cash for groceries, etc. This keeps us from overspending like we might with the debit card. It really does work!
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Other than online purchases I only use cash and I have never been asked for ID - not once. Maybe I just look trustworthy.
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460185 tn?1326077772
That information, if used for PETS only, would be fine with me but with people - no way.

I have been asked for ID at times when I use cash and we don't use credit cards because of the interest, etc.  Just use prepaid ones.  ID for cash.  I don't believe it but after reading your post I realize I'm not completely crazy.

Having 666 across your forehead would be a bit too much.  I prefer just having "D'uh" or even "what are YOU looking at".  Much more socially acceptable  = )

PS:  Who defines who are the "children" and who are the "elderly"?  If you follow veterinary medicine you'll notice that dogs are now being considered seniors at the age of five whereas before it used to be seven.  Just curious.

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535822 tn?1443976780
Thank you for some really good information, you are right money isnt used like it once was, however it could pick up as folks cant afford credit..we complain about cameras , etc on us here you want to visit the UK they are everywhere even in your own street , everyone is filmed ,and they have to get permits for everything, the government runs every thing,  they dont like it but Hey we will soon be part of a big Goverment so we will get used to it as they have... but they dont like it.it invades every part of their privacy and their life I was glad to leave it behind....lol what goes around comes around I guess.
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577285 tn?1706032371
The R.F.I.D. (Radio Frequency Identification) Chip can store 128 characters of information (about a paragraph of text). This could be used to store a unique number which could reference a database on computer containing an individuals medical history, financial assets, personal details, biometric data, etc. This chip could have a wide range of applications, from security clearance and I.D., financial transactions, medical data, criminal records, traffic violations, and the list goes on and on. --- GPS circuits are now being manufactured small enough to fit inside wrist watches, and the next generation of implantable chips may also use this technology, enabling the recipient to be tracked anywhere in the world.

Applied Digital Solutions, makers of what it calls the VeriChip, says that is able to receive signals from global positioning system (GPS) satellites and transmit a person's location. One potential market for such a device would be kidnapping targets in foreign countries and of course our "Children".

That's the way it will be sold to the population. "For the children", and the elderly with our military being the guinea pigs to test the devices.

However it doesn't stop there. It is an ever evolving technology. The VeriChip is about the size of a grain of rice and can easily be implanted under the epidermis of the skin.
But there have been issues with infection not to mention that it could be removed by anyone trying to run from the "Big Brother" scenario.

A company called Somark Innovations has unveiled an RFID enabled chipless ink, which can be injected into biological tissue. The company has successfully completed tests on cattle and laboratory mice, and are now using it in the the cattle industry by providing a cost-effective means of tracking livestock. It is slated to be moved to tracking military personal and I have read that they are already using it in military test subjects.

This ink is INVISIBLE, PERMANENT, and painless to apply, and can be applied in under 30 seconds. I always thought a tattoo or a mark with 666 stamped on the forehead would be a little ridiculous, (lol, ya think !!) but with this new and permanent technology and the technology's that are surely to follow I can now see this prophecy coming true in a very REAL way.

Years ago I was told that we were headed to a "Cashless Society". I never thought I would see it in my life time. Yet here is my wallet with more plastic than cash. Plastic was sold as a way to access our money easily and not having to worry about theft and the like. Now with Identity and plastic theft on the rise there is a unique opportunity for
the powers that be to introduce these new technology's, to not only ensure the elimination of cash but our privacy's and freedoms as well.    ~Burr
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460185 tn?1326077772
We have microchips on all our pets.  They really only work if someone checks for them - using a device to check under the skin.  Recently, we paid $7.00 for a little tag with all the dog's information on it and it is visible - not under the skin so everyone can see it.  Some people don't know about microchips.  IMHO, if we don't want our pets to get lost or stolen, the best way is to have some kind of tracking device that can locate them - sounds like something from CSI.

Microchips might be the mark of the beast if used on humans - I don't know - but IMHO no animal is capable of evil and even Satan himself/herself would have a difficult time "possessing" an animal (see writings of St. Francis of Asssizi).  If a chip. tag or GPS would help to prevent me losing my pet, I'd use it - and I do use the chip and the tag.  GPS not ready for animals yet.

PS:  If we pay for our food or anything else by credit card or ATM card, we have already left a trail of what we bought, how much it cost, when we bought it, etc.  "They" don't need chips to watch us, they have cameras everywhere, paper trails and more.  Why would anybody want to watch what I do?  I'm boring and no threat to anyone.

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915277 tn?1252573113
But, what if it becomes mandatory and the only way to buy anything or get seen by a doctor, etc.???  If the whole world decides to do the chip thing, what would be our choice??
Wouldn't we all have to fall in line or not be able to get food, medicine, etc???  It is a scary thought, but, I think it may be inevitable...what the heck could we do??
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535822 tn?1443976780
More than weird well I am not going to have anything put in me sounds like science fiction doesnt it,or another big brother tactic to keep us in line ,maybe we'll get an electronic Zap if we think middle of the road or right wing thoughts...okay I am jesting before I get shot down in flames LOL
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203342 tn?1328737207
I don't think the mark of the beast will have anything to do with vaccinations. I think it probably will be some type of computer chip they will implant in you. I heard they were thinking about doing that with our hospital records so that if we were in an accident they could just scan us. I also heard they are thinking about doing that with our bank information so that we could go to the store and not have to worry about money. We'd just scan our hand over the scanner and it would take all our information. Weird, huh?
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535822 tn?1443976780
You know I didnt realise it was infectious unless sex was involved I will google it ,I dont think my daughter knows that either, Thanks for the information.
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637356 tn?1301924822
All my kids are fully vaccinated! I am not against them even though I do believe whole heartedly that the vaccinations is what caused my sons Autism.

I am also thinking of having my daughter vaccinated with the Gardesil vaccine.
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915277 tn?1252573113
I understand that the Human Papilloma Virus, or HPV IS contagious and perhaps that is why the government might make it manditory...for more info on HPV, check out
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_papillomavirus  My granddaughter is 12 and her Mom has already had her vaccinated....
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535822 tn?1443976780
What about the vacination of girls ,the HPC vaccine, Gardesil.... it may become mandatory in some states, Texas is the first I believe or will be. Dont think the girls are infectious, they only catch HPC if they have sex or so I believe.
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with the vaccinations i think schools have every right to refuse to admit any child without them. what if that child ends up with polio? mumps? measles? or anything of the sort? i know even though my children are vaccinated i still would not want them anywhere near a child who does have it. when i was in school there was one girl who didn't have her vaccinations up to date and the school made her parents keep her home until she was caught up. they tried to sue but it didn't hold up in court since papers were sent out at he begining of every school stating that according to their rules and regulations every child must be up to date on all vaccinations in order to attend classes.
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585414 tn?1288941302
It depends on what information is being entered and whether it could be used against a person and of course it would have to be voluntary. I have so much going on with me that's new to medical science that I am afraid for very valid reasons to go to the hospital or emergency room if I should need to so if they had all these records entered in a way they could access it easily it could be a literal life saver for me though it could just be attached to the person. I don't see why it would have to be entered into them. And the insurance companies should by law have no way to access this information to deny you coverage or cause other troubles.
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637356 tn?1301924822
Yeah I agree that this is the mark of the beast and I have no plans on getting this done to me or my children!!!

margypops you brought up a good point about vaccinations. If we have a right to refuse them for our children then why do schools have a right to not accept the children without them? Isn't that taking away my rights?
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535822 tn?1443976780
Definatly wouldnt want anything implanted in me, but I can see that for lost children it could be a life saver however it is still invasive.... may be okay if it stayed voluntary,like vaccinations are ,well for the most part except when schools demand it.
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i don't think it would be the "mark of the beast" but i still wouldn't get it. being new technology you don't know if it could "short circuit" or get dislodged and go floating through your blood stream lodge into the brain or heart and boom you're dead. plus...ehhhh i'm not to keen on having something implanted into my hand or head. stuff like that just creeps me out. i think i've seen too many spook shows with greg to have anything implanted (aside from my mirena) into my body. gives me the willy's just thinking about it. lol.
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203342 tn?1328737207
Some people think it's our social security number. What do you all think of that? It's a little scary. They I guess we're all going to hell!
Somehow I don't believe it's the SSN. I mean, I hear all these miracles, including from my mom, she hears from God a lot, through dreams and such. And of course, her walking is a miracle.
I don't think it can be that. After all, we are assigned SSN's at birth. Babies don't really have a choice, right?
Besides, isn't this number supposed to be something that happens in end times, when the anti-christ comes?
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541953 tn?1262586226
I will never accept anything like this either, it is the mark of the beast. And teko is right, you are doomed to hell. The Lord will provide for his children during this time. It is very interesting study to get into.
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Thanks April, Yes, I will never accept anything like this, once you do, per my understanding of the word, you doom yourself to hell. On the other hand, it could be the one world banking system we have all heard of where they do away with paper trails, scan us for the code that has all our info on it, thereby making it impossible to buy grocerys, gas, medical help, or anything else we spend money on currently. Hmmm! Scarey! My cat has a chip that was put in before I got em, so it is getting close to the time!
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