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518031 tn?1295575374

President Obama's speech to the nation

Tonight the United States of America, and the whole world witnessed history, as the first African- American president addressed the congress and the american people. The speech wasnt his greatest ever but i beleive he was trying to calm the people down and leen their fears. Now without bringing any race isues into this thread i would to see what members here at MH thought of his speech.

Personally i am wondering how the gov"t purposes for all these things they want to do is going to be paid for? We are running up national debt at an alarming rate. Many of things the President wants to do need to be done but we also have to have a way to able to pay all this back. Passing it on to our children and grandchildren is not the right thing to do. I know he is saying that they will cut 2 trillion off the debt in the next 10 years, but if they keep spending the way they are, how are the going to cut debt.

So i would like to hear from other members if they are less fearfull, and what you think about the spending they are doing. Again please leave any race issues out of this thread and if you plan on being nothing but nasty about our new President please dont....  thanks
27 Responses
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637356 tn?1301924822
I was a stay at home mom with my first two and was home with my daughter until she was almost 1. I do miss being home with her all day. The boys are at school all day and I get off work and make it to Whitney before they get off the buss at daycare so I am pretty much there as soon as they get home.

I wish sometimes I could be back at home with them but other times I am glad that I am working. Makes me feel better knowing I take some of the stress off of my husband.

I do admire you though for staying home with your kids. I also try to instill morals in my kids that we were taught growing up. I was thanked by a lady at church because me and my son argued over him wearing his hat in church and of course I won, but she thanked me for making him take his hat off and said not many young moms teach there kids manners like I do.

There are a few of us young moms that know the importance of manners and morals instilled in our little ones.
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306455 tn?1288862071
I think staying at home with the kids is great if you can afford to do it, then go out to work when they're older, so you can get some rest from "the hardest job in the world", (Motherhood).
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611067 tn?1458591483
I think it's great for you to go to college and believe you should do it if you can. I agree with everything you mentined about children and having a parent in the home at all times.  I believe if you want to go to school and can afford it through grants, etc, than you should do it.  Especially, if you can do it while your kids are sleeping at night or even online.  I admire you for being there for your kids!  But, I'm jealous that you have kids!  LOL!!!!  ;)  Hugs, Janet
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518031 tn?1295575374
sorry about the 5 post....lol
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750172 tn?1256147076
I agree with buying "made in USA" only.  But, have you noticed how difficult that is to do.  It seems like nothing is made here anymore.  

I heard a joke once but, seemed to have a bit of truth to it...
If you want to buy American made here's your options:
Strippers (H00kers)
Domestic Beer
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750172 tn?1256147076
I also consider it a huge blessing to stay at home with my children!!  It's more long term thinking for college (when kids are grown and moved out) I want to be able to get a decent job.  Anyone who says it's sexist needs to take a look at kids who has a parent at home and those who don't. (Sometimes there is a HUGE difference)  
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611067 tn?1458591483
I agree with you about China. I think they have another agenda.  I don't buy that they want us to succeed.  You are right about the lead too.  Remember the wheat gluten problem too - look at how many animals it killed.  I love animals, but my goodness it could have been human babies as well!  China definitely has their own agenda and they are slowly coming to own the U.S.!!!!
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535822 tn?1443976780
I do that also problem is finding economical stores that have Made in the US, I am going to try harder, I need a new car I am going to make sure it is a Ford again, they are still afloat I hear and the other  2 are being bailed out.I believe what you say about stay at home Moms Helpin, it is a fact if Moms can stay home for the first few years it is better for the child, however, I understand its not always possible, you know what I did, I got a job that was the evening into the night shift and when their Dad came home he was with them , so they got the best of both worlds, however I worked too much later and became a work- acholic,at least I was at home early for them in those early years.
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Yep, I know what you mean by them being more expensive. However, if we don't, any of our jobs could be the next to go. If we can afford it made we should save up and buy it then, we have got to stop this I want it now mentality.
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611067 tn?1458591483
I try to do the same thing.  But, have you noticed how difficult it is to find 'Made in USA" products and they are usually more expensive and so the average person cannot afford that and so they buy "Made in China" products.  Although, if we were to start buying American products the prices would eventually go down and it would help build our economy.
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I have started my own buy USA effort. When I go to the store if all they have is "made in China" I think long and hard if I really need it. If I can buy American, even paying more, I do. I have been shopping on line more looking for US made stuff. It is hard sometimes but we all need to try.
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611067 tn?1458591483
About mothers going to college, I think it's a great idea, but I do believe that one of the problems with our youngsters today is that there is nobody at home to watch them other than daycare of babysitters.  I'm not putting anyone down, my mother was a single mother and it was very difficult for her.  But, if she could have stayed home with us and been there things would have been much easier.  So, personally, when a man gives us women the opportunity to stay home and raise our children and be a housewife, what a great honor that is.  I don't see it as sexist, but a great blessing.  I do not have children, but if I did I would be home.  
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Oh, I also meant to say that if you can take even one class at a time in the evening that it is a good way for you to get out and your hubby to do more with the youngins. I liked that time, ours were in HS when my wife went back but it was fun anyway.
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611067 tn?1458591483
I'm concerned about how we will pay off our national debt with all the spending.  Someone told me and I can't remember who that we have spent more money in the past 38 days than we have on both Iraq and Afghanistan wars and Katrina all together.  Does someone know if that is true?  With that kind of spending I don't see how we can pay off the debts we have.  

My brother told me he had heard that China is not expecting us to pay them back that all they want is for us to continue to use "Made in China" products.  Has anyone heard about that?  If that's true, then there has to be some other agenda?  

I just know that there is no way that we can pay for the plans made by this administration.  It concerns me very much!  I'm not trying to be doom and gloom, but I only see things getting worse.  But, even saying that, I'm willing to give it a chance.
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Check out the pell grant, as Lonelymom said, and if there is a community college in the area they are typically lower cost and a great way to get your first two years done before transferring. I am glad you and your hubby have chosen for you to stay home with your kids. I also think it is important for Mom to be there.
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750172 tn?1256147076
Thanks.  I have been looking into grants.  I haven't found one yet...We really don't want to take out a loan b/c I don't plan to go to work till later in life when kid's are grown.  So, we don't want to be stuck with another bill to pay and me not working.  
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637356 tn?1301924822
ok I stopped reading all the post and I have been sick the last couple of days so I did miss the speech last night however I would like to comment to the mother who says she is a stay at home mom who can not afford to go to college. I too was a stay at home mom and thought there was no way I could ever afford to go to college. Boy was I wrong. There are many different places that help women to go to college. They have Pell Grants that will pay for your classes and some material and then you have Stafford Loans that help to pay for other costs while you attend school. In Texas they have EAOC Child Care assistance that help pay for child care while you go to school.

Please don't think you can't go to school because of your situation. If you truly want to go back to school then you can. Look into some of these programs to help you.

I do not discredit you being a housewife and full time mom. I sometimes miss those days but I knew that I had to go to college to help my family do better in life.
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All the handouts reminds me of an old saying, "Give me a fish and I eat for a day, teach me to fish and I eat for a lifetime". If our Gov't keeps giving fishes and thus the people keep looking for more fish have we done them any favors?

I don't believe for a second that all of this can be funded by the top 2% or 5% of the wage earners with higher taxes without hurting the country in the long run. If corporate taxes are raised, more corporations will leave the country.

I think it is time for the "Fair Tax", get the book and read it or get it on audio and listen to it. It makes sense and will bring more jobs back to this county and will make sure everyone, even illegal’s pay there fair share.
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535822 tn?1443976780
I believe he had been coached on making his speech more upbeat and positive after all the Doom and Gloom and rebuking of the last few weeks I too am concerned about the spending and how it is going to been paid,our children and grandchilden will inherit the debt.
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306455 tn?1288862071
I think it would be great for every American that has the potential (good grades) and the desire to be able to go to college. Of course not EVERY American wants to continue their education or has the potential. It would be illogical for every person of a nation to be college grad CEOs or doctors etc. There must always be the service people.  LOL, Who would clean the doctors offices? And wait on people in restaurants? So I'm sure Obama is talking about those that really want college, should have a way to get there.
I'm not thrilled with all this bail-out stuff and running up the national debt, but I don't think I like the idea of a worsening economy and more people loosing their jobs, homes etc. and families becoming homeless, not able to feed their kids and the old folks not able to afford their meds. The money will be spent one way or another. If we don't do something to get things back on track, then more money will have to go to welfare, unemployment, shelters, nursing homes, etc.
The country is bleeding out, and it needs to be stopped, and hopefully find a way to deal with paying for the bandage.
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541150 tn?1306033843
Maybe he was talking about those who CAN go to school but rather spend time doing other things. Some people just hate school. Others think school is stupid. You have those who didn't study anything because their dads owned a company; so they were pretty much all set. You have adolescents getting pregnant (at will) and getting married by choice because they just don't care about school. You also have high school drop-outs because they don't fit in...

Mothers who cannot afford education in America should get some help, I agree. But, maybe he was referring to those who can afford an education yet don't do a thing to better themselves. Or maybe he wants to look for ways to help the majority (at least) afford an education.  Maybe…….

His speech wasn't a huge deal but I liked it.
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518031 tn?1295575374
I agree wish there were more mothers like you wanting to raise your children in the right way...and it's not guarenteed anywhere that everyone goes to college..thats not a right that is something a person strives for..it would be nice if everyone could go to college but this isnt a perfect world. And to be honest there are people out there that dont want to go to college, some want the military, some want other things in there liffe
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750172 tn?1256147076
I couldn't agree more.  No longer does hard work reward benefits.  Hard work just creates resentment b/c you watch others doing nothing getting all the handouts.
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750172 tn?1256147076
I am a little curious about his comments over "every american needs to go to college" "if not you are not only hurting yourself but your country as well"
I want to know how they are going to make it more affordable for someone like myself to go to school.  I am a stay at home mom, and quite frankly we pinch pennies so I can raise our children.  At the end of the day there is no money left over for school.  I guess I take a bit offense by saying I'm hurting my country as well.  B/C in reality, I'm probably helping my country more by raising children with strong morals, love of fellow man, and we all know children with parents at home are generally better adjusted adults.  
To reply to yours...I don't think they can tell us how and when the money will be paid back.  I think alot of Americans have stopped holding our government responsible.  They feel as though there's nothing they can do to change things.  I know this started with my generation (I'm in my 20's).  Most the people I know my age pay a bit of attention but don't really get worked up over it b/c "there's nothing we can do".

I think it's very sad when you have a generation of people who have lost all hope in their government and feel they have no voice whatsoever.
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