637356 tn?1301924822

Your Beliefs.....

Ok lets keep this clean and a good discussion not bashing of others... Now for my questions...

I want to know everyone's opinion on three things.  1.)  Do you believe in reincarnation?  2.) Do you believe we have a past life?  3.) Do you believe in spirits or ghosts?

Ok I know 1 and 2 are on in the same but I felt it would give more discussion to seperate. ONce I get a few answers I will explain why I ask. Please keep your opinions honest and respect other's opinions on this.  
25 Responses
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637356 tn?1301924822
Things have been quiet lately. He hasn't mentioned anything to me lately, so I assume things are quiet for him. I will let you know if he reveals anymore. I don't push for information I wait for him to tell me.
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535822 tn?1443976780
Oh My have you ever seen a Lepracorn, Rory ...?
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how are things going lonely?
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637356 tn?1301924822
He talks to "himself" all day long. The doctors say it is because of the autism. I don't think he is necessarily talking to an imaginery friend he doesn't say he has any.

I will do that with the log.
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ask him about it and if you can find something on google or in archives...it could give some solidarity to your sons story and the therapist can't say it's all make believe.

wow that is a bit eerie. but very cool. I've always found things like that interesting. some experts in the paranormal field say children have that extra sensory that is more defined than an adults. (obviously most grow out of it but some don't) which is why a lot of kids can see and talk to spirits. i asked my mom last night if she remembered me being "odd" like that younger than 6 and she said i was always seeing things. (including my uncle jeffy who passed away YEARS before i was born. in fact he had passed when he was 9..my mom at the time was 2. i didn't even know about him till later in my teen years)

does he have "imaginary" friends? sometimes those friends could be spirits.

ohhh i just had an idea! keep a log of when he tells you about the people he sees. names, what happened to them, descriptions, etc etc. i've been doing that for a few months now. just keeping a log of the oddieties i see or sense. it helps keep track of everything and clears my mind.
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637356 tn?1301924822
no I haven't persued the story anymore because my son's therapist once him to believe it is make believe and he is lieing so now he just laughs it off when I ask him about it. I am not sure if this therapist is so great!

I have told him that I believe he can see spirits. To many times he has said he sees something and the cat will act strange or run out of the room. He also told me a month before I even suspected anything that I was pregnant with a girl. I didn't even know I was pregnant but he did. He came to me one morning right after waking and said mom I am going to have a baby sister. I said you are and he said yeah. I laughed it off and said no you are not mommy isn't pregnant. One month later I find out yes I was pregnant two months pregnant. The first defiant sonogram that would show us the sex was at 6 months and it was a girl. I had chills down my back!  I went home and told my son and he said yeah I know mom I tried to tell you!

I do believe he can see things and he even knows things but I don't know what to believe about the fire and the family.
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784382 tn?1376931040
ugg i just wrote a whole freaking page and then the WHOLE computer just shut off.....the spirits didnt like me talking about them!!!,,,,,lets try this again!

yes, yes, yes......i believe spirits and angels are amoung us... i think that childern and animals see them the most as they are "innocent".....

my grandpa passed away when my mom was 19...she had me at the age of 30, so i never got the pleasure of meeting him, but i know he was always there.watching over me. when i was about 16, a sunday, i woke up and something was telling me to go , "just go. go see your grandpa" mind you nobody had been to visit his head stone in atleast 10 years....so i jumped out of bed and grabbed my keys....told my mom and she just asked "why? why are you going there?...and all i could say is "i have to....i have to go today, right now!"....i didnt even know what i was looking for but i had to go just then. i got to the cemetary and started looking for his headstone. outta no where (im in a open feild with nothing but headstones around) a folded dollar bill hit my foot, i picked it up and unfolded the dollar, it was a dollar bill,a hundred dollar bill, another hundred, another hundred, and another hundred !.....so i was standing there with $401 dollars in my hand, and i was TOTALLY FREAKED OUT!.....like he was telling me he wanted me to go see him cause nobody had been there in so long, and that was what i go for listening to him.... i didnt tell my mom for years till i was about 21  and she just cried her eyes out....

when i was a baby they have VHS tapes of home videos, in the back round very faint you can hear "great grandma"..."great grandma"...will totally give you the willies....in my pics that i have posted on here, me and my hubby went to the keys for vacation. in a few pics there are orbs....they are out there!....

i would LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear more about your stories and expirences with this type of thing!.... i started a group a while back called paranormal.....lets share !
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that was for lonelymom....my brain got names mixed up. lol. sorry.
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april, have you tried to google about the fire? or get more information? like what year, the town, etc etc.

i'm a methodist but.....i'm just not sure anymore. there are so many religions and so many things that could possibly be true that i've become a LOT more open to things.

Like your son i can....see and sense other worldly things. I have been able to since i was 6 or  7 (i'm 24 now). unfortunately i can't talk to them. i just see them or know when they're around. it's rare for me to go anywhere and not know. in fact...in our new house i have a man (he looks to be late teens to mid twenties), 2 kids (between 6-9) and a cat. my nephew (he's 3) see's and talks to "others" as well. his "others" are his great grandparents and an old man.

have you tried asking him questions about the man? or others he may see and talk to?
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902589 tn?1268148853
I'm not sure about past lives and reincarnations.. i think it's possible.

As for ghosts, I KNOW they are out there, i've seen some. When i was in highschool i saw an old man in the window of our garage, he was just looking out at me, and i figured my stepdad had someone over, so i waved and then walked into the hosue and asked my stepdad "who's that man out there"... yeah my stepdad thought i was crazy for a bit because there wasn't anyone out there lol ...but a few months later my stepdad was showing me some old family pictures, and there the man was. It turned out to be my stepdad's grandpa, who had died before my stepdad was even born. But apparently the man used to do his work(can't remember what it was now lol) up in the top of the garage, and that the garage was his favorite place. And when i saw him there, it wasn't like i saw a shadow or i saw a black blob or anything, I saw an old man, just as if it was a living person looking out the window at me.

It freaked me out at first, not the man but when i realized that i had actually saw the ghost. The man didn't make me nervous or anything, it was just like seeing a normal person there.
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637356 tn?1301924822
He says it more matter of factly then sadly. He says he will see them again someday so he isn't sad. It does get scary and the daycare workers would bring him into their office and ask him about it all them time. They found him interesting and his story interesting. He no longer goes to daycare not because of that but because we felt it best to pull him out. He was having to many melt downs being around so many kids and not being as structured as we try to give him at home.
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973741 tn?1342342773
Chiming in, hope that is okay.  Don't really think too much about reincarnation or past lives and WANT to believe in heaven.  Do I really want to come back and do this all over again?  Nope-----  would rather think I'm going to Eutopia to see all the family there before me.  I'm going to be a gardner in God's garden (been saying that since I was like 5 . . . sticking to it . . . even though it is much less cute now that I'm in my 40's).

I do believe in spirits----  good and bad.  I wouldn't ever think of play with a OIJIe board-----  it would spell out death or something horrible if I played . . . so I don't do anything that would invite the bad spirits around.   But I do think I've talked to angels.  

I think Lonelymom's son's story is fascinating.  The detail is what is eery.  Is he sad at all from it.  It is a tragic story------  does it upset him at all?  or does he tell it matter of factly?  I applaud any parent that takes such good care of their kids and does what is best for them.  I have a son with a developmental delay and I'm his number one fan and his complete advocate.  So, good for you and Narla also figuring out what works the best for your kids.
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203342 tn?1328737207
Lol, I think I would have been a little creeped out too. I have a friend who believes in angel orbs. She had seen some in her pictures. I had never even heard of angel orbs till she talked about it to me. Then I googled it and boy, there's a lot out there on it! Interesting. Not sure what to think about all of that.
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168348 tn?1379357075
I'm not sure on all three.

But, I went ghost hunting for orbs last year .. it creeped me out .. was with a friend .. we took photos and then she developed them and looked for the orbs.  We were in a cemetary dating back to the 1700's ... they encryption on some of the old Dutch Colonial grave heads gave me the {{{{{{{{{{{ chills }}}}}}}}}} ..   I'm not sure,but I got kind of scared and sat in the car ... big baby I guess ?

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203342 tn?1328737207
I don't believe in reincarnation or past lives because it contradicts my Christian beliefs. I do think we all need to be careful because there are evil spirits out there who try to deceive all of us. Just be real careful when it comes to spiritual things. There's so much we don't understand.
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637356 tn?1301924822
Thank you for telling me all that! That helps me to know my decisions are good ones and when I hear success stories like yours it helps me to continue fighting for him. Makes me know he has a chance!
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1032715 tn?1315984234
P.S. I forgot to answer your original post,I don't know but I'm open minded to all things.
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1032715 tn?1315984234
My son has Tourette Syndrome which like Asperger is in the Autistic spectrum,I was the same as you I got sick of psychiatrist going from one med to another to "control" him he started on clonidine at 5,when that wasn't working to their liking that put him on haloperidol at 8,when that stopped working they wanted to put him on risperidone,I think in the US It's risperdol at 12,I took one look at all the possible side effects of this med and said no.Admittedly he couldn't function in the classroom without meds.So I took him out of school and did home schooling with him yrs 7,8,and9 I think that's your middle school,he was 12 to 15.Then he wanted to go back to school he was older and had more control.He went in both school musicals,finished school,earned a place at uni on his own merits,got his first part time job at 16 and has never been out of work since.He is now 24 and is a youth leader at his church and is very well respected.I had to argue with his psychiatrist when I chose to take him out of school he said he would be socially stunted,and he thought I was wrong in taking him off all meds,sometimes we just have to stand up and make our own decisions regarding our children,I am so proud of everything my son has achieved despite dealing with many obstacles along the way.
So I totally agree with you modifying the environment to suit the individual child is more important than the meds they want to put them on to "control" them.  
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637356 tn?1301924822
no he is not on any medications at all. We control his behaviour by modifying how we teach him or by modifying his environment. Most autistic children are very well behaved as long as they are not overwhelmed or over stimulated so when we see that he is getting both we change what we are doing. This stops the meltdowns and the temper tantrums without the medication they tried to put him on.

Just because my son is autistic doesn't mean I want him to be a zombie.. who are we medicating the child or the parent?  so if that offends anyone...

I don't question him about his beliefs nor do I think what he sees is not real. I had a psychiatrist try to tell me it was imaginary friends he was seeing. Ok, but don't kids want to see their imaginary friends? Don't they like to talk to them. My son sees these things but at first they would scare the crap out of him and he doesn't like talking to them.
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874521 tn?1424116797
that is very interesting....eerie isn't it..
a 9 yo autistic or otherwise wouldn't stick to same story for that many years..no one could.
Is he on any medications that would give him hallucinations?
Who are we to think this isn't real for him?
I've always believed there is so much more going on around us than we are aware of.
When I was in my teens my mother had a girlfriend ( a woman with advanced education ) who told and retold her story of a past life, it has stuck with me for 40 years thats why I've always just wondered.....insteresting
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637356 tn?1301924822
Ok now that I have had a few answers I will explain why I ask. As some know I believe my son can see spirits and may be able to communicate with them. He told me we have an old man that lives in our house that mainly stays in his room but will on occasions walk up and down the halls. We have had the light switches turn off in the kitchen without anyone touching them. These aren't knew light, light switches but hard to switch on and off ones.  We can be in different places and he will say hey mom do you see that boy, woman, man which ever seem to be around and tell me what they are doing and then he will look at me and say I don't think you can see them, I think they are dead. My son just turned 9 and is autistic but high functioning autistic so he can communicate with us.  

As for the past life question, since my 9 year old son was 4 years old he has told us of a story. He says he has a wife and 5 children and that they lived in a two story house and he drove a van and that his house caught fire and 4 of his children and his wife died in the fire. One of the children was sent to the hospital and later died there. The doctors did all they could for her. He says he was working late so he was saved.  

I can understand kids have imaginations, specially autistic children but for the story to say the exact same for the past 5 years and he swears it really happened to him. So maybe it happened in a past life and he can remember it.
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219241 tn?1413537765
Yes, yes and yes, in that order.
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I totally believe that there is a transmigration of souls upon death... that is to say, I believe that there is an afterlife. But, I couldn't say with 100% certainty that I believe in reincarnation or in past life experiences. I'm more inclined to believe than disbelieve.
As for ghosts... yeah, I think that there are ghosts, spirits, restless souls and souls at peace... among us.
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i definatley believe in ghosts, i lived in a haunted house one time, there was still blood on the floor where it would not come out the person had been shot there i also saw eveidece ans i am a strong minded and stron willed person, i also have see table tipping i was just a girl abot 10 when i lived there but i still remember and after growing up have seen things a human could not have been responsible for, some will call ma a fool so be it  jo
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